def __init__(self, name): """ Creates a new scanParms instance. Inputs: name: The name of the EPICS motor record without any trailing period or field name. Example: m=scanParm('x12c:mon:scanParms') """ self.pvs = { "step": epicsPV.epicsPV(name + ".STEP", wait=0), "sp": epicsPV.epicsPV(name + ".SP", wait=0), "ep": epicsPV.epicsPV(name + ".EP", wait=0), "np": epicsPV.epicsPV(name + ".NP", wait=0), "go": epicsPV.epicsPV(name + ".GO", wait=0), "ar": epicsPV.epicsPV(name + ".AR", wait=0), "aft": epicsPV.epicsPV(name + ".AFT", wait=0), "sm": epicsPV.epicsPV(name + ".SM", wait=0), "load": epicsPV.epicsPV(name + ".LOAD", wait=0), } # Wait for all PVs to connect self.pvs["load"].pend_io()
def __init__(self, prefix): self.image_listener = None self.image = None self.sizex = epicsPV(prefix + 'ArraySizeX_RBV', wait=False) self.sizey = epicsPV(prefix + 'ArraySizeY_RBV', wait=False) self.sizez = epicsPV(prefix + 'ArraySizeZ_RBV', wait=False) self.array = epicsPV(prefix + 'ArrayData', wait=True) self.sizex.setMonitor() self.sizey.setMonitor() self.sizez.setMonitor() self.array.add_masked_array_event(None, 0, None, self._new_data, use_numpy=True) self.array.flush_io()
def __init__(self, name): """ Creates a new epicsScaler instance. Inputs: name: The name of the EPICS scaler record, without the trailing period or field name. Example: s = epicsScaler('13IDC:scaler1') """ self.nchans = epicsPV.epicsPV(name + '.NCH').getw() self.pvs = { 'count': epicsPV.epicsPV(name + '.CNT'), 'preset_time': epicsPV.epicsPV(name + '.TP'), 'preset': [], 'counts': [], 'label': [] } for i in range(1, self.nchans + 1): self.pvs['preset'].append(epicsPV.epicsPV(name + '.PR' + str(i))) self.pvs['counts'].append(epicsPV.epicsPV(name + '.S' + str(i))) self.pvs['label'].append(epicsPV.epicsPV(name + '.NM' + str(i))) # Wait for all PVs to connect self.pvs['count'].pend_io()
def spectra_scan(self, first_file, scan_record): """ PURPOSE: This procedures collects Med spectra and saves them to disk in conjunction with an EPICS scan record. epics_med.spectra_scan(first_file, scan_record) INPUTS: first_file: The name of the first spectrum file to save. Subsequent files will be named using the INCREMENT_FILENAME()function. The filename must end in a numeric extension for this to work. scan_record: The name of the EPICS scan record which is controlling the scan. This scan record must be configure to start epicsMed data collection by writing "1" into the EraseStart record of the EPICS MED database. PROCEDURE: 1) Wait for scan.EXSC = 1, meaning scan has started 2) Wait for ClientWait=1, meaning acquisition has started 3) Wait for Acquiring=0, meaning acquisition has completed 4) Write data to disk with MED::WRITE_FILE, increment file name 5) Reset ClientWait to 0 so scan will continue 6) If scan.EXSC is still 1 go to 2. """ file = first_file # Enable waiting for client self.pvs.enable_client_wait.putw(1) # Create PV for scan record executing scanPV = epicsPV.epicsPV(scan_record + '.EXSC') # Wait for scan to start while (scanPV.getw() == 0): time.sleep(.1) while (1): # If scan is complete, exit if (scanPV.getw() == 0): return # Wait for acquisition to start self.wait(start=1, stop=0) # Wait for acquisition to complete self.wait(start=0, stop=1) # Write file. This resets the client wait flag self.write_file(file) print 'Saved file: ', file file = Xrf.increment_filename(file)
def spectra_scan(self, first_file, scan_record): """ Collects Mca spectra and saves them to disk in conjunction with an EPICS scan record. Inputs: first_file: The name of the first spectrum file to save. Subsequent files will be named using the Xrf.increment_filename()function. The filename must end in a numeric extension for this to work. scan_record: The name of the EPICS scan record which is controlling the scan. This scan record must be configure to start epicsMca data collection by writing "1" into the ERST field if the EPICS MCA. Procedure: 1) Waits for scan.EXSC = 1, meaning scan has started 2) Waits for ClientWait=1, meaning acquisition has started 3) Waits for Acquiring=0, meaning acquisition has completed 4) Writes data to disk with epicsMca::write_file, increment file name 5) Resets ClientWait to 0 so scan will continue 6) If scan.EXSC is still 1 go to 2. """ file = first_file # Enable waiting for client self.pvs['acquire']['enable_wait'].putw(1) # Create PV for scan record executing scanPV = epicsPV.epicsPV(scan_record + '.EXSC') # Wait for scan to start while (scanPV.getw() == 0): time.sleep(.1) while (1): # If scan is complete, exit if (scanPV.getw() == 0): return # Wait for acquisition to start self.wait(start=1, stop=0) # Wait for acquisition to complete self.wait(start=0, stop=1) # Write file. This will reset the client wait flag. self.write_file(file) print 'Saved file: ', file file = Xrf.increment_filename(file)
