Esempio n. 1
def loadDeployment(deploymentData):
    """Returns a Deployment object for the given data"""
    #check that the deploymentData is valid
    if not ("deploymentId" in deploymentData and type(deploymentData["deploymentId"])==str and len(deploymentData["deploymentId"])>0):
        raise errors.BadRequestError("Deployment must have attribute 'deploymentId' (type=str and length>0)")
    if not ("name" in deploymentData and type(deploymentData["name"])==str and len(deploymentData["name"])>0):
        raise errors.BadRequestError("Deployment must have attribute 'name' (type=str and length>0)")
    if not ("status" in deploymentData and type(deploymentData["status"])==str and len(deploymentData["status"])>0):
        raise errors.BadRequestError("Deployment must have attribute 'status' (type=str and length>0)")
    if not ("dateCreated" in deploymentData and type(deploymentData["dateCreated"])==str and len(deploymentData["dateCreated"])>0):
        raise errors.BadRequestError("Deployment must have attribute 'dateCreated' (type=str and length>0)")
    if not ("dateModified" in deploymentData and type(deploymentData["dateModified"])==str and len(deploymentData["dateModified"])>0):
        raise errors.BadRequestError("Deployment must have attribute 'dateCreated' (type=str and length>0)")
    if not ("archived" in deploymentData and type(deploymentData["archived"])==bool):
        raise errors.BadRequestError("Deployment must have attribute 'archived' (type=bool)")
    if not ("goalSampleSize" in deploymentData and type(deploymentData["goalSampleSize"]) in [int, Decimal] and deploymentData["goalSampleSize"]>0):
        raise errors.BadRequestError("Deployment must have attribute 'goalSampleSize' (type=int and value>0)")
    if not ("currentSampleSize" in deploymentData and type(deploymentData["currentSampleSize"]) in [int, Decimal] and deploymentData["currentSampleSize"]>=0):
        raise errors.BadRequestError("Deployment must have attribute 'currentSampleSize' (type=int and value>=0)")
    if not ("facility" in deploymentData and type(deploymentData["facility"]) in [str, dict] and len(deploymentData["facility"])>0):
        raise errors.BadRequestError("Deployment must have attribute 'facility' (type=str or dict and length>0)")
    #construct the deployment
    d = Deployment()
    d.deploymentId = deploymentData["deploymentId"] = deploymentData["name"]
    if "description" in deploymentData:
        d.description = deploymentData["description"]
    d.status = deploymentData["status"]
    d.dateCreated = deploymentData["dateCreated"]
    d.dateModified = deploymentData["dateModified"]
    d.archived = deploymentData["archived"]
    d.goalSampleSize = int(deploymentData["goalSampleSize"])
    d.currentSampleSize = int(deploymentData["currentSampleSize"])
    d.facility = facility_db_access.loadFacility(deploymentData["facility"])
    return d
Esempio n. 2
  def _process_request_body(self):
    """Parse the request body."""
      request = json.loads(self.request.body)

      self._code = request.get('code')
      if not self._code:
        raise errors.BadRequestError('`code` attribute is required')

      self._timezone_offset = request.get(
          'timezoneOffset', DEFAULT_TIMEZONE_OFFSET)
    except ValueError:
      raise errors.BadRequestError('Unsupported request body')
def createDeploymentForStudy(studyId, deployment):
    s = getStudy(studyId)
    if not (s.status in ["DESIGNED", "DEPLOYED", "PAUSED"]):
        raise errors.BadRequestError(
            "Deployments can only be created for DESIGNED, DEPLOYED, and PAUSED studies"
    if not facility_db_access.facilityContainsAllEquipment(
            deployment.facility, s.equipmentList):
        raise errors.BadRequestError(
            "Deployment 'facility' must have all of the equpiment required by its Study"
    return deployment
def downloadFile(studyId, fileName):
    study = study_db_access.getStudy(studyId)
    if fileName not in study.resourceList:
        raise errors.BadRequestError("No file named " +fileName+ " for study " + studyId)
    key = studyId+fileName
    file = s3.get_object(Bucket=BUCKET_NAME, Key=key)
    return file
Esempio n. 5
 def _get_user(self):
   userid = util.verify_token(self.request.headers.get('Authorization'))
   if not userid:
     raise errors.BadRequestError('Unknown client ID')
   self._user = UserSettings.get_by_key_name(userid)
   if not self._user:
     raise errors.NotFoundError('Unknown user')
Esempio n. 6
def createDeployment(studyId, deploymentData):
    #check that deploymentData is valid
    if not ("name" in deploymentData and type(deploymentData["name"])==str and len(deploymentData["name"])>0):
        raise errors.BadRequestError("Deployment must have attribute 'name' (type=str and length>0)")
    if not ("goalSampleSize" in deploymentData and type(deploymentData["goalSampleSize"]) in [int, Decimal] and deploymentData["goalSampleSize"]>0):
        raise errors.BadRequestError("Deployment must have attribute 'goalSampleSize' (type=int and value>0)")
    if not ("facility" in deploymentData and type(deploymentData["facility"]) in [str, dict] and len(deploymentData["facility"])>0):
        raise errors.BadRequestError("Deployment must have attribute 'facility' (type=str or dict and length>0)")
    #construct the deployment
    d = Deployment() = deploymentData["name"]
    if "description" in deploymentData:
        d.description = deploymentData["description"]
    d.goalSampleSize = int(deploymentData["goalSampleSize"])
    d.facility = facility_db_access.loadFacility(deploymentData["facility"])
    #create the deployment (by updating its parent study)
    return study_db_access.createDeploymentForStudy(studyId, d)
Esempio n. 7
def createPermissionForStudy(studyId):
    permissionData = request.get_json()
    if not ("userId" in permissionData and type(permissionData["userId"])==str and len(permissionData["userId"])>0):
        raise errors.BadRequestError("Permission must have attribute 'userId' (type=str and length>0)")
    userId = permissionData["userId"]
    userPermission = permission_db_access.createAdminForStudy(userId, studyId)
    return toJson(userPermission)
def updateStudy(studyId, studyData):
    oldStudy = getStudy(studyId)
    newStudy = loadStudy(studyData)
    #check that the study can be updated
    if not (oldStudy.studyId == newStudy.studyId):
        raise errors.BadRequestError(
            "studyId of the study to be updated must mach the studyId of the endpoint"
    if not (oldStudy.dateModified == newStudy.dateModified):
        raise errors.BadRequestError(
            "dateModifed on the study to be updated does not match the dateModified in the database."
    if not (newStudy.status
        raise errors.BadRequestError(
            "status must be CREATED, DESIGNED, DEPLOYED, PAUSED, or TERMINATED"
    #The archived flag can always be updated regardless of status
    oldStudy.archived = newStudy.archived
    if (oldStudy.status == "CREATED"):
        if not (newStudy.status in ["CREATED", "DESIGNED", "TERMINATED"]):
            raise errors.BadRequestError(
                "status of a CREATED study can only be updated to DESIGNED or TERMINATED"
            ) =
        oldStudy.description = newStudy.description
        oldStudy.equipmentList = newStudy.equipmentList
        oldStudy.resourceList = newStudy.resourceList
    if (oldStudy.status == "DESIGNED"):
        if not (newStudy.status in ["DESIGNED", "DEPLOYED", "TERMINATED"]):
            raise errors.BadRequestError(
                "status of a DESIGNED study can only be updated to DEPLOYED or TERMINATED"
    if (oldStudy.status == "DEPLOYED"):
        if not (newStudy.status in ["DEPLOYED", "PAUSED", "TERMINATED"]):
            raise errors.BadRequestError(
                "status of a DEPLOYED study can only be updated to PAUSED or TERMINATED"
    if (oldStudy.status == "PAUSED"):
        if not (newStudy.status in ["DEPLOYED", "PAUSED", "TERMINATED"]):
            raise errors.BadRequestError(
                "status of a PAUSED study can only be updated to DEPLOYED or TERMINATED"
    if (oldStudy.status == "TERMINATED"):
        if not (newStudy.status == "TERMINATED"):
            raise errors.BadRequestError(
                "Cannot change the status of a TERMINATED study")
    if (newStudy.status == "TERMINATED"):
        for d in oldStudy.deploymentList:
            if not d.status == "TERMINATED":
                d.status = "TERMINATED"
    oldStudy.status = newStudy.status
    return oldStudy
def uploadFile(studyId, file):
    study = study_db_access.getStudy(studyId)
    if not study.status == "CREATED":
        raise errors.BadRequestError("Files can only uploaded for CREATED studies")
    fileName =file.filename
    key = studyId+fileName
    s3.upload_fileobj(file, BUCKET_NAME, key)
    study_db_access.updateStudy(studyId, study.toDynamo())
    return fileName
Esempio n. 10
 def _process_request_body(self):
   """Parse the request body."""
     data = json.loads(self.request.body)
     self._user.night_mode = data.get('nightMode', self._user.night_mode)
     self._user.frequency = data.get('frequency', self._user.frequency)
     self._user.timezone_offset = data.get(
         'timezoneOffset', self._user.timezone_offset)
   except ValueError:
     raise errors.BadRequestError('Unsupported request body')
def updateDeploymentForStudy(studyId, deployment):
    s = getStudy(studyId)
    if not (s.status in ["DESIGNED", "DEPLOYED", "PAUSED"]):
        raise errors.BadRequestError(
            "Deployments can only be updated for DESIGNED, DEPLOYED, and PAUSED studies"
    if not facility_db_access.facilityContainsAllEquipment(
            deployment.facility, s.equipmentList):
        raise errors.BadRequestError(
            "Deployment 'facility' must have all of the equpiment required by its Study"
    allDeploymentsArePausedOrTerminated = True
    for i in range(len(s.deploymentList)):
        if s.deploymentList[i].deploymentId == deployment.deploymentId:
            s.deploymentList[i] = deployment
        if s.deploymentList[i].status not in ["PAUSED", "TERMINATED"]:
            allDeploymentsArePausedOrTerminated = False
    if allDeploymentsArePausedOrTerminated and s.status == "DEPLOYED":
        s.status = "PAUSED"
    return deployment
Esempio n. 12
class OAuthCodeExchangeHandler(webapp2.RequestHandler):
  """Request handler for OAuth 2.0 code exchange."""

  def post(self):
    """Handle code exchange."""
    user = self._create_user()
    util.write_response(self, user.to_dict())

  def _process_request_body(self):
    """Parse the request body."""
      request = json.loads(self.request.body)

      self._code = request.get('code')
      if not self._code:
        raise errors.BadRequestError('`code` attribute is required')

      self._timezone_offset = request.get(
          'timezoneOffset', DEFAULT_TIMEZONE_OFFSET)
    except ValueError:
      raise errors.BadRequestError('Unsupported request body')

  def _exchange_code(self):
    """Retrieve credentials for the current user."""
    oauth_flow = self._create_oauth_flow()
    # Perform the exchange of the code.
      creds = oauth_flow.step2_exchange(self._code)
    except FlowExchangeError, e:
      raise errors.InternalServerError('Unable to exchange code: ', e.message)

    # Verify that the token has been issued for our application.
    self._userid = util.verify_token(creds.access_token)
    if not self._userid:
      raise errors.BadRequestError('Unknown client ID')

    # Verify that we can retrieve valid refresh token for the current user.
    if creds.refresh_token:
      # Store the credentials in the data store using the userid as the key.
          model.UserSettings, self._userid, 'credentials').put(creds)
      # Look for existing credentials in our datastore.
      creds = StorageByKeyName(
          model.UserSettings, self._userid, 'credentials').get()
      if not creds or not creds.refresh_token:
        raise errors.UnauthorizedError('No refresh token')
    return creds
Esempio n. 13
def createEquipment(equipmentData):
    #check that equipmentData is valid
    if not ("name" in equipmentData and type(equipmentData["name"]) == str
            and len(equipmentData["name"]) > 0):
        raise errors.BadRequestError(
            "Equipment must have attribute 'name' (type=str and length>0)")
    #construct the equipment
    e = Equipment() = equipmentData["name"]
    if "abbreviation" in equipmentData:
        e.abbreviation = equipmentData["abbreviation"]
    #create the equipment
    return e
Esempio n. 14
def createFacility(facilityData):
    #check that facilityData is valid
    if not ("name" in deploymentData and type(deploymentData["name"]) == str
            and len(deploymentData["name"]) > 0):
        raise errors.BadRequestError(
            "Facility must have attribute 'name' (type=str and length>0)")
    #construct the facility
    f = Facility() = facilityData["name"]
    if "equipmentList" in facilityData:
        f.equipmentList = equipment_db_access.loadEquipmentList(
    #create the facility
    return f
def createStudy(studyData):
    #check that the studyData is valid
    if not ("name" in studyData and type(studyData["name"]) == str
            and len(studyData["name"]) > 0):
        raise errors.BadRequestError(
            "Study must have attribute 'name' (type=str and length>0)")
    #construct the study
    s = Study() = studyData["name"]
    if "description" in studyData:
        s.description = studyData["description"]
    if "equipmentList" in studyData:
        s.equipmentList = equipment_db_access.loadEquipmentList(
    #create the study
    return s
Esempio n. 16
def updateDeployment(studyId, deploymentId, deploymentData):
    oldDeployment = getDeployment(studyId, deploymentId)
    newDeployment = loadDeployment(deploymentData)
    #check that the deployment can be updated
    if not (oldDeployment.deploymentId==newDeployment.deploymentId):
        raise errors.BadRequestError("deploymentId of the deployment to be updated must mach the deploymentId of the endpoint")
    if not (oldDeployment.dateModified==newDeployment.dateModified):
        raise errors.BadRequestError("dateModifed on the deployment to be updated does not match the dateModified in the database.")
    if not (newDeployment.status in ["CREATED", "DESIGNED", "DEPLOYED", "PAUSED", "TERMINATED"]):
        raise errors.BadRequestError("status must be CREATED, DESIGNED, DEPLOYED, PAUSED, or TERMINATED")
