Esempio n. 1
 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     self.registry = ComponentRegistry()
     self.api_version = kwargs.pop('api_version', None)
     self.inspector = None
     super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
Esempio n. 2
class SchemaGenerator(BaseSchemaGenerator):
    endpoint_inspector_cls = EndpointEnumerator

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.registry = ComponentRegistry()
        self.api_version = kwargs.pop('api_version', None)
        self.inspector = None
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def create_view(self, callback, method, request=None):
        customized create_view which is called when all routes are traversed. part of this
        is instantiating views with default params. in case of custom routes (@action) the
        custom AutoSchema is injected properly through 'initkwargs' on view. However, when
        decorating plain views like retrieve, this initialization logic is not running.
        Therefore forcefully set the schema if @extend_schema decorator was used.
        override_view = OpenApiViewExtension.get_match(callback.cls)
        if override_view:
            original_cls = callback.cls
            callback.cls = override_view.view_replacement()

        view = super().create_view(callback, method, request)

        # drf-yasg compatibility feature. makes the view aware that we are running
        # schema generation and not a real request.
        view.swagger_fake_view = True

        # callback.cls is hosted in urlpatterns and is therefore not an ephemeral modification.
        # restore after view creation so potential revisits have a clean state as basis.
        if override_view:
            callback.cls = original_cls

        if isinstance(view, viewsets.ViewSetMixin):
            action = getattr(view, view.action)
        elif isinstance(view, views.APIView):
            action = getattr(view, method.lower())
                'Using not supported View class. Class must be derived from APIView '
                'or any of its subclasses like GenericApiView, GenericViewSet.'
            return view

        action_schema = getattr(action, 'kwargs', {}).get('schema', None)
        if not action_schema:
            # there is no method/action customized schema so we are done here.
            return view

        # action_schema is either a class or instance. when @extend_schema is used, it
        # is always a class to prevent the weakref reverse "schema.view" bug for multi
        # annotations. The bug is prevented by delaying the instantiation of the schema
        # class until create_view (here) and not doing it immediately in @extend_schema.
        action_schema_class = get_class(action_schema)
        view_schema_class = get_class(callback.cls.schema)

        if not issubclass(action_schema_class, view_schema_class):
            # this handles the case of having a manually set custom AutoSchema on the
            # view together with extend_schema. In most cases, the decorator mechanics
            # prevent extend_schema from having access to the view's schema class. So
            # extend_schema is forced to use DEFAULT_SCHEMA_CLASS as fallback base class
            # instead of the correct base class set in view. We remedy this chicken-egg
            # problem here by rearranging the class hierarchy.
            mro = tuple(cls for cls in action_schema_class.__mro__
                        if cls not in api_settings.DEFAULT_SCHEMA_CLASS.__mro__
                        ) + view_schema_class.__mro__
            action_schema_class = type('ExtendedRearrangedSchema', mro, {})

        view.schema = action_schema_class()
        return view

    def _initialise_endpoints(self):
        if self.endpoints is None:
            self.inspector = self.endpoint_inspector_cls(
                self.patterns, self.urlconf)
            self.endpoints = self.inspector.get_api_endpoints()

    def _get_paths_and_endpoints(self, request):
        Generate (path, method, view) given (path, method, callback) for paths.
        view_endpoints = []
        for path, path_regex, method, callback in self.endpoints:
            view = self.create_view(callback, method, request)
            path = self.coerce_path(path, method, view)
            view_endpoints.append((path, path_regex, method, view))

        return view_endpoints

    def parse(self, input_request, public):
        """ Iterate endpoints generating per method path operations. """
        result = {}
        endpoints = self._get_paths_and_endpoints(
            None if public else input_request)

        if spectacular_settings.SCHEMA_PATH_PREFIX is None:
            # estimate common path prefix if none was given. only use it if we encountered more
            # than one view to prevent emission of erroneous and unnecessary fallback names.
            non_trivial_prefix = len(
                set([view.__class__ for _, _, _, view in endpoints])) > 1
            if non_trivial_prefix:
                path_prefix = os.path.commonpath(
                    [path for path, _, _, _ in endpoints])
                path_prefix = '/'
            path_prefix = spectacular_settings.SCHEMA_PATH_PREFIX
        if not path_prefix.startswith('^'):
            path_prefix = '^' + path_prefix  # make sure regex only matches from the start

        for path, path_regex, method, view in endpoints:
            if not self.has_view_permissions(path, method, view):

            if input_request:
                request = input_request
                # mocked request to allow certain operations in get_queryset and get_serializer[_class]
                # without exceptions being raised due to no request.
                request = spectacular_settings.GET_MOCK_REQUEST(
                    method, path, view, input_request)

            view.request = request

            if view.versioning_class and not is_versioning_supported(
                    f'using unsupported versioning class "{view.versioning_class}". view will be '
                    f'processed as unversioned view.')
            elif view.versioning_class:
                version = (
                    self.api_version  # generator was explicitly versioned
                    or getattr(request, 'version',
                               None)  # incoming request was versioned
                    or view.versioning_class.default_version  # fallback
                if not version:
                path = modify_for_versioning(self.inspector.patterns, method,
                                             path, view, version)
                if not operation_matches_version(view, version):

            assert isinstance(view.schema, AutoSchema), (
                f'Incompatible AutoSchema used on View {view.__class__}. Is DRF\'s '
                f'DEFAULT_SCHEMA_CLASS pointing to "drf_spectacular.openapi.AutoSchema" '
                f'or any other drf-spectacular compatible AutoSchema?')
            with add_trace_message(getattr(view, '__class__', view).__name__):
                operation = view.schema.get_operation(path, path_regex,
                                                      path_prefix, method,