def menu_input(self, file=None): """ Reads a new input file. Keywords: file: The name of the new input file. If the file is not specified then this function opens a file chooser window to select one. """ if (file == None): file = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename(, title='Input file', filetypes=[('All files','*')]) if (file == ''): return input = open(file, 'r') lines = input.readlines() input.close() self.pvs = [] for line in lines: pv = {} words = line.split('|') pv['name']=words[0].strip() pv['epicsPV'] = epicsPV.epicsPV(pv['name']) pv['data_format']=words[1].strip() pv['description']=words[2].strip() pv['description_format']=words[3].strip() self.pvs.append(pv) line = ('%20s' % ' ') for pv in self.pvs: line = line + ' ' + (pv['description_format'] % pv['name']) # Enable writing to label widgets self.widgets['labels'].configure(state=NORMAL) self.widgets['labels'].delete('1.0', END) self.widgets['labels'].insert('1.0', line+'\n') line = ('%20s' % 'Date and time') for pv in self.pvs: line = line + ' ' + (pv['description_format'] % pv['description']) self.widgets['labels'].insert('2.0', line+'\n') self.widgets['labels'].configure(state=DISABLED) # Set the widget width to the length of the line plus a bit to allow for # width of vertical scroll bar self.widgets['labels'].configure(width=len(line)+6) if (self.output != None): self.write_output_headers() self.input_valid=1 self.widgets['start'].configure(state=NORMAL)
def __init__(self, name): """ Creates a new scanParms instance. Inputs: name: The name of the EPICS motor record without any trailing period or field name. Example: m=scanParm('x12c:mon:scanParms') """ self.pvs = {'step' : epicsPV.epicsPV(name+'.STEP', wait=0), 'sp': epicsPV.epicsPV(name+'.SP', wait=0), 'ep': epicsPV.epicsPV(name+'.EP', wait=0), 'np' : epicsPV.epicsPV(name+'.NP', wait=0), 'go' : epicsPV.epicsPV(name+'.GO', wait=0), 'ar': epicsPV.epicsPV(name+'.AR', wait=0), 'aft': epicsPV.epicsPV(name+'.AFT', wait=0), 'sm': epicsPV.epicsPV(name+'.SM', wait=0), 'load': epicsPV.epicsPV(name+'.LOAD', wait=0), } # Wait for all PVs to connect self.pvs['load'].pend_io()
def __init__(self, name): """ Creates a new epicsScaler instance. Inputs: name: The name of the EPICS scaler record, without the trailing period or field name. Example: s = epicsScaler('13IDC:scaler1') """ self.nchans = epicsPV.epicsPV(name+'.NCH').getw() self.pvs = {'count': epicsPV.epicsPV(name+'.CNT'), 'preset_time': epicsPV.epicsPV(name+'.TP'), 'preset':[], 'counts':[], 'label':[]} for i in range(1, self.nchans+1): self.pvs['preset'].append(epicsPV.epicsPV(name+'.PR'+str(i))) self.pvs['counts'].append(epicsPV.epicsPV(name+'.S'+str(i))) self.pvs['label'].append(epicsPV.epicsPV(name+'.NM'+str(i)))
exit(1) if desired_objective == '4x': desired_magnification = 4.0 if desired_objective == '10x': desired_magnification = 10.0 if desired_objective == '20x': desired_magnification = 20.0 ''' ------------------------------------------------------- (0) Define variables and Check state ------------------------------------------------------- ''' chFocus=epicsMotor('X02DA-ES1-MS1:FOC') chToggleLens=epicsPV("X02DA-ES1-MS1:LNS+") chMagnification=epicsPV("X02DA-ES1-MS:MAGNF") chLensSelector=epicsPV("X02DA-ES1-MS1:LNSSEL") chXBaseStage=epicsMotor("X02DA-ES1-SMP1:TRX") chZBaseStage=epicsMotor("X02DA-ES1-SMP1:TRZ") chTomoPanelSampleInPos=epicsPV("X02DA-SCAN-SCN1:SMPIN") chFESlits_H=epicsPV("X02DA-FE-SHsize") chFESlits_V=epicsPV("X02DA-FE-SVsize") foc_4x = 1820 foc_10x = 2692 foc_20x = 2685.0 X_4x = -227 X_10x = -114 X_20x = 0.0 FE4x_H = 1.484
def __init__(self, record_name, environment_file=None): """ Creates a new epicsMca. Inputs: record_Name: The name of the EPICS MCA record for the MCA object being created, without a trailing period or field name. Keywords: environment_file: This keyword can be used to specify the name of a file which contains the names of EPICS process variables which should be saved in the header of files written with Mca.write_file(). If this keyword is not specified then this function will attempt the following: - If the system environment variable MCA_ENVIRONMENT is set then it will attempt to open that file - If this fails, it will attempt to open a file called 'catch1d.env' in the current directory. This is done to be compatible with the data catcher program. This is an ASCII file with each line containing a process variable name, followed by a space and a description field. Example: >>> from epicsMca import * >>> mca = epicsMca('13IDC:mca1') >>> print """ Mca.Mca.