Esempio n. 1
    def test_options_caches_cleared_on_repoint(self):
        # Check that the relevant meta caches are cleared after a repoint
        # to ensure related field names are up to date.
        class NewModel2(models.Model):
            c = DeferredForeignKey()

        point(NewModel2, 'c', ModelA)
        repoint(NewModel2, 'c', ModelC)
        mdc_related = ModelC._meta.get_all_related_objects_with_model()
        found = False
        for rel, _ in mdc_related:
            if rel.model is NewModel2:
                found = True
        self.assertEqual(True, found)
Esempio n. 2
    def test_options_caches_not_cleared_on_repoint(self):
        # Check that the relevant meta caches are not cleared after a repoint
        # if clear_caches=False
        class NewModel2NoCache(models.Model):
            c = DeferredForeignKey()

        point(NewModel2NoCache, 'c', ModelA)
        repoint(NewModel2NoCache, 'c', ModelC, clean_caches=False)
        mdc_related = ModelC._meta.get_all_related_objects_with_model()
        found = False
        for rel, _ in mdc_related:
            if rel.model is NewModel2NoCache:
                found = True
        self.assertEqual(False, found)
Esempio n. 3
class ModelCustomField(models.Model):
    fk = DeferredForeignKey(name='content2')
    other = CustomField(max_length=10)

class NotAModel(object):

class AbstractModel(models.Model):
    class Meta:
        abstract = True

# Repoint ModelB's foreign key field 'fk' to ModelC
repoint(ModelB, 'fk', ModelC)

class ExistingTestCase(TestCase):

    def test_existing_fk(self):
        # We've repointed ModelB's 'fk' field to reference
        # ModelC, rather than ModelA. Check this has worked
        # as expected
        c = ModelC.objects.create()
        b = ModelB.objects.create(fk=c)


    def test_not_a_model(self):