def handle_watchtower_message(self, node_id0, node_id1, data, time_stamp, pose_error=None):
        """Processes a message containing the pose of an object seen by a
           watchtower and adds an edge to the graph. If the object seen is a
           Duckiebot, adjusts the pose accordingly.

               node_id0: ID of the object (watchtower) that sees the April tag of the
                    other object.
               node_id1: ID of the object whose April tag is seen by the watchtower.
               transform: Transform contained in the ROS message.
               time_stamp: Timestamp associated to the ROS message.
        transform = get_transform_from_data(data)
        # Get type of the object seen.

        type_of_object_seen = get_node_type(node_id1)
        space_dev = self.default_variance["watchtower"]["position_deviation"]
        angle_dev = self.default_variance["watchtower"]["angle_deviation"]
        if(pose_error != None):
            measure_information = create_info_matrix(
                space_dev * pose_error, angle_dev * pose_error)
            measure_information = create_info_matrix(space_dev, angle_dev)

        if (type_of_object_seen == "duckiebot"):
            # print("watzchtower %s is seing duckiebot %s" %
                #   (node_id0, node_id1))
            # In case of Duckiebot the pose needs to be adjusted to take into
            # account the pose of the April tag w.r.t. the base frame of the
            # Duckiebot.
            t = [0.0, 0.0, 0.055]
            z_angle = 90
            x_angle = 178
            z_angle = np.deg2rad(z_angle)
            x_angle = np.deg2rad(x_angle)
            R_z = g.rotation_from_axis_angle(np.array([0, 0, 1]), z_angle)
            R_x = g.rotation_from_axis_angle(np.array([1, 0, 0]), x_angle)
            R = np.matmul(R_x, R_z)  # verified!
            H_apriltag_to_base = g2o.Isometry3d(R, t)
            transform = transform * H_apriltag_to_base.inverse()

            # Add edge to the graph.
            return self.resampler.handle_watchtower_edge(node_id0, node_id1, transform, time_stamp, measure_information=measure_information, is_duckiebot=True)
            # Add edge to the graph.
            if node_id0 not in self.edge_counters:
                self.edge_counters[node_id0] = dict()
            if node_id1 not in self.edge_counters[node_id0]:
                self.edge_counters[node_id0][node_id1] = 0

            if(self.edge_counters[node_id0][node_id1] < self.max_number_same_edge):
                    node_id0, node_id1, transform, time_stamp)
                self.edge_counters[node_id0][node_id1] += 1
                a = random.randint(0, self.rejection_sampling_int)
                if(a == 0):
                    self.edge_counters[node_id0][node_id1] += 1

                    return self.resampler.handle_watchtower_edge(node_id0, node_id1, transform, time_stamp, measure_information=measure_information)
    def handle_duckiebot_message(self, node_id0, node_id1, transform, time_stamp):
        """Processes a message containing the pose of an object seen by a
           Duckiebot and adds an edge to the graph. Note: we assume that a
           Duckiebot cannot see the April tag of another Duckiebot, so no
           adjustment based on the object seen is needed.

               node_id0: ID of the object (Duckiebot) that sees the April tag of the
                    other object.
               node_id1: ID of the object whose April tag is seen by the Duckiebot.
               transform: Transform contained in the ROS message.
               time_stamp: Timestamp associated to the ROS message.
        # Get type of the object that sees the other object, for a sanity check.
        type_of_object_seeing = node_id0.split("_")[0]
        if (type_of_object_seeing == "duckiebot"):
            # The pose needs to be adjusted to take into account the relative
            # pose of the camera on the Duckiebot w.r.t. to the base frame of
            # the Duckiebot.
            t = [0.075, 0.0, 0.025]
            # This angle is an estimate of the angle by which the plastic
            # support that holds the camera is tilted.
            x_angle = -102
            z_angle = -90
            x_angle = np.deg2rad(x_angle)
            z_angle = np.deg2rad(z_angle)
            R_x = g.rotation_from_axis_angle(np.array([1, 0, 0]), x_angle)

            R_z = g.rotation_from_axis_angle(np.array([0, 0, 1]), z_angle)
            R = np.matmul(R_z, R_x)  # verified
            H_base_to_camera = g2o.Isometry3d(R, t)
            transform = H_base_to_camera * transform
            print("This should not be here! %s " % node_id0)
    def add_vertex(self,
        """Adds a node with an ID given in the format outputted from the
          transform_listener and with a given pose to the g2o graph.

           TODO : add a more general add_vertex function that takes a 3D pose and not only a 2D one.

               node_id: ID of the node whose pose should be added as a node
                          in the graph, in the format <node_type>_<node_id>.
               theta: Angle of the 2D rotation around the z axis defines the
                      pose of the node.
               position: 2D translation vector (x, y) that define the pose of the node.
               is_initial_floor_tag: True if the node is an initial floor tag,
                                     False otherwise.
               fixed: True if the node should be added as a fixed node (i.e.,
                      not optimizable) in the graph, False otherwise.
               time_stamp: Timestamp.
        # Adds (assigns) a timestamp to a node, by giving it a 'local index'
        # w.r.t. the node.
        node = self.get_node(node_id)
        added = node.add_timestamp(time_stamp)
        if (not added):
                "add_vertex did not add : node %s at time %f as already there"
                % (node_id, time_stamp))
            # Translation vector, z coordinate does not vary.
            position = [position[0], position[1], 0.0]
            # Rotation around the z axis of and angle theta.
            R = g.rotation_from_axis_angle(np.array([0, 0, 1]),
            if (is_initial_floor_tag):
                # For initial floor tags, apply a further rotation of 180
                # degrees around the x axis, so that the orientation of the z
                # axis is reverted.
                R2 = g.rotation_from_axis_angle(np.array([1, 0, 0]),
                R = np.matmul(R, R2)
            # Add vertex with pose and ID in the right format to the g2o graph.
            vertex_pose = g2o.Isometry3d(R, position)
            vertex_index = node.get_g2o_index(time_stamp)
            self.graph.add_vertex(vertex_index, vertex_pose, fixed=fixed)

            if (is_initial_floor_tag):
                # For initial floor tags, add an edge between the reference
                # vertex and the newly-added vertex for the pose of the tag.
    def handle_watchtower_message(self, node_id0, node_id1, transform,
        """Processes a message containing the pose of an object seen by a
           watchtower and adds an edge to the graph. If the object seen is a
           Duckiebot, adjusts the pose accordingly.

               node_id0: ID of the object (watchtower) that sees the April tag of the
                    other object.
               node_id1: ID of the object whose April tag is seen by the watchtower.
               transform: Transform contained in the ROS message.
               time_stamp: Timestamp associated to the ROS message.
        # Get type of the object seen.
        type_of_object_seen = node_id1.split("_")[0]

        if (type_of_object_seen == "duckiebot"):
            print("watzchtower %s is seing duckiebot %s" %
                  (node_id0, node_id1))
            # In case of Duckiebot the pose needs to be adjusted to take into
            # account the pose of the April tag w.r.t. the base frame of the
            # Duckiebot.
            t = [0.0, 0.0, 0.055]
            z_angle = 90
            x_angle = 178
            z_angle = np.deg2rad(z_angle)
            x_angle = np.deg2rad(x_angle)
            R_z = g.rotation_from_axis_angle(np.array([0, 0, 1]), z_angle)
            R_x = g.rotation_from_axis_angle(np.array([1, 0, 0]), x_angle)
            R = np.matmul(R_x, R_z)  # verified!
            H_apriltag_to_base = g2o.Isometry3d(R, t)
            transform = transform * H_apriltag_to_base.inverse()

            # Add edge to the graph.
            return self.pose_graph.add_edge(node_id0, node_id1, transform,
            # Add edge to the graph.
            if node_id0 not in self.edge_counters:
                self.edge_counters[node_id0] = dict()
            if node_id1 not in self.edge_counters[node_id0]:
                self.edge_counters[node_id0][node_id1] = 0

            if (self.edge_counters[node_id0][node_id1] <
                self.pose_graph.add_edge(node_id0, node_id1, transform,
                self.edge_counters[node_id0][node_id1] += 1
                a = random.randint(0, self.rejection_sampling_int)
                if (a == 0):
                    self.edge_counters[node_id0][node_id1] += 1

                    return self.pose_graph.add_edge(node_id0, node_id1,
                                                    transform, time_stamp)
    def create_measure(self):
        t = self.position

        roll_angle = np.deg2rad(self.rotation[0])
        pitch_angle = np.deg2rad(self.rotation[1])
        yaw_angle = np.deg2rad(self.rotation[2])

        R_roll = g.rotation_from_axis_angle(np.array([0, 1, 0]), roll_angle)
        R_pitch = g.rotation_from_axis_angle(np.array([1, 0, 0]), pitch_angle)
        R_yaw = g.rotation_from_axis_angle(np.array([0, 0, 1]), yaw_angle)

        R = np.matmul(R_roll, np.matmul(R_pitch, R_yaw))
        self.measure = g2o.Isometry3d(R, t)
    def handle_duckiebot_message(self,
        """Processes a message containing the pose of an object seen by a
           Duckiebot and adds an edge to the graph. Note: we assume that a
           Duckiebot cannot see the April tag of another Duckiebot, so no
           adjustment based on the object seen is needed.

               node_id0: ID of the object (Duckiebot) that sees the April tag of the
                    other object.
               node_id1: ID of the object whose April tag is seen by the Duckiebot.
               transform: Transform contained in the ROS message.
               time_stamp: Timestamp associated to the ROS message.
        transform = get_transform_from_data(data)
        space_dev = self.default_variance["duckiebot"]["position_deviation"]
        angle_dev = self.default_variance["duckiebot"]["angle_deviation"]
        if (pose_error != None):
            measure_information = create_info_matrix(space_dev * pose_error,
                                                     angle_dev * pose_error)
            measure_information = create_info_matrix(space_dev, angle_dev)

        # Get type of the object that sees the other object, for a sanity check.
        type_of_object_seeing = node_id0.split("_")[0]
        if (type_of_object_seeing == "duckiebot"):
            # The pose needs to be adjusted to take into account the relative
            # pose of the camera on the Duckiebot w.r.t. to the base frame of
            # the Duckiebot.
            t = [0.075, 0.0, 0.025]
            # This angle is an estimate of the angle by which the plastic
            # support that holds the camera is tilted.
            x_angle = -102
            z_angle = -90
            x_angle = np.deg2rad(x_angle)
            z_angle = np.deg2rad(z_angle)
            R_x = g.rotation_from_axis_angle(np.array([1, 0, 0]), x_angle)

            R_z = g.rotation_from_axis_angle(np.array([0, 0, 1]), z_angle)
            R = np.matmul(R_z, R_x)  # verified
            H_base_to_camera = g2o.Isometry3d(R, t)
            transform = H_base_to_camera * transform
            # Add edge to the graph.
            # return self.resampler.handle_duckiebot_edge(node_id0, node_id1, transform, time_stamp, measure_information)
            print("This should not be here! %s " % node_id0)
def assert_orthogonal_test():
    for s in directions_sequence():
        axis = any_orthogonal_direction(s)
        angle = np.pi / 2
        R = rotation_from_axis_angle(axis, angle)
        s2 =, s)
        assert_orthogonal(s, s2)
Esempio n. 8
def assert_orthogonal_test():
    for s in directions_sequence():
        axis = any_orthogonal_direction(s)
        angle = np.pi / 2
        R = rotation_from_axis_angle(axis, angle)
        s2 =, s)
        assert_orthogonal(s, s2)
Esempio n. 9
 def test_distances_rotations(self):
     for axis, angle in axis_angle_sequence():
         s = random_direction()
         R = rotation_from_axis_angle(axis, angle)
         s2 =, s)
         dist = geodesic_distance_on_sphere(s, s2)
         # Note: this is == only if axis is orthogonal to s
         assert dist <= angle
Esempio n. 10
 def test_distances_rotations(self):
     for axis, angle in axis_angle_sequence():
         s = random_direction()
         R = rotation_from_axis_angle(axis, angle)
         s2 =, s)
         dist = geodesic_distance_on_sphere(s, s2)
         # Note: this is == only if axis is orthogonal to s
         assert dist <= angle
Esempio n. 11
    def test_rotation_from_axis_angle2(self):
        for axis, angle in axis_angle_sequence():
            R1 = rotation_from_axis_angle(axis, angle)
            R2 = rotation_from_axis_angle2(axis, angle)

            if False:
                s1, a1 = axis_angle_from_rotation(R1)
                s2, a2 = axis_angle_from_rotation(R2)
                print('Origi: %s around %s' % (angle, axis))
                print('First: %s around %s' % (a1, s1))
                print('Secnd: %s around %s' % (a2, s2))

            assert_allclose(R1, R2)
Esempio n. 12
    def test_rotation_from_axis_angle2(self):
        for axis, angle in axis_angle_sequence():
            R1 = rotation_from_axis_angle(axis, angle)
            R2 = rotation_from_axis_angle2(axis, angle)

            if False:            
                s1, a1 = axis_angle_from_rotation(R1)
                s2, a2 = axis_angle_from_rotation(R2)
                print('Origi: %s around %s' % (angle, axis))
                print('First: %s around %s' % (a1, s1))
                print('Secnd: %s around %s' % (a2, s2))
            assert_allclose(R1, R2)
Esempio n. 13
    def __init__(self, node_name):

        super(FusedLocalizationNode, self).__init__(node_name=node_name,
        self.veh_name = rospy.get_namespace().strip("/")
        self.radius = rospy.get_param(
            f'/{self.veh_name}/kinematics_node/radius', 100)
        self.baseline = 0.0968
        x_init = rospy.get_param(f'/{self.veh_name}/{node_name}/x_init', 100)
        self.rectify_flag = rospy.get_param(
            f'/{self.veh_name}/{node_name}/rectify', 100)
        self.encoder_conf_flag = False
        self.bridge = CvBridge()
        self.image = None
        self.image_timestamp =
        self.cam_info = None
        self.camera_info_received = False
        self.newCameraMatrix = None
        self.at_detector = Detector(families='tag36h11',

        trans_base_cam = np.array([0.0582, 0.0, 0.1072])
        rot_base_cam = rotation_from_axis_angle(np.array([0, 1, 0]),
        rot_cam_base = rot_base_cam.T
        trans_cam_base = -rot_cam_base @ trans_base_cam
        self.pose_cam_base = SE3_from_rotation_translation(
            rot_cam_base, trans_cam_base)
        self.tfs_msg_cam_base = TransformStamped()
        self.tfs_msg_cam_base.header.frame_id = 'camera'
        self.tfs_msg_cam_base.header.stamp =
        self.tfs_msg_cam_base.child_frame_id = 'at_baselink'
        self.tfs_msg_cam_base.transform = self.pose2transform(
        self.static_tf_br_cam_base = tf2_ros.StaticTransformBroadcaster()

        translation_map_at = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.08])
        rot_map_at = np.eye(3)
        self.pose_map_at = SE3_from_rotation_translation(
            rot_map_at, translation_map_at)
        self.tfs_msg_map_april = TransformStamped()
        self.tfs_msg_map_april.header.frame_id = 'map'
        self.tfs_msg_map_april.header.stamp =
        self.tfs_msg_map_april.child_frame_id = 'apriltag'
        self.tfs_msg_map_april.transform = self.pose2transform(
        self.static_tf_br_map_april = tf2_ros.StaticTransformBroadcaster()

        self.tfs_msg_april_cam = TransformStamped()
        self.tfs_msg_april_cam.header.frame_id = 'apriltag'
        self.tfs_msg_april_cam.header.stamp =
        self.tfs_msg_april_cam.child_frame_id = 'camera'
        self.br_april_cam = tf.TransformBroadcaster()

        self.tfs_msg_map_base = TransformStamped()
        self.tfs_msg_map_base.header.frame_id = 'map'
        self.tfs_msg_map_base.header.stamp =
        self.tfs_msg_map_base.child_frame_id = 'fused_baselink'
        self.br_map_base = tf.TransformBroadcaster()
        self.pose_map_base_SE2 = SE2_from_xytheta([x_init, 0, np.pi])

        R_x_c = rotation_from_axis_angle(np.array([1, 0, 0]), np.pi / 2)
        R_z_c = rotation_from_axis_angle(np.array([0, 0, 1]), np.pi / 2)
        R_y_a = rotation_from_axis_angle(np.array([0, 1, 0]), -np.pi / 2)
        R_z_a = rotation_from_axis_angle(np.array([0, 0, 1]), np.pi / 2)
        R_dtc_c = R_x_c @ R_z_c
        R_a_dta = R_y_a @ R_z_a
        self.T_dtc_c = SE3_from_rotation_translation(R_dtc_c,
                                                     np.array([0, 0, 0]))
        self.T_a_dta = SE3_from_rotation_translation(R_a_dta,
                                                     np.array([0, 0, 0]))

        self.sub_image_comp = rospy.Subscriber(

        self.sub_cam_info = rospy.Subscriber(

        self.pub_tf_fused_loc = rospy.Publisher(