__init__(self) self.max_rois = 32 self.record_name = record_name = record_name self.sequence = 0 self.pvs = { 'calibration': { 'calo': None, 'cals': None, 'calq': None, 'tth': None, 'egu': None }, 'presets': { 'prtm': None, 'pltm': None, 'pct': None, 'pctl': None, 'pcth': None, 'chas': None, 'dwel': None, 'pscl': None }, 'elapsed': { 'ertm': None, 'eltm': None, 'act': None, 'rtim': None, 'stim': None }, 'acquire': { 'strt': None, 'stop': None, 'eras': None, 'acqg': None, 'proc': None, 'erst': None }, 'data': { 'nuse': None, 'nmax': None, 'val': None } } for group in self.pvs.keys(): for pv in self.pvs[group].keys(): name = self.record_name + '.' + string.upper(pv) self.pvs[group][pv] = epicsPV.epicsPV(name, wait=0) # Construct the names of the PVs for the ROIs self.roi_def_pvs = [] self.roi_data_pvs = [] for i in range(self.max_rois): n = 'R' + str(i) r = { n + 'lo': None, n + 'hi': None, n + 'bg': None, n + 'nm': None } self.roi_def_pvs.append(r) r = {n: None, n + 'n': None} self.roi_data_pvs.append(r) for roi in range(self.max_rois): for pv in self.roi_def_pvs[roi].keys(): name = self.record_name + '.' + string.upper(pv) self.roi_def_pvs[roi][pv] = epicsPV.epicsPV(name, wait=0) for pv in self.roi_data_pvs[roi].keys(): name = self.record_name + '.' + string.upper(pv) self.roi_data_pvs[roi][pv] = epicsPV.epicsPV(name, wait=0) # Construct the names of the PVs for the environment environment_file = os.getenv('MCA_ENVIRONMENT') if (environment_file == None): environment_file = 'catch1d.env' self.read_environment_file(environment_file) self.env_pvs = [] for env in self.environment: self.env_pvs.append(epicsPV.epicsPV(, wait=0)) # Wait for all PVs to connect. 30 second timeout is for WAN, but # even this does not seem to be long enough on DSL connection self.pvs['calibration']['calo'].pend_io(30.) # ClientWait does not exist in simple_mca.db, which is used # for multi-element detectors. We see if it exists by trying to connect # with a short timeout. client_wait = epicsPV.epicsPV(self.record_name + 'ClientWait', wait=0) enable_wait = epicsPV.epicsPV(self.record_name + 'EnableWait', wait=0) try: client_wait.pend_io(.01) self.pvs['acquire']['client_wait'] = client_wait self.pvs['acquire']['enable_wait'] = enable_wait except: self.pvs['acquire']['client_wait'] = None self.pvs['acquire']['enable_wait'] = None # Put monitors on the ERTM, VAL, NUSE and ACQG fields self.pvs['data']['nuse'].setMonitor() self.pvs['data']['val'].setMonitor() self.pvs['acquire']['acqg'].setMonitor() self.pvs['elapsed']['ertm'].setMonitor() # Read all of the information from the record self.get_calibration() self.get_presets() self.get_elapsed() self.get_rois() self.get_data()
def epv(recordName, fieldName): pv = epicsPV.epicsPV(recordName + '.' + fieldName.upper(), wait=0) return (pv)
def __init__(self, prefix, n_detectors=16, bad=None): """ This is the initialization code which is invoked when a new object of type epicsMed is created. med = epicsMed(prefix, n_detectors=16, bad=None) INPUTS: Prefix: The prefix of the EPICS process variables for this multi-element detector database. The records for the process variables must be named according to the following rules: prefix + 'Start' ; PV which starts acquisition when 1 is written to it prefix + 'Stop' ; PV which stops acquisition when 1 is written to it prefix + 'EraseAll' ; PV which erases all MCAs when 1 is written to it prefix + 'ReadSeq' ; PV which reads all MCAs when 1 is written to it prefix + 'ElapsedLive' ; PV from which elapsed live time can be read prefix + 'ElapsedReal' ; PV from which elapsed real time can be read prefix + 'PresetLive' ; PV to which preset live time can be written prefix + 'PresetReal' ; PV to which preset real time can be written prefix + 'Acquiring' ; PV which is 1 when any detector is acquiring, ; 0 when they are all done acquiring prefix + 'mcaN' ; Name of MCA record for each detector, e.g. ; prefix + 'mca1', prefix + 'mca2', etc. KEYORD INPUTS: n_detectors: The number of detectors in the Med. Default is 16. bad: A scalar or list the bad detectors, e.g. bad=[3,7]. The detectors are numbered from 1 to n_detectors. These detectors will not be accessed by any of the MED methods. In the following example: med = epicsMed('13IDC:med:', 16, bad=[3,7]) detectors 3 and 7, out of a total of 16, are bad. All of the Med functions, such as get_calibration(), get_data(), etc. will return only 14 values, not 16. SIDE EFFECTS: The routine establishes channel access monitors on all of the fields in the records which the methods in this class will read. This greatly improves the speed and efficiency. """ class pvs: pass self.pvs = pvs() t = Med.Med.__init__(self, n_detectors) # Invoke base class initialization self.pvs.start = epicsPV.epicsPV(prefix + 'StartAll', wait=0) self.pvs.erasestart = epicsPV.epicsPV(prefix + 'EraseStart', wait=0) self.pvs.stop = epicsPV.epicsPV(prefix + 'StopAll', wait=0) self.pvs.erase = epicsPV.epicsPV(prefix + 'EraseAll', wait=0) = epicsPV.epicsPV(prefix + 'ReadAll', wait=0) self.pvs.elive = epicsPV.epicsPV(prefix + 'ElapsedLive', wait=0) self.pvs.ereal = epicsPV.epicsPV(prefix + 'ElapsedReal', wait=0) self.pvs.plive = epicsPV.epicsPV(prefix + 'PresetLive', wait=0) self.pvs.preal = epicsPV.epicsPV(prefix + 'PresetReal', wait=0) self.pvs.dwell = epicsPV.epicsPV(prefix + 'Dwell', wait=0) self.pvs.channel_advance = epicsPV.epicsPV(prefix + 'ChannelAdvance', wait=0) self.pvs.prescale = epicsPV.epicsPV(prefix + 'Prescale', wait=0) self.pvs.acquiring = epicsPV.epicsPV(prefix + 'Acquiring', wait=0) self.pvs.client_wait = epicsPV.epicsPV(prefix + 'ClientWait', wait=0) self.pvs.enable_client_wait = epicsPV.epicsPV(prefix + 'EnableClientWait', wait=0) good_detectors = range(1, self.n_detectors + 1) if (bad != None): for b in bad: del good_detectors[b - 1] self.n_detectors = len(good_detectors) self.good_detectors = good_detectors for i in range(self.n_detectors): pv = prefix + 'mca' + str(self.good_detectors[i]) self.mcas[i] = epicsMca.epicsMca(pv) self.pvs.elive.setMonitor() self.pvs.ereal.setMonitor() self.pvs.acquiring.setMonitor() self.pvs.client_wait.setMonitor() # Wait for all PVs to connect self.pvs.client_wait.pend_io(30.) # Read the first MCA to get the number of channels t = self.mcas[0].get_data() # Read the environment from the first MCA self.environment = self.mcas[0].get_environment()
