def test_ternary_case(self): """ Tests a triangle. """ test_graph = {"A": [(10, "B"), (20, "C")], "B": [(10, "A"), (5, "C")], "C": [(20, "A"), (5, "B")]} expected_path = (10, ["A", "B"]) self.assertEqual(shortest_path(test_graph, "A", "B"), expected_path) expected_path = (5, ["B", "C"]) self.assertEqual(shortest_path(test_graph, "B", "C"), expected_path) expected_path = (15, ["A", "B", "C"]) self.assertEqual(shortest_path(test_graph, "A", "C"), expected_path)
def test_five_nodes(self): """ Tests the algorithm on a graph with 5 nodes. """ test_graph = {"A": [(10, "B"), (2, "C")], "B": [(10, "A"), (5, "D")], "C": [(2, "A"), (20, "D")], "D": [(5, "B"), (20, "C"), (1, "E")], "E": [(1, "D")]} expected_path = (12, ["B", "A", "C"]) self.assertEqual(shortest_path(test_graph, "B", "C"), expected_path) expected_path = (16, ["A", "B", "D", "E"]) self.assertEqual(shortest_path(test_graph, "A", "E"), expected_path) expected_path = (18, ["C", "A", "B", "D", "E"]) self.assertEqual(shortest_path(test_graph, "C", "E"), expected_path)
def graph_tools_runner(g, input_file): start = g.get_start() finish = g.get_finish() target = g.get_vertex(finish) # Destination point path = [target.get_id()] dijkstra(g, g.get_vertex(start), g.get_nearby()) shortest_path(target, path) # Find a shortest path to finish path_output = ' -> '.join(path[::-1]) + ': ' + str(target.get_distance()) # Build reachable destiations string from Dictionary reachable_destinations = ', '.join( "%s: %r" % (key, val) for (key, val) in g.get_vertex(start).get_reachable_for_time().iteritems()) return path_output, reachable_destinations
def random_walk(controller, limit=None): event = controller.step(action='GetReachablePositions') reachable_positions = event.metadata['actionReturn'] src = event.metadata['agent']['position'] src_rot = event.metadata['agent']['rotation']['y'] src_index = reachable_positions.index(src) src_dists = [dist(src, dst) for dst in reachable_positions] graph = {} for i, p1 in enumerate(reachable_positions): dists = {} for j, p2 in enumerate(reachable_positions): d = dist(p1, p2) if d <= gridSize and i != j: dists[j] = d graph[i] = dists path = None while path is None: dst = random.choice(reachable_positions) dst_index = reachable_positions.index(dst) if dist(src, dst) > 0.5 * max(src_dists): path = dijkstra.shortest_path(graph, src_index, dst_index) path = [reachable_positions[i] for i in path] if limit is not None: path = path[:limit] follow_path(controller, src, src_rot, path)
def main(): bs = 10 size = 750 start = [np.random.randint(size // bs), np.random.randint(size // bs)] end = [np.random.randint(size // bs), np.random.randint(size // bs)] dsp = dg.shortest_path(start_idx=start, target_idx=end, blk_size=bs, size=size, blockage=0) asp = ag.shortest_path(start_idx=start, target_idx=end, blk_size=bs, size=size, blockage=0) dsp.find_path() asp.find_path() dsp.show_path() asp.show_path() cv2.destroyAllWindows()
def test_by_comparison(self): weights = random_graph(value_generator=lambda: random.randint(1, 1000), vertex_count=20, edge_count=100) fw_result = shortest_distances(weights) for v1, v2 in product(weights.keys(), repeat=2): dijkstra_result = dijkstra.shortest_path(weights, v1, v2)[0] self.assertEqual(fw_result[0][v1][v2], dijkstra_result)
def move_sequence_between(self, src_point, dest_point): path = dijkstra.shortest_path(self.dijkstra_repr(), src_point, dest_point) previous_identifier = path[0] move_dests = [] for identifier in path[1:]: move_dests.append((self.points[identifier], self.edges[(previous_identifier, identifier)].anim)) previous_identifier = identifier return dest_point, move_dests
def testAL(self): """Part (c): short path""" source = dijkstra.node_by_name(self.nodes, 'BRIDGEPORT', 'AL') destination = dijkstra.node_by_name(self.nodes, 'STEVENSON', 'AL') ans = dijkstra.shortest_path(self.nodes, self.links, dijkstra.distance, source, destination) self.assertEqual(3, len(ans)) self.verifyPath(ans, self.links, source, destination)
def visualize_map_graph(starting_point: str, end_point: str, graph: MapGraph) -> None: """return the map visualization of the graph """ coordinates = [] total_distance = 0.0 path = shortest_path(starting_point, end_point, graph) coordinates.append(list(graph.get_location(path[0]))) # Get the list of coordinates from the shortest path between two places for i in range(1, len(path)): curr_loc = graph.get_location(path[i]) coordinates.append(list(curr_loc)) total_distance += graph.get_distance(path[i], path[i - 1]) times = { 'car': min_sec(vehicle_mode_time(total_distance, 'car')), 'bicycle': min_sec(vehicle_mode_time(total_distance, 'bicycle')), 'walking': min_sec(vehicle_mode_time(total_distance, 'walking')) } # Create a Map with two markers m = folium.Map(location=coordinates[0], zoom_start=17) # Adjusted according to the UofT Map folium.Marker(location=coordinates[0], popup=folium.Popup("<b>Departure:</b> {start}<br>".format( start=starting_point), max_width=160), icon=folium.Icon(color='blue')).add_to(m) message = ("<b>Destination:</b> {end}<br>" "<b>Transportation:</b> <br>" "<i>Car:</i> {car_m} m {car_s} s<br>" "<i>Bicycle</i>: {bi_m} m {bi_s} s<br>" "<i>Walking</i>: {w_m} m {w_s} s<br>").format( end=end_point, car_m=str(times['car'][0]), car_s=str(times['car'][1]), bi_m=str(times['bicycle'][0]), bi_s=str(times['bicycle'][1]), w_m=str(times['walking'][0]), w_s=str(times['walking'][1])) folium.Marker(location=coordinates[-1], popup=folium.Popup(html=message, max_width=160, sticy=True), icon=folium.Icon(color='red')).add_to(m) # Add a colored line of the shortest path between two points my_polyline = folium.PolyLine(locations=coordinates, color='black', weight=5) m.add_child(my_polyline) output = 'UofTMap.html' # save the HTML file of the map # Open a map url = 'file://{path}/{mapfile}'.format(path=os.getcwd(), mapfile=output), new=1)
def testLonger(self): """Part (c): long path""" source = self.nodes[0] destination = self.nodes[100] ans = dijkstra.shortest_path(self.nodes, self.links, dijkstra.distance, source, destination) self.verifyPath(ans, self.links, source, destination) self.assertAlmostEqual(2076299, self.sumPath(ans, dijkstra.distance), 0)
def test_shortest_path(): ''' Get shortest path distances from start to end node. ''' graph = {'a': {'b': 1}, 'b': {'c': 2, 'b': 5}, 'c': {'d': 1}, 'd': {}} assert shortest_path(graph, 'a', 'a') == ['a'] assert shortest_path(graph, 'a', 'b') == ['a', 'b'] assert shortest_path(graph, 'a', 'c') == ['a', 'b', 'c'] assert shortest_path(graph, 'a', 'd') == ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] graph = { 'a': { 'b': 14, 'c': 9, 'd': 7 }, 'b': { 'a': 14, 'c': 2, 'e': 9 }, 'c': { 'a': 9, 'b': 2, 'd': 10, 'f': 11 }, 'd': { 'a': 7, 'c': 10, 'f': 15 }, 'e': { 'b': 9, 'f': 6 }, 'f': { 'c': 11, 'd': 15, 'e': 6 } } assert shortest_path(graph, 'a', 'e') == ['a', 'c', 'b', 'e']
def create_matrix_subpaths(graph, edges): matrix = [] for i in range(0, len(graph.vertices)): matrix.append([]) for j in range(0, len(graph.vertices)): if (i != j): matrix[i].append(dijkstra.shortest_path(graph, i, j)) else: matrix[i].append(0) return matrix
def flat_earth(filename="path_flat.kml"): """Test long path""" loader = nhpn.Loader() nodes = loader.nodes() links = loader.links() source = dijkstra.node_by_name(nodes, "CAMDEN", "NJ") destination = dijkstra.node_by_name(nodes, "SAN DIEGO", "CA") ans = dijkstra.shortest_path(nodes, links, dijkstra.distance, source, destination) nhpn.Visualizer.toKML(ans, "path_flat.kml")
def move_sequence_between(self, src_point, dest_point): path = dijkstra.shortest_path(self.dijkstra_repr(), src_point, dest_point) previous_identifier = path[0] move_dests = [] for identifier in path[1:]: move_dests.append( (self.points[identifier], self.edges[(previous_identifier, identifier)].anim)) previous_identifier = identifier return dest_point, move_dests
def test_shortest_path(): ''' Get shortest path distances from start to end node. ''' graph = {'a': {'b': 1}, 'b': {'c': 2, 'b': 5}, 'c': {'d': 1}, 'd': {}} assert shortest_path(graph, 'a', 'a') == ['a'] assert shortest_path(graph, 'a', 'b') == ['a', 'b'] assert shortest_path(graph, 'a', 'c') == ['a', 'b', 'c'] assert shortest_path(graph, 'a', 'd') == ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] graph = {'a': {'b':14, 'c':9, 'd':7}, 'b': {'a':14, 'c':2, 'e':9}, 'c': {'a':9, 'b':2, 'd':10, 'f':11}, 'd': {'a':7, 'c':10, 'f':15}, 'e': {'b':9, 'f':6}, 'f': {'c':11, 'd':15, 'e':6}} assert shortest_path(graph, 'a', 'e') == ['a', 'c', 'b', 'e']
def flat_earth(filename='path_flat.kml'): """Test long path""" loader = nhpn.Loader() nodes = loader.nodes() links = loader.links() source = dijkstra.node_by_name(nodes, 'CAMDEN', 'NJ') destination = dijkstra.node_by_name(nodes, 'SAN DIEGO', 'CA') ans = dijkstra.shortest_path(nodes, links, dijkstra.distance, source, destination) nhpn.Visualizer.toKML(ans, 'path_flat.kml')
