def test_plot(self): matplotmock = MagicMock() mocks = {'matplotlib': matplotmock, 'matplotlib.pyplot': MagicMock()} with patch.dict('sys.modules', mocks): self.analyzer.metrics(plotpath="foo/bar/baz") self.assertTrue(matplotmock.pyplot.savefig.called)
def test_toc(self): # tests the main TOC method, not the helper methods (they are # tested separately) self.repo.facets = MagicMock() self.repo.facet_select = MagicMock() self.repo.facet_query = MagicMock() self.repo.faceted_data = MagicMock() self.repo.log = Mock() self.repo.toc_pagesets = Mock() self.repo.toc_select_for_pages = Mock() self.repo.toc_generate_pages = Mock() self.repo.toc_generate_first_page = Mock() with patch('json.dump'): self.repo.toc() # assert facet_query was properly called, error and info msg # was printed self.assertEqual("http://localhost:8000/dataset/base", self.repo.facet_query.call_args[0][0]) self.assertTrue(self.repo.log.error.called) self.assertTrue( # and that the rest of the methods were NOT called self.assertFalse(self.repo.toc_pagesets.called) self.assertFalse(self.repo.toc_select_for_pages.called) self.assertFalse(self.repo.toc_generate_pages.called) # test2: facet_select returns something self.repo.faceted_data.return_value = ["fake", "data"] with patch('json.load'): self.repo.toc() # Now all other methods should be called self.assertTrue(self.repo.toc_pagesets.called) self.assertTrue(self.repo.toc_select_for_pages.called) self.assertTrue(self.repo.toc_generate_pages.called)
def test_render(self,mock_graph): @render def testfunc(repo,doc): pass mockdoc = Mock() mockrepo = Mock() = "parsed_path.xhtml" with open("parsed_path.xhtml", "w") as fp: fp.write("""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML+RDFa 1.0//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" xmlns:dct=""> <head about=""> <title property="dct:title">Document title</title> </head> <body> <h1>Hello!</h1> </body> </html>""") = "distilled_path.xhtml" mockrepo.get_globals.return_value = {'symbol table':'fake'} mockdoc.meta = MagicMock() # need Magicmock which supports magic funcs like __iter__ bodypart = MagicMock() bodypart.meta = MagicMock() mockdoc.body = [bodypart] mockdoc.meta.__iter__.return_value = [] mockdoc.uri = "" with patch('ferenda.util.ensure_dir', return_value=True): testfunc(mockrepo, mockdoc) # 1 ensure that DocumentRepository.render_xhtml is called with # four arguments mockrepo.render_xhtml.assert_called_with(mockdoc, "parsed_path.xhtml") # 2 ensure that DocumentRepository.create_external_resources # is called with 1 argument mockrepo.create_external_resources.assert_called_with(mockdoc) # 3 ensure that a Graph object is created, its parse and # serialize methods called # FIXME: Why doesn't the patching work?! # self.assertTrue(mock_graph().parse.called) # self.assertTrue(mock_graph().serialize.called) # (4. ensure that a warning gets printed if doc.meta and # distilled_graph do not agree) mock_graph().__iter__.return_value = ['a','b'] mockdoc.meta.__iter__.return_value = ['a','b','c'] mockdoc.meta.serialize.return_value = b"<c>" with patch('ferenda.util.ensure_dir', return_value=True): testfunc(mockrepo, mockdoc) self.assertTrue(mockrepo.log.warning.called) os.remove("parsed_path.xhtml") os.remove("distilled_path.xhtml")
def test_dumpstore(self): d = Devel() d.config = Mock() # only test that Triplestore is called correctly, mock any # calls to any real database config = {"connect.return_value": Mock(**{"get_serialized.return_value": b"[fake store content]"})} printmock = MagicMock() with patch("ferenda.devel.TripleStore", **config): with patch(builtins + ".print", printmock): d.dumpstore(format="trix") want = "[fake store content]" printmock.assert_has_calls([call(want)])
