def fit_channels(self, img, chan_images, clip_rms, src, beamlist):
        """Fits normalizations of Gaussians in source to multiple channels

        If unresolved, the size of the Gaussians are adjusted to match the
        channel's beam size (given by beamlist) before fitting.

        Returns array of total fluxes (N_channels x N_Gaussians) and array
        of errors (N_channels x N_Gaussians).
        import functions as func
        from const import fwsig

        isl = img.islands[src.island_id]
        isl_bbox = isl.bbox
        nchan = chan_images.shape[0]
        x, y = N.mgrid[isl_bbox]
        gg = src.gaussians
        fitfix = N.ones(len(gg))  # fit only normalization
        srcmask = isl.mask_active

        total_flux = N.zeros(
            (nchan, len(fitfix)))  # array of fluxes: N_channels x N_Gaussians
        errors = N.zeros(
            (nchan, len(fitfix)))  # array of fluxes: N_channels x N_Gaussians
        for cind in range(nchan):
            image = chan_images[cind]
            gg_adj = self.adjust_size_by_freq(img.beam, beamlist[cind], gg)
            p, ep = func.fit_mulgaus2d(image,
            pbeam = img.beam2pix(beamlist[cind])
            bm_pix = (pbeam[0] / fwsig, pbeam[1] / fwsig, pbeam[2]
                      )  # IN SIGMA UNITS
            for ig in range(len(fitfix)):
                           ig] = p[ig * 6] * p[ig * 6 + 3] * p[ig * 6 + 4] / (
                               bm_pix[0] * bm_pix[1])
            p = N.insert(p, N.arange(len(fitfix)) * 6 + 6, total_flux[cind])
            rms_isl = N.mean(clip_rms[cind])
            errors[cind] = func.get_errors(img,
                                           bm_pix=(bm_pix[0] * fwsig,
                                                   bm_pix[1] * fwsig,

        return total_flux, errors
Esempio n. 2
    def fit_channels(self, img, chan_images, clip_rms, src, beamlist):
        """Fits normalizations of Gaussians in source to multiple channels

        If unresolved, the size of the Gaussians are adjusted to match the
        channel's beam size (given by beamlist) before fitting.

        Returns array of total fluxes (N_channels x N_Gaussians) and array
        of errors (N_channels x N_Gaussians).
        import functions as func
        from const import fwsig

        isl = img.islands[src.island_id]
        isl_bbox = isl.bbox
        nchan = chan_images.shape[0]
        x, y = N.mgrid[isl_bbox]
        gg = src.gaussians
        fitfix = N.ones(len(gg)) # fit only normalization
        srcmask = isl.mask_active

        total_flux = N.zeros((nchan, len(fitfix))) # array of fluxes: N_channels x N_Gaussians
        errors = N.zeros((nchan, len(fitfix))) # array of fluxes: N_channels x N_Gaussians
        for cind in range(nchan):
            image = chan_images[cind]
            gg_adj = self.adjust_size_by_freq(img.beam, beamlist[cind], gg)
            p, ep = func.fit_mulgaus2d(image, gg_adj, x, y, srcmask, fitfix, adj=True)
            pbeam = img.beam2pix(beamlist[cind])
            bm_pix = (pbeam[0]/fwsig, pbeam[1]/fwsig, pbeam[2])  # IN SIGMA UNITS
            for ig in range(len(fitfix)):
                total_flux[cind, ig] = p[ig*6]*p[ig*6+3]*p[ig*6+4]/(bm_pix[0]*bm_pix[1])
            p = N.insert(p, N.arange(len(fitfix))*6+6, total_flux[cind])
            rms_isl = N.mean(clip_rms[cind])
            errors[cind] = func.get_errors(img, p, rms_isl, bm_pix=(bm_pix[0]*fwsig, bm_pix[1]*fwsig, bm_pix[2]))[6]

        return total_flux, errors
Esempio n. 3
    def __call__(self, img):
        mylog = mylogger.logging.getLogger("PyBDSM." + img.log + "Polarisatn")
        if img.opts.polarisation_do:
  'Extracting polarisation properties for all sources')
            pols = ['I', 'Q', 'U', 'V']

