Esempio n. 1
 def wceff_bar(self, q2):
     """Get CP conjugate effective WCs. Cache and only recompute if necessary."""
     if q2 not in self._wceff_bar:
         self._wceff_bar[q2] = get_wceff(q2, conjugate_wc(self.wctot_dict),
                                         self.par_conjugate, self.B, self.V,
                                         self.lep, self.scale)
     return self._wceff_bar[q2]
Esempio n. 2
def helicity_amps_ff(q2, wc_obj, par_dict, B, P, l1, l2, cp_conjugate):
    par = par_dict.copy()
    if cp_conjugate:
        par = conjugate_par(par)
    scale = config['renormalization scale']['bpll']
    label = meson_quark[(B,P)] + l1 + l2 # e.g. bsmumu, bdtautau
    if l1 == l2:
        # include SM contributions for LF conserving decay
        wc = wctot_dict(wc_obj, label, scale, par)
        wc = wc_obj.get_wc(label, scale, par)
    if cp_conjugate:
        wc = conjugate_wc(wc)
    if l1 == l2:
        wc_eff = get_wceff(q2, wc, par, B, P, l1, scale)
        wc_eff = get_wceff_lfv(q2, wc, par, B, P, l1, l2, scale)
    ml1 = par['m_'+l1]
    ml2 = par['m_'+l2]
    mB = par['m_'+B]
    mP = par['m_'+P]
    mb = running.get_mb(par, scale)
    N = prefactor(q2, par, B, P)
    ff = get_ff(q2, par, B, P)
    h = angular.helicity_amps_p(q2, mB, mP, mb, 0, ml1, ml2, ff, wc_eff, N)
    return h
Esempio n. 3
def helicity_amps_ff(q2, wc_obj, par_dict, B, P, l1, l2, cp_conjugate):
    par = par_dict.copy()
    if cp_conjugate:
        par = conjugate_par(par)
    scale = config['renormalization scale']['bpll']
    label = meson_quark[(B,P)] + l1 + l2 # e.g. bsmumu, bdtautau
    if l1 == l2:
        # include SM contributions for LF conserving decay
        wc = wctot_dict(wc_obj, label, scale, par)
        wc = wc_obj.get_wc(label, scale, par)
    if cp_conjugate:
        wc = conjugate_wc(wc)
    if l1 == l2:
        wc_eff = get_wceff(q2, wc, par, B, P, l1, scale)
        wc_eff = get_wceff_lfv(q2, wc, par, B, P, l1, l2, scale)
    ml1 = par['m_'+l1]
    ml2 = par['m_'+l2]
    mB = par['m_'+B]
    mP = par['m_'+P]
    mb = running.get_mb(par, scale)
    N = prefactor(q2, par, B, P)
    ff = get_ff(q2, par, B, P)
    h = angular.helicity_amps_p(q2, mB, mP, mb, 0, ml1, ml2, ff, wc_eff, N)
    return h
 def function(wc_obj, par_dict, q2, cp_conjugate):
     par = par_dict.copy()
     if cp_conjugate:
         par = conjugate_par(par)
     wc = wctot_dict(wc_obj, label, scale, par)
     if cp_conjugate:
         wc = conjugate_wc(wc)
     return flavio.physics.bdecays.bvll.qcdf.helicity_amps_qcdf(q2, wc, par, B, V)
Esempio n. 5
def helicity_amps_ff(q2, ff, wc_obj, par_dict, B, V, lep, cp_conjugate):
    par = par_dict.copy()
    if cp_conjugate:
        par = conjugate_par(par)
    scale = config['renormalization scale']['bvll']
    label = meson_quark[(B,V)] + lep + lep # e.g. bsmumu, bdtautau
    wc = wctot_dict(wc_obj, label, scale, par)
    if cp_conjugate:
        wc = conjugate_wc(wc)
    wc_eff = get_wceff(q2, wc, par, B, V, lep, scale)
    ml = par['m_'+lep]
    mB = par['m_'+B]
    mV = par['m_'+V]
    mb = running.get_mb(par, scale)
    N = prefactor(q2, par, B, V)
    h = angular.helicity_amps_v(q2, mB, mV, mb, 0, ml, ml, ff, wc_eff, N)
    return h
Esempio n. 6
def helicity_amps_ff(q2, ff, wc_obj, par_dict, B, V, lep, cp_conjugate):
    par = par_dict.copy()
    if cp_conjugate:
        par = conjugate_par(par)
    scale = config['renormalization scale']['bvll']
    label = meson_quark[(B, V)] + lep + lep  # e.g. bsmumu, bdtautau
    wc = wctot_dict(wc_obj, label, scale, par)
    if cp_conjugate:
        wc = conjugate_wc(wc)
    wc_eff = get_wceff(q2, wc, par, B, V, lep, scale)
    ml = par['m_' + lep]
    mB = par['m_' + B]
    mV = par['m_' + V]
    mb = running.get_mb(par, scale)
    N = prefactor(q2, par, B, V)
    h = angular.helicity_amps_v(q2, mB, mV, mb, 0, ml, ml, ff, wc_eff, N)
    return h
Esempio n. 7
def amps_ff(wc_obj, par_dict, B, V, cp_conjugate):
    par = par_dict.copy()
    if cp_conjugate:
        par = conjugate_par(par)
    N = prefactor(par, B, V)
    bq = meson_quark[(B,V)]
    ff_name = meson_ff[(B,V)] + ' form factor'
    ff = AuxiliaryQuantity[ff_name].prediction(par_dict=par, wc_obj=None, q2=0.)