def shortest_path(self, origin, destination): """Find and return shortest path between origin and destination. Will return in-order list of Points of the shortest path found. If origin or destination are not in the visibility graph, their respective visibility edges will be found, but only kept temporarily for finding the shortest path. """ origin_exists = origin in self.visgraph dest_exists = destination in self.visgraph if origin_exists and dest_exists: return shortest_path(self.visgraph, origin, destination) orgn = None if origin_exists else origin dest = None if dest_exists else destination add_to_visg = Graph([]) if not origin_exists: for v in visible_vertices(origin, self.graph, destination=dest): add_to_visg.add_edge(Edge(origin, v)) if not dest_exists: for v in visible_vertices(destination, self.graph, origin=orgn): add_to_visg.add_edge(Edge(destination, v)) return shortest_path(self.visgraph, origin, destination, add_to_visg)
def flat_earth(filename = 'path_flat.kml'): """Test long path""" nodes, links = dijkstra.load_data() dijkstra.create_adjacency_lists(nodes, links) source = dijkstra.node_by_name(nodes, 'PASADENA', 'CA') destination = dijkstra.node_by_name(nodes, 'CAMBRIDGE', 'MA') ans = dijkstra.shortest_path(nodes, links, dijkstra.distance, source, destination) nhpn.Visualizer.toKML(ans, 'path_flat.kml') print "path_flat.kml created"
def tree_dijk(root, nodes, edges): flag = False graph = dk.Graph() list = [] for node in nodes: graph.add_node(node) for edge in edges: c, v1, v2 = edge.split(" ") graph.add_edge(str(v1), str(v2), int(c)) for i in nodes: if (i != root): cost, path = dk.shortest_path(graph, root, i, flag) list.append(path) return list
def pathFinder(adjMX, adjMY, Mweight, roi, szImgNew): #Mweight can be either MW or MmW findroiImg = (np.nonzero(np.ravel(roi, order='F')))[0] includeX = iM.ismember(adjMX, findroiImg) includeY = iM.ismember(adjMY, findroiImg) keepInd = np.logical_and(includeX, includeY) newLen = np.count_nonzero(keepInd) (RealadjMW, RealadjMX, RealadjMY) = (np.zeros(newLen), np.zeros(newLen), np.zeros(newLen)) q = 0 for r in range(0, (keepInd.size)): if keepInd[r]: RealadjMW[q] = Mweight[r] RealadjMX[q] = adjMX[r] RealadjMY[q] = adjMY[r] q = q + 1 strmin = str(np.amin(RealadjMX)) strmax = str(np.amax(RealadjMX)) #finding the 'shortest path' on the light to dark boundary (MW) #or dark to light boundary (MmW) wGraph = sparseToDict(RealadjMX, RealadjMY, RealadjMW) #convert graph to hashtable pathW = dj.shortest_path(wGraph, strmin, strmax) fullPathLen = len(pathW) pathX, pathY = np.zeros(fullPathLen), np.zeros(fullPathLen) for a in range(0, fullPathLen): (pathY[a], pathX[a]) = np.unravel_index(int(float(pathW[a])), szImgNew, order='F') xmin = np.amin(pathX) xmax = np.amax(pathX) truepathX1 = [] truepathY1 = [] #Removes the first and lost points (through the padded zeros) z = 0 for xele in pathX: if xele != xmin and xele != xmax: truepathX1.append(xele - 1) #because you removed the first column truepathY1.append(pathY[z]) z = z + 1 return truepathX1, truepathY1
def pathFinder (adjMX, adjMY, Mweight, roi, szImgNew): #Mweight can be either MW or MmW findroiImg = (np.nonzero(np.ravel(roi, order='F')))[0] includeX = iM.ismember(adjMX, findroiImg) includeY = iM.ismember(adjMY, findroiImg) keepInd = np.logical_and (includeX, includeY) newLen = np.count_nonzero(keepInd) (RealadjMW, RealadjMX, RealadjMY) = (np.zeros(newLen), np.zeros(newLen), np.zeros(newLen)) q = 0 for r in range (0, (keepInd.size)): if keepInd[r]: RealadjMW[q] = Mweight[r] RealadjMX[q] = adjMX[r] RealadjMY[q] = adjMY[r] q = q + 1 strmin = str(np.amin(RealadjMX)) strmax = str(np.amax(RealadjMX)) #finding the 'shortest path' on the light to dark boundary (MW) #or dark to light boundary (MmW) wGraph = sparseToDict(RealadjMX, RealadjMY, RealadjMW) #convert graph to hashtable pathW = dj.shortest_path(wGraph, strmin, strmax) fullPathLen = len(pathW) pathX, pathY = np.zeros(fullPathLen), np.zeros(fullPathLen) for a in range (0,fullPathLen): (pathY[a],pathX[a]) = np.unravel_index(int(float(pathW[a])), szImgNew, order='F') xmin = np.amin(pathX) xmax = np.amax(pathX) truepathX1 = [] truepathY1 = [] #Removes the first and lost points (through the padded zeros) z = 0 for xele in pathX: if xele != xmin and xele != xmax: truepathX1.append(xele - 1) #because you removed the first column truepathY1.append(pathY[z]) z = z + 1 return truepathX1, truepathY1