            # Run gausfit and gual2srl on PI image to look for polarized sources
            # undetected in I
            fit_PI = img.opts.pi_fit
            n_new = 0
            ch0_pi = N.sqrt(img.ch0_Q_arr**2 + img.ch0_U_arr**2)
            img.ch0_pi_arr = ch0_pi

            if fit_PI:
                from . import _run_op_list
                mylogger.userinfo(mylog, "\nChecking PI image for new sources")

                mask = img.mask_arr
                minsize = img.opts.minpix_isl

                # Set up image object for PI image.
                pi_chain, pi_opts = self.setpara_bdsm(img)
                pimg = Image(pi_opts)
                pimg.beam = img.beam
                pimg.pixel_beam = img.pixel_beam
                pimg.pixel_beamarea = img.pixel_beamarea
                pimg.log = 'PI.'
                pimg.pix2beam = img.pix2beam
                pimg.beam2pix = img.beam2pix
                pimg.pix2gaus = img.pix2gaus
                pimg.gaus2pix = img.gaus2pix
                pimg.pix2sky = img.pix2sky
                pimg.sky2pix = img.sky2pix
                pimg.pix2coord = img.pix2coord
                pimg.wcs_obj = img.wcs_obj
                pimg.mask_arr = mask
                pimg.masked = img.masked
                pimg.ch0_arr = ch0_pi
                pimg._pi = True

                success = _run_op_list(pimg, pi_chain)
                if not success:

                img.pi_islands = pimg.islands
                img.pi_gaussians = pimg.gaussians
                img.pi_sources = pimg.sources

                # Now check for new sources in the PI image that are not
                # found in the Stokes I image. If any new sources are found,
                # adjust their IDs to follow after those found in I.
                new_isl = []
                new_src = []
                new_gaus = []
                n_new_src = 0
                isl_id = img.islands[-1].island_id
                src_id = img.sources[-1].source_id
                gaus_id = img.gaussians[-1].gaus_num
                for pi_isl in pimg.islands:
                    new_sources = []
                    for pi_src in pi_isl.sources:
                        if img.pyrank[int(img.sky2pix(pi_src.posn_sky_max)[0]),
                                          )] == -1:
                            src_id += 1
                            pi_src._pi = True
                            pi_src.island_id = isl_id
                            pi_src.source_id = src_id
                            pi_src.spec_indx = N.NaN
                            pi_src.e_spec_indx = N.NaN
                            pi_src.spec_norm = N.NaN
                            pi_src.specin_flux = [N.NaN]
                            pi_src.specin_fluxE = [N.NaN]
                            pi_src.specin_freq = [N.NaN]
                            pi_src.specin_freq0 = N.NaN
                            n_new_src += 1
                            for g in pi_src.gaussians:
                                gaus_id += 1
                                g.gaus_num = gaus_id
                    if len(new_sources) > 0:
                        isl_id += 1
                        pi_isl.sources = new_sources
                        pi_isl.island_id = isl_id
                        pi_isl._pi = True

                n_new = len(new_isl)
                mylogger.userinfo(mylog, "New sources found in PI image",
                                  '%i (%i total)' % (n_new, img.nsrc + n_new))

            if n_new > 0:
                img.islands += new_isl
                img.sources += new_src
                img.gaussians += new_gaus
                img.nsrc += n_new_src

            bar = statusbar.StatusBar(
                'Calculating polarisation properties ....  : ', 0, img.nsrc)
            if img.opts.quiet == False:

            for isl in img.islands:
                isl_bbox = isl.bbox
                ch0_I = img.ch0_arr[isl_bbox]
                ch0_Q = img.ch0_Q_arr[isl_bbox]
                ch0_U = img.ch0_U_arr[isl_bbox]
                ch0_V = img.ch0_V_arr[isl_bbox]
                ch0_images = [ch0_I, ch0_Q, ch0_U, ch0_V]

