def OnSimulate(self, event): #---------- Retrive values from panel -------------- AtomList = [] ConcList = [] Atoms = [] text = self.textENERGY.GetValue() eV0 = float(text) # incident energy text = self.textANGLE.GetValue() angle0 = float(text) # incident angle if eV0 <= 1000: eV0 = 1010 text = self.textELEMENT.GetValue( ) # list of elements and concentrations words = text.split() junk = ["'", ",", ":", ";", "/", "\\"] for (ix, word) in enumerate(words): concentration = 1.0 skip = 0 for test in junk: if word == test: skip = 1 if word.startswith(test): word = word[1:] if word.endswith(test): word = word[:-1] if skip == 1: continue if (word.isalpha()): # element name word = word[0].upper() + word[1:] AtomList.append(str(word)) else: # concentration concentration = float(word) ConcList.append(concentration) # appending to Atoms is done later. # text = self.textSUBSTRATE.GetValue() substrate1 = str(text) # substrate1 material text = self.textDENSITY.GetValue() density1 = float(text) # substrate1 density in g/cc text = self.textTOP.GetValue() thickness1 = float(text) # substrate1 thickness in cm # text = self.textSUBSTRATE2.GetValue() substrate2 = str(text) # substrate2 material text = self.textDENSITY2.GetValue() density2 = float(text) # substrate2 density text = self.textBOT.GetValue() thickness2 = float(text) # substrate2 thickness text = self.cbLOCATION.GetValue() loc = text # location of elements # unit_PPM = self.cbPPM.GetValue( ) # unit for concentration atomic fraction or weight fraction # if unit_PPM == 'weight fraction': # concentrations are in weight fraction substrate1_material = fluo_det.Material(substrate1, density1) AtomicWeight_substrate1 = substrate1_material.AtWt # g/mol of substrate1 for (ii, item) in enumerate(AtomList): AtomicSymbol = item # dilute elements AtomicWeight = fluo_elem.AtSym2AtWt(AtomicSymbol) # g/mol concentration_AtWtFract = ConcList[ ii] # concentration in weight fraction Conversion = AtomicWeight_substrate1 / AtomicWeight # weight fraction to atomic fraction ConcList[ii] = Conversion * concentration_AtWtFract #print(AtomicSymbol, concentration_AtWtFract, Conversion, Conversion * concentration_AtWtFract) # concentrations are in atomic percent now # for (ii, item) in enumerate(AtomList): AtSym = item # name of element con = ConcList[ ii] / 1.0e6 # concentration, from ppm(1e-6) to fraction atom1 = fluo_det.ElemFY( AtSym, con) # atom1.AtomicSybol, atom1.Concentration Atoms.append(atom1) # Atoms is a list of objects with attributes # text = self.cbHE.GetValue() if text == 'Yes': xHe = 1 else: xHe = 0 text = self.textAL.GetValue() xAl = float(text) text = self.textKAPTON.GetValue() xKap = float(text) text = self.textWD.GetValue() WD = float(text) text = self.cbXSW.GetValue() # collimator if text == 'WD60mm(XRM)': xsw = 0 if text == 'WD30mm(XSW)': xsw = 1 if text == 'none': xsw = -1 # -------------- run functions in ----------------------------- reload(fluo_det) self.input = fluo_det.input_param(eV0, Atoms, xHe, xAl, xKap, WD, xsw) matrix = fluo_det.SampleMatrix2(substrate1, density1, thickness1, substrate2, density2, thickness2, angle0, loc) #print('####', substrate1, density1, thickness1,substrate2, density2, thickness2) # --- change directory for pc executable: py2exe makes exe-file in dist folder. put outputfiles one folder up. exeExists = 0 if os.path.exists( 'fluo_panel.exe' ): # run from exe file put outputs in different folder exeExists = 1 path0 = os.getcwd() if self.path == path0 and exeExists == 1: # current