def curved_earth(filename="path_curved.kml"): """Test long path""" loader = nhpn.Loader() nodes = loader.nodes() links = loader.links() def distance(node1, node2): """Returns the distance between node1 and node2, including the Earth's curvature.""" A = node1.latitude * pi / 10 ** 6 / 180 B = node1.longitude * pi / 10 ** 6 / 180 C = node2.latitude * pi / 10 ** 6 / 180 D = node2.longitude * pi / 10 ** 6 / 180 return acos(sin(A) * sin(C) + cos(A) * cos(C) * cos(B - D)) source = dijkstra.node_by_name(nodes, "CAMDEN", "NJ") destination = dijkstra.node_by_name(nodes, "SAN DIEGO", "CA") ans = dijkstra.shortest_path(nodes, links, distance, source, destination) nhpn.Visualizer.toKML(ans, "path_curved.kml")
def curved_earth(filename='path_curved.kml'): """Test long path""" loader = nhpn.Loader() nodes = loader.nodes() links = loader.links() def distance(node1, node2): """Returns the distance between node1 and node2, including the Earth's curvature.""" A = node1.latitude * pi / 10**6 / 180 B = node1.longitude * pi / 10**6 / 180 C = node2.latitude * pi / 10**6 / 180 D = node2.longitude * pi / 10**6 / 180 return acos(sin(A) * sin(C) + cos(A) * cos(C) * cos(B - D)) source = dijkstra.node_by_name(nodes, 'CAMDEN', 'NJ') destination = dijkstra.node_by_name(nodes, 'SAN DIEGO', 'CA') ans = dijkstra.shortest_path(nodes, links, distance, source, destination) nhpn.Visualizer.toKML(ans, 'path_curved.kml')
def main(): # Initial parameters height = int(720) width = int(1280) nsize = int(9) num_nodes = int(50) # Correct node size if (nsize%2) == 0: nsize = nsize + 1 # Create figure fig = create_newimage(width,height,nsize,num_nodes) plt.figure(0) plt.imshow(fig, interpolation='nearest') plt.title('Base image') # Find nodes pos_node = find_node(fig,width,height,nsize); print(pos_node) # Calculate energy = f(distance) energy = calc_energy(pos_node); # Calculate the shortest path dijkstra_res = dijkstra.shortest_path(energy,0,num_nodes-1,num_nodes) energy_req = dijkstra_res[0] path = dijkstra_res[1] length_path = dijkstra_res[2] # Plot the lines on the image final_fig = bresenham.line(path,length_path,pos_node,fig); plt.figure(1) plt.imshow(final_fig, interpolation='nearest') plt.title('Final image')
def draw_path(event, x, y, flags, param): if event == cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN:, (x, y), 5, (0, 255, 0), -1) if main.start_point is None: main.start_point = (y, x) else: end_point = (y, x) min_bounds = (min(main.start_point[0], end_point[0]), min(main.start_point[1], end_point[1])) max_bounds = (max(main.start_point[0], end_point[0]), max(main.start_point[1], end_point[1])) if display_bounding_boxes is True: top_left = tuple(reversed(min_bounds)) bottom_right = tuple(reversed(max_bounds)) cv2.rectangle(color_image, top_left, bottom_right, (255, 0, 0), 3) adj_list = partial_adj_list(min_bounds, max_bounds, gradient, laplacian, max_filter_response) # Draw pixels from start_point to end_point, in color red. dist, parent = dijkstra.shortest_path(adj_list, main.start_point, end_point) # Construct the path itself from the parent dictionary. path = [] temp = end_point while temp is not None: path.append(temp) temp = parent[temp] # Paint all those pixels red. for pixel in path:, (pixel[1], pixel[0]), 1, (0, 0, 255), -1) # Get ready for next iteration by refreshing the start_point. main.start_point = end_point if event == cv2.EVENT_RBUTTONDOWN: main.start_point = None
def curved_earth(filename = 'path_curved.kml'): """Test long path""" nodes, links = dijkstra.load_data() dijkstra.create_adjacency_lists(nodes, links) def distance(node1, node2): """Returns the distance between node1 and node2, including the Earth's curvature.""" A = node1.latitude*pi/10**6/180 B = node1.longitude*pi/10**6/180 C = node2.latitude*pi/10**6/180 D = node2.longitude*pi/10**6/180 return acos(sin(A)*sin(C)+cos(A)*cos(C)*cos(B-D)) source = dijkstra.node_by_name(nodes, 'PASADENA', 'CA') destination = dijkstra.node_by_name(nodes, 'CAMBRIDGE', 'MA') ans = dijkstra.shortest_path(nodes, links, distance, source, destination) nhpn.Visualizer.toKML(ans, 'path_curved.kml') print "path_curved.kml created"
with Network("sqlite:///db/app.db") as network, Traffic( "sqlite:///db/traffic.db") as traffic: end_load = perf_counter() print("Databases loaded, took {0:.2} seconds".format(end_load - start_load)) # Query program print("Graph loaded.") print() src = int(input("Source: ")) dest = int(input("Destination: ")) print("Calculating shortest path from '{0}' to '{1}'".format( network.stops.filter( == src).first().name, network.stops.filter( == dest).first().name, )) start_dijk = perf_counter() path, time = shortest_path(network.graph, src, dest, [traffic]) end_dijk = perf_counter() print("Dijkstra's took {0:.2} seconds".format(end_dijk - start_dijk)) start_parse = perf_counter() trip = parse_route(path, network, [traffic]) end_parse = perf_counter() print("parse_route() took {0:.2} seconds".format(end_parse - start_parse)) print() print(trip) print()
vertex_matrix[int(knoten_to_take_from[0])][int( knoten_to_take_from[1])] -= delta1 time_end = TimestampMillisec64() # Ausgabe und Formatierung wie in Eingabedatei outstring = "" outstring += str(size) + "\n" for i in range(0, size): for k in range(0, size): vertex_matrix[i][k] = round(vertex_matrix[i][k], 3) outstring += ("{0:.3f}".format(vertex_matrix[i][k])) + " " outstring += "\n" # Konsolenausgabe print(outstring) print("{0:.2f}".format(round(round(verschobene_erde, 3) * 100, 2)) + " Euro werden benötigt.") print("Laufzeit des Programms:", time_end - time_start, "Millisekunden") # Dateiausgabe fp = open(filename.split(".")[0] + "-lsg.txt", "w") fp.write(outstring) fp.close() print() print("Erweiterung für Eingabematrix: ") dijkstra.shortest_path(old_vertex_matrix) print("Erweiterung für Ausgabematrix: ") dijkstra.shortest_path(vertex_matrix)
RealadjMmW = np.zeros(newLen) RealadjMX = np.zeros(newLen) RealadjMY = np.zeros(newLen) q = 0 for r in range(0, (keepInd.size)): if keepInd[r]: RealadjMW[q] = adjMW[np.unravel_index(r, szadjMW, order='F')] RealadjMmW[q] = adjMmW[np.unravel_index(r, szadjMW, order='F')] RealadjMX[q] = adjMX[np.unravel_index(r, szadjMW, order='F')] RealadjMY[q] = adjMY[np.unravel_index(r, szadjMW, order='F')] q = q + 1 #finding the 'shortest path'from dark to light wGraph = sD.sparseToDict(RealadjMX, RealadjMY, RealadjMW) #finding the 'shortest path' from light to dark mwGraph = sD.sparseToDict(RealadjMX, RealadjMY, RealadjMmW) path1 = dj.shortest_path(wGraph, str(np.amin(RealadjMX)), str(np.amax(RealadjMX))) path2 = dj.shortest_path(mwGraph, str(np.amin(RealadjMX)), str(np.amax(RealadjMX))) #sparse matrices, 29400 * 29400 #adjMatrixW = sA.sparser(RealadjMX, RealadjMY, RealadjMW, imgNew.size, imgNew.size) #adjMatrixMW = sA.sparser(RealadjMX, RealadjMY, RealadjMmW, imgNew.size, imgNew.size) #plt.imshow(img, #print (gradImgMinus)
with Network("sqlite:///db/app.db") as network, Traffic( "sqlite:///db/traffic.db") as traffic: end_load = perf_counter() print("Databases loaded, took {0:.2} seconds".format( end_load - start_load)) # Query program print("Graph loaded.") print() src = int(input("Source: ")) dest = int(input("Destination: ")) print("Calculating shortest path from '{0}' to '{1}'".format( network.stops.filter( == src).first().name, network.stops.filter( == dest).first().name, )) start_dijk = perf_counter() path, time = shortest_path(network.graph, src, dest, [traffic]) end_dijk = perf_counter() print("Dijkstra's took {0:.2} seconds".format(end_dijk - start_dijk)) start_parse = perf_counter() trip = parse_route(path, network, [traffic]) end_parse = perf_counter() print("parse_route() took {0:.2} seconds".format(end_parse - start_parse)) print() print(trip) print()
RealadjMY = np.zeros(newLen) q = 0 for r in range (0, (keepInd.size)): if keepInd[r]: RealadjMW[q] = adjMW[np.unravel_index(r,szadjMW, order='F')] RealadjMmW[q] = adjMmW[np.unravel_index(r,szadjMW, order='F')] RealadjMX[q] = adjMX[np.unravel_index(r,szadjMW, order='F')] RealadjMY[q] = adjMY[np.unravel_index(r,szadjMW, order='F')] q = q + 1 #finding the 'shortest path'from dark to light wGraph = sD.sparseToDict(RealadjMX, RealadjMY, RealadjMW) #finding the 'shortest path' from light to dark mwGraph = sD.sparseToDict(RealadjMX, RealadjMY, RealadjMmW) path1 = dj.shortest_path(wGraph, str(np.amin(RealadjMX)), str(np.amax(RealadjMX))) path2 = dj.shortest_path(mwGraph, str(np.amin(RealadjMX)), str(np.amax(RealadjMX))) #sparse matrices, 29400 * 29400 #adjMatrixW = sA.sparser(RealadjMX, RealadjMY, RealadjMW, imgNew.size, imgNew.size) #adjMatrixMW = sA.sparser(RealadjMX, RealadjMY, RealadjMmW, imgNew.size, imgNew.size) #plt.imshow(img,
