Esempio n. 1
    def __create_jstree( self, directory, disable='folders' ):
        Loads recursively all files and folders within the given folder
        and its subfolders and returns jstree representation
        of its structure.
        userdir_jstree = None
        jstree_paths = []
        if os.path.exists( directory ) and not os.path.islink( directory ):
            for ( dirpath, dirnames, filenames ) in os.walk( directory ):
                for dirname in dirnames:
                    dir_path = os.path.relpath( os.path.join( dirpath, dirname ), directory )
                    dir_path_hash = hashlib.sha1(unicodify(dir_path).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
                    disabled = True if disable == 'folders' else False
                    jstree_paths.append( jstree.Path( dir_path, dir_path_hash, { 'type': 'folder', 'state': { 'disabled': disabled }, 'li_attr': { 'full_path': dir_path } } ) )

                for filename in filenames:
                    file_path = os.path.relpath( os.path.join( dirpath, filename ), directory )
                    file_path_hash = hashlib.sha1(unicodify(file_path).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
                    disabled = True if disable == 'files' else False
                    jstree_paths.append( jstree.Path( file_path, file_path_hash, { 'type': 'file', 'state': { 'disabled': disabled }, 'li_attr': { 'full_path': file_path } } ) )
            raise exceptions.ConfigDoesNotAllowException( 'The given directory does not exist.' )
        userdir_jstree = jstree.JSTree( jstree_paths )
        return userdir_jstree
Esempio n. 2
    def index(
        user_ctx: ProvidesUserContext,
        target: str,
        format: Optional[RemoteFilesFormat],
        recursive: Optional[bool],
        disable: Optional[RemoteFilesDisableMode],
    ) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
        """Returns a list of remote files available to the user."""

        user_file_source_context = ProvidesUserFileSourcesUserContext(user_ctx)
        default_recursive = False
        default_format = RemoteFilesFormat.uri

        if "://" in target:
            uri = target
        elif target == RemoteFilesTarget.userdir:
            uri = "gxuserimport://"
            default_format = RemoteFilesFormat.flat
            default_recursive = True
        elif target == RemoteFilesTarget.importdir:
            uri = 'gximport://'
            default_format = RemoteFilesFormat.flat
            default_recursive = True
        elif target in [RemoteFilesTarget.ftpdir, 'ftp']:  # legacy, allow both
            uri = 'gxftp://'
            default_format = RemoteFilesFormat.flat
            default_recursive = True
            raise exceptions.RequestParameterInvalidException(
                f"Invalid target parameter supplied [{target}]")

        if format is None:
            format = default_format

        if recursive is None:
            recursive = default_recursive

            uri, user_context=user_file_source_context)

        file_source_path = self._file_sources.get_file_source_path(uri)
        file_source = file_source_path.file_source
            index = file_source.list(file_source_path.path,
        except exceptions.MessageException:
            log.warning(f"Problem listing file source path {file_source_path}",
        except Exception:
            message = f"Problem listing file source path {file_source_path}"
            log.warning(message, exc_info=True)
            raise exceptions.InternalServerError(message)
        if format == RemoteFilesFormat.flat:
            # rip out directories, ensure sorted by path
            index = [i for i in index if i["class"] == "File"]
            index = sorted(index, key=itemgetter("path"))
        if format == RemoteFilesFormat.jstree:
            if disable is None:
                disable = RemoteFilesDisableMode.folders

            jstree_paths = []
            for ent in index:
                path = ent["path"]
                path_hash = hashlib.sha1(smart_str(path)).hexdigest()
                if ent["class"] == "Directory":
                    path_type = 'folder'
                    disabled = True if disable == RemoteFilesDisableMode.folders else False
                    path_type = 'file'
                    disabled = True if disable == RemoteFilesDisableMode.files else False

                        path, path_hash, {
                            'type': path_type,
                            'state': {
                                'disabled': disabled
                            'li_attr': {
                                'full_path': path
            userdir_jstree = jstree.JSTree(jstree_paths)
            index = userdir_jstree.jsonData()

        return index
Esempio n. 3
    def index(self, trans, **kwd):
        GET /api/remote_files/

        Displays remote files.

        :param  target:      target to load available datasets from, defaults to ftpdir
            possible values: ftpdir, userdir, importdir
        :type   target:      str

        :param  format:      requested format of data, defaults to flat
            possible values: flat, jstree

        :returns:   list of available files
        :rtype:     list
        # If set, target must be one of 'ftpdir' (default), 'userdir', 'importdir'
        target = kwd.get('target', 'ftpdir')

        user_context = ProvidesUserFileSourcesUserContext(trans)
        default_recursive = False
        default_format = "uri"

        if "://" in target:
            uri = target
        elif target == 'userdir':
            uri = "gxuserimport://"
            default_format = "flat"
            default_recursive = True
        elif target == 'importdir':
            uri = 'gximport://'
            default_format = "flat"
            default_recursive = True
        elif target in ['ftpdir', 'ftp']:  # legacy, allow both
            uri = 'gxftp://'
            default_format = "flat"
            default_recursive = True
            raise exceptions.RequestParameterInvalidException(
                "Invalid target parameter supplied [%s]" % target)

        format = kwd.get('format', default_format)
        recursive = kwd.get('recursive', default_recursive)

        file_sources =
        file_sources.validate_uri_root(uri, user_context=user_context)

        file_source_path = file_sources.get_file_source_path(uri)
        file_source = file_source_path.file_source
        index = file_source.list(file_source_path.path,
        if format == "flat":
            # rip out directories, ensure sorted by path
            index = [i for i in index if i["class"] == "File"]
            index = sorted(index, key=itemgetter("path"))
        if format == "jstree":
            disable = kwd.get('disable', 'folders')

            jstree_paths = []
            for ent in index:
                path = ent["path"]
                path_hash = hashlib.sha1(smart_str(path)).hexdigest()
                if ent["class"] == "Directory":
                    path_type = 'folder'
                    disabled = True if disable == 'folders' else False
                    path_type = 'file'
                    disabled = True if disable == 'files' else False

                        path, path_hash, {
                            'type': path_type,
                            'state': {
                                'disabled': disabled
                            'li_attr': {
                                'full_path': path
            userdir_jstree = jstree.JSTree(jstree_paths)
            index = userdir_jstree.jsonData()

        return index