Esempio n. 1
    def test_migrate_adobe_id_success(self):
        from api.opds import CirculationManagerAnnotator
        patron = self._patron()

        # This patron has a Credential containing their Adobe ID
        data_source = DataSource.lookup(self._db, DataSource.ADOBE)
        adobe_id = Credential(
            patron=patron, data_source=data_source,
            credential="My Adobe ID"

        # Run the migration.
        new_credential, delegated_identifier = self.authdata.migrate_adobe_id(patron)
        # The patron now has _two_ Credentials -- the old one
        # containing the Adobe ID, and a new one.
        eq_(set([new_credential, adobe_id]), set(patron.credentials))

        # The new credential contains an anonymized patron identifier
        # used solely to connect the patron to their Adobe ID.

        # We can use that identifier to look up a DelegatedPatronIdentifier
        def explode():
            # This method won't be called because the
            # DelegatedPatronIdentifier already exists.
            raise Exception()
        identifier, is_new = DelegatedPatronIdentifier.get_one_or_create(
            self._db, self.authdata.library_uri, new_credential.credential,
            DelegatedPatronIdentifier.ADOBE_ACCOUNT_ID, explode
        eq_(delegated_identifier, identifier)
        eq_(False, is_new)
        eq_("My Adobe ID", identifier.delegated_identifier)

        # An integration-level test:
        # AdobeVendorIDModel.to_delegated_patron_identifier_uuid works
        # now.
        model = AdobeVendorIDModel(self._default_library, None, None)
        uuid, label = model.to_delegated_patron_identifier_uuid(
            self.authdata.library_uri, new_credential.credential
        eq_("My Adobe ID", uuid)
        eq_('Delegated account ID My Adobe ID', label)
        # If we run the migration again, nothing new happens.
        new_credential_2, delegated_identifier_2 = self.authdata.migrate_adobe_id(patron)
        eq_(new_credential, new_credential_2)
        eq_(delegated_identifier, delegated_identifier_2)
        eq_(2, len(patron.credentials))
        uuid, label = model.to_delegated_patron_identifier_uuid(
            self.authdata.library_uri, new_credential.credential
        eq_("My Adobe ID", uuid)
        eq_('Delegated account ID My Adobe ID', label)
    def test_getter(self, _, credential_type, method_name, expected_result):
        # Arrange
        credential = Credential(credential=expected_result)

        with patch.object(
                "persistent_token_create") as persistent_token_create_mock:
            persistent_token_create_mock.return_value = (credential, True)

            method = getattr(self._factory, method_name)

            # Act
            result = method(self._db, self._patron)

            # Assert
            assert result == expected_result
                self._db, self._data_source, credential_type, self._patron,