directory is the original location num = len(path0) range0 = range(num - 1, -1, -1) for ix in range0: if path0[ix] == '\\': # find position for right-most '\' pos0 = ix break path0 = path0[:pos0] os.chdir(path0) # go up one level in directory # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ textOut = fluo_det.sim_spectra(eV0, Atoms, xHe, xAl, xKap, WD, xsw, sample=matrix) printout = 'output: simSpectrum_table.txt, simSpectrum_plot.txt, Elemental_Sensitivity.txt' printout += ' saved in ' + path0 print(printout) #self.cbLINES.Destroy() #self.fyList=[] #self.cbLINES = wx.ComboBox(self, 3, 'Press [Plot!] to update', (120, 30), (165, 10), self.fyList, wx.CB_DROPDOWN) self.cbLINES.Clear( ) # use these three lines instead of above 3, 8/27/2010 self.cbLINES.SetValue(str('Press [Plot!] to update')) self.cbLINES.AppendItems(self.fyList) # ------------- display output message from fluo.sim_spectra ------------- textList = textOut.split() self.TextOutputList = [] #self.TextOutput.Destroy() # 8/27/2010 for ii in range(0, len(textList), 2): temp = textList[ii] + ' ' + textList[ii + 1] self.TextOutputList.append(temp) #self.TextOutput = wx.ComboBox(self, 26, 'concentration list', (10, 410), (280, 20), self.TextOutputList, wx.CB_DROPDOWN) self.TextOutput.Clear() self.TextOutput.AppendItems(self.TextOutputList)
def __init__(self, parent, id, title): wx.Dialog.__init__(self, parent, id, 'SimFluo: fluorescence spectrum simulation', size=(350, 480)) #------------- read simulated spectrum and set plot limits --------------------------[]; self.data2=[] self.plot_on=0 self.path=os.getcwd() # remembers current directory inputfile='simSpectrum_plot.txt' if os.path.exists(inputfile)==0: fo=open(inputfile, 'w') out1=str(1e3)+' '+str(1e6)+'\n' fo.write(out1) out1=str(10e3)+' '+str(10e6)+'\n' fo.write(out1) fo.close() f=open(inputfile) lines=f.readlines() self.xMin=1e6; self.xMax=-1e6; self.yMin=1e6; self.yMax=-1e6 for line in lines: if line.startswith('#'): continue words=line.split() xx=float(words[0]) if self.xMin>xx: self.xMin=xx if self.xMax<=xx: self.xMax=xx yy=float(words[1]) if self.yMin>yy: self.yMin=yy if self.yMax<=yy: self.yMax=yy, yy)) f.close() HeList=['Yes', 'No'] xswList=['WD60mm(XRM)', 'WD30mm(XSW)', 'none'] self.fyList=[] self.locationList=['all', 'top', 'bottom', 'surface'] self.ppmList=['atomic fraction', 'weight fraction'] self.TextOutputList=[] self.input=fluo_det.input_param() #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- btnSim = wx.Button(self, 1, 'Simulate!', (30,10)) btnPlot = wx.Button(self, 2, 'Plot!', (30,35)) self.cbLINES = wx.ComboBox(self, 3, 'emission lines', (120, 30), (165, 10), self.fyList, wx.CB_DROPDOWN) # wx.StaticText(self, -1, "incident x-ray energy (eV)", (5, 60)) self.textENERGY = wx.TextCtrl(self, 10, '7500', (10, 75)) wx.StaticText(self, -1, "incident x-ray angle (Deg.)", (165, 60)) self.textANGLE = wx.TextCtrl(self, 11, '45.', (170, 75)) # wx.StaticText(self, -1, "elements and concentrations (ppm of top substrate material)", (5, 100)) wx.StaticText(self, -1, "in atomic fraction or weight fraction", (5, 115)) self.cbPPM = wx.ComboBox(self, 12, 'atomic fraction', (200, 113), (140, 10), self.ppmList, wx.CB_DROPDOWN) self.textELEMENT = wx.TextCtrl(self, 13, 'La 10 Ce 10 Nd 10', (10,135), size=(280, 20)) # wx.StaticText(self, -1, "top substrate material", (5, 155)) self.textSUBSTRATE = wx.TextCtrl(self, 14, 'CaCO3', (10, 170), (80, 20)) wx.StaticText(self, -1, "density (g/cc)", (135, 155)) self.textDENSITY = wx.TextCtrl(self, 15, '2.71', (140, 170), (80, 20)) wx.StaticText(self, -1, "thickness (cm)", (235, 155)) self.textTOP = wx.TextCtrl(self, 16, '0.001', (240, 170), (80, 20)) # wx.StaticText(self, -1, "bottom substrate material", (5, 195)) self.textSUBSTRATE2 = wx.TextCtrl(self, 17, 'Al2O3', (10, 210), (80, 20)) wx.StaticText(self, -1, "density (g/cc)", (135, 195)) self.textDENSITY2 = wx.TextCtrl(self, 18, '3.97', (140, 210), (80, 20)) wx.StaticText(self, -1, "thickness (cm)", (235, 195)) self.textBOT = wx.TextCtrl(self, 19, '0.001', (240, 210), (80, 20)) # wx.StaticText(self, -1, 'location of fluorescence elements', (5, 235)) self.cbLOCATION = wx.ComboBox(self, 20, 'all', (10, 250), (165, 10), \ self.locationList, wx.CB_DROPDOWN) # wx.StaticText(self, -1, "He-path used?", (5, 275)) self.cbHE = wx.ComboBox(self, 21, 'No', (10, 290), (95, 10), HeList, wx.CB_DROPDOWN) wx.StaticText(self, -1, '# of Al film (1.5mil)', (5, 315)) self.textAL = wx.TextCtrl(self, 22, '0', (10, 330)) wx.StaticText(self, -1, "# of Kapton film (0.3mil)", (165, 315)) self.textKAPTON = wx.TextCtrl(self, 23, '0', (170, 330)) wx.StaticText(self, -1, "Vortex detector distance (cm)", (5, 355)) self.textWD = wx.TextCtrl(self, 24, '6.0', (10, 370)) wx.StaticText(self, -1, "detector collimator", (165, 355)) self.cbXSW = wx.ComboBox(self, 25, 'WD60mm(XRM)', (170, 370), (120, 10), xswList, wx.CB_DROPDOWN) self.TextOutput = wx.ComboBox(self, 26, 'output message', (10, 410), (250, 20), self.TextOutputList, wx.CB_DROPDOWN) # wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, 1, self.OnSimulate) wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, 2, self.OnPlot) wx.EVT_TEXT(self, 14, self.OntextSUBSTRATE) wx.EVT_TEXT(self, 17, self.OntextSUBSTRATE2) wx.EVT_TEXT(self, 25, self.OnCBXSW) wx.EVT_CLOSE(self, self.OnQuit)
def __init__(self, parent, id, title): wx.Dialog.__init__(self, parent, id, 'SimFluo: fluorescence spectrum simulation', size=(350, 480)) #------------- read simulated spectrum and set plot limits -------------------------- = [] self.data2 = [] self.plot_on = 0 self.path = os.getcwd() # remembers current directory inputfile = 'simSpectrum_plot.txt' if os.path.exists(inputfile) == 0: fo = open(inputfile, 'w') out1 = str(1e3) + ' ' + str(1e6) + '\n' fo.write(out1) out1 = str(10e3) + ' ' + str(10e6) + '\n' fo.write(out1) fo.close() f = open(inputfile) lines = f.readlines() self.xMin = 1e6 self.xMax = -1e6 self.yMin = 1e6 self.yMax = -1e6 for line in lines: if line.startswith('#'): continue words = line.split() xx = float(words[0]) if self.xMin > xx: self.xMin = xx if self.xMax <= xx: self.xMax = xx yy = float(words[1]) if self.yMin > yy: self.yMin = yy if self.yMax <= yy: self.yMax = yy, yy)) f.close() HeList = ['Yes', 'No'] xswList = ['WD60mm(XRM)', 'WD30mm(XSW)', 'none'] self.fyList = [] self.locationList = ['all', 'top', 'bottom', 'surface'] self.ppmList = ['atomic fraction', 'weight fraction'] self.TextOutputList = [] self.input = fluo_det.input_param() #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- btnSim = wx.Button(self, 1, 'Simulate!', (30, 10)) btnPlot = wx.Button(self, 2, 'Plot!', (30, 35)) self.cbLINES = wx.ComboBox(self, 3, 'emission lines', (120, 30), (165, 10), self.fyList, wx.CB_DROPDOWN) # wx.StaticText(self, -1, "incident x-ray energy (eV)", (5, 60)) self.textENERGY = wx.TextCtrl(self, 10, '7500', (10, 75)) wx.StaticText(self, -1, "incident x-ray angle (Deg.)", (165, 60)) self.textANGLE = wx.TextCtrl(self, 11, '45.', (170, 75)) # wx.StaticText( self, -1, "elements