def __init__(self, bgcolor=None, **kwargs): """ Create a FosWindow. All parameters are optional. Parameters ---------- `bgcolor` : tuple Specify the background color as 4-tuple with values between 0 and 1 `width` : int Width of the window, in pixels. Defaults to 640, or the screen width if `fullscreen` is True. `height` : int Height of the window, in pixels. Defaults to 480, or the screen height if `fullscreen` is True. `caption` : str or unicode Initial caption (title) of the window. Defaults to ``sys.argv[0]``. `fullscreen` : bool If True, the window will cover the entire screen rather than floating. Defaults to False. `visible` : bool Determines if the window is visible immediately after creation. Defaults to True. Set this to False if you would like to change attributes of the window before having it appear to the user. """ self.update_dt = 1.0/60 if bgcolor == None: self.bgcolor = else: self.bgcolor = bgcolor self.mouse_x, self.mouse_y = 0,0 # create an empty world by default emptyworld = World("Zero-Point World") self.attach(emptyworld) # the frame rate display from fos.lib.pyglet self.fps_display = FPSDisplay(self) self.foslabel = WindowText(self, 'fos', x=10 , y=40) self.show_logos = True # pushing new event handlers foswinhandlers = FosWinEventHandler(self) self.push_handlers(foswinhandlers) super(FosWindow, self).__init__(**kwargs)
class FosWindow(ManagedWindow): def __init__(self, bgcolor=None, **kwargs): """ Create a FosWindow. All parameters are optional. Parameters ---------- `bgcolor` : tuple Specify the background color as 4-tuple with values between 0 and 1 `width` : int Width of the window, in pixels. Defaults to 640, or the screen width if `fullscreen` is True. `height` : int Height of the window, in pixels. Defaults to 480, or the screen height if `fullscreen` is True. `caption` : str or unicode Initial caption (title) of the window. Defaults to ``sys.argv[0]``. `fullscreen` : bool If True, the window will cover the entire screen rather than floating. Defaults to False. `visible` : bool Determines if the window is visible immediately after creation. Defaults to True. Set this to False if you would like to change attributes of the window before having it appear to the user. """ self.update_dt = 1.0/60 if bgcolor == None: self.bgcolor = else: self.bgcolor = bgcolor self.mouse_x, self.mouse_y = 0,0 # create an empty world by default emptyworld = World("Zero-Point World") self.attach(emptyworld) # the frame rate display from fos.lib.pyglet self.fps_display = FPSDisplay(self) self.foslabel = WindowText(self, 'fos', x=10 , y=40) self.show_logos = True # pushing new event handlers foswinhandlers = FosWinEventHandler(self) self.push_handlers(foswinhandlers) super(FosWindow, self).__init__(**kwargs) def remove_logos(self): self.show_logos = False def setup(self): r,g,b,a = self.bgcolor glClearColor(r,g,b,a) glClearDepth(1.0) glDepthFunc(GL_LESS) glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST) glEnable(GL_BLEND) glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) return def set_current_camera(self, cam): """ Set the current camera to cam for this window Parameters ---------- cam : Camera The camera object """ if cam in self.current_camera = cam else: print "camera not found in this world" def update(self, dt): # update the actors for a in try: a.update(dt) except: pass # update the cameras for c in try: c.update(dt) except: pass # if dt != 0: # print "freq", round(1.0/dt) # pass def get_world(self): """ Returns the world that is attached to this window """ return self._world def attach(self, world): """ Attach a FosWindow to a world. The world needs to have at least one camera. The first camera is used for the window. You can change the camera for a window by using set_current_camera() """ world._render_lock.acquire() # can not attach a window to a world that has not cameras if len(world.get_cameras()) == 0: raise Exception("Can not attach window to a world with no cameras") # attach the world as a private attribute self._world = world # add the world to the list of windows the world is attached to self._world.wins.append(self) # just take the first camera self.current_camera = self._world.get_cameras()[0] world._render_lock.release() def draw(self): self._world._render_lock.acquire() glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT) glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW) glLoadIdentity() self.current_camera.draw() for a in try: a.draw() except: pass if self.show_logos: self.fps_display.draw() self.foslabel.draw() self._world._render_lock.release() def on_resize(self, width, height): glViewport(0, 0, width, height) glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION) glLoadIdentity() gluPerspective(60., width / float(height), .1, 2000.) glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW)