def addInitializationToOutput( self ): "Add initialization gcode to the output." # From # If you wish to run macros using comments in parentheses, the comment character must be changed from a semi-colon to a left parenthesis. # Note: the original closing single quotation mark was not ascii, so I replaced it with an apostrophe. # To do this, the following line should be placed at the beginning of the G-Code file that calls the macro: # self.addLine( "(*CMST '('*)" ) # Gcode to convert the comment character to '('. self.addFromUpperLowerFile( 'Start.txt' ) # Add a start file if it exists. self.addLine( '(<creator> skeinforge May 28, 2008 )' ) # GCode formatted comment self.addLine( 'M110' ) # GCode for compatibility with Nophead's code. self.addLine( '(<extruderInitialization> )' ) # GCode formatted comment self.addLine( 'G21' ) # Set units to mm. self.addLine( 'G90' ) # Set positioning to absolute. self.addLine( 'G28' ) # Start at home. self.addLine( 'M103' ) # Turn extruder off. self.addLine( 'M104 S200' ) # Set temperature to 200. self.addLine( 'M105' ) # Custom code for temperature reading. self.addLine( 'M108 S210' ) # Set extruder speed to 210. self.addFromUpperLowerFile( 'EndOfTheBeginning.txt' ) # Add a second start file if it exists. self.addLine( '(<extrusionDiameter> ' + euclidean.getRoundedToThreePlaces( self.extrusionDiameter ) + ' )' ) # Set extrusion diameter. self.addLine( '(<extrusionWidth> ' + euclidean.getRoundedToThreePlaces( self.extrusionWidth ) + ' )' ) # Set extrusion width. self.addLine( '(<layerThickness> ' + euclidean.getRoundedToThreePlaces( self.layerThickness ) + ' )' ) # Set layer thickness. # Set bridge extrusion width over solid extrusion width. self.addLine( '(<bridgeExtrusionWidthOverSolid> ' + euclidean.getRoundedToThreePlaces( self.bridgeExtrusionWidth / self.extrusionWidth ) + ' )' ) self.addLine( '(<procedureDone> slice )' ) # The skein has been sliced. self.addLine( '(<extrusionStart> )' ) # Initialization is finished, extrusion is starting.
def addGcodeMovement(self, point): "Add a movement to the output." self.lastOutputPoint = point self.output.write("G1 X" + euclidean.getRoundedToThreePlaces(point.x) + " Y" + euclidean.getRoundedToThreePlaces(point.y)) self.addLine(" Z" + euclidean.getRoundedToThreePlaces(point.z) + " F" + euclidean.getRoundedToThreePlaces(self.feedratePerMinute))
def addGcodeMovement( self, point ): "Add a movement to the output." self.lastOutputPoint = point if point in self.feedrateTable: self.feedrateMinute = self.feedrateTable[ point ] self.output.write( "G1 X" + euclidean.getRoundedToThreePlaces( point.x ) + " Y" + euclidean.getRoundedToThreePlaces( point.y ) ) self.addLine( " Z" + euclidean.getRoundedToThreePlaces( point.z ) + " F" + euclidean.getRoundedToThreePlaces( self.feedrateMinute ) )
def getStretchedLineFromIndexLocation( self, indexPreviousStart, indexNextStart, location ): "Get stretched gcode line from line index and location." nextRange = range( indexNextStart, len( self.lines ) ) previousRange = range( indexPreviousStart, 3, - 1 ) relativeStretch = self.getRelativeStretch( location, nextRange ) + self.getRelativeStretch( location, previousRange ) relativeStretch *= 0.8 relativeStretchLength = abs( relativeStretch ) if relativeStretchLength > 1.0: relativeStretch /= relativeStretchLength absoluteStretch = relativeStretch * self.maximumAbsoluteStretch stretchedLocation = Vec3( absoluteStretch.real, absoluteStretch.imag, 0.0 ) ) stretchedLine = "G1 X" + euclidean.getRoundedToThreePlaces( stretchedLocation.x ) + " Y" + euclidean.getRoundedToThreePlaces( stretchedLocation.y ) return stretchedLine + " Z" + euclidean.getRoundedToThreePlaces( stretchedLocation.z ) + ' F' + euclidean.getRoundedToThreePlaces( self.feedrateMinute )