def paved_path_planning(self,startNode,endNode): path=shortest_path(graph, startNode, endNode) return path
'e': 13 }, 'k': { 'j': 5.5, 'c': 10 }, 'l': { 'h': 12, 'm': 5.2 }, 'm': { 'o': 5.2, 'l': 5.2 }, 'o': { 'm': 5.2, 'p': 5.2 }, 'p': { 'o': 5.2, 'q': 5.2 }, 'q': { 'p': 5.2, 'g': 13 } } path = shortest_path(graph, 'm', 'a') print(path)
import dijkstra graph = dijkstra.Graph() for node in ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G']: graph.add_node(node) graph.add_edge('A', 'B', 1) graph.add_edge('A', 'C', 1) graph.add_edge('B', 'D', 1) graph.add_edge('C', 'D', 1) graph.add_edge('B', 'E', 1) graph.add_edge('D', 'E', 1) graph.add_edge('E', 'F', 1) graph.add_edge('F', 'G', 1) print(dijkstra.shortest_path(graph, 'A', 'D')) # output: (25, ['A', 'B', 'D'])
def test_binary_case(self): """ Tests case where there are only 2 vertices. """ test_graph = {"A": [(10, "B")], "B": [(10, "A")]} self.assertEqual(shortest_path(test_graph, "A", "B"), (10, ["A", "B"])) self.assertEqual(shortest_path(test_graph, "B", "A"), (10, ["B", "A"]))
def paved_shortest_path(startNode, endNode): graph = { 'a': { 'c': 7.2 }, 'b': { 'd': 7.2 }, 'c': { 'a': 7.2, 'k': 11, 'f': 20 }, 'd': { 'g': 15 }, 'e': { 'j': 13, 'f': 12, 'i': 13 }, 'f': { 'h': 13, 'c': 20, 'e': 12 }, 'g': { 'q': 13, 'd': 15 }, 'h': { 'l': 12, 'i': 12, 'f': 13 }, 'i': { 'h': 12, 'e': 13 }, 'j': { 'k': 5.5, 'e': 13 }, 'k': { 'j': 5.5, 'c': 10 }, 'l': { 'h': 12, 'm': 5.2 }, 'm': { 'o': 5.2, 'l': 5.2 }, 'o': { 'm': 5.2, 'p': 5.2 }, 'p': { 'o': 5.2, 'q': 5.2 }, 'q': { 'p': 5.2, 'g': 13 } } path = shortest_path(graph, startNode, endNode) cost = 0 for i, node in enumerate(path[:-1]): cost += graph[path[i]][path[i + 1]] return cost, path
def handler(event, context): status_code = 200 total_elapsed = 0 total_turns = 0 m = eval(event['map_matrix']) map_matrix = Map.map_matrix_transfer(m) start_position = eval(event['start_position']) start_direction = event['start_direction'] # Algorithm, default=DFS algorithm = 'dfs' if 'algorithm' in event: algorithm = event['algorithm'] if algorithm == "bfs" or algorithm == "dfs": if algorithm == "bfs": # run with bfs robot = Robot(map_matrix, start_position, start_direction) sweeper = BFSSweeper(robot) else: # run with dfs robot = Robot(map_matrix, start_position, start_direction) sweeper = DFSSweeper(robot) start = time.time() sweeper.sweep() path_history = robot.path_history finished_x = path_history[len(path_history) - 1][0] finished_y = path_history[len(path_history) - 1][1] back_path_steps = 0 if str(start_position['x']) + '_' + str(start_position['y']) != str( finished_x) + '_' + str(finished_y): graph = Graph() # print(map_matrix) for i in range(len(map_matrix)): for j in range(len(map_matrix[i])): floor_type = map_matrix[i][j] if floor_type == 0: graph.add_node(str(j) + '_' + str(i)) near_spots = find_adjacent_spot(i, j, map_matrix) for spot_inf in near_spots: spot = spot_inf[0] weight = spot_inf[1] graph.add_edge(str(j) + '_' + str(i), spot, weight) back_path_result = shortest_path( graph, str(finished_x) + '_' + str(finished_y), str(start_position['x']) + '_' + str(start_position['y'])) back_path_steps = back_path_result[0] back_path_arr = back_path_result[1] for back_spot_str in back_path_arr: back_spot_arr = back_spot_str.split('_') back_spot_x = int(back_spot_arr[0]) back_spot_y = int(back_spot_arr[1]) path_history.append([back_spot_x, back_spot_y]) elapsed = time.time() - start path = Map.path_append_attributes(m, path_history) total_elapsed += elapsed total_steps = robot.move_count + back_path_steps total_turns += robot.turn_count result = { "path": str(path), "steps_taken": total_steps, "turns_taken": total_turns, "times_taken": round(total_elapsed * 1000, 6) } elif algorithm == "dijkstra": if 'end_position' in event: end_position = eval(event['end_position']) graph = Graph() for i in range(len(map_matrix)): for j in range(len(map_matrix[i])): floor_type = map_matrix[i][j] if floor_type == 0: graph.add_node(str(j) + '_' + str(i)) near_spots = find_adjacent_spot(i, j, map_matrix) for spot_inf in near_spots: spot = spot_inf[0] weight = spot_inf[1] graph.add_edge(str(j) + '_' + str(i), spot, weight) start = time.time() to_path_result = shortest_path( graph, str(start_position['x']) + '_' + str(start_position['y']), str(end_position['x']) + '_' + str(end_position['y'])) back_path_result = shortest_path( graph, str(end_position['x']) + '_' + str(end_position['y']), str(start_position['x']) + '_' + str(start_position['y'])) elapsed = time.time() - start to_path_steps = to_path_result[0] to_path_arr = to_path_result[1] back_path_steps = back_path_result[0] back_path_arr = back_path_result[1] path_history = [] for to_spot_str in to_path_arr: to_spot_arr = to_spot_str.split('_') to_spot_x = int(to_spot_arr[0]) to_spot_y = int(to_spot_arr[1]) path_history.append([to_spot_x, to_spot_y]) for back_spot_str in back_path_arr: back_spot_arr = back_spot_str.split('_') back_spot_x = int(back_spot_arr[0]) back_spot_y = int(back_spot_arr[1]) path_history.append([back_spot_x, back_spot_y]) path = Map.path_append_attributes(m, path_history) total_steps = to_path_steps + back_path_steps result = { "path": str(path), "steps_taken": total_steps, "turns_taken": 0, "times_taken": round(elapsed * 1000, 6) } else: status_code = 401 result = { "type": "Params error", "code": "401", "reason": "Required param not exist" } return { "statusCode": status_code, "headers": { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, "body": result }
def get_ride_dictionnary(departure, input_departure_time, destination): ## intializing object to track every necessary info for end user on its requested ride ## ride_dict = dict() ride_dict['Ride_initialization'] = [ departure, functions.minutes(input_departure_time), '', '' ] #get the shortest path by executing Dijkstra's algorithm ride = dijkstra.shortest_path(departure, input_departure_time, destination) stops_of_ride = ride[0] times_of_ride = ride[1] for stop, time in zip(stops_of_ride, times_of_ride): ## retrieving full name of recommended stop by dijkstra ## stop_name = Stops.query.with_entities( Stops.stop_name).filter( == stop).all()[0][0] #if it a current stop needs a transfer and is not the arrival: mark it as transfer if (stop != stops_of_ride[-1]) and ( stop, stops_of_ride[stops_of_ride.index(stop) + 1]) in Transfers.query.with_entities( Transfers.from_stop_id, Transfers.to_stop_id).all(): departure_time_at_stop = time route_of_trip = "Transfer" direction_of_trip = stops_of_ride[ stops_of_ride.index(stop) + 1] #where to move for the transfer ride_dict[stop] = [ stop_name, departure_time_at_stop, route_of_trip, direction_of_trip ] is_terminus = "No" #if not a transfer else: ## retreiving departure time at this stop ## schedules_and_tripid_at_stop = Stop_times.query.with_entities( Stop_times.departure_time, Stop_times.trip_id ).filter( Stop_times.stop_id == stop ) #get all departure schedules at this stop & associated trip id schedules_and_tripid_at_stop_in_minutes = [ (functions.minutes(i[0]), i[1]) for i in schedules_and_tripid_at_stop ] #convert schedules in minutes departure_time_at_stop = min( filter(lambda x: x >= 0, [ i - time for (i, _) in schedules_and_tripid_at_stop_in_minutes ]) ) + time #retrieve the departure time recommended by dijkstra (will only change for the departure) ## retreiving the trip id of stop given its departure time ## trip_of_stop = list( filter(lambda tuple: tuple[0] == departure_time_at_stop, schedules_and_tripid_at_stop_in_minutes))[0][1] ## checking if current stop is a service terminus (no departure time from it, it is actually just an arrival time so it will need a transit, or it can a departure time but for a different destination, so a different service) check_for_departure_at_this_time = Timetable.query.with_entities( Timetable.departure_time).filter( Timetable.from_stop_id == stop, Timetable.departure_time == int(departure_time_at_stop)).all() #flagging if its the case if check_for_departure_at_this_time == []: #it is just an arrival time (end of service) is_terminus = "Yes" else: is_terminus = "No" ## retrieving the route associated to the stop ## route_of_trip = Trips.query.with_entities( Trips.route_id).filter( == trip_of_stop).all()[0][0] ## retreiving the direction informaiton associated to the trip ## direction_of_trip = Trips.query.with_entities( Trips.trip_headsign).filter( == trip_of_stop).all()[0][0] ## storing every useful info on the stop given its departure time, for documenting the requested ride by user ## ride_dict[stop] = [ stop_name, departure_time_at_stop, route_of_trip, direction_of_trip, is_terminus, trip_of_stop ] return ride_dict
