Esempio n. 1
    def _goto(self, add_import_name=False):
        Used for goto and related_names.
        goto_path = self.module.get_path_under_cursor()
        context = self.module.get_context()
        if next(context) in ('class', 'def'):
            user_scope = self.parser.user_scope
            definitions = set([])
            search_name = str(
        elif isinstance(self.parser.user_stmt, parsing.Import):
            s, name_part = self._get_on_import_stmt()
                definitions = [s.follow(is_goto=True)[0]]
            except IndexError:
                definitions = []
            search_name = str(name_part)

            if add_import_name:
                import_name = self.parser.user_stmt.get_defined_names()
                # imports have only one name
                if name_part == import_name[0].names[-1]:
            stmt = self._get_under_cursor_stmt(goto_path)
            definitions, search_name = evaluate.goto(stmt)
        return definitions, search_name
Esempio n. 2
File: Progetto: rayleyva/jedi
    def _goto(self, add_import_name=False):
        Used for goto_assignments and usages.

        :param add_import_name: Add the the name (if import) to the result.
        def follow_inexistent_imports(defs):
            """ Imports can be generated, e.g. following
            `multiprocessing.dummy` generates an import dummy in the
            multiprocessing module. The Import doesn't exist -> follow.
            definitions = set(defs)
            for d in defs:
                if isinstance(d.parent, pr.Import) \
                        and d.start_pos == (0, 0):
                    i = imports.ImportPath(d.parent).follow(is_goto=True)
                    definitions |= follow_inexistent_imports(i)
            return definitions

        goto_path = self._module.get_path_under_cursor()
        context = self._module.get_context()
        user_stmt = self._user_stmt()
        if next(context) in ('class', 'def'):
            user_scope = self._parser.user_scope
            definitions = set([])
            search_name = unicode(
        elif isinstance(user_stmt, pr.Import):
            s, name_part = self._get_on_import_stmt(user_stmt)
                definitions = [s.follow(is_goto=True)[0]]
            except IndexError:
                definitions = []
            search_name = unicode(name_part)

            if add_import_name:
                import_name = user_stmt.get_defined_names()
                # imports have only one name
                if not \
                        and name_part == import_name[0].names[-1]:
            stmt = self._get_under_cursor_stmt(goto_path)
            defs, search_name = evaluate.goto(stmt)
            definitions = follow_inexistent_imports(defs)
            if isinstance(user_stmt, pr.Statement):
                c = user_stmt.get_commands()
                if c and not isinstance(c[0], (str, unicode)) \
                        and c[0].start_pos > self._pos \
                        and not'\.\w+$', goto_path):
                    # The cursor must be after the start, otherwise the
                    # statement is just an assignee.
                    definitions = [user_stmt]
        return definitions, search_name
Esempio n. 3
    def _goto(self, add_import_name=False):
        Used for goto_assignments and usages.

        :param add_import_name: Add the the name (if import) to the result.
        def follow_inexistent_imports(defs):
            """ Imports can be generated, e.g. following
            `multiprocessing.dummy` generates an import dummy in the
            multiprocessing module. The Import doesn't exist -> follow.
            definitions = set(defs)
            for d in defs:
                if isinstance(d.parent, pr.Import) \
                        and d.start_pos == (0, 0):
                    i = imports.ImportPath(d.parent).follow(is_goto=True)
                    definitions |= follow_inexistent_imports(i)
            return definitions

        goto_path = self._module.get_path_under_cursor()
        context = self._module.get_context()
        user_stmt = self._user_stmt()
        if next(context) in ('class', 'def'):
            user_scope = self._parser.user_scope
            definitions = set([])
            search_name = unicode(
        elif isinstance(user_stmt, pr.Import):
            s, name_part = self._get_on_import_stmt(user_stmt)
                definitions = [s.follow(is_goto=True)[0]]
            except IndexError:
                definitions = []
            search_name = unicode(name_part)

            if add_import_name:
                import_name = user_stmt.get_defined_names()
                # imports have only one name
                if not \
                        and name_part == import_name[0].names[-1]:
            stmt = self._get_under_cursor_stmt(goto_path)
            defs, search_name = evaluate.goto(stmt)
            definitions = follow_inexistent_imports(defs)
            if isinstance(user_stmt, pr.Statement):
                c = user_stmt.get_commands()
                if c and not isinstance(c[0], (str, unicode)) \
                        and c[0].start_pos > self._pos \
                        and not'\.\w+$', goto_path):
                    # The cursor must be after the start, otherwise the
                    # statement is just an assignee.
                    definitions = [user_stmt]
        return definitions, search_name
Esempio n. 4
File: Progetto: omab/dotfiles
    def _goto(self, add_import_name=False):
        Used for goto and related_names.
        :param add_import_name: TODO add description
        def follow_inexistent_imports(defs):
            """ Imports can be generated, e.g. following
            `multiprocessing.dummy` generates an import dummy in the
            multiprocessing module. The Import doesn't exist -> follow.
            definitions = set(defs)
            for d in defs:
                if isinstance(d.parent, parsing.Import) \
                                        and d.start_pos == (0, 0):
                    i = imports.ImportPath(d.parent).follow(is_goto=True)
                    definitions |= follow_inexistent_imports(i)
            return definitions