                for i, src in enumerate(isl.sources):
                    # For each source, assume the morphology does not change
                    # across the Stokes cube. This assumption allows us to fit
                    # the Gaussians of each source to each Stokes image by
                    # simply fitting only the overall normalizations of the
                    # individual Gaussians.
                    # First, fit all source Gaussians to each Stokes image:
                    x, y = N.mgrid[isl_bbox]
                    gg = src.gaussians
                    fitfix = N.ones(len(gg))  # fit only normalization
                    srcmask = isl.mask_active
                    total_flux = N.zeros(
                        (4, len(fitfix)), dtype=N.float32
                    )  # array of fluxes: N_Stokes x N_Gaussians
                    errors = N.zeros(
                        (4, len(fitfix)), dtype=N.float32
                    )  # array of fluxes: N_Stokes x N_Gaussians

                    for sind, image in enumerate(ch0_images):
                        if (sind == 0 and hasattr(src, '_pi')
                            ) or sind > 0:  # Fit I only for PI sources
                            p, ep = func.fit_mulgaus2d(image, gg, x, y,
                                                       srcmask, fitfix)
                            for ig in range(len(fitfix)):
                                center_pix = (p[ig * 6 + 1], p[ig * 6 + 2])
                                bm_pix = N.array([
                                total_flux[sind, ig] = p[ig * 6] * p[
                                    ig * 6 + 3] * p[ig * 6 + 4] / (bm_pix[0] *
                            p = N.insert(p,
                                         N.arange(len(fitfix)) * 6 + 6,
                            if sind > 0:
                                rms_img = img.__getattribute__('rms_' +
                                                               pols[sind] +
                                rms_img = img.rms_arr
                            if len(rms_img.shape) > 1:
                                rms_isl = rms_img[isl.bbox].mean()
                                rms_isl = rms_img
                            errors[sind] = func.get_errors(img, p, rms_isl)[6]

                    # Now, assign fluxes to each Gaussian.
                    src_flux_I = 0.0
                    src_flux_Q = 0.0
                    src_flux_U = 0.0
                    src_flux_V = 0.0
                    src_flux_I_err_sq = 0.0
                    src_flux_Q_err_sq = 0.0
                    src_flux_U_err_sq = 0.0
                    src_flux_V_err_sq = 0.0

                    for ig, gaussian in enumerate(src.gaussians):
                        flux_I = total_flux[0, ig]
                        flux_I_err = abs(errors[0, ig])
                        flux_Q = total_flux[1, ig]
                        flux_Q_err = abs(errors[1, ig])
                        flux_U = total_flux[2, ig]
                        flux_U_err = abs(errors[2, ig])
                        flux_V = total_flux[3, ig]
                        flux_V_err = abs(errors[3, ig])

                        if hasattr(src, '_pi'):
                            gaussian.total_flux = flux_I
                            gaussian.total_fluxE = flux_I_err
                        gaussian.total_flux_Q = flux_Q
                        gaussian.total_flux_U = flux_U
                        gaussian.total_flux_V = flux_V
                        gaussian.total_fluxE_Q = flux_Q_err
                        gaussian.total_fluxE_U = flux_U_err
                        gaussian.total_fluxE_V = flux_V_err

                        if hasattr(src, '_pi'):
                            src_flux_I += flux_I
                            src_flux_I_err_sq += flux_I_err**2
                        src_flux_Q += flux_Q
                        src_flux_U += flux_U
                        src_flux_V += flux_V
                        src_flux_Q_err_sq += flux_Q_err**2
                        src_flux_U_err_sq += flux_U_err**2
                        src_flux_V_err_sq += flux_V_err**2