def test_drawboxes(self): pypdfmock = MagicMock() canvasmock = MagicMock() mocks = {'PyPDF2': pypdfmock, 'reportlab': MagicMock(), 'reportlab.pdfgen': MagicMock(), 'reportlab.pdfgen.canvas': canvasmock} with patch.dict('sys.modules', mocks): metrics = self.analyzer.metrics() pdfpath = "test/files/pdfanalyze/lipsum.debug.pdf" self.analyzer.drawboxes(pdfpath, metrics=metrics) self.assertTrue(canvasmock.Canvas.called) self.assertTrue(pypdfmock.PdfFileReader.called) self.assertTrue(pypdfmock.PdfFileWriter.called) util.robust_remove(pdfpath)
def test_dumpstore(self): d = Devel() d.config = Mock() # only test that Triplestore is called correctly, mock any # calls to any real database config = { 'connect.return_value': Mock(**{'get_serialized.return_value': b'[fake store content]'}) } printmock = MagicMock() with patch('ferenda.devel.TripleStore', **config): with patch('builtins.print', printmock): d.dumpstore(format="trix") want = "[fake store content]" printmock.assert_has_calls([call(want)])
def test_queryindex(self): res = [{ 'label': 'Doc #1', 'uri': '', 'text': 'matching doc 1' }, { 'label': 'Doc #2', 'uri': '', 'text': 'matching doc 2' }] pager = None config = { 'connect.return_value': Mock(**{'query.return_value': (res, pager)}) } printmock = MagicMock() with patch('ferenda.devel.FulltextIndex', **config): with patch('builtins.print', printmock): d = Devel() d.config = LayeredConfig( Defaults({ 'indextype': 'a', 'indexlocation': 'b' })) d.queryindex("doc") want = """ Doc #1 ( matching doc 1 Doc #2 ( matching doc 2 """.strip() got = "\n".join([x[1][0] for x in printmock.mock_calls]) self.maxDiff = None self.assertEqual(want, got)
def test_select(self): uri = "" with open("testselecttemplate.rq", "wb") as fp: fp.write("""PREFIX dcterms: <> SELECT ?p ?o WHERE { <%(uri)s> ?p ?o . } """.encode()) result = """ [ { "p": "", "o": "Document title" }, { "p": "", "o": "Document ID" } ]""".lstrip().encode("utf-8") config = { 'connect.return_value': Mock(**{'select.return_value': result}) } printmock = MagicMock() with patch('ferenda.devel.TripleStore', **config): with patch('builtins.print', printmock): d = Devel() d.config = LayeredConfig( Defaults({ 'storetype': 'a', 'storelocation': 'b', 'storerepository': 'c' }))"testselecttemplate.rq", uri) want = """ # Constructing the following from b, repository c, type a # PREFIX dcterms: <> # # SELECT ?p ?o # WHERE { <> ?p ?o . } # [ { "p": "", "o": "Document title" }, { "p": "", "o": "Document ID" } ] # Selected in 0.001s """.strip() got = "\n".join([x[1][0] for x in printmock.mock_calls]) self.maxDiff = None self.assertEqual(self.mask_time(want), self.mask_time(got)) os.unlink("testselecttemplate.rq")
def test_dumprdf(self): fileno, tmpfile = mkstemp() fp = os.fdopen(fileno, "w") fp.write("""<html xmlns=""> <head about=""> <title property="">Doc title</title> </head> <body>...</body> </html>""") fp.close() d = Devel() mock = MagicMock() with patch('builtins.print', mock): d.dumprdf(tmpfile, format="nt") os.unlink(tmpfile) self.assertTrue(mock.called) want = '<> <> "Doc title" .\n\n' mock.assert_has_calls([call(want)])
def test_news(self): # should test the main method, not the helpers. That'll # require mocking most methods. self.repo.news_facet_entries = MagicMock() self.repo.facets = MagicMock() self.repo.news_feedsets = Mock() self.repo.news_select_for_feeds = Mock() self.repo.news_generate_feeds = Mock() # this isn't really a good test -- it only verifies the # internal implementation of the main method not the # behaviour. But other tests verifieds behaviour of individual # methods. assert (self.repo.news_facet_entries.called) assert (self.repo.facets.called) assert (self.repo.news_feedsets.called) assert (self.repo.news_select_for_feeds.called) assert (self.repo.news_generate_feeds.called)
def test_downloadmax(self): @downloadmax def testfunc(repo, source): for x in range(100): yield x mockrepo = MagicMock() mockrepo.config.downloadmax = None self.assertEqual(100, len(list(testfunc(mockrepo, None)))) mockrepo.config.downloadmax = 10 mockrepo.config.__contains__.return_value = True self.assertEqual(10, len(list(testfunc(mockrepo, None))))