            # operation was manually removed via @extend_schema
            if not operation:

            if spectacular_settings.SCHEMA_PATH_PREFIX_TRIM:
                path = re.sub(pattern=path_prefix,

            if not path.startswith('/'):
                path = '/' + path

            if spectacular_settings.CAMELIZE_NAMES:
                path, operation = camelize_operation(path, operation)

            result.setdefault(path, {})
            result[path][method.lower()] = operation

        return result

    def get_schema(self, request=None, public=False):
        """ Generate a OpenAPI schema. """
        result = build_root_object(
            paths=self.parse(request, public),
            version=self.api_version or getattr(request, 'version', None),
        for hook in spectacular_settings.POSTPROCESSING_HOOKS:
            result = hook(result=result,

        return sanitize_result_object(normalize_result_object(result))
Esempio n. 3
 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     self.registry = ComponentRegistry()
     super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
Esempio n. 4
class SchemaGenerator(BaseSchemaGenerator):
    endpoint_inspector_cls = EndpointEnumerator

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.registry = ComponentRegistry()
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def create_view(self, callback, method, request=None):
        customized create_view which is called when all routes are traversed. part of this
        is instantiating views with default params. in case of custom routes (@action) the
        custom AutoSchema is injected properly through 'initkwargs' on view. However, when
        decorating plain views like retrieve, this initialization logic is not running.
        Therefore forcefully set the schema if @extend_schema decorator was used.
        override_view = OpenApiViewExtension.get_match(callback.cls)
        if override_view:
            callback.cls = override_view.view_replacement()

        view = super().create_view(callback, method, request)

        if isinstance(view, viewsets.GenericViewSet) or isinstance(
                view, viewsets.ViewSet):
            action = getattr(view, view.action)
        elif isinstance(view, views.APIView):
            action = getattr(view, method.lower())
                'Using not supported View class. Class must be derived from APIView '
                'or any of its subclasses like GenericApiView, GenericViewSet.'
            return view

        # in case of @extend_schema, manually init custom schema class here due to
        # weakref reverse schema.view bug for multi annotations.
        schema = getattr(action, 'kwargs', {}).get('schema', None)
        if schema and inspect.isclass(schema):
            view.schema = schema()

        return view

    def _get_paths_and_endpoints(self, request):
        Generate (path, method, view) given (path, method, callback) for paths.
        view_endpoints = []
        for path, path_regex, method, callback in self.endpoints:
            view = self.create_view(callback, method, request)
            path = self.coerce_path(path, method, view)
            view_endpoints.append((path, path_regex, method, view))

        return view_endpoints

    def parse(self, request=None):
        """ Iterate endpoints generating per method path operations. """
        result = {}

        for path, path_regex, method, view in self._get_paths_and_endpoints(
            if not self.has_view_permissions(path, method, view):

            # beware that every access to schema yields a fresh object (descriptor pattern)
            operation = view.schema.get_operation(path, path_regex, method,

            # operation was manually removed via @extend_schema
            if not operation:

            # Normalise path for any provided mount url.
            if path.startswith('/'):
                path = path[1:]
            path = urljoin(self.url or '/', path)

            result.setdefault(path, {})
            result[path][method.lower()] = operation

        return result

    def get_schema(self, request=None, public=False):
        """ Generate a OpenAPI schema. """
        return build_root_object(
            paths=self.parse(None if public else request),
Esempio n. 5
class SchemaGenerator(BaseSchemaGenerator):
    endpoint_inspector_cls = EndpointEnumerator

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.registry = ComponentRegistry()
        self.api_version = kwargs.pop('api_version', None)
        self.inspector = None
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def create_view(self, callback, method, request=None):
        customized create_view which is called when all routes are traversed. part of this
        is instantiating views with default params. in case of custom routes (@action) the
        custom AutoSchema is injected properly through 'initkwargs' on view. However, when
        decorating plain views like retrieve, this initialization logic is not running.
        Therefore forcefully set the schema if @extend_schema decorator was used.
        override_view = OpenApiViewExtension.get_match(callback.cls)
        if override_view:
            original_cls = callback.cls
            callback.cls = override_view.view_replacement()

        view = super().create_view(callback, method, request)

        if override_view:
            callback.cls = original_cls

        if isinstance(view, viewsets.ViewSetMixin):
            action = getattr(view, view.action)
        elif isinstance(view, views.APIView):
            action = getattr(view, method.lower())
                'Using not supported View class. Class must be derived from APIView '
                'or any of its subclasses like GenericApiView, GenericViewSet.'
            return view