and concentrations (ppm of top substrate material)", (5, 100)) wx.StaticText(self, -1, "in atomic fraction or weight fraction", (5, 115)) self.cbPPM = wx.ComboBox(self, 12, 'atomic fraction', (200, 113), (140, 10), self.ppmList, wx.CB_DROPDOWN) self.textELEMENT = wx.TextCtrl(self, 13, 'La 10 Ce 10 Nd 10', (10, 135), size=(280, 20)) # wx.StaticText(self, -1, "top substrate material", (5, 155)) self.textSUBSTRATE = wx.TextCtrl(self, 14, 'CaCO3', (10, 170), (80, 20)) wx.StaticText(self, -1, "density (g/cc)", (135, 155)) self.textDENSITY = wx.TextCtrl(self, 15, '2.71', (140, 170), (80, 20)) wx.StaticText(self, -1, "thickness (cm)", (235, 155)) self.textTOP = wx.TextCtrl(self, 16, '0.001', (240, 170), (80, 20)) # wx.StaticText(self, -1, "bottom substrate material", (5, 195)) self.textSUBSTRATE2 = wx.TextCtrl(self, 17, 'Al2O3', (10, 210), (80, 20)) wx.StaticText(self, -1, "density (g/cc)", (135, 195)) self.textDENSITY2 = wx.TextCtrl(self, 18, '3.97', (140, 210), (80, 20)) wx.StaticText(self, -1, "thickness (cm)", (235, 195)) self.textBOT = wx.TextCtrl(self, 19, '0.001', (240, 210), (80, 20)) # wx.StaticText(self, -1, 'location of fluorescence elements', (5, 235)) self.cbLOCATION = wx.ComboBox(self, 20, 'all', (10, 250), (165, 10), \ self.locationList, wx.CB_DROPDOWN) # wx.StaticText(self, -1, "He-path used?", (5, 275)) self.cbHE = wx.ComboBox(self, 21, 'No', (10, 290), (95, 10), HeList, wx.CB_DROPDOWN) wx.StaticText(self, -1, '# of Al film (1.5mil)', (5, 315)) self.textAL = wx.TextCtrl(self, 22, '0', (10, 330)) wx.StaticText(self, -1, "# of Kapton film (0.3mil)", (165, 315)) self.textKAPTON = wx.TextCtrl(self, 23, '0', (170, 330)) wx.StaticText(self, -1, "Vortex detector distance (cm)", (5, 355)) self.textWD = wx.TextCtrl(self, 24, '6.0', (10, 370)) wx.StaticText(self, -1, "detector collimator", (165, 355)) self.cbXSW = wx.ComboBox(self, 25, 'WD60mm(XRM)', (170, 370), (120, 10), xswList, wx.CB_DROPDOWN) self.TextOutput = wx.ComboBox(self, 26, 'output message', (10, 410), (250, 20), self.TextOutputList, wx.CB_DROPDOWN) # wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, 1, self.OnSimulate) wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, 2, self.OnPlot) wx.EVT_TEXT(self, 14, self.OntextSUBSTRATE) wx.EVT_TEXT(self, 17, self.OntextSUBSTRATE2) wx.EVT_TEXT(self, 25, self.OnCBXSW) wx.EVT_CLOSE(self, self.OnQuit)
def OnSimulate(self, event): #---------- Retrive values from panel -------------- AtomList=[]; ConcList=[]; Atoms=[] text=self.textENERGY.GetValue() eV0=float(text) # incident energy text=self.textANGLE.GetValue() angle0=float(text) # incident angle if eV0<=1000: eV0=1010 text=self.textELEMENT.GetValue() # list of elements and concentrations words=text.split() junk=["'", ",", ":", ";", "/", "\\"] for (ix,word) in enumerate(words): concentration=1.0; skip=0 for test in junk: if word==test: skip=1 if word.startswith(test): word=word[1:] if word.endswith(test): word=word[:-1] if skip==1: continue if (word.isalpha()): # element name word=word[0].upper()+word[1:] AtomList.append(str(word)) else: # concentration concentration=float(word) ConcList.append(concentration) # appending to Atoms is done later. # text=self.textSUBSTRATE.GetValue() substrate1=str(text) # substrate1 material text=self.textDENSITY.GetValue() density1=float(text) # substrate1 density in g/cc text=self.textTOP.GetValue() thickness1=float(text) # substrate1 thickness in cm # text=self.textSUBSTRATE2.GetValue() substrate2=str(text) # substrate2 material