                        # Calculate and store polarisation fractions and angle for each Gaussian in the island
                        # For this we need the I flux, which we can just take from g.total_flux and src.total_flux
                        flux_I = gaussian.total_flux
                        flux_I_err = gaussian.total_fluxE
                        stokes = [flux_I, flux_Q, flux_U, flux_V]
                        stokes_err = [
                            flux_I_err, flux_Q_err, flux_U_err, flux_V_err

                        lpol_frac, lpol_frac_loerr, lpol_frac_hierr = self.calc_lpol_fraction(
                            stokes, stokes_err)  # linear pol fraction
                        lpol_ang, lpol_ang_err = self.calc_lpol_angle(
                            stokes, stokes_err)  # linear pol angle
                        cpol_frac, cpol_frac_loerr, cpol_frac_hierr = self.calc_cpol_fraction(
                            stokes, stokes_err)  # circular pol fraction
                        tpol_frac, tpol_frac_loerr, tpol_frac_hierr = self.calc_tpol_fraction(
                            stokes, stokes_err)  # total pol fraction

                        gaussian.lpol_fraction = lpol_frac
                        gaussian.lpol_fraction_loerr = lpol_frac_loerr
                        gaussian.lpol_fraction_hierr = lpol_frac_hierr
                        gaussian.cpol_fraction = cpol_frac
                        gaussian.cpol_fraction_loerr = cpol_frac_loerr
                        gaussian.cpol_fraction_hierr = cpol_frac_hierr
                        gaussian.tpol_fraction = tpol_frac
                        gaussian.tpol_fraction_loerr = tpol_frac_loerr
                        gaussian.tpol_fraction_hierr = tpol_frac_hierr
                        gaussian.lpol_angle = lpol_ang
                        gaussian.lpol_angle_err = lpol_ang_err

                    # Store fluxes for each source in the island
                    if hasattr(src, '_pi'):
                        src.total_flux = src_flux_I
                        src.total_fluxE = N.sqrt(src_flux_I_err_sq)
                    src.total_flux_Q = src_flux_Q
                    src.total_flux_U = src_flux_U
                    src.total_flux_V = src_flux_V
                    src.total_fluxE_Q = N.sqrt(src_flux_Q_err_sq)
                    src.total_fluxE_U = N.sqrt(src_flux_U_err_sq)
                    src.total_fluxE_V = N.sqrt(src_flux_V_err_sq)

                    # Calculate and store polarisation fractions and angle for each source in the island
                    # For this we need the I flux, which we can just take from g.total_flux and src.total_flux
                    src_flux_I = src.total_flux
                    src_flux_I_err = src.total_fluxE
                    stokes = [src_flux_I, src_flux_Q, src_flux_U, src_flux_V]
                    stokes_err = [

                    lpol_frac, lpol_frac_loerr, lpol_frac_hierr = self.calc_lpol_fraction(
                        stokes, stokes_err)  # linear pol fraction
                    lpol_ang, lpol_ang_err = self.calc_lpol_angle(
                        stokes, stokes_err)  # linear pol angle
                    cpol_frac, cpol_frac_loerr, cpol_frac_hierr = self.calc_cpol_fraction(
                        stokes, stokes_err)  # circular pol fraction
                    tpol_frac, tpol_frac_loerr, tpol_frac_hierr = self.calc_tpol_fraction(
                        stokes, stokes_err)  # total pol fraction

                    src.lpol_fraction = lpol_frac
                    src.lpol_fraction_loerr = lpol_frac_loerr
                    src.lpol_fraction_hierr = lpol_frac_hierr
                    src.cpol_fraction = cpol_frac
                    src.cpol_fraction_loerr = cpol_frac_loerr
                    src.cpol_fraction_hierr = cpol_frac_hierr
                    src.tpol_fraction = tpol_frac
                    src.tpol_fraction_loerr = tpol_frac_loerr
                    src.tpol_fraction_hierr = tpol_frac_hierr
                    src.lpol_angle = lpol_ang
                    src.lpol_angle_err = lpol_ang_err
                    if bar.started:
Esempio n. 4
    def __call__(self, img):
        mylog = mylogger.logging.getLogger("PyBDSM."+img.log+"Polarisatn")
        if img.opts.polarisation_do:
'Extracting polarisation properties for all sources')
          pols = ['I', 'Q', 'U', 'V']

