Esempio n. 1
 def setTitle( self, title ):        
     if not int(self.nr_) == 0:
         self.title_ = title            
         cn = "\n"
         titleStr = "MODULE_TITLE\n" + self.name_ + cn +                  \
                   self.nr_ + cn + self.host_  + cn + self.title_
Esempio n. 2
    def setParamValue(self, name, value):

        """Set the value of a covise-parameter name.

        Value must be in the format given by the covise controller.


        foundParam = self.setParamValueWithoutMsg( name, value)
        if int(self.nr_) > 0:
            execStr=" "

            if foundParam.type_ == 'Boolean':
                value = value.upper()

            #if foundParam.type_ == 'Browser':
                #foundParam.setValueStr( value )
                #cn = "\n"
                #execStr = "PARAM" + cn              \
                      #+ self.name_ + cn         \
                      #+ self.nr_ + cn \
                      #+ self.host_  + cn        \
                      #+ name + cn               \
                      #+ foundParam.type_ + cn   \
                      #+ foundParam.value_[0] + cn
            #else :
            cn = "\n"
            execStr = "PARAM_INIT" + cn              \
                    + self.name_ + cn         \
                    + self.nr_ + cn \
                    + self.host_  + cn        \
                    + name + cn               \
                    + foundParam.type_ + cn   \
                    + str(value)

            if  foundParam.mode_ == "IMM" :
                cn = "\n"
                execStr = "PARAM_INIT" + cn                 \
                          + self.name_ + cn             \
                          +  self.nr_ + cn     \
                          + self.host_ + cn             \
                          + name + cn                   \
                          + foundParam.type_ + cn       \
                          + str(value)