def __init__(self, defaults=None, inifile=None, commandline=None, cascade=False): self._cascade = cascade self._subsections = OrderedDict() self._defaults = OrderedDict() self._load_defaults(defaults) self._inifile = OrderedDict() self._load_inifile(inifile) self._inifilename = inifile self._inifile_dirty = False self._commandline = OrderedDict() self._load_commandline(commandline) self._parent = None self._sectionkey = None
class LayeredConfig(object): """Provide unified access to nested configuration parameters. The source Of these configuration parameters can be default settings in code, a config file (using .ini-file style syntax) and command line parameters. Comman line paramerrs override Configuration file parameters, which in turn override default settings in code (hence **Layered** Config). Configuration parameters are accessed as regular object attributes, not dict-style key/value pairs. Configuration parameter names should therefore be regular python identifiers (i.e. only consist of alphanumerical chars and '_'). Configuration parameters can be typed (strings, integers, booleans, dates, lists...). Even though ini-style config files and command line parameters are non-typed, by specifying default settings in code, parameters from a config file or the commamd line can be typed. Configuration parameters can be changed in code. Such changes are persisted to the configuration file by calling :py:meth:`~ferenda.LayeredConfig.write`. :param defaults: A dict with configuration keys and values. If any values are dicts, these are turned into nested config objects. :type defaults: dict :param inifile: The name of a ini-style configuration file. The file should have a top-level section named __root__, whose keys are turned into top-level configuration parameters. Any other sections in this file are turned into nested config objects. :param inifile: full path to a .ini-style config file. :type inifile: str :param commandline: The contents of sys.argv, or something similar. Any long-style parameters are turned into configuration values, and parameters with hyphens are turned into nested config objects (i.e. ``--module-parameter=foo`` results in self.module.parameter == "foo". :type commandline: list :param cascade: If an attempt to get a non-existing parameter on a sub (nested) configuration object should attempt to get the parameter on the parent config object. :param cascade: If a configuration key is not found, search parent config object. :type cascade: bool Example:: >>> defaults = {'parameter': 'foo', 'other': 'default'} >>> dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() >>> inifile = dir + os.sep + "test.ini" >>> with open(inifile, "w") as fp: ... res = fp.write("[__root__]\\nparameter = bar") >>> argv = ['--parameter=baz'] >>> conf = LayeredConfig(defaults, inifile, argv) >>> conf.parameter == 'baz' True >>> conf.other == 'default' True >>> conf.parameter = 'changed' >>> conf.other = 'also changed' >>> LayeredConfig.write(conf) >>> with open(inifile) as fp: ... res = >>> res == '[__root__]\\nparameter = changed\\nother = also changed\\n\\n' True >>> os.unlink(inifile) >>> os.rmdir(dir) """ def __init__(self, defaults=None, inifile=None, commandline=None, cascade=False): self._cascade = cascade self._subsections = OrderedDict() self._defaults = OrderedDict() self._load_defaults(defaults) self._inifile = OrderedDict() self._load_inifile(inifile) self._inifilename = inifile self._inifile_dirty = False self._commandline = OrderedDict() self._load_commandline(commandline) self._parent = None self._sectionkey = None @staticmethod def write(config): """Write changed properties to inifile (if provided at initialization).""" root = config while root._parent: root = root._parent if root._inifile_dirty: with open(root._inifilename, "w") as fp: root._configparser.write(fp) def __iter__(self): l = [] iterables = [self._commandline.keys(), self._inifile.keys(), self._defaults.keys()] if self._cascade and self._parent: iterables.append(self._parent) for k in itertools.chain(*iterables): if k not in l: l.append(k) yield k def __getattribute__(self, name): if name.startswith("_") or name == "write": return object.__getattribute__(self, name) if name in self._subsections: return self._subsections[name] if name in self._commandline: return self._commandline[name] if self._cascade: current = self._parent while current: if name in current._commandline: return current._commandline[name] current = current._parent if name in self._inifile: return self._inifile[name] if self._cascade: current = self._parent while current: if name in current._inifile: return current._inifile[name] current = current._parent if name in self._defaults: if isinstance(self._defaults[name], type): return None # it's typed and therefore exists, but has no value else: return self._defaults[name] if self._cascade: current = self._parent while current: if name in current._defaults: if isinstance(current._defaults[name], type): return None # it's typed and therefore exists, but has no value else: return current._defaults[name] current = current._parent raise AttributeError("Configuration key %s doesn't exist" % name) def __setattr__(self, name, value): # print("__setattribute__ %s to %s" % (name,value)) if name.startswith("_"): object.