Esempio n. 1
def calc_offset_upos(pattern, offset_array, offset_det, site, area, U):
	"""Compute how the detectors are offset from the array midpoint
	in unskewd pixel units. All angles are in radians."""
	ref_hor = np.array([pattern[0],np.mean(pattern[1:3])]) + offset_array
	det_hor = ref_hor[:,None] + offset_det.T
	# Transform to celestial coordinates
	ref_cel = coordinates.transform("hor","cel", ref_hor[::-1], time=ref_time, site=site)[::-1]
	det_cel = coordinates.transform("hor","cel", det_hor[::-1], time=ref_time, site=site)[::-1]
	# RA is ambiguous because we don't know the time properly
	ra0 = np.mean(,0)[1]
	det_cel[1] += ra0 - ref_cel[1]
	ref_cel[1]  = ra0
	# And convert into pixels
	ref_pix = area.sky2pix(ref_cel)
	det_pix = area.sky2pix(det_cel)
	# Unskew these to get pixels in the coordinate system
	# the noise model lives in
	ref_upix = U.apply_pix(ref_pix)
	det_upix = U.apply_pix(det_pix)
	# And express that as positions in this new coordinate system
	ref_upos = enmap.pix2sky(U.ushape, U.uwcs, ref_upix)
	det_upos = enmap.pix2sky(U.ushape, U.uwcs, det_upix)
	# And finally record the offset of each detector from the reference point
	offset_upos = det_upos - ref_upos[:,None]
	return offset_upos
Esempio n. 2
def calc_offset_upos(pattern, offset_array, offset_det, site, area, U):
    """Compute how the detectors are offset from the array midpoint
	in unskewd pixel units. All angles are in radians."""
    ref_hor = np.array([pattern[0], np.mean(pattern[1:3])]) + offset_array
    det_hor = ref_hor[:, None] + offset_det.T
    # Transform to celestial coordinates
    ref_cel = coordinates.transform("hor",
    det_cel = coordinates.transform("hor",
    # RA is ambiguous because we don't know the time properly
    ra0 = np.mean(, 0)[1]
    det_cel[1] += ra0 - ref_cel[1]
    ref_cel[1] = ra0
    # And convert into pixels
    ref_pix = area.sky2pix(ref_cel)
    det_pix = area.sky2pix(det_cel)
    # Unskew these to get pixels in the coordinate system
    # the noise model lives in
    ref_upix = U.apply_pix(ref_pix)
    det_upix = U.apply_pix(det_pix)
    # And express that as positions in this new coordinate system
    ref_upos = enmap.pix2sky(U.ushape, U.uwcs, ref_upix)
    det_upos = enmap.pix2sky(U.ushape, U.uwcs, det_upix)
    # And finally record the offset of each detector from the reference point
    offset_upos = det_upos - ref_upos[:, None]
    return offset_upos
Esempio n. 3
def make_projectable_map_cyl(map, verbose=False):
    """Given an enmap in a cylindrical projection, return a map with
	the same pixelization, but extended to cover a whole band in phi
	around the sky. Also returns the slice required to recover the
	input map from the output map."""
    # First check if we need flipping. Sharp wants theta,phi increasing,
    # which means dec decreasing and ra increasing.
    flipx = map.wcs.wcs.cdelt[0] < 0
    flipy = map.wcs.wcs.cdelt[1] > 0
    if flipx: map = map[..., :, ::-1]
    if flipy: map = map[..., ::-1, :]
    # Then check if the map satisfies the lat-ring requirements
    ny, nx = map.shape[-2:]
    vy, vx = enmap.pix2sky(map.shape, map.wcs, [np.arange(ny), np.zeros(ny)])
    hy, hx = enmap.pix2sky(map.shape, map.wcs, [np.zeros(nx), np.arange(nx)])
    dx = hx[1:] - hx[:-1]
    dx = dx[np.isfinite(dx)]  # Handle overextended coordinates

    if not np.allclose(dx, dx[0]):
        raise ShapeError("Map must have constant phi spacing")
    nphi = utils.nint(2 * np.pi / dx[0])
    if not np.allclose(2 * np.pi / nphi, dx[0]):
        raise ShapeError("Pixels must evenly circumference")
    if not np.allclose(vx, vx[0]):
        raise ShapeError(
            "Different phi0 per row indicates non-cylindrical enmap")
    phi0 = vx[0]
    # Make a map with the same geometry covering a whole band around the sky
    # We can do this simply by extending it in the positive pixel dimension.
    oshape = map.shape[:-1] + (nphi, )
    owcs = map.wcs
    # Our input map could in theory cover multiple copies of the sky, which
    # would require us to copy out multiple slices.
    nslice = (nx + nphi - 1) // nphi
    islice, oslice = [], []

