def normal_distribution(mu, sigma):
     stream = distributions.normal(mu, sigma)
     while True:
         value = # Получение значения
         # И его обработка
             for function in postprocess:
                 value = function(value)
             continue # Следующее значение
         yield value
Esempio n. 2
def generate_normal_samples(n, params):
        assert len(params) == 2
        u = float(params[0])
        s = float(params[1])
        assert s >= 0
    except (ValueError, AssertionError):
        abort("invalid normal parameters")

    count = 0
    while count < n:
        for x in normal(u, s):
            yield x
            count += 1
Esempio n. 3
def kiosk(revenue_mean, damage_mean, damage_probability, sigma, revenue_min, revenue_max, times=1):
	# Потоки выручки
    revenue_streams = []
    for shop in revenue_mean:
        for mean in shop:
            revenue_streams[-1].append(limited_normal(mean, sigma * mean, mean * (1 + revenue_min * sigma), mean * (1 + revenue_max * sigma)))
    # Потоки случайных убытков
    damage_streams = tuple(normal(mean, sigma * mean) for mean in damage_mean)
    # А что если эти поток отрицательный результат дадут?
    # Сумматор прибыли по магазинам
    revenue_total = [0] * len(revenue_mean)
    # Сумматор квадратов прибыли
    revenue_squares = [0] * len(revenue_mean)
    # И раз, ещё раз, и ещё times, times раз...
    for _ in range(times):
        for shop, row in enumerate(revenue_streams):
            # Полная выручка
            revenue = sum( for stream in row)
            # Случайный убыток
            if random() < damage_probability[shop]:
                damage = damage_streams[shop].next()
                revenue -= damage
            revenue_total[shop]   += revenue
            revenue_squares[shop] += revenue * revenue
    # Считаем среднее значение
    income_mean = tuple(s / times for s in revenue_total)
    # Считаем среднеквадратическое отклонение
    income_sigma = tuple(sqrt((M - times * M2) / (times - 1)) for M, M2 in zip(revenue_total, revenue_squares))
    # Квантиль
    K = 1.645
    max_guaranteed_costs = tuple(mean - K * sigma for mean, sigma in zip(income_mean, income_sigma))
    def distribution(field):

        # Определим тип распределения
        types = ('exponential', 'equal', 'normal') # Допустимые типы
            t = field['type']
        except: # Тип не указан
            t = types[0]
            if not (t in types):
                raise ValueError(u'Распределение %s неизвестно.' % t)

        if t == 'exponential':
            values = validate(field, piece(conditions, ('mean', )))
            return distributions.exponential(values['mean'])
        elif t == 'equal':
            values = validate(field, piece(conditions, ('from', 'to')))
            return distributions.equal(*values.values())
            return distributions.normal(float(field['mean']))
Esempio n. 5
    def simulate(self):
        gain = 0

        # [True] * self.technicals
        free_sellers = [0] * self.sellers
        free_technical = [0] * self.technicals
        free_specialized_technicals = [0] * self.specialized_technicals

        customers_waiting_sellers = Queue()
        customers_waiting_technicals = Queue()
        customers_waiting_specialized_technicals = Queue()

        client_time = 0

        for _ in range(self.journal_duration):
            # Update client reach time
            if client_time > 0:
                client_time -= 1
                client_time = poisson(20)
            if (customers_waiting_sellers.empty()
                    and customers_waiting_specialized_technicals.empty()
                    and customers_waiting_technicals.empty()):
                for i in range(len(free_sellers)):
                        i] = free_sellers[i] - 1 if free_sellers[i] > 0 else 0
                for i in range(len(free_technical)):
                    free_technical[i] = free_technical[
                        i] - 1 if free_technical[i] > 0 else 0
                for i in range(len(free_specialized_technicals)):
                    free_specialized_technicals[i] = free_specialized_technicals[i] - 1 \
                        if free_specialized_technicals[i] > 0 else 0

            # Update specialized technicals details
            for i in range(len(free_specialized_technicals)):
                free_specialized_technicals[i] = free_specialized_technicals[i] - 1 \
                    if free_specialized_technicals[i] > 0 else 0

            if not customers_waiting_specialized_technicals.empty():
                for i in range(len(free_specialized_technicals)):
                    if free_specialized_technicals[i] == 0:
                        _ = customers_waiting_specialized_technicals.get()
                        free_specialized_technicals[i] = int(exponential(15))
                        gain += 500
                        if customers_waiting_specialized_technicals.empty():

            # Update technicals details
            for i in range(len(free_technical)):
                    i] = free_technical[i] - 1 if free_technical[i] > 0 else 0

            if not customers_waiting_technicals.empty():
                for i in range(len(free_technical)):
                    if free_technical[i] == 0:
                        client_type = customers_waiting_technicals.get()
                        free_technical[i] = int(exponential(20))
                        gain += 0 if client_type == 1 else 350
                        if customers_waiting_technicals.empty():
                    for i in range(len(free_specialized_technicals)):
                        if free_specialized_technicals[i] == 0:
                            client_type = customers_waiting_technicals.get()
                            free_specialized_technicals[i] = int(
                            gain += 0 if client_type == 1 else 350
                            if customers_waiting_technicals.empty():

            # Update sellers details
            for i in range(len(free_sellers)):
                    i] = free_sellers[i] - 1 if free_sellers[i] > 0 else 0

            if not customers_waiting_sellers.empty():
                for i in range(len(free_sellers)):
                    if free_sellers[i] == 0:
                        client_type = customers_waiting_sellers.get()
                        free_sellers[i] = int(abs(normal(5, 2)))
                        if client_type == 4:
                            gain += 750
                            if client_type == 1 or client_type == 2:
                        if customers_waiting_sellers.empty():

        return gain
Esempio n. 6
# Main
# Lists Initialization
uniform_values = np.zeros(iterations)
normal_values = np.zeros(iterations)
exponential_values = np.zeros(iterations)
gamma_values = np.zeros(iterations)
binomial_values = np.zeros(iterations)
pascal_values = np.zeros(iterations)
hypergeometric_values = np.zeros(iterations)
poisson_values = np.zeros(iterations)
empirical_values = np.zeros(iterations)

# Distributions Generation
for i in range(iterations):
    uniform_values[i] = uniform(a, b)
    normal_values[i] = normal(m, d)
    exponential_values[i] = exponential(1 / alpha_exp)
    gamma_values[i] = gamma(k_gamma, alpha_gamma)
    binomial_values[i] = binomial(n_binomial, p_binomial)
    pascal_values[i] = pascal(k_pascal, p_pascal)
    hypergeometric_values[i] = hypergeometric(N_hyper, n_hyper, p_hyper)
    poisson_values[i] = poisson(L)
    empirical_values[i] = empirical()

print(iterations, "pseudorandom numbers generated of each distribution\n")

# Statistics Parameter Tests
print("//////////// STATISTICS PARAMETERS TESTS ////////////\n")

print('-----UNIFORM DISTRIBUTION------')
# print(uniform_values)
def producer(in_stream, mu, sigma, price, cost, total_time):
    u'Производственная фирма'
    # Генераторы событий
    work = [distributions.normal(mean, mean * sigma) for mean in mu]
    # Технологическая цепочка
    chain = [[] for mean in mu]
    ENVIRONMENT = -1 # Новая заявка
    def event_stream():
        'Поток событий'
        timer = distributions.exponential(in_stream)
        # Время появления следующей заявки
        next_order = next(timer)
        while True:
            time, source = next_order, ENVIRONMENT
            for link, queue in enumerate(chain):
                if queue and queue[0] < time:
                    time, source = queue[0], link
            if source == ENVIRONMENT:
                next_order += next(timer)
            # Если закончилось время, выходим
            if time >= total_time:
            # Иначе возвращаем результат
            yield (time, source)
    def process(time, source):
        'Переход заявки в следующее звено технологической цепи'
        # Обработка канала-источника
        if source > ENVIRONMENT:
            if chain[source]:
                duration = next(work[source])
                chain[source][0] = time + duration
        # Обработка канала-приёмника
        dest = source + 1
        if dest < len(chain):
            if len(chain[dest]) == 1:
                duration = next(work[dest])
                chain[dest][0] += duration
            orders['processed'] += 1
    orders = {'processed' : 0}
    events = event_stream()
    # Основной цикл
    for event in events:
    # Статистика заявок
    orders['rejected'] = sum(map(len, chain))
    orders['total']    = sum(orders.values())
    return {
        'factor' : round((max(mu) - min(mu)) / (sum(mu) / len(mu)), 3),
        'profit' : round(orders['processed'] * price - cost, 2),
        'orders' : orders,
def landing_time():
    return normal(10, 5)
def takeoff_time():
    return normal(10, 5)