Esempio n. 1
    def test_loadmodel(self):
        # assertTrue should fail if ezgal.model returns None

        # Trying to load a non-existent model should fail
        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
Esempio n. 2
def _make_model(filters):
    Make an EzGal object.

    This also takes care of making sure that the model exists and is
    pre-evolved in the way we like.
    :param filters: List of filters that the model needs to contain
                    calculations for.
    :return: EzGal object.
    # we have an evolved model in the local directory pre-evolved that we
    # want to grab if we can.
    code_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
    evolved_model = code_dir + os.sep +"bc03_exp_0.1_z_0.02_chab_evolved.model"
    # if it's not there, then get the un-evolved model.
    default_model = "bc03_exp_0.1_z_0.02_chab.model"

    try:  # to open the evolved model
        model = ezgal.ezgal(evolved_model)
        # see if all the filters we want are already in the model.
        if not all([filt in model.filters for filt in filters]):
            # if not, add them
            _evolve_model(model, filters, evolved_model)
    except ValueError:  # the default model wasn't found
        try:  # to open the default model
            model = ezgal.model(default_model)
            # add the filters we need
            _evolve_model(model, filters, save_name=evolved_model)

        except ValueError:  # the default model doesn't exist
            raise ValueError("Please download the default model, which is "
                             "bc03_exp_0.1_z_0.02_chab.model. This can be "
                             "found on the EzGal website at "
    return model
Esempio n. 3
def color_function(zs, znorm,zf,Z):
    model = ezgal.model("/net/delft/data2/vakili/easy/ezgal_models/"+str(Z)+"_chab.model")
    model.add_filter("/net/vuntus/data1/vakili/easy/u.dat" , "u" , units = "nm")
    model.add_filter("/net/vuntus/data1/vakili/easy/g.dat" , "g" , units = "nm")
    model.add_filter("/net/vuntus/data1/vakili/easy/r.dat" , "r" , units = "nm")
    model.add_filter("/net/vuntus/data1/vakili/easy/i.dat" , "i" , units = "nm")
    kcorr_sloan = model.get_kcorrects(zf=3.0 , zs = znorm , filters = "sloan_i")
    model.set_normalization("sloan_i" , znorm , mstar(znorm)-kcorr_sloan, vega=False, apparent=True)
    mu = model.get_apparent_mags(zf=zf , filters = "u" , zs= zs)
    mg = model.get_apparent_mags(zf=zf , filters = "g" , zs= zs)
    mr = model.get_apparent_mags(zf=zf , filters = "r" , zs= zs)
    mi = model.get_apparent_mags(zf=zf , filters = "i" , zs= zs)
    return np.vstack([mu-mg, mg-mr, mr-mi, mi])
Esempio n. 4
def setup_models(zf, tau):
    #model = ezgal.model('bc03_exp_0.1_z_0.02_salp.model')
    model = ezgal.model('bc03_ssp_z_0.02_chab.model')

    if isinstance(tau, list):
        raise ValueError('tau cannot be a list')
    exp = model.make_exponential(tau)

    # set cosmology
    exp.set_cosmology(Om=0.3, Ol=0.7, h=0.7, w=-1)
    # set the model normalization to Dai et al 2009 (ApJ, 697, 506)
    exp.set_normalization('ch1', 0.24, -25.06, vega=True)
    exp.add_filter('g_MOSAICII.res', name='g_MOSAICII_MAG_ISO')
    exp.add_filter('r_MOSAICII.res', name='r_MOSAICII_MAG_ISO')
    exp.add_filter('SLOAN-SDSS.i.res', name='i_MOSAICII_MAG_ISO')
    exp.add_filter('SLOAN-SDSS.z.res', name='z_MOSAICII_MAG_ISO')
    exp.add_filter('K_KittPeak.res', name='K_KittPeak_MAG_ISO')

    return exp
Esempio n. 5
#!/usr/bin/env python

import ezgal, sys
import numpy as np

# get call parameters from python
model_file = sys.argv[1]  # input file
output_file = sys.argv[2]  # output file

# list of ages
ages = np.asarray([float(val) for val in sys.argv[3:]])
nages = len(ages)

# load the model file into EzGal
model = ezgal.model(model_file)

# and get the list of wavelengths
ls =

# interpolate to get the mass at each age
if model.has_masses:
    masses = np.interp(ages, model.ages / 1e9, model.masses)