    def negnone(x):
        return x if x >= 0 else None

    for i in range(nslice):
        # i1:i2 is the range of pixels in the original map to use
        i1, i2 = i * nphi, min((i + 1) * nphi, nx)
        islice.append((Ellipsis, slice(i1, i2)))
        # yslice and xslice give the range of pixels in our temporary map to use.
        # This is 0:(i2-i1) if we're not flipping, but if we flip we count from
        # the opposite direction: nx-1:nx-1-(i2-i1):-1
        yslice = slice(-1, None, -1) if flipy else slice(None)
        xslice = slice(nx - 1, negnone(nx - 1 - (i2 - i1)),
                       -1) if flipx else slice(0, i2 - i1)
        oslice.append((Ellipsis, yslice, xslice))
    if verbose:
        print "Allocating shape %s dtype %s intermediate map" % (
            str(oshape), np.dtype(map.dtype).char)
    return enmap.empty(oshape, owcs, dtype=map.dtype), islice, oslice
Esempio n. 4
def get_rotated_pixels(shape_source,
    """ Given a source geometry (shape_source,wcs_source)
    return the pixel positions in the target geometry (shape_target,wcs_target)
    if the source geometry were rotated such that its center lies on the center
    of the target geometry.

    WARNING: Only currently tested for a rotation along declination from one CAR
    geometry to another CAR geometry.

    from enlib import coordinates

    # what are the center coordinates of each geometris
    center_source = enmap.pix2sky(shape_source, wcs_source,
                                  (shape_source[0] / 2., shape_source[1] / 2.))
    center_target = enmap.pix2sky(shape_target, wcs_target,
                                  (shape_target[0] / 2., shape_target[1] / 2.))
    decs, ras = center_source
    dect, rat = center_target

    # what are the angle coordinates of each pixel in the target geometry
    pos_target = enmap.posmap(shape_target, wcs_target)
    lra = pos_target[1, :, :].ravel()
    ldec = pos_target[0, :, :].ravel()
    del pos_target

    # recenter the angle coordinates of the target from the target center to the source center
    if inverse:
        newcoord = coordinates.decenter((lra, ldec), (rat, dect, ras, decs))
        newcoord = coordinates.recenter((lra, ldec), (rat, dect, ras, decs))
    del lra
    del ldec

    # reshape these new coordinates into enmap-friendly form
    new_pos = np.empty((2, shape_target[0], shape_target[1]))
    new_pos[0, :, :] = newcoord[1, :].reshape(shape_target)
    new_pos[1, :, :] = newcoord[0, :].reshape(shape_target)
    del newcoord

    # translate these new coordinates to pixel positions in the target geometry based on the source's wcs
    pix_new = enmap.sky2pix(shape_source, wcs_source, new_pos)

    return pix_new
Esempio n. 5
    def __init__(self,
                 pad=2.0 *
        """This unskew operation assumes that equal spacing in
		dec corresponds to equal spacing in time, and that shifts in
		RA can be done in units of whole pixels. This is an approximation
		relative to UnskewCurved, but it is several times faster, uses
		less memory, and causes less smoothing."""
        ndec, nra = shape[-2:]
        info = calc_az_sweep(pattern, offset, site, pad=pad)
        sweep_ra, sweep_dec = info.sweep_cel
        # For each pixel in dec (that we hit for this scanning pattern), we
        # want to know how far we have been displaced in ra.
        # First get the dec of each pixel center.
        ysweep, xsweep = enmap.sky2pix(shape, wcs, [sweep_dec, sweep_ra])
        y1 = max(int(np.min(ysweep)), 0)
        y2 = min(int(np.max(ysweep)) + 1, shape[-2])
        # Make fft-friendly
        ny = y2 - y1
        ny2 = fft.fft_len(ny, "above", [2, 3, 5, 7])
        y1 = max(y1 - (ny2 - ny) / 2, 0)
        y2 = min(y1 + ny2, shape[-2])
        y = np.arange(y1, y2)
        dec, _ = enmap.pix2sky(shape, wcs, [y, y * 0])
        # Then interpolate the ra values corresponding to those decs.
        # InterpolatedUnivariateSpline broken. Returns nan even when
        # interpolating. So we will use UnivariateSpline
        spline = scipy.interpolate.UnivariateSpline(sweep_dec, sweep_ra)
        ra = spline(dec)
        dra = ra - ra[len(ra) / 2]
        y, x = np.round(enmap.sky2pix(shape, wcs, [dec, ra]))
        dx = x - x[len(x) / 2]
        # It's also useful to be able to go from normal map index to
        # position in y and dx
        inv_y = np.zeros(shape[-2], dtype=int) - 1
        inv_y[y.astype(int)] = np.arange(len(y))
        # Compute the azimuth step size based on the total azimuth sweep.
        daz = (pattern[2] - pattern[1] + 2 * pad) / len(y)
        # Build the geometry of the unskewed system
        ushape, uwcs = enmap.geometry(pos=[0, 0],
                                      shape=[len(y), shape[-1]],
                                           enmap.pixshape(shape, wcs)[1]],
        # And store the result
        self.y = y.astype(int)
        self.dx = np.round(dx).astype(int)
        self.dx_raw = dx
        self.inv_y = inv_y
        self.ushape = ushape
        self.uwcs = uwcs
Esempio n. 6
	def __init__(self, shape, wcs, pattern, offset, site, pad=2.0*
		"""This unskew operation assumes that equal spacing in
		dec corresponds to equal spacing in time, and that shifts in
		RA can be done in units of whole pixels. This is an approximation
		relative to UnskewCurved, but it is several times faster, uses
		less memory, and causes less smoothing."""
		ndec, nra = shape[-2:]
		info = calc_az_sweep(pattern, offset, site, pad=pad)
		sweep_ra, sweep_dec = info.sweep_cel
		# For each pixel in dec (that we hit for this scanning pattern), we
		# want to know how far we have been displaced in ra.
		# First get the dec of each pixel center.
		ysweep, xsweep = enmap.sky2pix(shape, wcs, [sweep_dec,sweep_ra])
		y1  = max(int(np.min(ysweep)),0)
		y2  = min(int(np.max(ysweep))+1,shape[-2])
		# Make fft-friendly
		ny  = y2-y1
		ny2 = fft.fft_len(ny, "above", [2,3,5,7])
		y1  = max(y1-(ny2-ny)/2,0)
		y2  = min(y1+ny2,shape[-2])
		y   = np.arange(y1,y2)
		dec, _ = enmap.pix2sky(shape, wcs, [y,y*0])
		# Then interpolate the ra values corresponding to those decs.
		# InterpolatedUnivariateSpline broken. Returns nan even when
		# interpolating. So we will use UnivariateSpline
		spline  = scipy.interpolate.UnivariateSpline(sweep_dec, sweep_ra)
		ra      = spline(dec)
		dra     = ra - ra[len(ra)/2]
		y, x    = np.round(enmap.sky2pix(shape, wcs, [dec,ra]))
		dx      = x-x[len(x)/2]
		# It's also useful to be able to go from normal map index to
		# position in y and dx
		inv_y   = np.zeros(shape[-2],dtype=int)-1
		inv_y[y.astype(int)]= np.arange(len(y))
		# Compute the azimuth step size based on the total azimuth sweep.
		daz = (pattern[2]-pattern[1]+2*pad)/len(y)
		# Build the geometry of the unskewed system
		ushape, uwcs = enmap.geometry(pos=[0,0], shape=[len(y),shape[-1]], res=[daz,enmap.pixshape(shape,wcs)[1]], proj="car")
		# And store the result
		self.y  = y.astype(int)
		self.dx = np.round(dx).astype(int)
		self.dx_raw = dx
		self.inv_y  = inv_y
		self.ushape = ushape
		self.uwcs   = uwcs
Esempio n. 7
    def __init__(self, shape, wcs, hp_coords="galactic"):
	shape -- 2-tuple (Ny,Nx)
	wcs -- enmap wcs object in equatorial coordinates
	hp_coords -- "galactic" to perform a coordinate transform, "fk5","j2000" or "equatorial" otherwise
        from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
        import astropy.units as u

        self.wcs = wcs
        self.shape = shape
        Ny, Nx = shape

        inds = np.indices([Nx, Ny])
        self.x = inds[0].ravel()
        self.y = inds[1].ravel()

        # Not as slow as you'd expect
        posmap = enmap.pix2sky(shape, wcs, np.vstack(
            (self.y, self.x))) * 180. / np.pi

        ph = posmap[1, :]
        th = posmap[0, :]

        eq_coords = ['fk5', 'j2000', 'equatorial']
        gal_coords = ['galactic']
        if hp_coords.lower() not in eq_coords:
            # This is still the slowest part. If there are faster coord transform libraries, let me know!
            assert hp_coords.lower() in gal_coords
            gc = SkyCoord(ra=ph *, dec=th *, frame='fk5')
            gc = gc.transform_to('galactic')
            self.phOut = gc.l.deg
            self.thOut = gc.b.deg
            self.thOut = th
            self.phOut = ph

        self.phOut *= np.pi / 180
        self.thOut = 90. - self.thOut  #polar angle is 0 at north pole
        self.thOut *= np.pi / 180
Esempio n. 8
def sim_points(shape, wcs, info):
	# Simulate the point amplitudes
	N = enmap.area(shape, wcs) * info.density*(180/np.pi)**2
	n = N*(info.minamp/info.amp)**(info.alpha+1)
	amps = info.minamp*np.random.uniform(0,1,n)**(1/(info.alpha+1))
	amps = np.maximum(-100*np.abs(info.amp),np.minimum(100*np.abs(info.amp), amps))
	# Simulate the polarization
	psi  = np.random.uniform(0,np.pi,n)
	amps = amps[None,:] * np.array([psi*0+1,np.cos(2*psi)*info.pol,np.sin(2*psi)*info.pol])
	# Simulate positions uniformly in pixels
	ipos = np.array([np.random.uniform(0,shape[-2],n),np.random.uniform(0,shape[-1],n)])
	pos  = enmap.pix2sky(wcs, ipos)
	# Draw the points on a canvas using convolution. This requires all points
	# to have integer pixel positions and the same radius.
	rawmap = np.zeros(shape)
	for i in range(shape[0]):
		rawmap[i][tuple(ipos.astype(int))] = amps[i]
	l = np.sum(enmap.lmap(shape,wcs)**2,0)**0.5
	kernel = np.exp(-0.5*l**2*info.rad**2)
	# actually perform the convolution
	pmap = enmap.ifft(enmap.fft(rawmap)*kernel[None]).real
	print np.max(pmap), np.min(pmap)
	return pmap
Esempio n. 9
	for i in range(comm.rank, len(tyx), comm.size):
		y, x = tyx[i]
		if debug_tile is not None and not (y == debug_tile[0] and x == debug_tile[1]):
		prefix  = args.odir + "/"
		if args.cont and os.path.isfile(prefix + "catalogue.fits"):
			if verbosity >= 1:
				print "%3d skipping %3d %3d (already done)" % (comm.rank, y, x)
		if verbosity >= 1:
			print "%3d processing %3d %3d" % (comm.rank, y, x)
		t1   = time.time()
		tpos = np.array(tyx[i])
		pbox = np.array([tpos*tshape,np.minimum((tpos+1)*tshape,shape[-2:])])
		box  = enmap.pix2sky(shape, wcs, pbox.T).T
			info = eval_tile(mapinfo, box, signals, verbosity=verbosity)
			output_tile(prefix, [y,x], info)
		#except (np.linalg.LinAlgError, MemoryError) as e:
		except Exception as e:
			print "%3d error while processing %3d %3d: '%s'. Skipping" % (comm.rank, y, x, e.message)
		t2   = time.time()
		if verbosity >= 1:
			print "%3d processed %3d %3d in %7.1f max-mem %7.3f" % (comm.rank, y, x, t2-t1, memory.max()/1024.**3)
	# Single arbitrary tile
	if not overlaps_any(bounds, boxes):
		if verbosity >= 1:
			print "No data in selected region"
Esempio n. 10
        ofile_div = args.odir + "/div_padtile/tile%(y)03d_%(x)03d.fits" % {
            "y": y,
            "x": x
        if args.cont and os.path.isfile(ofile_map):
            print("%3d skipping %3d %3d (already done)" % (comm.rank, y, x))
        print("%3d processing %3d %3d" % (comm.rank, y, x))
        tpos = np.array(tyx[i])
        pbox = np.array(
            [tpos * tshape,
             np.minimum((tpos + 1) * tshape, shape[-2:])])
        box = enmap.pix2sky(shape, wcs, pbox.T).T
        res = get_coadded_tile(mapinfo,
        if res is None:
            res = jointmap.make_dummy_tile((args.ncomp, ) + shape[-2:],
        enmap.write_map(ofile_div, res.div)
    # Single arbitrary tile
Esempio n. 11
def chunked_pix2sky(x):
    pix = enmap.pix2sky(shape, wcs, x)
    return pix
Esempio n. 12
import multiprocessing

# number of coordinates to transform
N = 96000013

# this should be obtained using multiprocessing.get_cpu_count()
Njobs = 12

th = np.random.uniform(0, 90, N)
phi = np.random.uniform(0, 90, N)
shape, wcs = enmap.rect_geometry(100., 0.5)
coords = np.array([th, phi])

    pix = enmap.pix2sky(shape, wcs, coords)

def chunks(l, n):
    """Yield successive n-sized chunks from l."""
    for i in range(0, l.shape[-1], n):
        yield l[:, i:i + n]

size_chunks = int(ceil(coords.shape[1] * 1. / Njobs))
# print coords.shape
# for i,x in enumerate(chunks(coords,size_chunks)):
#     print i, x.shape
# sys.exit()