Esempio n. 1
	def __partition(self, msg,key):
		Return the estimated partition (\in [0,12]) of the message,
		according to the current sboxes and the current key.
		The partitioning is done with respect to Brier's original CPA.
		ip= des_block.des_block(msg, 64).ip()
		l0= ip.subblock(0,32)
		r0= ip.subblock(32,64)
		key1 = des_block.__from_int__((key & 0xFC0)>>6,6)
		key2 = des_block.__from_int__(key,6)
		e0= r0.e().subblock(self.__sbox*6, (self.__sbox+1)*6)
		e0_1 = r0.e().subblock( (self.__sbox+1)*6, (self.__sbox+2)*6)
		s0= l0.xor(r0).p(-1).subblock(self.__sbox*4, (self.__sbox+1)*4)
		s0_1= l0.xor(r0).p(-1).subblock((self.__sbox+1)*4, (self.__sbox+2)*4)
		return float( weight( e0.xor(key1).s(self.__sbox).xor(s0) ) + weight(e0_1.xor(key2).s(self.__sbox+1).xor(s0_1) ) )
Esempio n. 2
	def __partition(self, msg):
		Return the estimated partition of the message,
		according to sbox-key couples used to initialize key_estimator.
		The keys of these couples are either hypothetic or known (previously disclosed).
		ip= des_block.des_block(msg, 64).ip()
		l0= ip.subblock(0,32)
		r0= ip.subblock(32,64)
		e0= r0.e()

		# Computes function selection of attacked or previously disclosed SBox
		if REGL:
			w= l0.xor(r0).hw() # Taking R0->L1 tranfert into account
			w= 0
		for sbox,key in self.__sbox_key_list:
			e0_0= e0.subblock(sbox*6, (sbox+1)*6)
			s0_0= s0.subblock(sbox*4, (sbox+1)*4)
			db_key= des_block.__from_int__(key, 6) 
			w+= weight( e0_0.xor(db_key).s(sbox).xor(s0_0) )

		return float( w )
Esempio n. 3
	def __init__(self, sbox, key):
		Initialize the key estimator.
		sbox is a number between 0 and 7 (included)
		key is a number between 0 and 63 (included)
		self.__sbox= sbox
		self.__key = des_block.__from_int__(key, 6)
Esempio n. 4
	def recover_full_key(self, subkeys, subkeys2):
		Builds the master key using the first two subkeys
		print("Construction de la cle")
		# Building an uncomplete key using subkeys
		turn_key= des_block.des_block()
		for sb in subkeys:
			turn_key= turn_key.concat( des_block.__from_int__(sb, 6) )
		cd1= turn_key.pc2(-1)
		c0 = cd1.subblock(0,28).rs(1)
		d0 = cd1.subblock(28,56).rs(1)
		uncomp1= c0.concat(d0)
  		# Building another uncomplete key using subkeys2
  		turn_key= des_block.des_block()
  		turn_key= turn_key.concat(des_block.__from_int__(subkeys2[0], 6))
  		turn_key= turn_key.concat(des_block.__from_int__(subkeys2[1], 6))
  		turn_key= turn_key.concat(des_block.__from_int__(subkeys2[2], 6))
		turn_key= turn_key.concat(des_block.des_block("0", 6) )
  		turn_key= turn_key.concat(des_block.__from_int__(subkeys2[3], 6))
		turn_key= turn_key.concat(des_block.des_block("0", 6) )
  		turn_key= turn_key.concat(des_block.__from_int__(subkeys2[4], 6))
  		turn_key= turn_key.concat(des_block.__from_int__(subkeys2[5], 6))
  		cd1= turn_key.pc2(-1)
		c0 = cd1.subblock(0,28).rs(2)
		d0 = cd1.subblock(28,56).rs(2)
		uncomp2= c0.concat(d0)
  		# Merging the two subkeys
  		print("Premiere cle incomplete : " + des_block.int2bin(uncomp1.value,56))
		print("Deuxieme cle incomplete : " + des_block.int2bin(uncomp2.value,56))
  		key= des_block.des_block()
  		key= uncomp1.key_or( uncomp2)
  		print("Cle finale :              " + des_block.int2bin(key.value,    56))
  		return key
Esempio n. 5
	def get_key(self, msg, crypt):
		Guess the 8 last bits of the full key, using cryptogram.
		Return the key if found, None elsewhere.
		# Building turn_key
		turn_key= des_block.des_block()
		for sb in self.__sbox_breakers:
			turn_key= turn_key.concat( des_block.__from_int__(sb.get_key(),6) )
		# Computing uncomplete initial_key
		cd1= turn_key.pc2(-1)
		c0 = cd1.subblock(0,28).rs(1)
		d0 = cd1.subblock(28,56).rs(1)
		uncomp_cd0= c0.concat(d0)
		# Trying encipherement with the remaining 256 possible keys
		for i in range(256):
			cd0= uncomp_cd0.fill( des_block.__from_int__(i, 8) )
			key= cd0.pc1(-1).fill( des_block.__from_int__(0, 8) )
			cip= des_block.des_block(msg, 64).encipher(key)
			if cip.value() == des_block.des_block(crypt,64).value():
				return key
		return None
Esempio n. 6
	def __begin_second_round__(self):
		Calcul des bits deja connus au tour 2
		turn_key= des_block.des_block()
		for sb in self.__sbox_breakers:
			turn_key= turn_key.concat( des_block.__from_int__(sb.get_key(),6) )
#		turn_key= des_block.des_block("FFFFFFFFFFFF", 48)
		print("Premiere sous-cle : " + str(turn_key))
		self.__first_subkey= turn_key
		cd1= turn_key.pc2(-1)
		c0 = cd1.subblock(0,28).ls(1)
		d0 = cd1.subblock(28,56).ls(1)
		subkey2= c0.concat(d0).pc2(1)
		for i in [0,1,2,4,6,7]:
			print("Attaque de la boite S" + str(i) + " avec la cle partielle " + str(subkey2.subblock(6*i, 6*i+6).value))
		  	self.__sbox_breakers2.append( sbox_breaker2(i, subkey2.subblock(6*i, 6*i+6).value) )