Esempio n. 1
def test_near_evaluations(R, mesh):
    # Test that we allow point evaluation that are slightly outside
    u0 = Function(R)

    offset = 0.99 * np.finfo(float).eps
    bb_tree = geometry.BoundingBoxTree(mesh, mesh.geometry.dim)
    a = mesh.geometry.x[0]

    cell_candidates = geometry.compute_collisions_point(bb_tree, a)
    cells = geometry.select_colliding_cells(mesh, cell_candidates, a, 1)
    a_shift_x = np.array([a[0] - offset, a[1], a[2]])

    cell_candidates = geometry.compute_collisions_point(bb_tree, a_shift_x)
    cells_shift_x = geometry.select_colliding_cells(mesh, cell_candidates,
                                                    a_shift_x, 1)

    assert u0.eval(a, cells)[0] == pytest.approx(
        u0.eval(a_shift_x, cells_shift_x)[0])

    a_shift_xyz = np.array([
        a[0] - offset / math.sqrt(3), a[1] - offset / math.sqrt(3),
        a[2] - offset / math.sqrt(3)
    cell_candidates = geometry.compute_collisions_point(bb_tree, a)
    cells_shift_xyz = geometry.select_colliding_cells(mesh, cell_candidates,
                                                      a_shift_xyz, 1)

    assert u0.eval(a, cells)[0] == pytest.approx(
        u0.eval(a_shift_xyz, cells_shift_xyz)[0])
Esempio n. 2
def test_midpoint_tree(N):
    Test that midpoint tree speed up compute_closest_entity
    mesh = UnitCubeMesh(MPI.COMM_WORLD, N, N, N)

    left_cells = locate_entities(mesh, mesh.topology.dim,
                                 lambda x: x[0] <= 0.4)
    tree = BoundingBoxTree(mesh, mesh.topology.dim, left_cells)
    midpoint_tree = create_midpoint_tree(mesh, mesh.topology.dim, left_cells)
    p = numpy.array([1 / 3, 2 / 3, 2])

    # Find entity closest to point in two steps
    # 1. Find closest midpoint using midpoint tree
    entity_m, distance_m = compute_closest_entity(midpoint_tree, p, mesh)

    # 2. Refine search by using exact distance query
    entity, distance = compute_closest_entity(tree, p, mesh, R=distance_m)

    # Find entity closest to point in one step
    e_r, d_r = compute_closest_entity(tree, p, mesh)

    assert entity == e_r
    assert distance == d_r
    if len(left_cells) > 0:
        assert distance < distance_m
        assert distance == -1

    p_c = numpy.array([1 / 3, 2 / 3, 1])
    entities = compute_collisions_point(tree, p_c)
    entities = select_colliding_cells(mesh, entities, p_c, len(entities))
    if len(entities) > 0:
        assert numpy.isin(e_r, entities)
Esempio n. 3
def test_compute_closest_sub_entity(dim):
    Compute distance from subset of cells in a mesh to a point inside the mesh
    ref_distance = 0.31
    p = numpy.array([0.5 + ref_distance, 0.5, 0.5])
    mesh = UnitCubeMesh(MPI.COMM_WORLD, 8, 8, 8)

    left_entities = locate_entities(mesh, dim, lambda x: x[0] <= 0.5)
    tree = BoundingBoxTree(mesh, dim, left_entities)
    entity, distance = compute_closest_entity(tree, p, mesh)
    min_distance = MPI.COMM_WORLD.allreduce(distance, op=MPI.MIN)
    assert min_distance == pytest.approx(ref_distance, 1.0e-12)

    # Find which entity is colliding with known closest point on mesh
    p_c = numpy.array([0.5, 0.5, 0.5])
    entities = compute_collisions_point(tree, p_c)

    # Refine search by checking for actual collision if the entities are
    # cells
    if dim == mesh.topology.dim:
        entities = select_colliding_cells(mesh, entities, p_c, len(entities))
    if len(entities) > 0:
        assert numpy.isin(entity, entities)
Esempio n. 4
def test_collision_2nd_order_triangle():
    points = np.array([[0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0], [0.65, 0.65],
                       [0.0, 0.5], [0.5, 0.0]])
    cells = np.array([[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]])
    cell = ufl.Cell("triangle", geometric_dimension=2)
    domain = ufl.Mesh(ufl.VectorElement("Lagrange", cell, 2))
    mesh = create_mesh(MPI.COMM_WORLD, cells, points, domain)

    # Sample points along an interior line of the domain. The last point
    # is outside the simplex made by the vertices.
    sample_points = np.array([[0.1, 0.3, 0.0], [0.2, 0.5, 0.0],
                              [0.6, 0.6, 0.0]])

    # Create boundingboxtree
    tree = geometry.BoundingBoxTree(mesh, mesh.geometry.dim)
    for point in sample_points:
        cell_candidates = geometry.compute_collisions_point(tree, point)
        colliding_cell = geometry.select_colliding_cells(
            mesh, cell_candidates, point, 1)
        assert len(colliding_cell) == 1

    # Check if there is a point on the linear approximation of the
    # curved facet
    def line_through_points(p0, p1):
        return lambda x: (p1[1] - p0[1]) / (p1[0] - p0[0]) * (x - p0[0]) + p0[1

    line_func = line_through_points(points[2], points[3])
    point = np.array([0.2, line_func(0.2), 0])
    # Point inside 2nd order geometry, outside linear approximation
    # Usefull for debugging on a later stage
    # point = np.array([0.25, 0.89320760, 0])
    distance = cpp.geometry.squared_distance(mesh, mesh.topology.dim - 1, 2,
    assert np.isclose(distance, 0)
Esempio n. 5
def test_compute_closest_entity_2d(dim):
    p = numpy.array([-1.0, -0.01, 0.0])
    mesh = UnitSquareMesh(MPI.COMM_WORLD, 15, 15)
    tree = BoundingBoxTree(mesh, dim)
    entity, distance = compute_closest_entity(tree, p, mesh)
    min_distance = MPI.COMM_WORLD.allreduce(distance, op=MPI.MIN)
    ref_distance = numpy.sqrt(p[0]**2 + p[1]**2)
    assert min_distance == pytest.approx(ref_distance, 1.0e-12)

    # Find which entity is colliding with known closest point on mesh
    p_c = numpy.array([0, 0, 0])
    entities = compute_collisions_point(tree, p_c)

    # Refine search by checking for actual collision if the entities are
    # cells
    # NOTE: Could be done for all entities if we generalize
    # select_colliding_cells to select_colliding_entities
    if dim == mesh.topology.dim:
        entities = select_colliding_cells(mesh, entities, p_c, len(entities))

    if len(entities) > 0:
        assert numpy.isin(entity, entities)
Esempio n. 6
def test_compute_closest_entity_3d(dim):
    ref_distance = 0.135
    p = numpy.array([0.9, 0, 1 + ref_distance])
    mesh = UnitCubeMesh(MPI.COMM_WORLD, 8, 8, 8)

    tree = BoundingBoxTree(mesh, dim)
    entity, distance = compute_closest_entity(tree, p, mesh)
    min_distance = MPI.COMM_WORLD.allreduce(distance, op=MPI.MIN)
    assert min_distance == pytest.approx(ref_distance, 1.0e-12)

    # Find which entity is colliding with known closest point on mesh
    p_c = numpy.array([0.9, 0, 1])
    entities = compute_collisions_point(tree, p_c)

    # Refine search by checking for actual collision if the entities are
    # cells
    # NOTE: Could be done for all entities if we generalize
    # select_colliding_cells to select_colliding_entities
    if dim == mesh.topology.dim:
        entities = select_colliding_cells(mesh, entities, p_c, len(entities))

    if len(entities) > 0:
        assert numpy.isin(entity, entities)
Esempio n. 7
        df.value = 0.0

    fecoda.main.solve_displ_system(J[0], F[0], intern_var0, intern_var1,
                                   expr_compiled, w0, w1, bcs_displ, df, dt, t,

    fecoda.main.post_update(expr_compiled, intern_var0, intern_var1, w0, w1)
    fecoda.main.copyout_state(w0, w1, intern_var0, intern_var1)

    force.value += df.value

    bb_tree = BoundingBoxTree(mesh, 3)
    p = numpy.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.3], dtype=numpy.float64)
    cell_candidates = compute_collisions_point(bb_tree, p)
    cell = select_colliding_cells(mesh, cell_candidates, p, 1)

    interpolate(ufl.sym(ufl.grad(w1["displ"])), strain)

    if len(cell) > 0:
        value = strain.eval(p, cell)
        value = value[-1]
        value = None
    values = comm.gather(value, root=0)

    if rank == 0:
        value = [x for x in values if x is not None][0]
        compl = value * -1.0e+6 / args.sigma
        log["times"].append(float(t.value) - tp - fecoda.mps.t_begin)