def retinal_segmentation(input_image): img = misc.imread(input_image) #Blur the image (gaussian blur) kernel = matlab_style_gauss2D() img = Image.fromarray( ndimage.filters.correlate(img, kernel, mode='constant')) #img = cv2.GaussianBlur(img, (5,21), 3) A different blurring technique #resize the image (to 1/10th), with antialiasing. Otherwise will not be the #same as MATLAB's resize. rsFactor = 0.1 img = img.resize( ((int(img.size[0] * rsFactor)), (int(img.size[1] * rsFactor))), Image.ANTIALIAS) img = np.array(img) szImg = img.shape #add a column of zeros on both sides, which saves us from having to know the #endpoints of the layers a priori. imgNew = np.lib.pad(img, ((0, 0), (1, 1)), 'constant') szImgNew = imgNew.shape gradImg = np.zeros(szImgNew) for i in range(0, (int(szImgNew[1]))): #Change to float, otherwise negative gradient values will be reported as #(value)mod4 (and then converted to floats without telling anyone) #>:-( gradImg[:, i] = np.gradient(([float(ele) for ele in imgNew[:, i]]), 2) #vertical gradient, scaled so that all values are between 0 and 1 gradImg = (gradImg - np.amin(gradImg)) / (np.amax(gradImg) - np.amin(gradImg)) #'inverts' the image gradImgMinus = gradImg * (-1) + 1 #Adjacency matrix minWeight = 1.0 * 10**(-5) #weights adjMW = np.empty((((int(szImgNew[0])) * (int(szImgNew[1]))), 8)) #neg weights adjMmW = np.empty((((int(szImgNew[0])) * (int(szImgNew[1]))), 8)) #point A adjMX = np.empty((((int(szImgNew[0])) * (int(szImgNew[1]))), 8)) #point B adjMY = np.empty((((int(szImgNew[0])) * (int(szImgNew[1]))), 8)) adjMW[:] = np.NAN adjMmW[:] = np.NAN adjMX[:] = np.NAN adjMY[:] = np.NAN neighborIter = np.array([[1, 1, 1, 0, 0, -1, -1, -1], [1, 0, -1, 1, -1, 1, 0, -1]]) szadjMW = adjMmW.shape ind = 0 #indR = 0 #creating the adjacency matrix while ind != ((int(szadjMW[0])) * (int(szadjMW[1])) - 1): #order='F' means fortran style, or column-major (like MATLAB) (i, j) = np.unravel_index(ind, szadjMW, order='F') (iX, iY) = np.unravel_index(i, szImgNew, order='F') (jX, jY) = ((iX + neighborIter[0, j]), (iY + neighborIter[1, j])) if jX >= 0 and jX <= (int(szImgNew[0]) - 1) and jY >= 0 and jY <= (int(szImgNew[1]) - 1): if jY == 0 or jY == (int(szImgNew[1]) - 1): adjMW[i, j] = minWeight adjMmW[i, j] = minWeight else: adjMW[i, j] = 2 - gradImg[iX, iY] - gradImg[jX, jY] + minWeight adjMmW[i, j] = 2 - gradImgMinus[iX, iY] - gradImgMinus[jX, jY] + minWeight #save subscripts adjMX[i, j] = np.ravel_multi_index((iX, iY), szImgNew, order='F') adjMY[i, j] = np.ravel_multi_index((jX, jY), szImgNew, order='F') ind = ind + 1 #ASSEMBLE a = np.logical_and(np.ravel(~np.isnan(adjMW[:]), order='F'), np.ravel(~np.isnan(adjMX[:]), order='F')) b = np.logical_and(np.ravel(~np.isnan(adjMY[:]), order='F'), np.ravel(~np.isnan(adjMmW[:]), order='F')) keepInd = np.logical_and(a, b) newLen = 0 for p in range(0, (keepInd.size)): if keepInd[p]: newLen = newLen + 1 RealadjMW = np.zeros(newLen) RealadjMmW = np.zeros(newLen) RealadjMX = np.zeros(newLen) RealadjMY = np.zeros(newLen) q = 0 for r in range(0, (keepInd.size)): if keepInd[r]: RealadjMW[q] = adjMW[np.unravel_index(r, szadjMW, order='F')] RealadjMmW[q] = adjMmW[np.unravel_index(r, szadjMW, order='F')] RealadjMX[q] = adjMX[np.unravel_index(r, szadjMW, order='F')] RealadjMY[q] = adjMY[np.unravel_index(r, szadjMW, order='F')] q = q + 1 #finding the 'shortest path' on the dark to light boundary wGraph = sparseToDict(RealadjMX, RealadjMY, RealadjMW) path1 = dj.shortest_path(wGraph, str(np.amin(RealadjMX)), str(np.amax(RealadjMX))) #finding the 'shortest path' on the light to dark boundary mwGraph = sparseToDict(RealadjMX, RealadjMY, RealadjMmW) path2 = dj.shortest_path(mwGraph, str(np.amin(RealadjMX)), str(np.amax(RealadjMX))) fullPathLen1 = len(path1) fullPathLen2 = len(path2) pathX1 = np.zeros(fullPathLen1) pathY1 = np.zeros(fullPathLen1) pathX2 = np.zeros(fullPathLen2) pathY2 = np.zeros(fullPathLen2) #indicies reversed again?? for a in range(0, fullPathLen1): (pathY1[a], pathX1[a]) = np.unravel_index(int(float(path1[a])), szImgNew, order='F') for b in range(0, fullPathLen2): (pathY2[b], pathX2[b]) = np.unravel_index(int(float(path2[b])), szImgNew, order='F') #display fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 12)) imgplot = plt.imshow(imgNew,, figure=fig) plt.plot(pathX1, pathY1, 'b-', figure=fig) plt.plot(pathX2, pathY2, 'r-', figure=fig)