Esempio n. 1
def delete(request, loc_code):
    """ Respond to the "/geo/editor/location/delete/XYZ" URL.

        We let the user delete the location with the given code.
    if not request.user.is_authenticated:
        return HttpResponseRedirect("/geo/editor/")

        location = Location.objects.get(code=loc_code)
    except Location.DoesNotExist:
        raise Http404

    if request.method == "POST":
        level = location.level

        if request.POST['confirm'] == "1":
            # Delete this location and all its associated records.  Note that
            # we have to be careful not to delete the records associated to
            # this one by ForeignKey and ManyToManyFields.

            for l in location.loc_parents.all():

            for l in location.loc_children.all():

            for l in location.loc_neighbors.all():

            for outline in Outline.objects.filter(location=location):

            location.level = None


            # Send a signal telling the rest of the system that the location
            # record was deleted.


        return HttpResponseRedirect("/geo/editor/location/select/" +
                                    str(level.level) + "/")
    elif request.method == "GET":
        return render_to_response("editor/templates/confirm.html",
                                  {'title' : "Geodatabase Editor",
                                   'heading' : "Delete Location",
                                   'message' : "Are you sure you want to " +
                                               "delete the "+str(location)+"?",
Esempio n. 2
def details(request, loc_code):
    """ Respond to the "/geo/editor/location/details/XYZ/" URL.

        We let the user edit the details of the location with the given code.
    if not request.user.is_authenticated:
        return HttpResponseRedirect("/geo/editor/")

        location = Location.objects.get(code=loc_code)
    except Location.DoesNotExist:
        return HttpResponseRedirect("/geo/editor/location/")

    if request.method == "GET":
        data = {}
        data['code']               = location.code
        data['name']               =
        data['display_name']       = location.display_name
        data['abbreviation']       = location.abbreviation
        data['display_point_lat']  = location.display_lat
        data['display_point_long'] = location.display_long
        data['population']         = location.population
        data['area']               = location.area

        if location.averageIncome != None:
            data['averageIncome'] = int(location.averageIncome)

        form   = LocationDetailsForm(data)
        errMsg = None
    elif request.method == "POST":
        if request.POST.get("cancel") == "Finished":
            return HttpResponseRedirect("/geo/editor/location/")

        if request.POST.get("delete") == "Delete this Location":
            return HttpResponseRedirect("/geo/editor/location/delete/" +

        form = LocationDetailsForm(request.POST)
        errMsg = None
        if form.is_valid():
            code          = form.cleaned_data['code']
            name          = form.cleaned_data['name']
            display_name  = form.cleaned_data['display_name']
            abbreviation  = form.cleaned_data['abbreviation']
            display_lat   = form.cleaned_data['display_point_lat']
            display_long  = form.cleaned_data['display_point_long']
            population    = form.cleaned_data['population']
            area          = form.cleaned_data['area']
            averageIncome = form.cleaned_data['averageIncome']

            if display_lat != None:
                display_lat = decimal.Decimal(display_lat)

            if display_long != None:
                display_long = decimal.Decimal(display_long)

            if averageIncome != None:
                averageIncome = decimal.Decimal(averageIncome)

            if code == "":
                errMsg = "You must enter a code for this location."
            elif name == "":
                errMsg = "You must enter a name for this location."
            elif code != location.code:
                if Location.objects.filter(code=code).count() > 0:
                    errMsg = "There is already a location with that code."
            elif name !=
                if Location.objects.filter(level=location.level,
                                           name=name).count() > 0:
                    errMsg = "There is already a " \
                           + \
                           + " with that name."
            elif display_name == "":
                errMsg = "You must enter a display name for this location."

            if errMsg == None:
                location.code          = code
                = name
                location.display_name  = display_name
                location.abbreviation  = abbreviation
                location.display_lat   = display_lat
                location.display_long  = display_long
                location.population    = population
                location.area          = area
                location.averageIncome = averageIncome

                # Send a signal telling the rest of the system that the
                # location record was changed.


                # Finally, tell the user's web browser to reload the page.

                return HttpResponseRedirect("/geo/editor/location/details/" +
                                            loc_code + "/")

    return render_to_response("editor/templates/location_wrapper.html",
                              {'tab'           : "details",
                               'heading'       : "Editing " + str(location),
                               'location'      : location,
                               'template_name' : "location_details.html",
                               'errMsg'        : errMsg,
                               'form'          : form},
Esempio n. 3
def add(request, level):
    """ Respond to the "/geo/editor/location/add/X/" URL.

        We let the user add a location with the given level ID.
    if not request.user.is_authenticated:
        return HttpResponseRedirect("/geo/editor/")

        level = Level.objects.get(level=level)
    except Level.DoesNotExist:
        return HttpResponseRedirect("/geo/editor/location/select/" +
                                    str(level.level) + "/")

    if request.method == "GET":
        form   = LocationDetailsForm()
        errMsg = None
    elif request.method == "POST":
        if request.POST.get("cancel") == "Cancel":
            return HttpResponseRedirect("/geo/editor/location/select/" +
                                        str(level.level) + "/")

        form = LocationDetailsForm(request.POST)
        errMsg = None
        if form.is_valid():
            code         = request.POST['code']
            name         = request.POST['name']
            display_name = request.POST['display_name']
            abbreviation = request.POST['abbreviation']
            display_lat  = request.POST['display_point_lat']
            display_long = request.POST['display_point_long']

            if code == "":
                errMsg = "You must enter a code for this location."
            elif name == "":
                errMsg = "You must enter a name for this location."
            elif Location.objects.filter(code=code).count() > 0:
                    errMsg = "There is already a location with that code."
            elif Location.objects.filter(level=level, name=name).count() > 0:
                    errMsg = "There is already a " + \
                           + " with that name."

