Esempio n. 1
	def __check_item(self, ent_str, act_str):
		from germ.erm.helper import get_entity
		entity = get_entity(ent_str, self._session, globals())
		from germ.erm.helper import get_action
		action = get_action(act_str, False)

		from germ.error.error import error
			import cf
			if not cf.ht_check_items:
				from germ.error.do_not_exec import do_not_exec
				raise do_not_exec()

		except error, e:
			from germ.error.no_valid_keys import no_valid_keys
			from germ.error.perm_denied import perm_denied
			from germ.error.do_not_exec import do_not_exec
			from germ.error.missing_lock import missing_lock
			from germ.error.missing_pk_lock import missing_pk_lock

			if isinstance(e, no_valid_keys) or isinstance(e, perm_denied):
				self._hide += 1
				return None
			elif not (isinstance(e, do_not_exec) or \
					isinstance(e, missing_lock) or \
					isinstance(e, missing_pk_lock)):
				import sys
				exctype, exc, tb = sys.exc_info()
				raise exctype, exc, tb
Esempio n. 2
def get_content(form, session):
	import cf

	# First we get the action object and an entity, then the parameters.
	# No action means 'just display the page', i.e. we need the 'page'
	# parameter.

	p_action = form.getfirst('action', None)
	p_entity = form.getfirst('entity', None)
	p_page = form.getfirst('page', None)

	fullpage = form.has_key('fullpage')

	if p_action is None:
		if p_entity is not None:
			raise error(, "Request for an entity without an " +
					"action to act on it", "entity: %s" % p_entity)

		if p_page is None:
			p_page = cf.ht_default_page
			p_action = cf.ht_default_action
			p_entity = cf.ht_default_entity
	elif p_entity is None:
		raise error(, "Request for an action without an " \
				"entity to act on", "action: %s" % p_action)

	# Get page.

	page = None

	if p_page is not None:
		page = get_page(p_page)

	if page is None and p_entity is not None:
		page = get_page(p_entity)

	if p_action is None:
		pagetext = ''

		if page is not None:
			while True:
				text =

				if not len(text) > 0:

				pagetext += text

		return pagetext

	# Parse GET parameters.

	from sets import Set

	attr_map = {}
	attr_locks = Set()
	attr_to_lock = Set()
	do_exec = False
	for name, val in [(, parm_val(parm)) for parm in form.list]:
		if name.startswith(cf.ht_parm_prefix_attr):
			# Handle multivalued parameters.
			pos = name.find('__', len(cf.ht_parm_prefix_attr))

			if pos < 0:
				attr = name[len(cf.ht_parm_prefix_attr):]

				if attr_map.has_key(attr):
					if isinstance(attr_map[attr], dict):
						raise error(error.error, "Multi-valued parameter " \
								"overwritten with single-valued parameter",
								"attribute: %s" % attr)
						# If a single-valued parameter is specified multiple
						# times, the last occurence counts.

				attr_map[attr] = val
				attr = name[len(cf.ht_parm_prefix_attr):pos]

				if not attr_map.has_key(attr):
					attr_map[attr] = {}
				elif not isinstance(attr_map[attr], dict):
					raise error(error.error, "Single-valued parameter " \
							"overwritten with multi-valued parameter",
							"attribute: %s" % attr)

				attr_map[attr][name[pos+2:]] = val
		elif name == 'lock':
		elif name.startswith('to_lock'):
		elif name == 'do_exec':
			do_exec = True

	from germ.erm.helper import get_entity
	entity = get_entity(p_entity, session, globals())

	found_invalid_parm = False

	for attr, value in attr_map.iteritems():
		from germ.error.invalid_parm import invalid_parm
			a = entity.get_attr(attr, p_action)

			from attr_act_set import attr_act_set

		except invalid_parm, e:
			found_invalid_parm = True

			if attr in attr_locks:
				raise error(, "Locked attribute has invalid value",
						"attr: %s, error: %s" % (attr, e))
			elif attr in attr_to_lock: