Esempio n. 1
    def test_squash_simple(self):
        """Test toolchain filter"""
        tc_first = {'version': '10', 'name': self.tc_first}
        tc_last = {'version': '100', 'name': self.tc_last}

        tc_tmpl = '%(name)s == %(version)s'

        default_version = '1.0'
        all_versions = [default_version, '0.0', '1.0']
        txt = [
            'versions = %s' % ', '.join(all_versions),
            'toolchains = %s,%s' % (tc_tmpl % tc_first, tc_tmpl % tc_last),
        co = ConfigObj(txt)
        cov = EBConfigObj(co)
        found_tcs = [tmptc.as_dict() for tmptc in cov.sections['toolchains']]

        self.assertEqual(found_tcs, [tc_first, tc_last])

        for tc in [tc_first, tc_last]:
            for version in all_versions:
                co = ConfigObj(txt)
                cov = EBConfigObj(co)
                res = cov.squash(version, tc['name'], tc['version'])
                self.assertEqual(res, {})  # very simple
Esempio n. 2
    def test_squash_simple(self):
        """Test toolchain filter"""
        tc_first = {'version': '10', 'name': self.tc_first}
        tc_last = {'version': '100', 'name': self.tc_last}

        tc_tmpl = '%(name)s == %(version)s'

        default_version = '1.0'
        all_versions = [default_version, '0.0', '1.0']
        txt = [
            'versions = %s' % ', '.join(all_versions),
            'toolchains = %s,%s' % (tc_tmpl % tc_first, tc_tmpl % tc_last),
        co = ConfigObj(txt)
        cov = EBConfigObj(co)
        found_tcs = [tmptc.as_dict() for tmptc in cov.sections['toolchains']]

        self.assertEqual(found_tcs, [tc_first, tc_last])

        for tc in [tc_first, tc_last]:
            for version in all_versions:
                co = ConfigObj(txt)
                cov = EBConfigObj(co)
                res = cov.squash(version, tc['name'], tc['version'])
                self.assertEqual(res, {})  # very simple
Esempio n. 3
    def test_toolchain_squash_nested(self):
        """Test toolchain filter on nested sections"""
        tc_first = {'version': '10', 'name': self.tc_first}
        tc_last = {'version': '100', 'name': self.tc_last}

        tc_tmpl = '%(name)s == %(version)s'
        tc_section_first = tc_tmpl % tc_first
        tc_section_last = tc_tmpl % tc_last

        txt = [
            'versions = 1.0, 0.0, 1.1, 1.6, 2.1',
            'toolchains = %s,%s' % (tc_section_first, tc_tmpl % tc_last),
            '[> 1.0]',
            'x = 1',
            '[[>= 1.5]]',
            'x = 2',
            '[[[%s]]]' % tc_section_first,
            '[[>= 1.6]]',
            '[> 2.0]',
            'x = 3',
            '[%s]' % tc_section_first,

        # tests
        tests = [
            (tc_last, '1.0', {'y':'a'}),
            (tc_last, '1.1', {'y':'b', 'x':'1'}),
            (tc_last, '1.5', {}),  # not a supported version
            (tc_last, '1.6', {'y':'c', 'x':'2', 'z':'3'}),  # nested
            (tc_last, '2.1', {'y':'d', 'x':'3', 'z':'3'}),  # values from most precise versop

            (tc_first, '1.0', {'y':'z1'}),  # toolchain section, not default
            (tc_first, '1.1', {'y':'b', 'x':'1'}),  # the version section precedes the toolchain section
            (tc_first, '1.5', {}),  # not a supported version
            (tc_first, '1.6', {'y':'z2', 'x':'2', 'z':'3'}),  # nested
            (tc_first, '2.1', {'y':'d', 'x':'3', 'z':'3'}),  # values from most precise versop
        for tc, version, res in tests:
            co = ConfigObj(txt)
            cov = EBConfigObj(co)
            squashed = cov.squash(version, tc['name'], tc['version'])
            self.assertEqual(squashed, res, 'Test for tc %s version %s' % (tc, version))
Esempio n. 4
    def test_toolchain_squash_nested(self):
        """Test toolchain filter on nested sections"""
        tc_first = {'version': '10', 'name': self.tc_first}
        tc_last = {'version': '100', 'name': self.tc_last}

        tc_tmpl = '%(name)s == %(version)s'
        tc_section_first = tc_tmpl % tc_first
        tc_section_last = tc_tmpl % tc_last

        txt = [
            'versions = 1.0, 0.0, 1.1, 1.6, 2.1',
            'toolchains = %s,%s' % (tc_section_first, tc_tmpl % tc_last),
            '[> 1.0]',
            'x = 1',
            '[[>= 1.5]]',
            'x = 2',
            '[[[%s]]]' % tc_section_first,
            '[[>= 1.6]]',
            '[> 2.0]',
            'x = 3',
            '[%s]' % tc_section_first,