            if errMsg == None:
                location = Location()
                location.level         = level
                location.code          = code
                = name
                location.display_name  = display_name
                location.abbreviation  = abbreviation
                location.min_zoom_lat  = decimal.Decimal("0.00")
                location.min_zoom_long = decimal.Decimal("0.00")
                location.max_zoom_lat  = decimal.Decimal("0.00")
                location.max_zoom_long = decimal.Decimal("0.00")

                if display_lat != None:
                    location.display_lat = decimal.Decimal(display_lat)

                if display_long != None:
                    location.display_long = decimal.Decimal(display_long)

                location.population    = 0
                location.area          = 0
                location.averageIncome = 0

                # Send a signal telling the rest of the system that the
                # location record was added.


                # Finally, tell the user's web browser to reload the page.

                return HttpResponseRedirect("/geo/editor/location/details/" +
                                            code + "/")

    return render_to_response("editor/templates/editForm.html",
                              {'title'   : "Geodatabase Editor",
                               'heading' : "Add " +,
                               'errMsg'  : errMsg,
                               'form'    : form},
Esempio n. 4
def neighbors(request, loc_code):
    """ Respond to the "/geo/editor/location/neighbors/XYZ/" URL.

        We let the user edit the list of neighbours for the given location.
    if not request.user.is_authenticated:
        return HttpResponseRedirect("/geo/editor/")

        location = Location.objects.get(code=loc_code)
    except Location.DoesNotExist:
        return HttpResponseRedirect("/geo/editor/location/")

    neighbours = []
    for neighbour in location.neighbors.all():

    if request.method == "GET":

        # We're visiting the page for the first time -> just display it.

        form    = AddLocationForm()
        errMsg  = None
        confirm = request.GET.get("confirm")

    elif request.method == "POST":

        # The user is submitting our form.  See what the user wants to do.

        # Did the user click on the "Finished" button?

        if request.POST.get("finished") == "Finished":
            return HttpResponseRedirect("/geo/editor/location/")

        # Did the user click on one of our "Delete" buttons?  We firstly
        # display the confirmation button beside the entry, and only delete the
        # entry if the user confirms.

        for neighbour in location.neighbors.all():
            deleteValue = request.POST.get("del-" + neighbour.code)
            if deleteValue == "Delete":
                # The user clicked on the "Delete" button for the first time ->
                # redisplay the page with the confirmation buttons.
                return HttpResponseRedirect("/geo/editor/neighbors/" +
                                            loc_code + "/" +
                                            "?confirm=" + neighbour.code)
            elif deleteValue == "Yes":
                # The user clicked on our "Yes" confirmation button.  Delete
                # this neighbour.

                # Tell the rest of the system that the Location table has
                # changed.


                # Finally, tell the user's web browser to reload the page.

                return HttpResponseRedirect("/geo/editor/neighbors/"+loc_code)
            elif deleteValue == "No":
                # The user clicked on the "No" confirmation button.  Redisplay
                # the page without the confirmation buttons.
                return HttpResponseRedirect("/geo/editor/neighbors/" +
                                            loc_code + "/")

        # Did the user click on the "Add" button?

        if request.POST.get("add") == "Add":
            # Respond to the user adding a new neighbour.
            form   = AddLocationForm(request.POST)
            errMsg = None
            if form.is_valid():
                new_neighbour_id = form.cleaned_data['loc_id']

                if new_neighbour_id == None:
                    errMsg = "Please enter a location"

                if errMsg == None:
                        newNeighbour = Location.objects.get(
                    except Location.DoesNotExist:
                        errMsg = "No such location."

                    if errMsg == None:
                        filter = location.neighbors.filter(
                        if filter.count() > 0:
                            errMsg = "That location is already listed as " \
                                   + "a neighbor!"

                    if errMsg == None:

                        # Tell the rest of the system that the Location table
                        # has changed.


                        # Finally, tell the user's web browser to reload the
                        # page.

                        return HttpResponseRedirect("/geo/editor/neighbors/" +

        # If we get here, we're going to display the form again.  Grab our
        # "confirm" parameter so the form can display the appropriate
        # confirmation buttons.

        confirm = request.POST.get("confirm")

    # If we get here, display the form to the user.

    imports = ['<script type="text/javascript" ' +
               '<script type="text/javascript" ' +
               '<link href="/geo/media/jquery.autocomplete.css" ' +
                        'rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">',
               '<link href="/geo/media/editor.css" rel="stylesheet" ' +

    return render_to_response("editor/templates/location_wrapper.html",
                          {'tab'             : "neighbors",
                           'heading'         : "Editing " + str(location),
                           'location'        : location,
                           'template_name'   : "location_neighbours.html",
                           'errMsg'          : errMsg,
                           'form'            : form,
                           'neighbours'      : neighbours,
                           'confirm'         : confirm,
                           'extra_head_tags' : imports,
                           'lookup_url'      : "/geo/editor/location/lookup/",