# now build an array to hold all the data which we will print to the output file
seds = np.empty((ls.size, nages + 1))

# store the wavelengths in the array
seds[:, 0] = ls

# now loop through the age list, fetch the SED, and store in the output array
# while we are at it make a list of format strings for writing the data to the file
Esempio n. 6
   from scipy.stats import norm
   import seaborn as sns
   import scipy.optimize as op
   import h5py

   reduced_kids = h5py.File("reduced_kids.h5")
   ID = reduced_kids['ID'][:]
   RA = reduced_kids['RA'][:]
   DEC = reduced_kids['DEC'][:]
   mi = reduced_kids['mi'][:]
   redshift = reduced_kids['redshift']
   colors = reduced_kids['colors'][:]
   color_errs = reduced_kids['color_errs'][:]
   Ngals = mi.shape[0]
   print "Ngals",  Ngals  
   result_file = h5py.File("red_photometric_sample_v2.h5" , 'w')
   result_file.create_dataset("opt", (Ngals, 4) , data = np.zeros((Ngals,4)))

   model = ezgal.model("/net/delft/data2/vakili/easy/ezgal_models/")
   zf = 3.0 #HARDCODED
   model.add_filter("/net/delft/data2/vakili/easy/i.dat" , "kids" , units = "nm")
   #kcorr_sloan = model.get_kcorrects(zf=3.0 , zs = 0.25 , filters = "sloan_i")
   model.set_normalization("sloan_i" , 0.2 , 17.85, vega=False, apparent=True)
   cosmo = {'omega_M_0':0.3, 'omega_lambda_0':0.7, 'omega_k_0':0.0, 'h':1.0}
   zmin , zmax , dz = 0.1 , 0.8 , 0.02
   sampler(0.1, 0.8, 0.02, 10, 1000, 2000, 60)
Esempio n. 7
def make_prediction_dictionary(spacing):
    Use the EzGal module to get model predictions, find correct slopes of RS, and turn this info into a dictionary
    where keys are redshifts, and values are objects storing all the data about the model prediction for that

    :param spacing: float of how far apart the redshift predictions will be.
    :return: dictionary, where keys=redshifts and values=predictions object

    # Make the models
    # For simplicity right now, just use the 0.1 gyr exponential model
    evolved_model = "bc03_exp_0.1_z_0.02_chab_evolved_zf_3.0.model"
    default_model = "bc03_exp_0.1_z_0.02_chab.model"
    try:  # to open the evolved model
        model = ezgal.ezgal(evolved_model)
        build = False
    except ValueError:
        # the evolved model wasn't found, so we need to build one
        try:  # to open the basic model that isn't evolved.
            model = ezgal.model(default_model)
        except ValueError:  # We couldn't find a basic model, so we need to download one.
            raise ValueError("The basic model file was not found. Please download one from the ezgal website "
                             "( and move it to the exgal package directory. "
                             "(ezgal/data/models/)\nbc03 is recommended, but you can choose another if you wish.")
        build = True

    # Set formation redshift and observed redshifts
    zf = 3.0
    zs = np.arange(0.5, 1.5000001, spacing)

    # Normalize to Coma
    model.set_normalization(filter='ks', mag=10.9, apparent=True, vega=True, z=0.023)

    print config_data.filters_list
    # Calculate observables in AB mags
    mags = model.get_apparent_mags(zf, filters=config_data.filters_list, zs=zs, vega=False)
    # mags has dimensions of: [redshifts, filters]

    print mags

    # If we recently build and evolved the model, save it so we don't have to do that again.
    if build:
        # before doing that, though, evolve all the filters, to make it easier for future users who might want to add
        #  bands

        # find the place ezgal stores all the filters
        filters_dir = model.data_dir + "filters/"
        # make a list of all filters in that directory. We will make predictions for all filters
        all_filters = [f for f in os.listdir(filters_dir) if f != "README"]
        all_filters = ["sloan_r", "sloan_z"]

        # Calculate observables in AB mags
        model.get_apparent_mags(zf, filters=all_filters, zs=zs, vega=False)

        # Save the model.
        location = model.data_dir + "models/" + evolved_model

    # change redshifts to string format, so they don't get floating point errors
    zs = [str(round(z, 2)) for z in zs]

    # Initialize an empty dictionary
    predictions_dict = dict()
    # fill the dictionary with values generated by the models.
    for z_index, z in enumerate(zs):
        mag_dict = dict()
        for filter_index, filter in enumerate(config_data.filters_list):
            mag_dict[filter] = mags[z_index][filter_index]
        predictions_dict[z] = other_classes.Predictions(redshift=z, mags=mag_dict)
    return predictions_dict
Esempio n. 8
if __name__ == '__main__':

   from scipy.stats import norm
   import scipy.optimize as op
   lrg_dense = h5py.File("LRG_lmin_0.5_nbar_0.001_auto.h5" , "r")
   lrg_lum = h5py.File("LRG_lmin_1.0_nbar_0.0002_auto.h5" , "r")
   z_dense = lrg_dense["redshift"][:]
   ID_dense = lrg_dense["ID"][:]
   mi_dense = lrg_dense["mi"][:]
   colors_dense = lrg_dense["colors"][:]
   cerrs_dense = lrg_dense["color_errs"][:]

   z_lum = lrg_lum["redshift"][:]
   ID_lum = lrg_lum["ID"][:]
   mi_lum = lrg_lum["mi"][:]
   colors_lum = lrg_lum["colors"][:]
   cerrs_lum = lrg_lum["color_errs"][:]

   model = ezgal.model("data/bc03_burst_0.1_z_0.02_salp.model")
   zf = 3.0 #HARDCODED
   model.add_filter("data/i.dat" , "kids" , units = "nm")
   #kcorr_sloan = model.get_kcorrects(zf=3.0 , zs = 0.25 , filters = "sloan_i")
   model.set_normalization("sloan_i" , 0.2 , 17.85, vega=False, apparent=True)
   cosmo = {'omega_M_0':0.3, 'omega_lambda_0':0.7, 'omega_k_0':0.0, 'h':1.0}
   zmin , zmax , dz = 0.1 , 0.8 , 0.02
   sampler(0.1, 0.8, 0.02, 10, 1000, 2000, 54)
Esempio n. 9
def test_load_model():
    print "*************Testing Load Module"
    assert ezgal.model('bc03_ssp_z_0.02_chab.model')
Esempio n. 10

import ezgal,sys
import numpy as np

# get call parameters from python
model_file = sys.argv[1]    # input file
output_file = sys.argv[2]    # output file

# list of ages
ages = np.asarray([float(val) for val in sys.argv[3:]])
nages = len(ages)

# load the model file into EzGal
model = ezgal.model(model_file)

# and get the list of wavelengths
ls =

# interpolate to get the mass at each age
if model.has_masses:
    masses = np.interp(ages, model.ages/1e9, model.masses)

# now build an array to hold all the data which we will print to the output file
seds = np.empty((ls.size,nages+1))

# store the wavelengths in the array
seds[:,0] = ls

# now loop through the age list, fetch the SED, and store in the output array
# while we are at it make a list of format strings for writing the data to the file
Esempio n. 11
import ezgal
import numpy as np

model = ezgal.model('')
#model = ezgal.model('')

# Desired formation redshift
zf = 1.4
# Fetch an array of redshifts out to given formation redshift
zs = np.arange(0.35, zf, 0.005)
model.set_normalization('sloan_g', 0.00000000000000001, -22.4)
thresh_mags = model.get_apparent_mags(zf, filters=['sloan_u', 'sloan_g', 'sloan_r', 'sloan_i', 'sloan_z'], zs=zs)

thefile = open('Ezgal mag.txt', 'w')
for item in thresh_mags:
  thefile.write("%s\n" % item)