        # tests
        tests = [
            (tc_last, '1.0', {'y':'a'}),
            (tc_last, '1.1', {'y':'b', 'x':'1'}),
            (tc_last, '1.5', {}),  # not a supported version
            (tc_last, '1.6', {'y':'c', 'x':'2', 'z':'3'}),  # nested
            (tc_last, '2.1', {'y':'d', 'x':'3', 'z':'3'}),  # values from most precise versop

            (tc_first, '1.0', {'y':'z1'}),  # toolchain section, not default
            (tc_first, '1.1', {'y':'b', 'x':'1'}),  # the version section precedes the toolchain section
            (tc_first, '1.5', {}),  # not a supported version
            (tc_first, '1.6', {'y':'z2', 'x':'2', 'z':'3'}),  # nested
            (tc_first, '2.1', {'y':'d', 'x':'3', 'z':'3'}),  # values from most precise versop
        for tc, version, res in tests:
            co = ConfigObj(txt)
            cov = EBConfigObj(co)
            squashed = cov.squash(version, tc['name'], tc['version'])
            self.assertEqual(squashed, res, 'Test for tc %s version %s' % (tc, version))
Esempio n. 5
    def get_config_dict(self):
        """Return the best matching easyconfig dict"""

        # the toolchain name/version should not be specified in the pyheader,
        # but other toolchain options are allowed

        cfg = copy.deepcopy(self.pyheader_localvars)
        self.log.debug("Config dict based on Python header: %s" % cfg)

        co = EBConfigObj(self.configobj)

        version = self.specs.get('version', None)
        tc_spec = self.specs.get('toolchain', {})
        toolchain_name = tc_spec.get('name', None)
        toolchain_version = tc_spec.get('version', None)

        # parse and interpret, dealing with defaults etc
        version, tcname, tcversion = co.get_version_toolchain(
            version, toolchain_name, toolchain_version)

        # format 2.0 will squash
        self.log.debug('Squashing with version %s and toolchain %s' %
                       (version, (tcname, tcversion)))
        res = co.squash(version, tcname, tcversion)

            "Config dict after processing applicable easyconfig sections: %s" %
        # FIXME what about updating dict values/appending to list values?
        # FIXME how do we allow both redefining and updating? = and +=?

        # update config with correct version/toolchain (to avoid using values specified in default section)
            'version': version,
            'toolchain': {
                'name': tcname,
                'version': tcversion

            "Final config dict (including correct version/toolchain): %s" %
        return cfg
Esempio n. 6
    def get_config_dict(self):
        """Return the best matching easyconfig dict"""

        # the toolchain name/version should not be specified in the pyheader,
        # but other toolchain options are allowed

        cfg = copy.deepcopy(self.pyheader_localvars)
        self.log.debug("Config dict based on Python header: %s" % cfg)

        co = EBConfigObj(self.configobj)

        version = self.specs.get('version', None)
        tc_spec = self.specs.get('toolchain', {})
        toolchain_name = tc_spec.get('name', None)
        toolchain_version = tc_spec.get('version', None)

        # parse and interpret, dealing with defaults etc
        version, tcname, tcversion = co.get_version_toolchain(version, toolchain_name, toolchain_version)

        # format 2.0 will squash
        self.log.debug('Squashing with version %s and toolchain %s' % (version, (tcname, tcversion)))
        res = co.squash(version, tcname, tcversion)

        self.log.debug("Config dict after processing applicable easyconfig sections: %s" % cfg)
        # FIXME what about updating dict values/appending to list values?
        # FIXME how do we allow both redefining and updating? = and +=?

        # update config with correct version/toolchain (to avoid using values specified in default section)
            'version': version,
            'toolchain': {'name': tcname, 'version': tcversion},

        self.log.debug("Final config dict (including correct version/toolchain): %s" % cfg)
        return cfg