Esempio n. 1
import time, sys
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pylab as pl
import math
import os

from convertFiles import parseFileNames, textToArray

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # no parameters for this function
    # parse names of files
    phoneFile, arduinoFile, saveDirectory = parseFileNames()
    # convert data in files to arrays
    phoneTimes, arduinoTimes, phoneDupes = textToArray(phoneFile, arduinoFile)

    # find difference between start and end time, convert form millis to days
    runTimeArduino = ((float(arduinoTimes[len(arduinoTimes) - 1]) - float(arduinoTimes[0]))/(1000*60*60*24))
    # convert from millis epoch to seconds epoch, then to readable format 
    runStartArduino = int(arduinoTimes[0])/1000
    readableRunStartArduino = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %I:%M %p', time.localtime(runStartArduino))
    runEndArduino = int(arduinoTimes[len(arduinoTimes)-1])/1000
    readableRunEndArduino = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %I:%M %p', time.localtime(runEndArduino))

Esempio n. 2
    leftRange =      -1000
    rightRange =      1000
    offsetIncrement = 20
    # "smallest", "all", and integers are accepted
    tolerance = 150
    normalization = True
    # uncomment if you want to produce lots of graphs
    #for i in xrange(100): 

    if (tolerance == "all") or (tolerance == "smallest"):
        normalization = False
    startTime = time.time()
    # parse names of files
    phoneFile, arduinoFile, saveDirectory = parseFileNames()
    # convert data in files to arrays
    phoneTimes, arduinoTimes, phoneDupes = textToArray(phoneFile, arduinoFile)

    # find the chosen set of deltaTimes (based on parameters) and sum them up
    offsetValues, sums, numberOfPoints = findSyncWithSums(phoneTimes, arduinoTimes, leftRange, rightRange, offsetIncrement, tolerance, normalization)
    # print total time
    endTime = time.time()
    timeItTook = endTime - startTime
    print ("finished in", round((timeItTook/60),2), "minutes")
    # plot the sums over millisecond offset
    drawSums(offsetValues, sums, numberOfPoints, offsetIncrement, saveDirectory, tolerance, normalization)