def test_handleerror(self): @handleerror def testfunc(repo, doc): if doc.exception: raise doc.exception else: return True mockrepo = Mock() mockrepo.config = MagicMock() # must support __in__() mockdoc = Mock() # 1. should not raise an exception (but should call # and util.robust_remove, and return false) with patch('ferenda.util.robust_remove') as robust_remove: mockdoc.exception = DocumentRemovedError self.assertFalse(testfunc(mockrepo, mockdoc)) self.assertTrue( self.assertTrue(robust_remove.called) # 2. should raise the same exception mockdoc.exception = KeyboardInterrupt with self.assertRaises(KeyboardInterrupt): testfunc(mockrepo, mockdoc) # 3.1 Should raise the same exeption mockdoc.exception = ParseError mockrepo.config.fatalexceptions = True with self.assertRaises(ParseError): testfunc(mockrepo, mockdoc) mockrepo.config.fatalexceptions = None # 3.2 Should not raise an exception (but should call log.error and return false) mockdoc.exception = ParseError self.assertFalse(testfunc(mockrepo, mockdoc)) self.assertTrue(mockrepo.log.error.called) # 4.1 Should raise the same exception mockdoc.exception = Exception mockrepo.config.fatalexceptions = True with self.assertRaises(Exception): testfunc(mockrepo, mockdoc) mockrepo.config.fatalexceptions = None # 4.2 Should not raise an exception mockdoc.exception = Exception self.assertFalse(testfunc(mockrepo, mockdoc)) self.assertTrue(mockrepo.log.error.called) # 5. No exceptions - everything should go fine mockdoc.exception = None self.assertTrue(testfunc(mockrepo, mockdoc))
def test_construct(self): uri = "" with open("testconstructtemplate.rq", "wb") as fp: fp.write("""PREFIX dcterms: <> CONSTRUCT { ?s ?p ?o . } WHERE { ?s ?p ?o . <%(uri)s> ?p ?o . } """.encode()) g = Graph() g.bind("dcterms", str(DCTERMS)) g.add((URIRef(uri), DCTERMS.title, Literal("Document title"))) config = { 'connect.return_value': Mock(**{'construct.return_value': g}) } printmock = MagicMock() with patch('ferenda.devel.TripleStore', **config): with patch('builtins.print', printmock): d = Devel() d.config = LayeredConfig( Defaults({ 'storetype': 'a', 'storelocation': 'b', 'storerepository': 'c' })) d.construct("testconstructtemplate.rq", uri) want = """ # Constructing the following from b, repository c, type a # PREFIX dcterms: <> # # CONSTRUCT { ?s ?p ?o . } # WHERE { ?s ?p ?o . # <> ?p ?o . } # @prefix dcterms: <> . @prefix rdf: <> . @prefix rdfs: <> . @prefix xml: <> . @prefix xsd: <> . <> dcterms:title "Document title" . # 1 triples constructed in 0.001s """.strip() got = "\n".join([x[1][0] for x in printmock.mock_calls]) self.maxDiff = None self.assertEqual(self.mask_time(want), self.mask_time(got)) os.unlink("testconstructtemplate.rq")
def test_render(self, mock_graph): @render def testfunc(repo, doc): pass mockdoc = Mock() mockrepo = MagicMock() = "parsed_path.xhtml" with open("parsed_path.xhtml", "w") as fp: fp.write("""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML+RDFa 1.0//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" xmlns:dcterms=""> <head about=""> <title property="dcterms:title">Document title</title> </head> <body> <h1>Hello!</h1> </body> </html>""") with open("entry_path.json", "w") as fp: fp.write("""{ "id": "\\u00e5ende_anbud", "title": "St\\u00e5ende anbud", }""") = "distilled_path.xhtml" mockrepo.get_globals.return_value = {'symbol table': 'fake'} mockrepo.required_predicates = [] mockrepo.config = MagicMock() mockdoc.meta = MagicMock( ) # need Magicmock which supports magic funcs like __iter__ bodypart = MagicMock() bodypart.meta = MagicMock() mockdoc.body = [bodypart] mockdoc.meta.__iter__.return_value = [] mockdoc.uri = "" = None with patch('ferenda.util.ensure_dir', return_value=True): testfunc(mockrepo, mockdoc) # 1 ensure that DocumentRepository.render_xhtml is called with # four arguments mockrepo.render_xhtml.assert_called_with(mockdoc, "parsed_path.xhtml") # 2 ensure that DocumentRepository.create_external_resources # is called with 1 argument mockrepo.create_external_resources.assert_called_with(mockdoc) # 3 ensure that a Graph object is created, its parse and # serialize methods called # FIXME: Why doesn't the patching work?! # self.assertTrue(mock_graph().parse.called) # self.assertTrue(mock_graph().serialize.called) # (4. ensure that a warning gets printed if doc.meta and # distilled_graph do not agree) mock_graph().__iter__.return_value = ['a', 'b'] mockdoc.meta.__iter__.return_value = ['a', 'b', 'c'] mockdoc.meta.serialize.return_value = b"<c>" with patch('ferenda.util.ensure_dir', return_value=True): testfunc(mockrepo, mockdoc) self.assertTrue(mockrepo.log.warning.called) os.remove("parsed_path.xhtml") os.remove("distilled_path.xhtml") os.remove("entry_path.json")
def test_fsmparse(self): try: # 1. write a new python module containing a class with a staticmethod with open("", "w") as fp: fp.write(""" from six import text_type as str from ferenda.elements import Body, Paragraph class Testobject(object): @staticmethod def get_parser(): return Parser() class Parser(object): def parse(self, source): res = Body() for chunk in source: res.append(Paragraph([str(len(chunk.strip()))])) return res """) import imp fp, pathname, desc = imp.find_module("testparser") imp.load_module("testparser", fp, pathname, desc) # 2. write a textfile with two paragraphs with open("testparseinput.txt", "w") as fp: fp.write("""This is one paragraph. And another. """) # 3. patch print and call fsmparse d = Devel() printmock = MagicMock() with patch('builtins.print', printmock): # 3.1 fsmparse dynamically imports the module and call the method # with every chunk from the text file # 3.2 fsmparse asserts that the method returned a callable # 3.3 fsmparse calls it with a iterable of text chunks from the # textfile # 3.4 fsmparse recieves a Element structure and prints a # serialized version d.fsmparse("testparser.Testobject.get_parser", "testparseinput.txt") self.assertTrue(printmock.called) # 4. check that the expected thing was printed want = """ <Body> <Paragraph> <str>22</str> </Paragraph> <Paragraph> <str>12</str> </Paragraph> </Body> """.strip() + "\n" printmock.assert_has_calls([call(want)]) finally: util.robust_remove("") util.robust_remove("testparser.pyc") util.robust_remove("testparseinput.txt") if os.path.exists("__pycache__") and os.path.isdir("__pycache__"): shutil.rmtree("__pycache__")
def test_fsmparse(self): try: # 1. write a new python module containing a class with a staticmethod with open("", "w") as fp: fp.write(""" from six import text_type as str from ferenda.elements import Body, Paragraph class Testobject(object): @staticmethod def get_parser(): return Parser() class Parser(object): def parse(self, source): res = Body() for chunk in source: res.append(Paragraph([str(len(chunk.strip()))])) return res """) import imp fp, pathname, desc = imp.find_module("testparser") imp.load_module("testparser", fp, pathname, desc) # 2. write a textfile with two paragraphs with open("testparseinput.txt", "w") as fp: fp.write("""This is one paragraph. And another. """) # 3. patch print and call fsmparse d = Devel() printmock = MagicMock() with patch('builtins.print', printmock): # 3.1 fsmparse dynamically imports the module and call the method # with every chunk from the text file # 3.2 fsmparse asserts that the method returned a callable # 3.3 fsmparse calls it with a iterable of text chunks from the # textfile # 3.4 fsmparse recieves a Element structure and prints a # serialized version d.fsmparse("testparser.Testobject.get_parser", "testparseinput.txt") self.assertTrue(printmock.called) # 4. check that the expected thing was printed want = """ <Body> <Paragraph> <str>22</str> </Paragraph> <Paragraph> <str>12</str> </Paragraph> </Body> """.strip()+"\n" printmock.assert_has_calls([call(want)]) finally: util.robust_remove("") util.robust_remove("testparser.pyc") util.robust_remove("testparseinput.txt") if os.path.exists("__pycache__") and os.path.isdir("__pycache__"): shutil.rmtree("__pycache__")