        goto_path = self.module.get_path_under_cursor()
        context = self.module.get_context()
        if next(context) in ('class', 'def'):
            user_scope = self.parser.user_scope
            definitions = set([])
            search_name = unicode(
        elif isinstance(self.parser.user_stmt, parsing.Import):
            s, name_part = self._get_on_import_stmt()
                definitions = [s.follow(is_goto=True)[0]]
            except IndexError:
                definitions = []
            search_name = unicode(name_part)

            if add_import_name:
                import_name = self.parser.user_stmt.get_defined_names()
                # imports have only one name
                if name_part == import_name[0].names[-1]:
            stmt = self._get_under_cursor_stmt(goto_path)
            defs, search_name = evaluate.goto(stmt)
            definitions = follow_inexistent_imports(defs)
        return definitions, search_name
Esempio n. 5
    def _goto(self, add_import_name=False):
        Used for goto and related_names.
        :param add_import_name: TODO add description
        def follow_inexistent_imports(defs):
            """ Imports can be generated, e.g. following
            `multiprocessing.dummy` generates an import dummy in the
            multiprocessing module. The Import doesn't exist -> follow.
            definitions = set(defs)
            for d in defs:
                if isinstance(d.parent, parsing.Import) \
                                        and d.start_pos == (0, 0):
                    i = imports.ImportPath(d.parent).follow(is_goto=True)
                    definitions |= follow_inexistent_imports(i)
            return definitions

        goto_path = self.module.get_path_under_cursor()
        context = self.module.get_context()
        if next(context) in ('class', 'def'):
            user_scope = self.parser.user_scope
            definitions = set([])
            search_name = str(
        elif isinstance(self.parser.user_stmt, parsing.Import):
            s, name_part = self._get_on_import_stmt()
                definitions = [s.follow(is_goto=True)[0]]
            except IndexError:
                definitions = []
            search_name = str(name_part)

            if add_import_name:
                import_name = self.parser.user_stmt.get_defined_names()
                # imports have only one name
                if name_part == import_name[0].names[-1]:
            stmt = self._get_under_cursor_stmt(goto_path)
            defs, search_name = evaluate.goto(stmt)
            definitions = follow_inexistent_imports(defs)
        return definitions, search_name
Esempio n. 6
File: Progetto: 1st1/jedi
    def check_call(call):
        result = []
        follow = []  # There might be multiple search_name's in one call_path
        call_path = list(call.generate_call_path())
        for i, name in enumerate(call_path):
            # name is `parsing.NamePart`.
            if name == search_name:
                follow.append(call_path[:i + 1])

        for f in follow:
            follow_res, search = evaluate.goto(call.parent_stmt, f)
            follow_res = related_name_add_import_modules(follow_res, search)

            compare_follow_res = compare_array(follow_res)
            # compare to see if they match
            if any(r in compare_definitions for r in compare_follow_res):
                scope = call.parent_stmt
                result.append(api_classes.RelatedName(search, scope))

        return result
Esempio n. 7
    def check_call(call):
        result = []
        follow = []  # There might be multiple search_name's in one call_path
        call_path = list(call.generate_call_path())
        for i, name in enumerate(call_path):
            # name is `parsing.NamePart`.
            if name == search_name:
                follow.append(call_path[:i + 1])

        for f in follow:
            follow_res, search = evaluate.goto(call.parent_stmt, f)
            follow_res = related_name_add_import_modules(follow_res, search)

            #print follow_res, [d.parent for d in follow_res]
            # compare to see if they match
            if any(r in definitions for r in follow_res):
                scope = call.parent_stmt
                result.append(api_classes.RelatedName(search, scope))

        return result
Esempio n. 8
    def check_call(call):
        result = []
        follow = []  # There might be multiple search_name's in one call_path
        call_path = list(call.generate_call_path())
        for i, name in enumerate(call_path):
            # name is `pr.NamePart`.
            if name == search_name:
                follow.append(call_path[:i + 1])

        for f in follow:
            follow_res, search = evaluate.goto(call.parent, f)
            follow_res = usages_add_import_modules(follow_res, search)

            compare_follow_res = compare_array(follow_res)
            # compare to see if they match
            if any(r in compare_definitions for r in compare_follow_res):
                scope = call.parent
                result.append(api_classes.Usage(search, scope))

        return result