text=self.textDENSITY2.GetValue() density2=float(text) # substrate2 density text=self.textBOT.GetValue() thickness2=float(text) # substrate2 thickness text=self.cbLOCATION.GetValue() loc=text # location of elements # unit_PPM=self.cbPPM.GetValue() # unit for concentration atomic fraction or weight fraction # if unit_PPM=='weight fraction': # concentrations are in weight fraction substrate1_material = fluo_det.Material(substrate1, density1) AtomicWeight_substrate1 = substrate1_material.AtWt # g/mol of substrate1 for (ii, item) in enumerate(AtomList): AtomicSymbol = item # dilute elements AtomicWeight = fluo_elem.AtSym2AtWt(AtomicSymbol) # g/mol concentration_AtWtFract = ConcList[ii] # concentration in weight fraction Conversion = AtomicWeight_substrate1/AtomicWeight # weight fraction to atomic fraction ConcList[ii] = Conversion * concentration_AtWtFract #print AtomicSymbol, concentration_AtWtFract, Conversion, Conversion * concentration_AtWtFract # concentrations are in atomic percent now # for (ii, item) in enumerate(AtomList): AtSym=item # name of element con=ConcList[ii]/1.0e6 # concentration, from ppm(1e-6) to fraction atom1=fluo_det.ElemFY(AtSym, con) # atom1.AtomicSybol, atom1.Concentration Atoms.append(atom1) # Atoms is a list of objects with attributes # text=self.cbHE.GetValue() if text=='Yes': xHe=1 else: xHe=0 text=self.textAL.GetValue() xAl=float(text) text=self.textKAPTON.GetValue() xKap=float(text) text=self.textWD.GetValue() WD=float(text) text=self.cbXSW.GetValue() # collimator if text=='WD60mm(XRM)': xsw=0 if text=='WD30mm(XSW)': xsw=1 if text=='none': xsw=-1 # -------------- run functions in ----------------------------- reload(fluo_det) self.input=fluo_det.input_param(eV0, Atoms, xHe, xAl, xKap, WD, xsw) matrix=fluo_det.SampleMatrix2(substrate1, density1, thickness1,substrate2, density2, thickness2, angle0, loc) #print '####', substrate1, density1, thickness1,substrate2, density2, thickness2 # --- change directory for pc executable: py2exe makes exe-file in dist folder. put outputfiles one folder up. exeExists=0 if os.path.exists('fluo_panel.exe'): # run from exe file put outputs in different folder exeExists=1 path0=os.getcwd() if self.path==path0 and exeExists==1: # current directory is the original location num=len(path0) range0=range(num-1, -1, -1) for ix in range0: if path0[ix]=='\\' : # find position for right-most '\' pos0=ix break path0=path0[:pos0] os.chdir(path0) # go up one level in directory # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ textOut=fluo_det.sim_spectra(eV0, Atoms, xHe, xAl, xKap, WD, xsw, sample=matrix) printout='output: simSpectrum_table.txt, simSpectrum_plot.txt, Elemental_Sensitivity.txt' printout+=' saved in '+path0 print printout #self.cbLINES.Destroy() #self.fyList=[] #self.cbLINES = wx.ComboBox(self, 3, 'Press [Plot!] to update', (120, 30), (165, 10), self.fyList, wx.CB_DROPDOWN) self.cbLINES.Clear() # use these three lines instead of above 3, 8/27/2010 self.cbLINES.SetValue(str('Press [Plot!] to update')) self.cbLINES.AppendItems(self.fyList) # ------------- display output message from fluo.sim_spectra ------------- textList=textOut.split() self.TextOutputList=[] #self.TextOutput.Destroy() # 8/27/2010 for ii in range(0, len(textList), 2): temp=textList[ii]+' '+textList[ii+1] self.TextOutputList.append(temp) #self.TextOutput = wx.ComboBox(self, 26, 'concentration list', (10, 410), (280, 20), self.TextOutputList, wx.CB_DROPDOWN) self.TextOutput.Clear() self.TextOutput.AppendItems(self.TextOutputList)