__setattr__(self, name, value) return # First make sure that the higher-priority # commandline-derived data doesn't shadow the new value. if name in self._commandline: del self._commandline[name] # then update our internal representation if name not in self._inifile: self._inifile[name] = None if value != self._inifile[name]: self._inifile[name] = value root = self while root._parent: root = root._parent if root._inifilename: root._inifile_dirty = True # and finally update our associated cfgparser object so that we later # can write() out the inifile. This lasts part is a bit complicated as # we need to find the root LayeredConfig object where the cfgparser # object resides. root = self sectionkeys = [] while root._parent: # print("root._parent is not None") sectionkeys.append(root._sectionkey) root = root._parent branch = root._configparser if branch: section = "".join(sectionkeys) # doesn't really work with more than 1 level # print("Setting %s %s %s" % (section,name,str(value))) if not section: section = "__root__" root._configparser.set(section, name, str(value)) else: # If there is no _configparser object, then this # LayeredConfig instance was created without one. There is # no way to persist configuration values, so we're done pass def _load_defaults(self, defaults): if not defaults: return for (k, v) in defaults.items(): if isinstance(v, dict): self._subsections[k] = LayeredConfig( defaults=v, cascade=self._cascade) self._subsections[k]._sectionkey = k self._subsections[k]._parent = self else: self._defaults[k] = v def _load_inifile(self, inifilename): if not inifilename: self._configparser = None return if not os.path.exists(inifilename): logging.warn("INI file %s does not exist" % inifilename) self._configparser = None return self._configparser = configparser.ConfigParser(dict_type=OrderedDict) if self._configparser.has_section('__root__'): self._load_inifile_section('__root__') for sectionkey in self._configparser.sections(): # Do we have a LayeredConfig object for sectionkey already? if sectionkey not in self._subsections: self._subsections[ sectionkey] = LayeredConfig(cascade=self._cascade) self._subsections[sectionkey]._sectionkey = sectionkey self._subsections[sectionkey]._parent = self if self._subsections[sectionkey]._configparser is None: self._subsections[ sectionkey]._configparser = self._configparser self._subsections[sectionkey]._load_inifile_section(sectionkey) # return cfgparser def _type_value(self, key, value): """Find appropriate method/class constructor to convert a string value to the correct type IF we know the correct type.""" def boolconvert(value): # not all bools should be converted, see test_typed_commandline if value == "True": return True elif value == "False": return False else: return value def listconvert(value): # this function is called with both string represenations # of entire lists and simple (unquoted) strings. The # ast.literal_eval handles the first case, and if the # value can't be parsed as a python expression, it is # returned verbatim (not wrapped in a list, for reasons) try: return ast.literal_eval(value) except (SyntaxError, ValueError): return value def datetimeconvert(value): try: return datetime.datetime.strptime(value, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f") except ValueError: return datetime.datetime.strptime(value, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") # find the appropriate defaults object. In the case of # cascading, could be any parent that has a key key. defaults = self._defaults # base case if self._cascade: cfg_obj = self while cfg_obj is not None: if key in cfg_obj._defaults: defaults = cfg_obj._defaults break # done! if hasattr(cfg_obj, '_parent'): cfg_obj = cfg_obj._parent else: cfg_obj = None if key in defaults: if type(defaults[key]) == type: # print("Using class for %s" % key) t = defaults[key] else: # print("Using instance for %s" % key) t = type(defaults[key]) else: t = str if t == bool: t = boolconvert elif t == list: t = listconvert elif t == datetime.datetime: t = datetimeconvert # print("Converting %r to %r" % (value,t(value))) return t(value) def _load_inifile_section(self, sectionname): for (key, value) in self._configparser.items(sectionname): self._inifile[key] = self._type_value(key, value) # For now: only support long arguments with = separating the parameter and the value, ie # "./ --longarg=value" works, "./ --longarg value" or even # "./ --longarg = value" doesn't work. def _load_commandline(self, commandline): if not commandline: return for arg in commandline: if arg.startswith("--"): if "=" in arg: (param, value) = arg.split("=", 1) else: (param, value) = (arg, True) # assume bool, not str # '--param' => ['param'] # '--module-param' => ['module','param'] # Note: Options may not contains hyphens (ie they can't # be called "parse-force") since this clashes with hyphen # as the sectionkey separator. parts = param[2:].split("-") self._load_commandline_part(parts, value) def _load_commandline_part(self, parts, value): if len(parts) == 1: key = parts[0] if type(value) != bool: # bools are created implicitly for value-less options value = self._type_value(key, value) # create a new value, or append to an existing list? if key in self._commandline: if not isinstance(self._commandline[key], list): self._commandline[key] = [self._commandline[key]] self._commandline[key].append(value) else: self._commandline[key] = value else: (sectionkey) = parts[0] if sectionkey not in self._subsections: self._subsections[ sectionkey] = LayeredConfig(cascade=self._cascade) self._subsections[sectionkey]._sectionkey = sectionkey self._subsections[sectionkey]._parent = self self._subsections[sectionkey]._load_commandline_part(parts[1:], value)