def __init__(self, name): """ Creates a new epicsMotor instance. Inputs: name: The name of the EPICS motor record without any trailing period or field name. Example: m=epicsMotor('13BMD:m38') """ self.pvs = {'val' : epicsPV.epicsPV(name+'.VAL', wait=0), 'dval': epicsPV.epicsPV(name+'.DVAL', wait=0), 'rval': epicsPV.epicsPV(name+'.RVAL', wait=0), 'rlv' : epicsPV.epicsPV(name+'.RLV', wait=0), 'rbv' : epicsPV.epicsPV(name+'.RBV', wait=0), 'drbv': epicsPV.epicsPV(name+'.DRBV', wait=0), 'rrbv': epicsPV.epicsPV(name+'.RRBV', wait=0), 'dmov': epicsPV.epicsPV(name+'.DMOV', wait=0), 'stop': epicsPV.epicsPV(name+'.STOP', wait=0), 'velo': epicsPV.epicsPV(name+'.VELO', wait=0), 's': epicsPV.epicsPV(name+'.S', wait=0), 'urev': epicsPV.epicsPV(name+'.UREV', wait=0), 'vbas': epicsPV.epicsPV(name+'.VBAS', wait=0), 'accl': epicsPV.epicsPV(name+'.ACCL', wait=0), 'desc': epicsPV.epicsPV(name+'.DESC', wait=0), 'mres': epicsPV.epicsPV(name+'.MRES', wait=0), 'hlm': epicsPV.epicsPV(name+'.HLM', wait=0), 'llm': epicsPV.epicsPV(name+'.LLM', wait=0), 'dhlm': epicsPV.epicsPV(name+'.DHLM', wait=0), 'dllm': epicsPV.epicsPV(name+'.DLLM', wait=0), 'bdst': epicsPV.epicsPV(name+'.BDST', wait=0), 'set': epicsPV.epicsPV(name+'.SET', wait=0), 'lvio': epicsPV.epicsPV(name+'.LVIO', wait=0), 'lls': epicsPV.epicsPV(name+'.LLS', wait=0), 'hls': epicsPV.epicsPV(name+'.HLS', wait=0), 'off': epicsPV.epicsPV(name+'.OFF', wait=0) } # Wait for all PVs to connect self.pvs['val'].pend_io()
def __init__(self, record_name, environment_file=None): """ Creates a new epicsMca. Inputs: record_Name: The name of the EPICS MCA record for the MCA object being created, without a trailing period or field name. Keywords: environment_file: This keyword can be used to specify the name of a file which contains the names of EPICS process variables which should be saved in the header of files written with Mca.write_file(). If this keyword is not specified then this function will attempt the following: - If the system environment variable MCA_ENVIRONMENT is set then it will attempt to open that file - If this fails, it will attempt to open a file called 'catch1d.env' in the current directory. This is done to be compatible with the data catcher program. This is an ASCII file with each line containing a process variable name, followed by a space and a description field. Example: >>> from epicsMca import * >>> mca = epicsMca('13IDC:mca1') >>> print """ Mca.Mca.__init__(self) self.max_rois = 32 self.record_name = record_name = record_name self.sequence = 0 self.pvs = {'calibration': {'calo': None, 'cals': None, 'calq': None, 'tth' : None, 'egu' : None}, 'presets': {'prtm': None, 'pltm': None, 'pct': None, 'pctl': None, 'pcth': None, 'chas': None, 'dwel': None, 'pscl': None}, 'elapsed': {'ertm': None, 'eltm': None, 'act' : None, 'rtim': None, 'stim': None}, 'acquire': {'strt': None, 'stop': None, 'eras': None, 'acqg': None, 'proc': None, 'erst': None}, 'data': {'nuse': None, 'nmax': None, 'val': None}} for group in self.pvs.keys(): for pv in self.pvs[group].keys(): name = self.record_name + '.' + string.upper(pv) self.pvs[group][pv] = epicsPV.epicsPV(name, wait=0) # Construct the names of the PVs for the ROIs self.roi_def_pvs=[] self.roi_data_pvs=[] for i in range(self.max_rois): n = 'R'+str(i) r = {n+'lo' : None, n+'hi' : None, n+'bg' : None, n+'nm' : None} self.roi_def_pvs.append(r) r = {n : None, n+'n' : None} self.roi_data_pvs.append(r) for roi in range(self.max_rois): for pv in self.roi_def_pvs[roi].keys(): name = self.record_name + '.' + string.upper(pv) self.roi_def_pvs[roi][pv] = epicsPV.epicsPV(name, wait=0) for pv in self.roi_data_pvs[roi].keys(): name = self.record_name + '.' + string.upper(pv) self.roi_data_pvs[roi][pv] = epicsPV.epicsPV(name, wait=0) # Construct the names of the PVs for the environment environment_file = os.getenv('MCA_ENVIRONMENT') if (environment_file == None): environment_file = 'catch1d.env' self.read_environment_file(environment_file) self.env_pvs = [] for env in self.environment: self.env_pvs.append(epicsPV.epicsPV(, wait=0)) # Wait for all PVs to connect. 30 second timeout is for WAN, but # even this does not seem to be long enough on DSL connection self.pvs['calibration']['calo'].pend_io(30.) # ClientWait does not exist in simple_mca.db, which is used # for multi-element detectors. We see if it exists by trying to connect # with a short timeout. client_wait = epicsPV.epicsPV(self.record_name + 'ClientWait', wait=0) enable_wait = epicsPV.epicsPV(self.record_name + 'EnableWait', wait=0) try: client_wait.pend_io(.01) self.pvs['acquire']['client_wait'] = client_wait self.pvs['acquire']['enable_wait'] = enable_wait except: self.pvs['acquire']['client_wait'] = None self.pvs['acquire']['enable_wait'] = None # Put monitors on the ERTM, VAL, NUSE and ACQG fields self.pvs['data']['nuse'].setMonitor() self.pvs['data']['val'].setMonitor() self.pvs['acquire']['acqg'].setMonitor() self.pvs['elapsed']['ertm'].setMonitor() # Read all of the information from the record self.get_calibration() self.get_presets() self.get_elapsed() self.get_rois() self.get_data()
