Esempio n. 1
    def buildHeaderPair(self, file):
        base, ext = os.path.splitext(file)
        header = base + ".h"
        cppfile = base + ".cpp"

        headerInclude = + "/" + header
        guard = cpp.buildGuard(headerInclude)
        log("guard: " + guard)
        with open( + "\\" + header, "w+") as h:
            h.write("#ifndef __{0}__\n".format(guard))
            h.write("#define __{0}__\n".format(guard))
            h.write("#pragma once\n\n")
            h.write("#endif //__{0}__".format(guard))

        with open( + "\\" + cppfile, "w+") as c:
            c.write('#include "{0}"'.format(headerInclude))

        return (header, cpp)
Esempio n. 2
def gatherFilesHelper(path):
    filesSet = set()
    filesSet |= set(glob.glob("{0}\*.h".format(path)))
    filesSet |= set(glob.glob("{0}\*.hpp".format(path)))
    [cpp.fixGuard(x, "", cpp.buildGuard("\\".join(x.split("\\")[1:]))) for x in filesSet]

    filesSet |= set(glob.glob("{0}\*.c".format(path)))
    filesSet |= set(glob.glob("{0}\*.cc".format(path)))
    filesSet |= set(glob.glob("{0}\*.cpp".format(path)))
    filesSet |= set(glob.glob("{0}\*.rc".format(path)))
    filesSet |= set(glob.glob("{0}\*.compil".format(path)))
    filesSet |= set(glob.glob("{0}\*.scompil".format(path)))
    filesSet |= set(glob.glob("{0}\*.compilprj".format(path)))
    filesSet |= set(glob.glob("{0}\*.scompilprj".format(path)))

    filesSet |= set(glob.glob("{0}\*.bat".format(path)))

    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
        for d in dirs:
            filesSet |= gatherFilesHelper(os.path.join(root, d))

    return filesSet