Esempio n. 1
def decay_growth_df(growth_type, growth_rate):
    vintages, years = np.asarray(cfgfile.get('case', 'vintages')), np.asarray(cfgfile.get('case', 'years'))
    ages = np.zeros((len(years), len(vintages)))
    for i, year in enumerate(years):
        ages[i] = vintages - year
    if growth_type == 'linear':
        fill = 1 + (growth_rate * ages)
        fill = np.triu(fill, k=(min(years) - min(vintages)))
    elif growth_type == 'exponential':
        fill = (1 + growth_rate) ** ages
        fill = np.triu(fill, k=(min(years) - min(vintages)))
    return pd.DataFrame(fill, index=vintages, columns=years)
Esempio n. 2

if __name__ == "__main__":
    _start_time =
    print "Running dispatch..."
    )  # can be omitted if we won't be producing a Windows executable

    # ############# SETTINGS ############# #
    # Currently using all available CPUs in multiprocessing function below
    available_cpus = multiprocessing.cpu_count()

    # Solver info
    solver_name = cfgfile.get('case', 'solver')
    solver_settings = None

    # Pyomo solve keyword arguments
    # Set 'keepfiles' to True if you want the problem and solution files
    # Set 'tee' to True if you want to stream the solver output
    solve_kwargs = {"keepfiles": False, "tee": False}

    # How much to print to standard output; set to 1 for more detailed output, 0 for limited detail
    stdout_detail = 1

    # The directory structure will have to change, but I'm not sure how yet
    current_directory = os.getcwd()
    results_directory = current_directory + "/results"
    inputs_directory = current_directory + "/test_inputs"
Esempio n. 3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Wed Sep 02 11:19:36 2015

@author: Ben
import numpy as np
from config import cfgfile
import pandas as pd

vintage_start, vintage_stop, vintage_step = 1950, 2050, 1
vintages = np.arange(vintage_start, vintage_stop + 1, vintage_step)

year_start, year_stop, year_step = 1950, 2050, 1
years = np.asarray(cfgfile.get('case', 'years'))
vintages = np.asarray(cfgfile.get('case', 'vintages'))

# vintage_age creates an array of numbers for each vintage v that represents age in year y.
def vintage_age(years, vintages):
    ages = np.zeros((len(years), len(vintages)))

# vintage_exist creates a binary array that is 1 if year is greater than vintage (i.e. vintage v exists in year y)
def vintage_exist(years, vintages):
    # Built in function to create a lower triangular distribution, k gives the shift from the diagonal
    age = vintage_age(years, vintages)
    return np.triu(age, k=(min(years) - min(vintages)))

test = np.triu(len(years), len(vintages), k=min(years) - min(vintages))
Esempio n. 4

if __name__ == "__main__":
    _start_time =
    print "Running dispatch..."
    multiprocessing.freeze_support()  # can be omitted if we won't be producing a Windows executable

    # ############# SETTINGS ############# #
    # Currently using all available CPUs in multiprocessing function below
    available_cpus = multiprocessing.cpu_count()

    # Solver info
    solver_name = cfgfile.get('case','solver')
    solver_settings = None

    # Pyomo solve keyword arguments
    # Set 'keepfiles' to True if you want the problem and solution files
    # Set 'tee' to True if you want to stream the solver output
    solve_kwargs = {"keepfiles": False, "tee": False}

    # How much to print to standard output; set to 1 for more detailed output, 0 for limited detail
    stdout_detail = 1

    # The directory structure will have to change, but I'm not sure how yet
    current_directory = os.getcwd()
    results_directory = current_directory + "/results"
    inputs_directory = current_directory + "/test_inputs"