Esempio n. 1
 def same_side(lp):
     lp0d = dpv.distance(lp[ 0],tip)
     lp1d = dpv.distance(lp[-1],tip)
     lpt = lp[0] if lp0d < lp1d else lp[-1]
     s1,s2 = tiptail(le.rpts,ne.rpts)
     segsect = dpr.segments_intersect_noncolinear(s1,s2,lpt,tip)
     if not segsect:return lpt
Esempio n. 2
 def calculate(self, roads):
     for r in roads:
         pstd = dpv.distance(self.p, r.start)
         pend = dpv.distance(self.p, r.end)
         if pend < pstd: r.end.translate(r.tip.copy().flip().scale_u(10))
         else: r.start.translate(r.tail.copy().scale_u(10))
Esempio n. 3
 def face_away(self, side):
     rp = side[1]['room']
     intpt = dpv.vector(rp[1]['x'], rp[1]['y'], 0.0)
     midpt = dpv.midpoint(*side[0])
     tangt = dpv.v1_v2(*side[0]).normalize()
     norml = tangt.copy().rotate_z(dpr.rad(90)).normalize()
     tstpt = midpt.copy().translate(norml)
     side[1]['normal'] = norml
     if dpv.distance(intpt, midpt) > dpv.distance(intpt, tstpt):
Esempio n. 4
 def tiptail(el1,el2):
     d1 = dpv.distance(el1[ 0],el2[ 0])
     d2 = dpv.distance(el1[ 0],el2[-1])
     d3 = dpv.distance(el1[-1],el2[ 0])
     d4 = dpv.distance(el1[-1],el2[-1])
     md = min(d1,d2,d3,d4)
     if   md == d1:return el1[ 0],el2[ 0]
     elif md == d2:return el1[ 0],el2[-1]
     elif md == d3:return el1[-1],el2[ 0]
     elif md == d4:return el1[-1],el2[-1]
Esempio n. 5
 def face_away(self,side):
     rp = side[1]['room']
     intpt = dpv.vector(rp[1]['x'],rp[1]['y'],0.0)
     midpt = dpv.midpoint(*side[0])
     tangt = dpv.v1_v2(*side[0]).normalize()
     norml = tangt.copy().rotate_z(dpr.rad(90)).normalize()
     tstpt = midpt.copy().translate(norml)
     side[1]['normal'] = norml
     if dpv.distance(intpt,midpt) > dpv.distance(intpt,tstpt):
Esempio n. 6
def wall(p1, p2, wh1, wh2, ww, doors=(), windows=()):
    l = dpv.distance(p1, p2)
    a = dpr.angle_from_xaxis_xy(dpv.v1_v2(p1, p2))
    ww2 = ww / 2.0
    bnd = [
        dpv.vector(ww2, 0, 0),
        dpv.vector(l - ww2, 0, 0),
        dpv.vector(l - ww2, wh2, 0),
        dpv.vector(ww2, wh1, 0)
    for d in doors:
        dhp = doorhole(l, *d)
        for x in range(len(dhp) - 1, -1, -1):
            bnd.insert(1, dhp[x])
    wholes = [tuple(windowhole(l, *w)) for w in windows]
    extras = []
    for d in doors:
        dpolys = doorframe(l, *d)
        for dp in dpolys:
    for w in windows:
        wpolys = windowframe(l, *w)
        for wp in wpolys:
    x = dpv.z().scale_u(ww2)
    main0 = (tuple(bnd), tuple(wholes))
    main1 = dpr.translate_polygon(dpr.copy_polygon(main0), x)
    dpr.translate_polygon(main0, x.flip())
    wallgons = (main0, main1) + tuple(extras)
    #wallgons = (main1,)+tuple(extras)
    for wgon in wallgons:
        dpr.rotate_x_polygon(wgon, dpr.PI / 2.0)
        dpr.rotate_z_polygon(wgon, a)
        dpr.translate_polygon(wgon, p1)
    return wallgons
Esempio n. 7
def inside_circle_xy(pt,center,radius):
    dzero =
    dzhat = dpv.zhat
    pt = pt.project_plane(dzero,dzhat)
    center = center.project_plane(dzero,dzhat)
    ins = not dpv.distance(pt,center) > radius
    return ins
Esempio n. 8
def wall(p1,p2,wh1,wh2,ww,doors = (),windows = ()):
    l = dpv.distance(p1,p2)
    a = dpr.angle_from_xaxis_xy(dpv.v1_v2(p1,p2))
    ww2 = ww/2.0
    bnd = [
        dpv.vector(  ww2,  0,0),dpv.vector(l-ww2, 0,0),
        dpv.vector(l-ww2,wh2,0),dpv.vector( ww2,wh1,0)]
    for d in doors:
        dhp = doorhole(l,*d)
        for x in range(len(dhp)-1,-1,-1):
    wholes = [tuple(windowhole(l,*w)) for w in windows]