def __init__(self, detector='13GE1:med:', element=1): class widgets: pass self.widgets = widgets() self.detector = detector self.element = element self.status = 'Ready' self.path = '.' self.file = 'test.xrf' self.next_file = self.file self.pvs = {} self.pvs['ElapsedReal'] = epicsPV.epicsPV(detector + 'ElapsedReal', wait=0) self.pvs['PresetReal'] = epicsPV.epicsPV(detector + 'PresetReal', wait=0) self.pvs['StartAll'] = epicsPV.epicsPV(detector + 'StartAll', wait=0) self.pvs['StopAll'] = epicsPV.epicsPV(detector + 'StopAll', wait=0) self.pvs['EraseAll'] = epicsPV.epicsPV(detector + 'EraseAll', wait=0) self.pvs['EraseStart'] = epicsPV.epicsPV(detector + 'EraseStart', wait=0) self.pvs['Acquiring'] = epicsPV.epicsPV(detector + 'Acquiring', wait=0) self.pvs['mca1.ERTM'] = epicsPV.epicsPV(detector + 'mca1.ERTM', wait=0) self.pvs['mca1.ERTM'].pend_io() self.preset_real = self.pvs['PresetReal'].getw() self.elapsed_real = self.pvs['ElapsedReal'].getw() self.update_time = .5 # menus top = myTkTop.myTkTop() top.title('medDisplay') = top frame = Frame(top, borderwidth=1, relief='raised') frame.pack(fill=X) mb = Pmw.MenuBar(frame) mb.pack(fill=X) mb.addmenu('File', '', side='left') self.widgets.file = mb.component('File-menu') mb.addmenuitem('File', 'command', label='Save As ...', command=self.menu_save) mb.addmenuitem('File', 'command', label='Save Next = ' + self.next_file, command=self.menu_save_next) mb.addmenuitem('File', 'command', label='New MCA Display', command=self.menu_new_display) mb.addmenuitem('File', 'command', 'Exit', label='Exit', command=self.menu_exit) mb.addmenu('Help', '', side='right') = mb.component('Help-menu') mb.addmenuitem('Help', 'command', label='Usage', command=self.menu_help) mb.addmenuitem('Help', 'command', label='About', command=self.menu_about) mb.addmenu('Options', '', side='left') self.widgets.options = mb.component('Options-menu') self.erase_on_start = IntVar() self.erase_on_start.set(1) mb.addmenuitem('Options', 'checkbutton', label='Erase on Start', variable=self.erase_on_start) # main page main_frame = Frame( main_frame.pack() left_frame = Frame(main_frame, borderwidth=1, relief='solid') left_frame.pack(side=LEFT, anchor=N) self.widgets.left_frame = left_frame right_frame = Frame(main_frame, borderwidth=1, relief='solid') right_frame.pack(side=LEFT, anchor=N) self.widgets.right_frame = right_frame # Right Hand Side for control buttons row = Frame(right_frame) row.pack(side=TOP, anchor=W) t = Label(row, text='Preset Real Time (s):', width=22, anchor=E) t.pack(side=LEFT) self.widgets.preset_real = t = Pmw.EntryField( row, value=0, entry_width=9, entry_justify=CENTER, validate={'validator': 'real'}, entry_background='light blue', command=self.menu_preset_real) t.pack(side=LEFT) row = Frame(right_frame) row.pack(side=TOP, anchor=W) t = Label(row, text='Elapsed Real Time (s):', width=22, anchor=E) t.pack(side=LEFT) self.widgets.elapsed_real = t = Label(row, text=str(self.elapsed_real), foreground='blue') t.pack(side=LEFT) self.widgets.preset_real.setentry(self.preset_real) row = Frame(right_frame) row.pack(side=TOP) t = Button(row, text='Start', command=self.menu_start) t.pack(side=LEFT) t = Button(row, text='Stop', command=self.menu_stop) t.pack(side=LEFT) t = Button(row, text='Erase', command=self.menu_erase) t.pack(side=LEFT) row = Frame(right_frame) row.pack(side=TOP) t = Button(row, text='Copy ROIS', command=self.menu_copy_rois) t.pack(side=LEFT) row = Frame(right_frame) row.pack(side=TOP, anchor=W) t = Button(row, text='Save As ...', command=self.menu_save) t.pack(side=LEFT) self.widgets.save_next = t = Button(row, text='Save Next = ' + self.next_file, command=self.menu_save_next) t.pack(side=LEFT) # row = Frame(right_frame) row.pack(side=TOP, anchor=W) t = Label(row, text='Viewing Element: ') t.pack(side=LEFT) self.widgets.element = t = Label(row, text=str(self.element), width=2, foreground='blue') t.pack(side=LEFT) row = Frame(right_frame) row.pack(side=TOP, anchor=W) t = Label(row, text='Status: ') t.pack(side=LEFT) self.widgets.status = t = Label(row, text='Initializing...', foreground='blue') t.pack(side=LEFT) t.pack(side=RIGHT) # # Left Hand Side shows Detector Element Layout # t = Label(left_frame, text='Detector Elements') t.pack(side=TOP) width = 230 height = 230 area = Frame(left_frame, width=width, height=height) area.pack(side=TOP) self.widgets.area = area