Esempio n. 12
def pdf_func(data_arr, bins_arr,):

	N_pix, edg_f = binned(data_arr, data_arr, statistic = 'count', bins = bins_arr)[:2]
	pdf_pix = (N_pix / np.sum(N_pix) ) / (edg_f[1] - edg_f[0])
	pdf_err = ( np.sqrt(N_pix) / np.sum(N_pix) ) / (edg_f[1] - edg_f[0])
	f_cen = 0.5 * ( edg_f[1:] + edg_f[:-1])

	id_zero = N_pix < 1.
	pdf_arr = pdf_pix[ id_zero == False]
	err_arr = pdf_err[ id_zero == False]
	pdf_x = f_cen[ id_zero == False]

	return pdf_arr, err_arr, pdf_x

model_me = ezgal.model('bc03_ssp_z_0.008_chab.model')
model_me.set_cosmology(Om = Test_model.Om0, Ol = Test_model.Odm0, h = Test_model.h,)

# model_0 = ezgal.model('bc03_ssp_z_0.008_chab.model')
# model_1 = ezgal.model('bc03_ssp_z_0.02_chab.model')

# model_me = ezgal.weight( 97 ) * model_1
# model_me = model_me + ezgal.weight( 3 ) * model_0
# model_me.set_cosmology( Om = Test_model.Om0, Ol = Test_model.Ode0, h = Test_model.h, )
# model_me.add_filter('sloan_g')
# model_me.add_filter('sloan_r')
# model_me.add_filter('sloan_i')
        self.name2 = name2
        self.zclust = zclust
        self.sigmaz = sigmaz
        self.filterinfo = filterinfo
        self.maglim = maglim = mypy.readcat('%s/masslimits_%s_%s.dat' %
                                 (data_dir, name, filterinfo[0]))

###  mass limits from maximally old SSP

ezgal_dir = '/Users/atomczak/pydir/ezgal'
bc03_dir = '/Users/atomczak/DATA/TEMPLATES/bc03/models'
model_ssp = ezgal.model('%s/bc03_ssp_z_0.02_chab.model' % bc03_dir)
model_exp = ezgal.model('%s/bc03_exp_1.0_z_0.02_chab.model' % bc03_dir)

model_ssp.add_filter('%s/data/filters/sloan_r' % ezgal_dir)  # index = 0
model_ssp.add_filter('%s/data/filters/sloan_i' % ezgal_dir)  # index = 1
model_ssp.add_filter('%s/data/filters/sloan_z' % ezgal_dir)  # index = 2
model_ssp.add_filter('%s/data/filters/ukidss_y' % ezgal_dir)  # index = 3

model_exp.add_filter('%s/data/filters/sloan_r' % ezgal_dir)  # index = 0
model_exp.add_filter('%s/data/filters/sloan_i' % ezgal_dir)  # index = 1
model_exp.add_filter('%s/data/filters/sloan_z' % ezgal_dir)  # index = 2
model_exp.add_filter('%s/data/filters/ukidss_y' % ezgal_dir)  # index = 3

zform = 5.

masslim_fields = []
Esempio n. 14
def Stellar_SED(logMs, age, zs, wave, band="h", zf_guess=1.0, spsmodel="bc03_ssp_z_0.02_chab.model"):
    This function obtain the galaxy stellar SED given the stellar mass, age and redshift. The
    default model is Bruzual & Charlot (2003) with solar metallicity and Chabrier IMF. The stellar
    synthesis models are organised by the module EzGal (

    logMs : float
        The stellar mass in log10 of solar unit.
    age : float
        The age of the galaxy, in the unit of Gyr.
    zs : float
        The redshift of the source.
    wave : array
        The sed wavelength corresponding to the sedflux. In units micron.
    band : str, default: "h"
        The reference band used to calculate the mass-to-light ratio.
    zf_guess : float. zf_guess=1.0 by default.
        The initial guess to solve the zf that allowing the age between
        zs and zf is as required.
    spsmodel : string. spsmodel="bc03_ssp_z_0.02_chab.model" by default.
        The stellar population synthesis model that is used.