        # in case of @extend_schema, manually init custom schema class here due to
        # weakref reverse schema.view bug for multi annotations.
        schema = getattr(action, 'kwargs', {}).get('schema', None)
        if schema and inspect.isclass(schema):
            view.schema = schema()

        return view

    def _initialise_endpoints(self):
        if self.endpoints is None:
            self.inspector = self.endpoint_inspector_cls(
                self.patterns, self.urlconf)
            self.endpoints = self.inspector.get_api_endpoints()

    def _get_paths_and_endpoints(self, request):
        Generate (path, method, view) given (path, method, callback) for paths.
        view_endpoints = []
        for path, path_regex, method, callback in self.endpoints:
            view = self.create_view(callback, method, request)
            path = self.coerce_path(path, method, view)
            view_endpoints.append((path, path_regex, method, view))

        return view_endpoints

    def parse(self, request, public):
        """ Iterate endpoints generating per method path operations. """
        result = {}

        for path, path_regex, method, view in self._get_paths_and_endpoints(
                None if public else request):
            if not self.has_view_permissions(path, method, view):

            # mocked request to allow certain operations in get_queryset and get_serializer[_class]
            # without exceptions being raised due to no request.
            if not request:
                request = spectacular_settings.GET_MOCK_REQUEST(
                    method, path, view, request)

            view.request = request

            if view.versioning_class and not is_versioning_supported(
                    f'using unsupported versioning class "{view.versioning_class}". view will be '
                    f'processed as unversioned view.')
            elif view.versioning_class:
                version = (
                    self.api_version  # generator was explicitly versioned
                    or getattr(request, 'version',
                               None)  # incoming request was versioned
                    or view.versioning_class.default_version  # fallback
                if not version:
                path = modify_for_versioning(self.inspector.patterns, method,
                                             path, view, version)
                if not operation_matches_version(view, version):

            assert isinstance(view.schema, AutoSchema), (
                'Incompatible AutoSchema used on View. Is DRF\'s DEFAULT_SCHEMA_CLASS '
                'pointing to "drf_spectacular.openapi.AutoSchema" or any other drf-spectacular '
                'compatible AutoSchema?')
            operation = view.schema.get_operation(path, path_regex, method,

            # operation was manually removed via @extend_schema
            if not operation:

            # Normalise path for any provided mount url.
            if path.startswith('/'):
                path = path[1:]
            path = urljoin(self.url or '/', path)

            if spectacular_settings.CAMELIZE_NAMES:
                path, operation = camelize_operation(path, operation)

            result.setdefault(path, {})
            result[path][method.lower()] = operation

        return result

    def get_schema(self, request=None, public=False):
        """ Generate a OpenAPI schema. """
        result = build_root_object(
            paths=self.parse(request, public),
        for hook in spectacular_settings.POSTPROCESSING_HOOKS:
            result = hook(result=result,

        return sanitize_result_object(normalize_result_object(result))
Esempio n. 6
class SchemaGenerator(BaseSchemaGenerator):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.registry = ComponentRegistry()
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def create_view(self, callback, method, request=None):
        customized create_view which is called when all routes are traversed. part of this
        is instatiating views with default params. in case of custom routes (@action) the
        custom AutoSchema is injected properly through 'initkwargs' on view. However, when
        decorating plain views like retrieve, this initialization logic is not running.
        Therefore forcefully set the schema if @extend_schema decorator was used.
        view = super().create_view(callback, method, request)

        if isinstance(view, viewsets.GenericViewSet) or isinstance(
                view, viewsets.ViewSet):
            action = getattr(view, view.action)
        elif isinstance(view, views.APIView):
            action = getattr(view, method.lower())
                'Using not supported View class. Class must be derived from APIView '
                'or any of its subclasses like GenericApiView, GenericViewSet.'
            return view

        if hasattr(action, 'kwargs') and 'schema' in action.kwargs:
            # might already be properly set in case of @action but overwrite for all cases
            view.schema = action.kwargs['schema']

        return view

    def get_endpoints(self, request):
        """ sorted endpoints by operation """
        _, endpoints = self._get_paths_and_endpoints(request)

        if spectacular_settings.OPERATION_SORTER == 'alpha':
            return sorted(endpoints, key=alpha_operation_sorter)
            # default to DRF method sorting
            return endpoints

    def parse(self, request=None):
        """ Iterate endpoints generating per method path operations. """
        result = {}

        for path, method, view in self.get_endpoints(request):
            if not self.has_view_permissions(path, method, view):

            # beware that every access to schema yields a fresh object (descriptor pattern)
            operation = view.schema.get_operation(path, method, self.registry)

            # operation was manually removed via @extend_schema
            if not operation:

            # Normalise path for any provided mount url.
            if path.startswith('/'):
                path = path[1:]
            path = urljoin(self.url or '/', path)

            result.setdefault(path, {})
            result[path][method.lower()] = operation

        return result

    def get_schema(self, request=None, public=False):
        """ Generate a OpenAPI schema. """
        return build_root_object(
            paths=self.parse(None if public else request),