self.detector_positions = localMedLayout.localMedLayout() self.n_detectors = len(self.detector_positions) button_width = 1 button_height = 1 self.geom_state = 0 self.widgets.det_buttons = [] for d in range(self.n_detectors): t = Button(area, text=str(d + 1), width=button_width, height=button_height, command=lambda s=self, d=d: s.menu_element(d + 1)) self.widgets.det_buttons.append(t) self.layout_detector() # Finally, load real versions of the mca_display and EPICS_MED objects # This will take some time, so we start with 'Initializing ...' in the # status message self.widgets.elapsed_real.configure(text=' ') self.mcaDisplay = mcaDisplay.mcaDisplay() self.mca = self.detector + 'mca' + str(self.element) self.mcaDisplay.open_detector(self.mca) = epicsMed.epicsMed(self.detector, n_detectors=self.n_detectors) # when objects are really created, report 'Ready'. self.widgets.status.configure(text='Ready') # Start the timer routine * 1000), self.menu_timer)
def __init__(self, recordName, environmentFile=None): """ Creates a new epicsScan. Inputs: record_Name: The name of the EPICS SSCAN record for the epicsScan object being created, without a trailing period or field name. Keywords: environment_file: This keyword can be used to specify the name of a file which contains the names of EPICS process variables which should be saved in the header of files written with .write_file(). If this keyword is not specified then this function will attempt the following: - If the system environment variable MCA_ENVIRONMENT is set then it will attempt to open that file - If this fails, it will attempt to open a file called 'catch1d.env' in the current directory. This is done to be compatible with the data catcher program. This is an ASCII file with each line containing a process variable name, followed by a space and a description field. Example: >>> from epicsScan import * >>> scan = epicsScan('13IDC:scan1') >>> print scan.detectors[0].data """ Scan.Scan.__init__(self) #skinner - I reduced the following from 70->6 and from 4->1 to match what we use self.maxDetectors = 6 self.maxPositioners = 1 self.maxTriggers = 4 self.recordName = recordName self.triggers = [] # Construct the positioners for i in range(self.maxPositioners): self.positioners.append(epicsPositioner(recordName, i)) # Construct the detectors for i in range(self.maxDetectors): self.detectors.append(epicsDetector(recordName, i)) # Construct the triggers for i in range(self.maxTriggers): self.triggers.append(epicsTrigger(recordName, i)) # PVs for fields other than positioners, detectors and triggers self.pvs = { 'exsc': None, 'paus': None, 'busy': None, 'data': None, 'npts': None, 'mpts': None, 'cpt': None, 'pdly': None, 'ddly': None, 'vers': None, 'smsg': None, 'cmnd': None, 'alrt': None, 'faze': None, } for pv in self.pvs.keys(): self.pvs[pv] = epv(self.recordName, pv.upper()) # Construct the names of the PVs for the environment environment_file = os.getenv('MCA_ENVIRONMENT') if (environment_file == None): environment_file = 'catch1d.env' self.read_environment_file(environment_file) self.env_pvs = [] for env in self.environment: self.env_pvs.append(epicsPV.epicsPV(, wait=0)) # Wait for all PVs to connect. 30 second timeout is for WAN, but # even this does not seem to be long enough on DSL connection self.pvs['exsc'].pend_io(30.) # Set monitors on all of the fields for p in self.positioners: p.setMonitors() for d in self.detectors: d.setMonitors() for t in self.triggers: t.setMonitors() for pv in self.pvs.keys(): self.pvs[pv].setMonitor() # Read all of the information from the record
def __init__(self, recordName, environmentFile=None): """ Creates a new epicsScan. Inputs: record_Name: The name of the EPICS SSCAN record for the epicsScan object being created, without a trailing period or field name. Keywords: environment_file: This keyword can be used to specify the name of a file which contains the names of EPICS process variables which should be saved in the header of files written with .write_file(). If this keyword is not specified then this function will attempt the following: - If the system environment variable MCA_ENVIRONMENT is set then it will attempt to open that file - If this fails, it will attempt to open a file called 'catch1d.env' in the current directory. This is done to be compatible with the data catcher program. This is an ASCII file with each line containing a process variable name, followed by a space and a description field. Example: >>> from epicsScan import * >>> scan = epicsScan('13IDC:scan1') >>> print scan.detectors[0].data """ Scan.Scan.__init__(self) self.maxDetectors = 70 self.maxPositioners = 4 self.maxTriggers = 4 self.recordName = recordName self.triggers = [] # Construct the positioners for i in range(self.maxPositioners): self.positioners.append(epicsPositioner(recordName, i)) # Construct the detectors for i in range(self.maxDetectors): self.detectors.append(epicsDetector(recordName, i)) # Construct the triggers for i in range(self.maxTriggers): self.triggers.append(epicsTrigger(recordName, i)) # PVs for fields other than positioners, detectors and triggers self.pvs = {'exsc': None, 'paus': None, 'busy': None, 'data': None, 'npts': None, 'mpts': None, 'cpt': None, 'pdly': None, 'ddly': None, 'vers': None, 'smsg': None, 'cmnd': None, 'alrt': None, 'faze': None, } for pv in self.pvs.keys(): self.pvs[pv] = epv(self.recordName, pv.upper()) # Construct the names of the PVs for the environment environment_file = os.getenv('MCA_ENVIRONMENT') if (environment_file == None): environment_file = 'catch1d.env' self.read_environment_file(environment_file) self.env_pvs = [] for env in self.environment: self.env_pvs.append(epicsPV.epicsPV(, wait=0)) # Wait for all PVs to connect. 30 second timeout is for WAN, but # even this does not seem to be long enough on DSL connection self.pvs['exsc'].pend_io(30.) # Set monitors on all of the fields for p in self.positioners: p.setMonitors() for d in self.detectors: d.setMonitors() for t in self.triggers: t.setMonitors() for pv in self.pvs.keys(): self.pvs[pv].setMonitor() # Read all of the information from the record
def __init__(self, prefix, n_detectors=16, bad=None): """ This is the initialization code which is invoked when a new object of type epicsMed is created. med = epicsMed(prefix, n_detectors=16, bad=None) INPUTS: Prefix: The prefix of the EPICS process variables for this multi-element detector database. The records for the process variables must be named according to the following rules: prefix + 'Start' ; PV which starts acquisition when 1 is written to it prefix + 'Stop' ; PV which stops acquisition when 1 is written to it prefix + 'EraseAll' ; PV which erases all MCAs when 1 is written to it prefix + 'ReadSeq' ; PV which reads all MCAs when 1 is written to it prefix + 'ElapsedLive' ; PV from which elapsed live time can be read prefix + 'ElapsedReal' ; PV from which elapsed real time can be read prefix + 'PresetLive' ; PV to which preset live time can be written prefix + 'PresetReal' ; PV to which preset real time can be written prefix + 'Acquiring' ; PV which is 1 when any detector is acquiring, ; 0 when they are all done acquiring prefix + 'mcaN' ; Name of MCA record for each detector, e.g. ; prefix + 'mca1', prefix + 'mca2', etc. KEYORD INPUTS: n_detectors: The number of detectors in the Med. Default is 16. bad: A scalar or list the bad detectors, e.g. bad=[3,7]. The detectors are numbered from 1 to n_detectors. These detectors will not be accessed by any of the MED methods. In the following example: med = epicsMed('13IDC:med:', 16, bad=[3,7]) detectors 3 and 7, out of a total of 16, are bad. All of the Med functions, such as get_calibration(), get_data(), etc. will return only 14 values, not 16. SIDE EFFECTS: The routine establishes channel access monitors on all of the fields in the records which the methods in this class will read. This greatly improves the speed and efficiency. """ class pvs: pass self.pvs = pvs() t = Med.Med.__init__(self, n_detectors) # Invoke base class initialization self.pvs.start = epicsPV.epicsPV(prefix + 'StartAll', wait=0) self.pvs.erasestart = epicsPV.epicsPV(prefix + 'EraseStart', wait=0) self.pvs.stop = epicsPV.epicsPV(prefix + 'StopAll', wait=0) self.pvs.erase = epicsPV.epicsPV(prefix + 'EraseAll', wait=0) = epicsPV.epicsPV(prefix + 'ReadAll', wait=0) self.pvs.elive = epicsPV.epicsPV(prefix + 'ElapsedLive', wait=0) self.pvs.ereal = epicsPV.epicsPV(prefix + 'ElapsedReal', wait=0) self.pvs.plive = epicsPV.epicsPV(prefix + 'PresetLive', wait=0) self.pvs.preal = epicsPV.epicsPV(prefix + 'PresetReal', wait=0) self.pvs.dwell = epicsPV.epicsPV(prefix + 'Dwell', wait=0) self.pvs.channel_advance = epicsPV.epicsPV(prefix + 'ChannelAdvance', wait=0) self.pvs.prescale = epicsPV.epicsPV(prefix + 'Prescale', wait=0) self.pvs.acquiring = epicsPV.epicsPV(prefix + 'Acquiring', wait=0) self.pvs.client_wait = epicsPV.epicsPV(prefix + 'ClientWait', wait=0) self.pvs.enable_client_wait = epicsPV.epicsPV(prefix + 'EnableClientWait', wait=0) good_detectors = range(1, self.n_detectors+1) if (bad != None): for b in bad: del good_detectors[b-1] self.n_detectors = len(good_detectors) self.good_detectors = good_detectors for i in range(self.n_detectors): pv = prefix + 'mca' + str(self.good_detectors[i]) self.mcas[i] = epicsMca.epicsMca(pv) self.pvs.elive.setMonitor() self.pvs.ereal.setMonitor() self.pvs.acquiring.setMonitor() self.pvs.client_wait.setMonitor() # Wait for all PVs to connect self.pvs.client_wait.pend_io(30.) # Read the first MCA to get the number of channels t = self.mcas[0].get_data() # Read the environment from the first MCA self.environment = self.mcas[0].get_environment()
def epv(recordName, fieldName): pv = epicsPV.epicsPV(recordName + '.' + fieldName.upper(), wait=0) return(pv)
def __init__(self, detector='13GE1:med:', element=1): class widgets: pass self.widgets = widgets() self.detector = detector self.element = element self.status = 'Ready' self.path = '.' self.file = 'test.xrf' self.next_file = self.file self.pvs = {} self.pvs['ElapsedReal'] = epicsPV.epicsPV(detector + 'ElapsedReal', wait=0) self.pvs['PresetReal'] = epicsPV.epicsPV(detector + 'PresetReal', wait=0) self.pvs['StartAll'] = epicsPV.epicsPV(detector + 'StartAll', wait=0) self.pvs['StopAll'] = epicsPV.epicsPV(detector + 'StopAll', wait=0) self.pvs['EraseAll'] = epicsPV.epicsPV(detector + 'EraseAll', wait=0) self.pvs['EraseStart'] = epicsPV.epicsPV(detector + 'EraseStart', wait=0) self.pvs['Acquiring'] = epicsPV.epicsPV(detector + 'Acquiring', wait=0) self.pvs['mca1.ERTM'] = epicsPV.epicsPV(detector + 'mca1.ERTM', wait=0) self.pvs['mca1.ERTM'].pend_io() self.preset_real = self.pvs['PresetReal'].getw() self.elapsed_real = self.pvs['ElapsedReal'].getw() self.update_time = .5 # menus top = myTkTop.myTkTop() top.title('medDisplay') = top frame = Frame(top, borderwidth=1, relief='raised') frame.pack(fill=X) mb = Pmw.MenuBar(frame) mb.pack(fill=X) mb.addmenu('File', '', side='left') self.widgets.file = mb.component('File-menu') mb.addmenuitem('File', 'command', label='Save As ...', command=self.menu_save) mb.addmenuitem('File', 'command', label='Save Next = ' + self.next_file, command=self.menu_save_next) mb.addmenuitem('File', 'command', label='New MCA Display', command=self.menu_new_display) mb.addmenuitem('File', 'command', 'Exit', label='Exit', command=self.menu_exit) mb.addmenu('Help', '', side='right') = mb.component('Help-menu') mb.addmenuitem('Help', 'command', label='Usage', command=self.menu_help) mb.addmenuitem('Help', 'command', label='About', command=self.menu_about) mb.addmenu('Options', '', side='left') self.widgets.options = mb.component('Options-menu') self.erase_on_start = IntVar() self.erase_on_start.set(1) mb.addmenuitem('Options', 'checkbutton', label='Erase on Start', variable=self.erase_on_start) # main page main_frame = Frame(; main_frame.pack() left_frame = Frame(main_frame, borderwidth=1, relief='solid') left_frame.pack(side=LEFT, anchor=N) self.widgets.left_frame = left_frame right_frame = Frame(main_frame, borderwidth=1, relief='solid') right_frame.pack(side=LEFT, anchor=N) self.widgets.right_frame = right_frame # Right Hand Side for control buttons row = Frame(right_frame) row.pack(side=TOP, anchor=W) t = Label(row, text = 'Preset Real Time (s):', width=22, anchor=E); t.pack(side=LEFT) self.widgets.preset_real = t = Pmw.EntryField(row, value=0, entry_width=9, entry_justify=CENTER, validate={'validator':'real'}, entry_background='light blue', command=self.menu_preset_real) t.pack(side=LEFT) row = Frame(right_frame); row.pack(side=TOP, anchor=W) t = Label(row, text = 'Elapsed Real Time (s):', width=22, anchor=E); t.pack(side=LEFT) self.widgets.elapsed_real = t = Label(row, text=str(self.elapsed_real), foreground='blue') t.pack(side=LEFT) self.widgets.preset_real.setentry(self.preset_real) row = Frame(right_frame); row.pack(side=TOP) t = Button(row, text='Start', command=self.menu_start); t.pack(side=LEFT) t = Button(row, text='Stop', command=self.menu_stop); t.pack(side=LEFT) t = Button(row, text='Erase', command=self.menu_erase); t.pack(side=LEFT) row = Frame(right_frame); row.pack(side=TOP) t = Button(row, text='Copy ROIS', command=self.menu_copy_rois) t.pack(side=LEFT) row = Frame(right_frame); row.pack(side=TOP, anchor=W) t = Button(row, text='Save As ...', command=self.menu_save); t.pack(side=LEFT) self.widgets.save_next = t = Button(row, text='Save Next = ' + self.next_file, command=self.menu_save_next) t.pack(side=LEFT) # row = Frame(right_frame); row.pack(side=TOP, anchor=W) t = Label(row, text = 'Viewing Element: '); t.pack(side=LEFT) self.widgets.element = t = Label(row, text=str(self.element), width=2, foreground='blue') t.pack(side=LEFT) row = Frame(right_frame); row.pack(side=TOP, anchor=W) t = Label(row, text = 'Status: '); t.pack(side=LEFT) self.widgets.status = t = Label(row, text='Initializing...', foreground='blue'); t.pack(side=LEFT) t.pack(side=RIGHT) # # Left Hand Side shows Detector Element Layout # t = Label(left_frame, text='Detector Elements'); t.pack(side=TOP) width = 230 height = 230 area = Frame(left_frame, width=width, height=height); area.pack(side=TOP) self.widgets.area = area self.detector_positions = localMedLayout.localMedLayout() self.n_detectors = len(self.detector_positions) button_width=1 button_height=1 self.geom_state= 0 self.widgets.det_buttons = [] for d in range(self.n_detectors): t = Button(area, text=str(d+1), width=button_width, height=button_height, command = lambda s=self, d=d: s.menu_element(d+1)) self.widgets.det_buttons.append(t) self.layout_detector() # Finally, load real versions of the mca_display and EPICS_MED objects # This will take some time, so we start with 'Initializing ...' in the # status message self.widgets.elapsed_real.configure(text=' ') self.mcaDisplay = mcaDisplay.mcaDisplay() self.mca = self.detector + 'mca' + str(self.element) self.mcaDisplay.open_detector(self.mca) = epicsMed.epicsMed(self.detector, n_detectors=self.n_detectors) # when objects are really created, report 'Ready'. self.widgets.status.configure(text='Ready') # Start the timer routine*1000), self.menu_timer)