def crawl_params(self, **options):
        now = options.get("current_execution_date", datetime.utcnow())
        _logger.debug("{0}: Current execution time: {1}".
                      format(CRAWLER_NAME, now))

        # Check if there is an internal checkpoint, use to save the status of
        # the crawler between executions
        checkpoint_data = get_checkpoint_data(
            CRAWLER_NAME, CRAWLER_FILE_CTL, default={})\

        from_date = get_from_date(options, checkpoint_data)

        ###### The Crawler logic to obtain the objects to be crawl comes here
        # BEGIN DEMO
        last_index = checkpoint_data.get(LAST_GENERATED_INDEX, 0)
        crawling_params = range(last_index + 20)

        checkpoint_data[LAST_GENERATED_INDEX] = last_index + 20
        ### END DEMO

        checkpoint_data[LAST_EXECUTION_DATE_CTL_FIELD] = now

        # Let's signal that we have processed the latest files (til 'now')
        # To process the new ones the last time we run the process

        return crawling_params
    def crawl_params(self, producer, **options):
        now = options.get("current_execution_date", datetime.utcnow())

        # Check if there is an internal checkpoint, use it instead of the
        # date send by the crawler system
        checkpoint_data = get_checkpoint_data(BOVESPA_CRAWLER,
        from_date = get_from_date(options, checkpoint_data)
        to_date = get_to_date(options)

        process_listed_companies(options, checkpoint_data, now)

        process_companies_files(options, checkpoint_data, now, from_date,
                                to_date, producer)

        # Let's signal that we have processed the latest files (til 'now')
        # To process the new ones the last time we run the process
        put_checkpoint_data(BOVESPA_CRAWLER, BOVESPA_FILE_CTL, checkpoint_data)