    extras = []
    for d in doors:
        dpolys = doorframe(l,*d)
        for dp in dpolys:extras.append(dp)
    for w in windows:
        wpolys = windowframe(l,*w)
        for wp in wpolys:extras.append(wp)
    x = dpv.z().scale_u(ww2)
    main0 = (tuple(bnd),tuple(wholes))
    main1 = dpr.translate_polygon(dpr.copy_polygon(main0),x)
    wallgons = (main0,main1)+tuple(extras)
    #wallgons = (main1,)+tuple(extras)
    for wgon in wallgons:
    return wallgons
Esempio n. 9
 def _endpoints(self,v1,v2):
     self.v1 = v1.copy()
     self.v2 = v2.copy()
     self.l = dpv.distance(v1,v2) = dpv.midpoint(v1,v2)
     self.tangent = dpv.v1_v2(v1,v2).normalize()
     self.normal = self.tangent.copy()
Esempio n. 10
 def _add_gap(self,g1,g2):
     def inside(x1,x2,x3):
         d12 = dpv.distance(x1,x2)
         d13 = dpv.distance(x1,x3)
         d23 = dpv.distance(x2,x3)
         if d13 <= d12 and d23 <= d12:return True
         else:return False
     g1d = min([dpv.distance(g1,self.v1),dpv.distance(g1,self.v2)])
     g2d = min([dpv.distance(g2,self.v1),dpv.distance(g2,self.v2)])
     # skip if gap is too close to edges
     if g1d < 2 or g2d < 2:return None
     # skip if gap overlaps existing gap
     for g in self.gaps:
         og1,og2 = g
         if inside(og1,og2,g1) or inside(og1,og2,g2):
             return None
     return g1,g2
Esempio n. 11
 def edge_lengths(self):
     elengths = {}
     for edx in range(self.edgecount):
         e = self.edges[edx]
         if e is None or e in elengths:continue
         ep1,ep2 = self.points.get_points(*e)
         d = dpv.distance(ep1,ep2)
         elengths[e] = d
         elengths[e[::-1]] = d
     return elengths
Esempio n. 12
def circumscribe_tri(p1,p2,p3,plane = None):
    if not plane is None:
        p1 = p1.project_plane(*plane)
        p2 = p2.project_plane(*plane)
        p3 = p3.project_plane(*plane)
    e1 = p1 - p3
    e2 = p2 - p3
    th = dpv.angle_between(e1,e2)
    th = numpy.pi if th < 0.0001 else th
    cr = dpv.distance(p1,p2)/(2*numpy.sin(th))
    cp = e2.copy().scale_u(e1.magnitude2())-e1.copy().scale_u(e2.magnitude2())
    cp = cp.cross(e1.cross(e2)).scale_u(1.0/(2.0*(e1.cross(e2).magnitude2())))
    return cp+p3,cr
Esempio n. 13
 def _find_node_cone(self,o,p,e):
     ca = dpr.deg(dpv.angle_from_xaxis_xy(dpv.v1_v2(o,p).normalize()))
     #best,margin = None,dpv.distance(o,p)
     best,margin = None,100000000000000000
     for ndx in range(self.nodecount):
         nd = self.nodes[ndx]
         tn = dpv.v1_v2(o,nd.p).normalize()
         npa = dpr.deg(dpv.angle_from_xaxis_xy(tn))
         if adist(ca,npa) < e:
             ndd = dpv.distance(o,nd.p)
             if ndd < margin:
                 best = ndx
                 margin = ndd
     return best
Esempio n. 14
 def locally_delaunay_edge(self,u,v):
     v1,v2 = self.points.get_points(u,v)
     cc = dpv.midpoint(v1,v2)
     cr = dpv.distance(cc,v1)
     polyxs = self.eg_poly_lookup[self.eg_lookup[(u,v)]]
     polyps = [self.get_polygon_points(px) for px in polyxs]
     for polyp in polyps:
         ebps,ibs = polyp
         for ep in ebps:
             if ep.near(v1) or ep.near(v2):continue
             if dpr.inside_circle(ep,cc,cr):return False
         for ibps in ibs:
             for ip in ibps:
                 if ip.near(v1) or ip.near(v2):continue
                 if dpr.inside_circle(ip,cc,cr):return False
     return True
Esempio n. 15
def clean_polygon(eb,ibs):
    clean = False
    neb = eb[:]
    #nibs = [ib[:] for ib in ibs]

    flag = False

    while not clean:
        icnt = len(ibs)
        nibs = []
        if icnt == 0:clean = True
            for x in range(icnt):
                ib = ibs[x]
                isect = dpr.concaves_intersect(neb,ib)
                ins = dpr.inconcave_xy(ib[0],neb)
                if isect:
                    neb = dtl.polygon_difference((neb,()),(ib,()))[0]

                    print('polygon hole intersects boundary',x)
                    ax = dtl.plot_axes()
                    ax = dtl.plot_polygon_full((neb,()),ax)
                    flag = True

                elif ins:nibs.append(ib)
                else:print('polygon hole found outside of boundary',x)


                if x == icnt - 1:clean = True

    if flag:
        tns = [dpv.distance(neb[t-1],neb[t]) for t in range(len(neb))]
        print('exit CLEANPOLYGON',tns)
        ax = dtl.plot_axes()
        ax = dtl.plot_polygon_full((neb,nibs),ax)

    return neb,nibs
Esempio n. 16
 def should_shaft(self,plans,rmplan):
     rps,eps,ips,sps = plans
     sdist = 1000.0
     rpos = dpv.vector(rmplan[1]['x'],rmplan[1]['y'],0)
     for sp in sps:
         spos = sp[1]['p']
         sd = dpv.distance(spos,rpos)
         if sd < sdist:sdist = sd
     splan = None
     newl,neww = rmplan[1]['l'],rmplan[1]['w']
     if sdist > self.min_shaft_distance and newl >= 16 and neww >= 18:
         shx,shy = rmplan[1]['x'],rmplan[1]['y']
         shl = 8
         shw = 10
         sps = dpv.vector(shx,shy,0)
         gap = (,shl,shw)
         rmplan[1]['shafted'] = True
         rmplan[1]['fgap'] = gap
         rmplan[1]['cgap'] = gap
         splan = ((),{'p':sps,'l':gap[1],'w':gap[2]})
     return splan
Esempio n. 17
 def should_shaft(self, plans, rmplan):
     rps, eps, ips, sps = plans
     sdist = 1000.0
     rpos = dpv.vector(rmplan[1]['x'], rmplan[1]['y'], 0)
     for sp in sps:
         spos = sp[1]['p']
         sd = dpv.distance(spos, rpos)
         if sd < sdist: sdist = sd
     splan = None
     newl, neww = rmplan[1]['l'], rmplan[1]['w']
     if sdist > self.min_shaft_distance and newl >= 16 and neww >= 18:
         shx, shy = rmplan[1]['x'], rmplan[1]['y']
         shl = 8
         shw = 10
         sps = dpv.vector(shx, shy, 0)
         gap = (, shl, shw)
         rmplan[1]['shafted'] = True
         rmplan[1]['fgap'] = gap
         rmplan[1]['cgap'] = gap
         splan = ((), {'p': sps, 'l': gap[1], 'w': gap[2]})
     return splan
Esempio n. 18
 def calculate_count(self, v1, v2):
     ds = dpv.distance(v1, v2)
     seglen = 3
     self.lastsegcnt = int(ds / seglen)
     return self.lastsegcnt
Esempio n. 19
 def search_offset_random(self,p1,p2):
     return (2.0*random.random()-1.0)*dpv.distance(p1,p2)/8.0
Esempio n. 20
def shortest_edge_tri(*tri):
    p1,p2,p3 = tri
    e1 = dpv.distance(p1,p2)
    e2 = dpv.distance(p2,p3)
    e3 = dpv.distance(p3,p1)
    return min((e1,e2,e3))
Esempio n. 21
def edge_lengths(*poly):
    elengs = []
    for x in range(len(poly)):
        p1,p2 = poly[x-1],poly[x]
    return elengs
Esempio n. 22
def shortest_edge_tri(*tri):
    p1, p2, p3 = tri
    e1 = dpv.distance(p1, p2)
    e2 = dpv.distance(p2, p3)
    e3 = dpv.distance(p3, p1)
    return min((e1, e2, e3))
Esempio n. 23
def edge_lengths(*poly):
    elengs = []
    for x in range(len(poly)):
        p1, p2 = poly[x - 1], poly[x]
        elengs.append(dpv.distance(p1, p2))
    return elengs
Esempio n. 24
def inside_circle(pt,center,radius,plane):
    pt = pt.project_plane(*plane)
    center = center.project_plane(*plane)
    ins = not dpv.distance(pt,center) > radius
    return ins
Esempio n. 25
 def closer(p,r,l):
     if dpv.distance(p,r) < dpv.distance(p,l):return r
     else:return l
Esempio n. 26
 def inside(x1,x2,x3):
     d12 = dpv.distance(x1,x2)
     d13 = dpv.distance(x1,x3)
     d23 = dpv.distance(x2,x3)
     if d13 <= d12 and d23 <= d12:return True
     else:return False
Esempio n. 27
 def connect_end(lp,lpt):
     d1,d2 = dpv.distance(lp[0],lpt),dpv.distance(lp[-1],lpt)
     if d1 < d2:return lp[:]
     else:return lp[::-1]
Esempio n. 28
    def _find_road_points(self,tip,le,ne):
        # create the shortest line segment from el1 to el2
        def tiptail(el1,el2):
            d1 = dpv.distance(el1[ 0],el2[ 0])
            d2 = dpv.distance(el1[ 0],el2[-1])
            d3 = dpv.distance(el1[-1],el2[ 0])
            d4 = dpv.distance(el1[-1],el2[-1])
            md = min(d1,d2,d3,d4)
            if   md == d1:return el1[ 0],el2[ 0]
            elif md == d2:return el1[ 0],el2[-1]
            elif md == d3:return el1[-1],el2[ 0]
            elif md == d4:return el1[-1],el2[-1]
        def closer(p,r,l):
            if dpv.distance(p,r) < dpv.distance(p,l):return r
            else:return l

        ax = dtl.plot_axes_xy()
        ax = dtl.plot_point_xy(tip,ax)
        ax = dtl.plot_edges_xy(le.rpts,ax)
        ax = dtl.plot_edges_xy(ne.rpts,ax)
        s1,s2 = tiptail(le.rpts,ne.rpts)
        ax = dtl.plot_edges_xy([s1,s2],ax,lw = 5.0)
        ax = dtl.plot_edges_xy([tip,closer(tip,ne.rbpts[0],ne.rbpts[-1])],ax)
        ax = dtl.plot_edges_xy([tip,closer(tip,ne.lbpts[0],ne.lbpts[-1])],ax)

        this function is verrrrry sloppy.... rewrite it....
        def same_side(lp):
            lp0d = dpv.distance(lp[ 0],tip)
            lp1d = dpv.distance(lp[-1],tip)
            lpt = lp[0] if lp0d < lp1d else lp[-1]
            s1,s2 = tiptail(le.rpts,ne.rpts)
            segsect = dpr.segments_intersect_noncolinear(s1,s2,lpt,tip)
            if not segsect:return lpt
        def connect_end(lp,lpt):
            d1,d2 = dpv.distance(lp[0],lpt),dpv.distance(lp[-1],lpt)
            if d1 < d2:return lp[:]
            else:return lp[::-1]

        if le is ne:
            if tip in le.rbpts:return connect_end(ne.lbpts,tip)
            else:return connect_end(ne.rbpts,tip)
            lrpt = same_side(ne.rbpts)
            llpt = same_side(ne.lbpts)
            if lrpt is None and llpt is None:
                lsd = dpv.distance(tip,ne.lbpts[ 0])
                led = dpv.distance(tip,ne.lbpts[-1])
                rsd = dpv.distance(tip,ne.rbpts[ 0])
                red = dpv.distance(tip,ne.rbpts[-1])
                sxs = dpr.order_ascending([lsd,led,rsd,red]) 
                nelooppts = None
                for sx in sxs:
                    if   sx == 0 and not tip in ne.lbpts:nelooppts = ne.lbpts[:]
                    elif sx == 1 and not tip in ne.lbpts:nelooppts = ne.lbpts[:-1]
                    elif sx == 2 and not tip in ne.rbpts:nelooppts = ne.rbpts[:]
                    elif sx == 3 and not tip in ne.rbpts:nelooppts = ne.rbpts[:-1]
                    if not nelooppts is None:break
                return nelooppts
            if not lrpt is None:return connect_end(ne.rbpts,lrpt)
            else:return connect_end(ne.lbpts,llpt)