def getStretchedLineFromIndexLocation(self, indexPreviousStart, indexNextStart, location): "Get stretched gcode line from line index and location." nextRange = range(indexNextStart, len(self.lines)) previousRange = range(indexPreviousStart, 3, -1) relativeStretch = self.getRelativeStretch( location, nextRange) + self.getRelativeStretch( location, previousRange) relativeStretch *= 0.8 relativeStretchLength = abs(relativeStretch) if relativeStretchLength > 1.0: relativeStretch /= relativeStretchLength absoluteStretch = relativeStretch * self.maximumAbsoluteStretch stretchedLocation = Vec3(absoluteStretch.real, absoluteStretch.imag, 0.0)) stretchedLine = "G1 X" + euclidean.getRoundedToThreePlaces( stretchedLocation.x) + " Y" + euclidean.getRoundedToThreePlaces( stretchedLocation.y) return stretchedLine + " Z" + euclidean.getRoundedToThreePlaces( stretchedLocation.z) + ' F' + euclidean.getRoundedToThreePlaces( self.feedrateMinute)
def addGcodeMovement( self, point ): "Add a movement to the output."#later add feedrate self.addLine( "G1 X" + euclidean.getRoundedToThreePlaces( point.x ) + " Y" + euclidean.getRoundedToThreePlaces( point.y ) + " Z" + euclidean.getRoundedToThreePlaces( point.z ) )
def addGcodeMovement(self, point): "Add a movement to the output." #later add feedrate self.addLine("G1 X" + euclidean.getRoundedToThreePlaces(point.x) + " Y" + euclidean.getRoundedToThreePlaces(point.y) + " Z" + euclidean.getRoundedToThreePlaces(point.z))
def addRelativeCenter(self, centerMinusBefore): "Add the relative center to a line of the arc radius filleted skein." planeCenterMinusBefore = centerMinusBefore.dropAxis(2) radius = abs(planeCenterMinusBefore) self.output.write(' R' + euclidean.getRoundedToThreePlaces(radius))
def addRelativeCenter(self, centerMinusBefore): "Add the relative center to a line of the arc point filleted skein." self.output.write( ' I' + euclidean.getRoundedToThreePlaces(centerMinusBefore.x) + ' J' + euclidean.getRoundedToThreePlaces(centerMinusBefore.y))
def addPoint(self, point): "Add a gcode point to the output." self.output.write(' X' + euclidean.getRoundedToThreePlaces(point.x) + ' Y' + euclidean.getRoundedToThreePlaces(point.y) + ' Z' + euclidean.getRoundedToThreePlaces(point.z))
def addFeedrateEnd(self): "Add the gcode feedrate and a newline to the output." self.addLine(' F' + euclidean.getRoundedToThreePlaces(self.feedrateMinute))
def addGcodeMovement( self, point ): "Add a movement to the output." self.addLine( "G1 X%s Y%s Z%s" % ( euclidean.getRoundedToThreePlaces( point.x ), euclidean.getRoundedToThreePlaces( point.y ), euclidean.getRoundedToThreePlaces( point.z ) ) )
def addRelativeCenter( self, centerMinusBefore ): "Add the relative center to a line of the arc radius filleted skein." planeCenterMinusBefore = centerMinusBefore.dropAxis( 2 ) radius = abs( planeCenterMinusBefore ) self.output.write( ' R' + euclidean.getRoundedToThreePlaces( radius ) )
def addRelativeCenter( self, centerMinusBefore ): "Add the relative center to a line of the arc point filleted skein." self.output.write( ' I' + euclidean.getRoundedToThreePlaces( centerMinusBefore.x ) + ' J' + euclidean.getRoundedToThreePlaces( centerMinusBefore.y ) )
def addPoint( self, point ): "Add a gcode point to the output." self.output.write( ' X' + euclidean.getRoundedToThreePlaces( point.x ) + ' Y' + euclidean.getRoundedToThreePlaces( point.y ) + ' Z' + euclidean.getRoundedToThreePlaces( point.z ) )
def addFeedrateEnd( self ): "Add the gcode feedrate and a newline to the output." self.addLine( ' F' + euclidean.getRoundedToThreePlaces( self.feedrateMinute ) )