    flux : array
        The sed flux of the bulge. In units mJy.

    import ezgal #Import the package for stellar synthesis.
    from scipy.optimize import fsolve
    ls_mic = 2.99792458e14 #micron/s
    model = ezgal.model(spsmodel) #Choose a stellar population synthesis model.
    model.set_cosmology(Om=0.308, Ol=0.692, h=0.678)

    func_age = lambda zf, zs, age: age - model.get_age(zf, zs) #To solve the formation redshift given the
                                                               #redshift of the source and the stellar age.
    func_MF = lambda Msun, Mstar, m2l: Msun - 2.5*np.log10(Mstar/m2l) #Calculate the absolute magnitude of
                                                                      #the galaxy. Msun is the absolute mag
                                                                      #of the sun. Mstar is the mass of the
                                                                      #star. m2l is the mass to light ratio.
    func_flux = lambda f0, MF, mu: f0 * 10**(-0.4*(MF + mu)) #Calculate the flux density of the galaxy. f0
                                                             #is the zero point. MF is the absolute magnitude
                                                             #of the galaxy at certain band. mu is the distance
    Ms = 10**logMs #Calculate the stellar mass.
    age_up = model.get_age(1500., zs)
    if age > age_up:
        raise ValueError("The age is too large!")
    zf = fsolve(func_age, zf_guess, args=(zs, age)) #Given the source redshift and the age, calculate the redshift
                                                    #for the star formation.
    Msun_H = model.get_solar_rest_mags(nzs=1, filters=band, ab=True) #The absolute magnitude of the Sun in given band.
    m2l = model.get_rest_ml_ratios(zf, band, zs) #Calculate the mass-to-light ratio.
    M_H = func_MF(Msun_H, Ms, m2l) #The absolute magnitude of the galaxy in given band.
    #Calculate the flux at given band for comparison.
    f0 = 3.631e6 #Zero point of AB magnitude, in unit of mJy.
    mu = model.get_distance_moduli(zs) #The distance module
    flux_H = func_flux(f0, M_H, mu)
    wave_H = 1.6448 #Pivot wavelength of given band, in unit of micron.
    #Obtain the SED
    wave_rst = / 1e4 #In unit micron.
    flux_rst = model.get_sed(age, age_units="gyrs", units="Fv") * 1e26 #In unit mJy.
    wave_ext = np.linspace(200, 1000, 30)
    flux_ext = np.zeros(30)
    wave_extd = np.concatenate([wave_rst, wave_ext])
    flux_extd = np.concatenate([flux_rst, flux_ext])
    #Normalize the SED at the given band.
    #The normalization provided by EzGal is not well understood, so I do not use it.
    f_int = interp1d(wave_extd, flux_extd)
    f_H = f_int(wave_H)
    flux = flux_extd * flux_H/f_H
    sedflux = f_int(wave) * flux_H/f_H
    #return sedflux, wave_extd, flux_extd, wave_H, flux_H #For debug
    return sedflux
    return equa_dt_z

cat_lis = ['low_BCG_star-Mass', 'high_BCG_star-Mass']
fig_name = ['low $M_{\\ast}$', 'high $M_{\\ast}$']  ## or line name

color_s = ['g', 'r', 'b']

path = '/home/xkchen/project/tmp_sed_fit/'
out_path = '/home/xkchen/project/tmp_sed_fit/'

zs = 0.25
Dl_ref = Test_model.luminosity_distance(zs).value

## SED models
model_0 = ezgal.model('bc03_ssp_z_0.008_chab.model')
model_0.set_cosmology(Om=Test_model.Om0, Ol=Test_model.Ode0, h=Test_model.h)
model_0.add_filter('sloan_g', )
model_0.add_filter('sloan_r', )
model_0.add_filter('sloan_i', )

