Esempio n. 1
 hashobject = Fastq_Reader(inputdir, outputdir)
 Read_Partitions = glob.glob(os.path.join(hashobject.input_path, '*.fastq'))
 Read_Partitions = [
     fp for fp in Read_Partitions
     if ('.pairs.' not in fp) and ('.singleton.' not in fp)
 Read_Partitions = list(
         fp[fp.rfind('/') + 1:fp.index('.cluster') + 8]
         for fp in Read_Partitions
 Processed_Partitions = glob.glob(
     os.path.join(hashobject.output_path, '*.cluster_velvet/contigs.fa'))
 Processed_Partitions = [
     fp[len(hashobject.output_path):fp.index('.cluster') + 8]
     for fp in Processed_Partitions
 rp = Read_Partitions[fr]
 if rp not in Processed_Partitions:
     f = open(libdir + 'samples_grouped_by_lib.csv')
     reader = csv.reader(f)
     hashobject.sample_library = {}
     i = 0
     for row in reader:
         for sample in row:
             hashobject.sample_library[sample] = i
         i += 1
     hashobject.num_libs = i
			inputdir = arg
			if inputdir[-1] != '/':
				inputdir += '/'
		elif opt in ('-o','--outputdir'):
			outputdir = arg
			if outputdir[-1] != '/':
				outputdir += '/'
		elif opt in ('-l','--libdir'):
			libdir = arg
			if libdir[-1] != '/':
				libdir += '/'
	hashobject = Fastq_Reader(inputdir,outputdir)
	Read_Partitions = glob.glob(os.path.join(hashobject.input_path,'*.fastq'))
	Read_Partitions = [fp for fp in Read_Partitions if ('.pairs.' not in fp) and ('.singleton.' not in fp)]
	Read_Partitions = list(set([fp[fp.rfind('/')+1:fp.index('.cluster')+8] for fp in Read_Partitions]))
	Processed_Partitions = glob.glob(os.path.join(hashobject.output_path,'*.cluster_velvet/contigs.fa'))
	Processed_Partitions = [fp[len(hashobject.output_path):fp.index('.cluster')+8] for fp in Processed_Partitions]
	rp = Read_Partitions[fr]
	if rp not in Processed_Partitions:
		f = open(libdir+'samples_grouped_by_lib.csv')
		reader = csv.reader(f)
		hashobject.sample_library = {}
		i = 0
		for row in reader:
			for sample in row:
				hashobject.sample_library[sample] = i
			i += 1
		hashobject.num_libs = i