          # Run gausfit and gual2srl on PI image to look for polarized sources
          # undetected in I
          fit_PI = img.opts.pi_fit
          n_new = 0
          ch0_pi = N.sqrt(img.ch0_Q_arr**2 + img.ch0_U_arr**2)
          img.ch0_pi_arr = ch0_pi

          if fit_PI:
              from . import _run_op_list
              mylogger.userinfo(mylog, "\nChecking PI image for new sources")

              mask = img.mask_arr
              minsize = img.opts.minpix_isl

              # Set up image object for PI image.
              pi_chain, pi_opts = self.setpara_bdsm(img)
              pimg = Image(pi_opts)
              pimg.beam = img.beam
              pimg.pixel_beam = img.pixel_beam
              pimg.pixel_beamarea = img.pixel_beamarea
              pimg.log = 'PI.'
              pimg.pix2beam = img.pix2beam
              pimg.beam2pix = img.beam2pix
              pimg.pix2gaus = img.pix2gaus
              pimg.gaus2pix = img.gaus2pix
              pimg.pix2sky = img.pix2sky
              pimg.sky2pix = img.sky2pix
              pimg.pix2coord = img.pix2coord
              pimg.wcs_obj = img.wcs_obj
              pimg.mask_arr = mask
              pimg.masked = img.masked
              pimg.ch0_arr = ch0_pi
              pimg._pi = True

              success = _run_op_list(pimg, pi_chain)
              if not success:

              img.pi_islands = pimg.islands
              img.pi_gaussians = pimg.gaussians
              img.pi_sources = pimg.sources

              # Now check for new sources in the PI image that are not
              # found in the Stokes I image. If any new sources are found,
              # adjust their IDs to follow after those found in I.
              new_isl = []
              new_src = []
              new_gaus = []
              n_new_src = 0
              isl_id = img.islands[-1].island_id
              src_id = img.sources[-1].source_id
              gaus_id = img.gaussians[-1].gaus_num
              for pi_isl in pimg.islands:
                  new_sources = []
                  for pi_src in pi_isl.sources:
                      if img.pyrank[int(img.sky2pix(pi_src.posn_sky_max)[0]),
                                    int(img.sky2pix(pi_src.posn_sky_max)[1])] == -1:
                          src_id += 1
                          pi_src._pi = True
                          pi_src.island_id = isl_id
                          pi_src.source_id = src_id
                          pi_src.spec_indx = N.NaN
                          pi_src.e_spec_indx = N.NaN
                          pi_src.spec_norm = N.NaN
                          pi_src.specin_flux = [N.NaN]
                          pi_src.specin_fluxE = [N.NaN]
                          pi_src.specin_freq = [N.NaN]
                          pi_src.specin_freq0 = N.NaN
                          n_new_src += 1
                          for g in pi_src.gaussians:
                              gaus_id += 1
                              g.gaus_num = gaus_id
                  if len(new_sources) > 0:
                      isl_id += 1
                      pi_isl.sources = new_sources
                      pi_isl.island_id = isl_id
                      pi_isl._pi = True

              n_new = len(new_isl)
              mylogger.userinfo(mylog, "New sources found in PI image", '%i (%i total)' %
                                (n_new, img.nsrc+n_new))

          if n_new > 0:
              img.islands += new_isl
              img.sources += new_src
              img.gaussians += new_gaus
              img.nsrc += n_new_src

          bar = statusbar.StatusBar('Calculating polarisation properties ....  : ', 0, img.nsrc)
          if img.opts.quiet == False:

          for isl in img.islands:
            isl_bbox = isl.bbox
            ch0_I = img.ch0_arr[isl_bbox]
            ch0_Q = img.ch0_Q_arr[isl_bbox]
            ch0_U = img.ch0_U_arr[isl_bbox]
            ch0_V = img.ch0_V_arr[isl_bbox]
            ch0_images = [ch0_I, ch0_Q, ch0_U, ch0_V]

            for i, src in enumerate(isl.sources):
                # For each source, assume the morphology does not change
                # across the Stokes cube. This assumption allows us to fit
                # the Gaussians of each source to each Stokes image by
                # simply fitting only the overall normalizations of the
                # individual Gaussians.
                # First, fit all source Gaussians to each Stokes image:
                x, y = N.mgrid[isl_bbox]
                gg = src.gaussians
                fitfix = N.ones(len(gg)) # fit only normalization
                srcmask = isl.mask_active
                total_flux = N.zeros((4, len(fitfix)), dtype=N.float32) # array of fluxes: N_Stokes x N_Gaussians
                errors = N.zeros((4, len(fitfix)), dtype=N.float32) # array of fluxes: N_Stokes x N_Gaussians

                for sind, image in enumerate(ch0_images):
                    if (sind==0 and hasattr(src, '_pi')) or sind > 0: # Fit I only for PI sources
                        p, ep = func.fit_mulgaus2d(image, gg, x, y, srcmask, fitfix)
                        for ig in range(len(fitfix)):
                            center_pix = (p[ig*6 + 1], p[ig*6 + 2])
                            bm_pix = N.array([img.pixel_beam()[0], img.pixel_beam()[1], img.pixel_beam()[2]])
                            total_flux[sind, ig] = p[ig*6]*p[ig*6+3]*p[ig*6+4]/(bm_pix[0]*bm_pix[1])
                        p = N.insert(p, N.arange(len(fitfix))*6+6, total_flux[sind])
                        if sind > 0:
                            rms_img = img.__getattribute__('rms_'+pols[sind]+'_arr')
                            rms_img = img.rms_arr
                        if len(rms_img.shape) > 1:
                            rms_isl = rms_img[isl.bbox].mean()
                            rms_isl = rms_img
                        errors[sind] = func.get_errors(img, p, rms_isl)[6]

                # Now, assign fluxes to each Gaussian.
                src_flux_I = 0.0
                src_flux_Q = 0.0
                src_flux_U = 0.0
                src_flux_V = 0.0
                src_flux_I_err_sq = 0.0
                src_flux_Q_err_sq = 0.0
                src_flux_U_err_sq = 0.0
                src_flux_V_err_sq = 0.0

                for ig, gaussian in enumerate(src.gaussians):
                    flux_I = total_flux[0, ig]
                    flux_I_err = abs(errors[0, ig])
                    flux_Q = total_flux[1, ig]
                    flux_Q_err = abs(errors[1, ig])
                    flux_U = total_flux[2, ig]
                    flux_U_err = abs(errors[2, ig])
                    flux_V = total_flux[3, ig]
                    flux_V_err = abs(errors[3, ig])

                    if hasattr(src, '_pi'):
                        gaussian.total_flux = flux_I
                        gaussian.total_fluxE = flux_I_err
                    gaussian.total_flux_Q = flux_Q
                    gaussian.total_flux_U = flux_U
                    gaussian.total_flux_V = flux_V
                    gaussian.total_fluxE_Q = flux_Q_err
                    gaussian.total_fluxE_U = flux_U_err
                    gaussian.total_fluxE_V = flux_V_err

                    if hasattr(src, '_pi'):
                        src_flux_I += flux_I
                        src_flux_I_err_sq += flux_I_err**2
                    src_flux_Q += flux_Q
                    src_flux_U += flux_U
                    src_flux_V += flux_V
                    src_flux_Q_err_sq += flux_Q_err**2
                    src_flux_U_err_sq += flux_U_err**2
                    src_flux_V_err_sq += flux_V_err**2