model_1 = ezgal.model('bc03_ssp_z_0.02_chab.model')
model_1.set_cosmology(Om=Test_model.Om0, Ol=Test_model.Ode0, h=Test_model.h)
model_1.add_filter('sloan_g', )
model_1.add_filter('sloan_r', )
model_1.add_filter('sloan_i', )

model_me = ezgal.weight(97) * model_1
model_me = model_me + ezgal.weight(3) * model_0
model_me.set_cosmology(Om=Test_model.Om0, Ol=Test_model.Ode0, h=Test_model.h)
Esempio n. 16
        sampler.run_mcmc(starting_guesses, nsteps)
        Rabs = sampler.flatchain[:, 0]
        zf = sampler.flatchain[:, 1]

    return lgms, zf, Rabs

if __name__ == "__main__":

    modelrich = ezgal.model('bc03_ssp_z_0.02_chab.model')
    modelpoor = ezgal.model('bc03_ssp_z_0.008_chab.model')
    model = ezgal.weight(97) * modelrich
    model += ezgal.weight(3) * modelpoor
    model.set_cosmology(Om=Test_model.Om0, Ol=Test_model.Ode0, h=Test_model.h)
    model.add_filter('sloan_g', grid=True)
    model.add_filter('sloan_r', grid=True)
    model.add_filter('sloan_i', grid=True)

    ncpu = 2

    cat_lis = ['low_BCG_star-Mass', 'high_BCG_star-Mass']
    path = '/home/xkchen/mywork/ICL/code/rig_common_cat/mass_bin_BG/'
    out_path = '/home/xkchen/mywork/ICL/code/ezgal_files/'
Esempio n. 17
        print('Can not cut in bounds')

# Main method that can be wired for multiprocessing purposes using Pool

if __name__ == '__main__':
    #dust_table ='')
    #dr12_table ='DR12Q.fits')

    mgtable ='QSObased_Trimmed_SDSS_DR7_107.fits')
    #reader = open('Full Data.txt', 'r')

    # Load ezgal model file with 100 Myr burst, low metallicity
    model = ezgal.model(
    #model = ezgal.model('')

    # Desired formation redshift
    zf = 2.0
    # Fetch an array of redshifts out to given formation redshift
    zs = np.arange(0.005, zf, 0.005)
    model.set_normalization('sloan_g', 0.00000000000000001, -22.4)
    thresh_mags = model.get_apparent_mags(
        filters=['sloan_u', 'sloan_g', 'sloan_r', 'sloan_i', 'sloan_z'],

    # Normalize to the SED of a galaxy with rest-frame absolute magnitude = -22.4
    # According to Ned Wright's UCLA CosmoCalc, at redshift 0.0072, the light travel time is 100 Myr, the burst time the model uses
Esempio n. 18
import ezgal
from pylab import *

model_list = [
    'cb07_burst_0.1_z_0.008_salp.model', 'c09_exp_1.0_z_0.002_salp.model',
]  #===============================HERE
#try_name='c09 model, exp SFH 0.1 Gyr, different IMF'

for elements in range(len(model_list)):

    #============================Load in Ezgal model================================================

    # load ezgal model file
    model = ezgal.model(model_list[elements])
    # desired formation redshift
    zf = 4.5
    # fetch an array of redshifts out to given formation redshift
    zs = model.get_zs(zf)
    # plot magnitude evolution versus redshift for three filters

    j_mag = model.get_apparent_mags(zf, filters='j', zs=zs)
    h_mag = model.get_apparent_mags(zf, filters='h', zs=zs)
    ks_mag = model.get_apparent_mags(zf, filters='ks', zs=zs)

    #===============Now we have zs, j_mag, h_mag, ks_mag============================================

    #plot( zs, j_mag, 'k-', label='J' )
    #plot( zs, h_mag, 'r--', label='H' )
Esempio n. 19
def setup_func():
    model = ezgal.model('bc03_ssp_z_0.02_chab.model')
    print "*************Setting Up Here"