    #The archived flag can always be updated regardless of status
    oldDeployment.archived = newDeployment.archived
    if (oldDeployment.status=="CREATED"):
        if not (newDeployment.status in ["CREATED", "DESIGNED", "TERMINATED"]):
            raise errors.BadRequestError("status of a CREATED deployment can only be updated to DESIGNED or TERMINATED") =
        oldDeployment.description = newDeployment.description
        oldDeployment.goalSampleSize = newDeployment.goalSampleSize
        oldDeployment.facility = newDeployment.facility
    if (oldDeployment.status=="DESIGNED"):
        if not (newDeployment.status in ["DESIGNED", "DEPLOYED", "TERMINATED"]):
            raise errors.BadRequestError("status of a DESIGNED deployment can only be updated to DEPLOYED or TERMINATED")
    if (oldDeployment.status=="DEPLOYED"):
        if not (newDeployment.status in ["DEPLOYED", "PAUSED", "TERMINATED"]):
            raise errors.BadRequestError("status of a DEPLOYED deployment can only be updated to PAUSED or TERMINATED")
        if study_db_access.getStudy(studyId).status=="DEPLOYED":
            oldDeployment.currentSampleSize = newDeployment.currentSampleSize
    if (oldDeployment.status=="PAUSED"):
        if not (newDeployment.status in ["DEPLOYED", "PAUSED", "TERMINATED"]):
            raise errors.BadRequestError("status of a PAUSED study can only be updated to DEPLOYED or TERMINATED")
    if (oldDeployment.status=="TERMINATED"):
        if not (newDeployment.status=="TERMINATED"):
            raise errors.BadRequestError("Cannot change the status of a TERMINATED study")
    oldDeployment.status = newDeployment.status
    #if the goalSampleSize has been reached, automatically pause the deployment
    if (oldDeployment.currentSampleSize>=oldDeployment.goalSampleSize and oldDeployment.status not in ["PAUSED", "TERMINATED"]):
        oldDeployment.status = "PAUSED"
    return study_db_access.updateDeploymentForStudy(studyId, oldDeployment)
def loadStudy(studyData):
    """Returns a Study object for the given data"""
    #check that the studyData is valid
    if not ("studyId" in studyData and type(studyData["studyId"]) == str
            and len(studyData["studyId"]) > 0):
        raise errors.BadRequestError(
            "Study must have attribute 'studyId' (type=str and length>0)")
    if not ("name" in studyData and type(studyData["name"]) == str
            and len(studyData["name"]) > 0):
        raise errors.BadRequestError(
            "Study must have attribute 'name' (type=str and length>0)")
    if not ("status" in studyData and type(studyData["status"]) == str
            and len(studyData["status"]) > 0):
        raise errors.BadRequestError(
            "Study must have attribute 'status' (type=str and length>0)")
    if not ("dateCreated" in studyData and type(studyData["dateCreated"])
            == str and len(studyData["dateCreated"]) > 0):
        raise errors.BadRequestError(
            "Study must have attribute 'dateCreated' (type=str and length>0)")
    if not ("dateModified" in studyData and type(studyData["dateModified"])
            == str and len(studyData["dateModified"]) > 0):
        raise errors.BadRequestError(
            "Study must have attribute 'dateModified' (type=str and length>0)")
    if not ("archived" in studyData and type(studyData["archived"]) == bool):
        raise errors.BadRequestError(
            "Study must have attribute 'archived' (type=bool)")
    #construct the study
    s = Study()
    s.studyId = studyData["studyId"] = studyData["name"]
    if "description" in studyData:
        s.description = studyData["description"]
    s.status = studyData["status"]
    s.dateCreated = studyData["dateCreated"]
    s.dateModified = studyData["dateModified"]
    s.archived = studyData["archived"]
    if "deploymentList" in studyData:
        s.deploymentList = deployment_db_access.loadDeploymentList(
    if "equipmentList" in studyData:
        s.equipmentList = equipment_db_access.loadEquipmentList(
    if "resourceList" in studyData:
        s.resourceList = studyData["resourceList"]
    return s