    scale = config['renormalization scale']['bvgamma']
    # these are the b->qee Wilson coefficients - they contain the b->qgamma ones as a subset
    wc = wctot_dict(wc_obj, bq+'ee', scale, par)
    if cp_conjugate:
        wc = conjugate_wc(wc)
    delta_C7 = flavio.physics.bdecays.matrixelements.delta_C7(par=par, wc=wc, q2=0, scale=scale, qiqj=bq)
    a = {}
    a['L'] = N * (wc['C7eff_'+bq] + delta_C7)  * ff['T1']
    a['R'] = N * wc['C7effp_'+bq] * ff['T1']
    return a
Esempio n. 8
def amps_ff(wc_obj, par_dict, B, V, cp_conjugate):
    par = par_dict.copy()
    if cp_conjugate:
        par = conjugate_par(par)
    N = prefactor(par, B, V)
    bq = meson_quark[(B, V)]
    ff_name = meson_ff[(B, V)] + " form factor"
    ff = AuxiliaryQuantity.get_instance(ff_name).prediction(par_dict=par, wc_obj=None, q2=0.0)
    scale = config["renormalization scale"]["bvgamma"]
    # these are the b->qee Wilson coefficients - they contain the b->qgamma ones as a subset
    wc = wctot_dict(wc_obj, bq + "ee", scale, par)
    if cp_conjugate:
        wc = conjugate_wc(wc)
    delta_C7 = flavio.physics.bdecays.matrixelements.delta_C7(par=par, wc=wc, q2=0, scale=scale, qiqj=bq)
    a = {}
    a["L"] = N * (wc["C7eff_" + bq] + delta_C7) * ff["T1"]
    a["R"] = N * wc["C7effp_" + bq] * ff["T1"]
    return a
Esempio n. 9
def amps_ff(wc_obj, par_dict, B, V, cp_conjugate):
    par = par_dict.copy()
    if cp_conjugate:
        par = conjugate_par(par)
    N = prefactor(par, B, V)
    bq = meson_quark[(B,V)]
    ff_name = meson_ff[(B,V)] + ' form factor'
    ff = AuxiliaryQuantity.get_instance(ff_name).prediction(par_dict=par, wc_obj=None, q2=0.)
    scale = config['renormalization scale']['bvgamma']
    # these are the b->qee Wilson coefficients - they contain the b->qgamma ones as a subset
    wc = wctot_dict(wc_obj, bq+'ee', scale, par)
    if cp_conjugate:
        wc = conjugate_wc(wc)
    delta_C7 = flavio.physics.bdecays.matrixelements.delta_C7(par=par, wc=wc, q2=0, scale=scale, qiqj=bq)
    a = {}
    a['L'] = N * (wc['C7eff_'+bq] + delta_C7)  * ff['T1']
    a['R'] = N * wc['C7effp_'+bq] * ff['T1']
    return a
Esempio n. 10
 def wceff_bar(self, q2):
     """Get CP conjugate effective WCs. Cache and only recompute if necessary."""
     if q2 not in self._wceff_bar:
         self._wceff_bar[q2] = get_wceff(q2, conjugate_wc(self.wctot_dict), self.par_conjugate, self.B, self.V, self.lep, self.scale)
     return self._wceff_bar[q2]