                    # Calculate and store polarisation fractions and angle for each Gaussian in the island
                    # For this we need the I flux, which we can just take from g.total_flux and src.total_flux
                    flux_I = gaussian.total_flux
                    flux_I_err = gaussian.total_fluxE
                    stokes = [flux_I, flux_Q, flux_U, flux_V]
                    stokes_err = [flux_I_err, flux_Q_err, flux_U_err, flux_V_err]

                    lpol_frac, lpol_frac_loerr, lpol_frac_hierr = self.calc_lpol_fraction(stokes, stokes_err) # linear pol fraction
                    lpol_ang, lpol_ang_err = self.calc_lpol_angle(stokes, stokes_err) # linear pol angle
                    cpol_frac, cpol_frac_loerr, cpol_frac_hierr = self.calc_cpol_fraction(stokes, stokes_err) # circular pol fraction
                    tpol_frac, tpol_frac_loerr, tpol_frac_hierr = self.calc_tpol_fraction(stokes, stokes_err) # total pol fraction

                    gaussian.lpol_fraction = lpol_frac
                    gaussian.lpol_fraction_loerr = lpol_frac_loerr
                    gaussian.lpol_fraction_hierr = lpol_frac_hierr
                    gaussian.cpol_fraction = cpol_frac
                    gaussian.cpol_fraction_loerr = cpol_frac_loerr
                    gaussian.cpol_fraction_hierr = cpol_frac_hierr
                    gaussian.tpol_fraction = tpol_frac
                    gaussian.tpol_fraction_loerr = tpol_frac_loerr
                    gaussian.tpol_fraction_hierr = tpol_frac_hierr
                    gaussian.lpol_angle = lpol_ang
                    gaussian.lpol_angle_err = lpol_ang_err

                # Store fluxes for each source in the island
                if hasattr(src, '_pi'):
                    src.total_flux = src_flux_I
                    src.total_fluxE = N.sqrt(src_flux_I_err_sq)
                src.total_flux_Q = src_flux_Q
                src.total_flux_U = src_flux_U
                src.total_flux_V = src_flux_V
                src.total_fluxE_Q = N.sqrt(src_flux_Q_err_sq)
                src.total_fluxE_U = N.sqrt(src_flux_U_err_sq)
                src.total_fluxE_V = N.sqrt(src_flux_V_err_sq)

                # Calculate and store polarisation fractions and angle for each source in the island
                # For this we need the I flux, which we can just take from g.total_flux and src.total_flux
                src_flux_I = src.total_flux
                src_flux_I_err = src.total_fluxE
                stokes = [src_flux_I, src_flux_Q, src_flux_U, src_flux_V]
                stokes_err = [src_flux_I_err, N.sqrt(src_flux_Q_err_sq), N.sqrt(src_flux_U_err_sq), N.sqrt(src_flux_V_err_sq)]

                lpol_frac, lpol_frac_loerr, lpol_frac_hierr = self.calc_lpol_fraction(stokes, stokes_err) # linear pol fraction
                lpol_ang, lpol_ang_err = self.calc_lpol_angle(stokes, stokes_err) # linear pol angle
                cpol_frac, cpol_frac_loerr, cpol_frac_hierr = self.calc_cpol_fraction(stokes, stokes_err) # circular pol fraction
                tpol_frac, tpol_frac_loerr, tpol_frac_hierr = self.calc_tpol_fraction(stokes, stokes_err) # total pol fraction

                src.lpol_fraction = lpol_frac
                src.lpol_fraction_loerr = lpol_frac_loerr
                src.lpol_fraction_hierr = lpol_frac_hierr
                src.cpol_fraction = cpol_frac
                src.cpol_fraction_loerr = cpol_frac_loerr
                src.cpol_fraction_hierr = cpol_frac_hierr
                src.tpol_fraction = tpol_frac
                src.tpol_fraction_loerr = tpol_frac_loerr
                src.tpol_fraction_hierr = tpol_frac_hierr
                src.lpol_angle = lpol_ang
                src.lpol_angle_err = lpol_ang_err
                if bar.started: