Esempio n. 1
    def __init__(self, problem_id, time_limit, memory_limit, meta): = problem_id
        self.time_limit = time_limit
        self.memory_limit = memory_limit
        self.meta = ConfigNode(meta)
        self.generator_manager = GeneratorManager()

        # Cache root dir so that we don't need to scan all roots (potentially very slow on networked mount).
        self.root_dir = get_problem_root(problem_id)
        self.problem_data = ProblemDataManager(self)

        # Checkers modules must be stored in a dict, for the duration of execution,
        # lest globals be deleted with the module.
        self._checkers = {}

            doc = yaml.safe_load(self.problem_data['init.yml'])
            if not doc:
                raise InvalidInitException(
                    'I find your lack of content disturbing.')
            self.config = ConfigNode(doc,
                                         'wall_time_factor': 3,
                                         'output_prefix_length': 64,
                                         'output_limit_length': 25165824,
                                         'binary_data': False,
                                         'short_circuit': True,
                                         'symlinks': {},
                                         'meta': meta,
        except (IOError, KeyError, ParserError, ScannerError) as e:
            raise InvalidInitException(str(e))

        self.problem_data.archive = self._resolve_archive_files()
Esempio n. 2
    def __init__(self, problem_id, time_limit, memory_limit, load_pretests_only=False): = problem_id
        self.time_limit = time_limit
        self.memory_limit = memory_limit
        self.generator_manager = GeneratorManager()

        self.problem_data = ProblemDataManager(problem_id)

        # Checkers modules must be stored in a dict, for the duration of execution,
        # lest globals be deleted with the module.
        self._checkers = {}
        self._testcase_counter = 0
        self._batch_counter = 0

            doc = yaml.safe_load(self.problem_data['init.yml'])
            if not doc:
                raise InvalidInitException('I find your lack of content disturbing.')
            self.config = ConfigNode(doc, defaults={
                'wall_time_factor': 3,
                'output_prefix_length': 64,
                'output_limit_length': 25165824,
                'binary_data': False,
                'short_circuit': True,
        except (IOError, ParserError, ScannerError) as e:
            raise InvalidInitException(str(e))

        self.problem_data.archive = self._resolve_archive_files()

        self.is_pretested = load_pretests_only and 'pretest_test_cases' in self.config
        self.cases = self._resolve_testcases(self.config['pretest_test_cases' if self.is_pretested else 'test_cases'])
Esempio n. 3
 def __init__(self, judge, problem, language, source, meta):
     self.source = utf8bytes(source)
     self.language = language
     self.problem = problem
     self.judge = judge
     self.meta = ConfigNode(meta)
     self.binary = self._generate_binary()
     self.is_pretested = self.meta.pretests_only and 'pretest_test_cases' in self.problem.config
     self._terminate_grading = False
     self._current_proc = None
     self._batch_counter = 0
     self._testcase_counter = 0
Esempio n. 4
 def setUp(self):
     self.c = ConfigNode(
             'bool': True,
             'int': 1,
             'list': [0, 1, 2],
             'str': 'foo',
             'dict': {
                 'foo': 'bar',
             'dynamic1+': '5 * 2',
             'dynamic2++': 'node = {"foo": 1, "bar+": "list(range(2))"}',
Esempio n. 5
    def __init__(self, problem_id, time_limit, memory_limit, meta): = problem_id
        self.time_limit = time_limit
        self.memory_limit = memory_limit
        self.meta = ConfigNode(meta)

        # Cache root dir so that we don't need to scan all roots (potentially very slow on networked mount).
        self.root_dir = get_problem_root(problem_id)
        self.problem_data = ProblemDataManager(self.root_dir)

        # Checkers modules must be stored in a dict, for the duration of execution,
        # lest globals be deleted with the module.
        self._checkers = {}

        self.config = ProblemConfig(self.problem_data, meta)

        self.problem_data.archive = self._resolve_archive_files()
Esempio n. 6
 class InvocationCase(object):
     config = ConfigNode({'unbuffered': False})
     io_redirects = lambda: None
     input_data = lambda: input_data
Esempio n. 7
import six
import yaml

from dmoj.config import ConfigNode
from dmoj.utils.unicode import utf8text

    import ssl
except ImportError:
    ssl = None

problem_dirs = ()
problem_watches = ()
env = ConfigNode(defaults={
    'selftest_sandboxing': True,
    'runtime': {},
_root = os.path.dirname(__file__)

log_file = server_host = server_port = no_ansi = no_ansi_emu = no_watchdog = problem_regex = case_regex = None
secure = no_cert_check = False
cert_store = api_listen = None

startup_warnings = []

only_executors = set()
exclude_executors = set()

def load_env(cli=False, testsuite=False):  # pragma: no cover
Esempio n. 8
env = ConfigNode(
        'selftest_sandboxing': True,
        'selftest_time_limit': 10,  # 10 seconds
        'selftest_memory_limit': 65536,  # 64mb of RAM
        'generator_sandboxing': True,
        'generator_time_limit': 20,  # 20 seconds
        'generator_memory_limit': 524288,  # 512mb of RAM
        'compiler_time_limit': 10,  # Kill compiler after 10 seconds
        131072,  # Maximum allowable compiled file size, 128mb
        65536,  # Number of characters allowed in compile output
        'runtime': {},
        # Map of executor: [list of extra allowed file regexes], used to configure
        # the filesystem sandbox on a per-machine basis, without having to hack
        # executor source.
        'extra_fs': {},
        # List of judge URLs to ping on problem data updates (the URLs are expected
        # to host judges running with --api-host and --api-port)
        'update_pings': [],
        # Directory to use as temporary submission storage, system default
        # (e.g. /tmp) if left blank. MANDATORY on Windows.
        'tempdir': None,

        # Windows-only settings
        'inject32': None,  # Path to wbox's dmsec32.dll
        'inject64': None,  # Path to wbox's dmsec64.dll
        None,  # Name of injected DLL's entry point (e.g. InjectMain)
Esempio n. 9
problem_watches = ()
env = ConfigNode(
        'selftest_time_limit': 10,  # 10 seconds
        'selftest_memory_limit': 131072,  # 128mb of RAM
        'generator_compiler_time_limit': 30,  # 30 seconds
        'generator_time_limit': 20,  # 20 seconds
        'generator_memory_limit': 524288,  # 512mb of RAM
        'compiler_time_limit': 10,  # Kill compiler after 10 seconds
        131072,  # Maximum allowable compiled file size, 128mb
        65536,  # Number of characters allowed in compile output
        None,  # Location to store cached binaries, defaults to tempdir
        100,  # Maximum number of executables to cache (LRU order)
        'runtime': {},
        # Map of executor: [list of extra allowed file regexes], used to configure
        # the filesystem sandbox on a per-machine basis, without having to hack
        # executor source.
        'extra_fs': {},
        # List of judge URLs to ping on problem data updates (the URLs are expected
        # to host judges running with --api-host and --api-port)
        'update_pings': [],
        # Directory to use as temporary submission storage, system default
        # (e.g. /tmp) if left blank.
        'tempdir': None,
_root = os.path.dirname(__file__)
Esempio n. 10
env = ConfigNode(
        'selftest_time_limit': 10,  # 10 seconds
        'selftest_memory_limit': 131072,  # 128mb of RAM
        'generator_compiler_time_limit': 30,  # 30 seconds
        'generator_time_limit': 20,  # 20 seconds
        'generator_memory_limit': 524288,  # 512mb of RAM
        'compiler_time_limit': 10,  # Kill compiler after 10 seconds
        131072,  # Maximum allowable compiled file size, 128mb
        65536,  # Number of characters allowed in compile output
        None,  # Location to store cached binaries, defaults to tempdir
        100,  # Maximum number of executables to cache (LRU order)
        'runtime': {},
        # Map of executor: fs_config, used to configure
        # the filesystem sandbox on a per-machine basis, without having to hack
        # executor source.
        # fs_config is a list of dictionaries. Each dictionary should contain one key/value pair.
        # Three keys are possible:
        # `exact_file`, to allow a specific file
        # `exact_dir`, to allow listing files in a directory
        # `recursive_dir`, to allow everything under and including a directory
        # Example YAML:
        # extra_fs:
        #   PERL:
        #   - exact_file: /dev/dtrace/helper
        #   - exact_dir: /some/exact/directory
        #   - recursive_dir: /some/directory/and/all/children
        'extra_fs': {},
        # List of judge URLs to ping on problem data updates (the URLs are expected
        # to host judges running with --api-host and --api-port)
        'update_pings': [],
        # Directory to use as temporary submission storage, system default
        # (e.g. /tmp) if left blank.
        'tempdir': None,
        # CPU affinity (as a list of 0-indexed CPU IDs) to run submissions on
        'submission_cpu_affinity': None,