Esempio n. 1
def patch_thread(threading=True, _threading_local=True, Event=True, logging=True,
    patch_thread(threading=True, _threading_local=True, Event=True, logging=True, existing_locks=True) -> None

    Replace the standard :mod:`thread` module to make it greenlet-based.

    :keyword bool threading: When True (the default),
        also patch :mod:`threading`.
    :keyword bool _threading_local: When True (the default),
        also patch :class:`_threading_local.local`.
    :keyword bool logging: When True (the default), also patch locks
        taken if the logging module has been configured.

    :keyword bool existing_locks: When True (the default), and the
        process is still single threaded, make sure that any
        :class:`threading.RLock` (and, under Python 3, :class:`importlib._bootstrap._ModuleLock`)
        instances that are currently locked can be properly unlocked. **Important**: This is a
        best-effort attempt and, on certain implementations, may not detect all
        locks. It is important to monkey-patch extremely early in the startup process.

    .. caution::
        Monkey-patching :mod:`thread` and using
        :class:`multiprocessing.Queue` or
        :class:`concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor` (which uses a
        ``Queue``) will hang the process.

    .. versionchanged:: 1.1b1
        Add *logging* and *existing_locks* params.
    .. versionchanged:: 1.3a2
        ``Event`` defaults to True.
    # XXX: Simplify
    # pylint:disable=too-many-branches,too-many-locals,too-many-statements

    # Description of the hang:
    # There is an incompatibility with patching 'thread' and the 'multiprocessing' module:
    # The problem is that multiprocessing.queues.Queue uses a half-duplex multiprocessing.Pipe,
    # which is implemented with os.pipe() and _multiprocessing.Connection. os.pipe isn't patched
    # by gevent, as it returns just a fileno. _multiprocessing.Connection is an internal implementation
    # class implemented in C, which exposes a 'poll(timeout)' method; under the covers, this issues a
    # (blocking) select() call: hence the need for a real thread. Except for that method, we could
    # almost replace Connection with gevent.fileobject.SocketAdapter, plus a trivial
    # patch to os.pipe (below). Sigh, so close. (With a little work, we could replicate that method)

    # import os
    # import fcntl
    # os_pipe = os.pipe
    # def _pipe():
    #   r, w = os_pipe()
    #   fcntl.fcntl(r, fcntl.F_SETFL, os.O_NONBLOCK)
    #   fcntl.fcntl(w, fcntl.F_SETFL, os.O_NONBLOCK)
    #   return r, w
    # os.pipe = _pipe

    # The 'threading' module copies some attributes from the
    # thread module the first time it is imported. If we patch 'thread'
    # before that happens, then we store the wrong values in 'saved',
    # So if we're going to patch threading, we either need to import it
    # before we patch thread, or manually clean up the attributes that
    # are in trouble. The latter is tricky because of the different names
    # on different versions.
    if threading:
        threading_mod = __import__('threading')
        # Capture the *real* current thread object before
        # we start returning DummyThread objects, for comparison
        # to the main thread.
        orig_current_thread = threading_mod.current_thread()
        threading_mod = None
        gevent_threading_mod = None
        orig_current_thread = None

    gevent_thread_mod, thread_mod = _patch_module('thread',

    if threading:
        gevent_threading_mod, _ = _patch_module('threading',

        if Event:
            from gevent.event import Event
            patch_item(threading_mod, 'Event', Event)
            # Python 2 had `Event` as a function returning
            # the private class `_Event`. Some code may be relying
            # on that.
            if hasattr(threading_mod, '_Event'):
                patch_item(threading_mod, '_Event', Event)

        if existing_locks:

        if logging and 'logging' in sys.modules:
            logging = __import__('logging')
            patch_item(logging, '_lock', threading_mod.RLock())
            for wr in logging._handlerList:
                # In py26, these are actual handlers, not weakrefs
                handler = wr() if callable(wr) else wr
                if handler is None:
                if not hasattr(handler, 'lock'):
                    raise TypeError("Unknown/unsupported handler %r" % handler)
                handler.lock = threading_mod.RLock()

    if _threading_local:
        _threading_local = __import__('_threading_local')
        from gevent.local import local
        patch_item(_threading_local, 'local', local)

    def make_join_func(thread, thread_greenlet):
        from gevent.hub import sleep
        from time import time

        def join(timeout=None):
            end = None
            if threading_mod.current_thread() is thread:
                raise RuntimeError("Cannot join current thread")
            if thread_greenlet is not None and thread_greenlet.dead:
            # You may ask: Why not call thread_greenlet.join()?
            # Well, in the one case we actually have a greenlet, it's the
            # low-level greenlet.greenlet object for the main thread, which
            # doesn't have a join method.
            # You may ask: Why not become the main greenlet's *parent*
            # so you can get notified when it finishes? Because you can't
            # create a greenlet cycle (the current greenlet is a descendent
            # of the parent), and nor can you set a greenlet's parent to None,
            # so there can only ever be one greenlet with a parent of None: the main
            # greenlet, the one we need to watch.
            # You may ask: why not swizzle out the problematic lock on the main thread
            # into a gevent friendly lock? Well, the interpreter actually depends on that
            # for the main thread in threading._shutdown; see below.

            if not thread.is_alive():

            if timeout:
                end = time() + timeout

            while thread.is_alive():
                if end is not None and time() > end:
        return join

    if threading:
        from gevent.threading import main_native_thread

        for thread in threading_mod._active.values():
            if thread == main_native_thread():
            thread.join = make_join_func(thread, None)

    if PY3:

        # Issue 18808 changes the nature of Thread.join() to use
        # locks. This means that a greenlet spawned in the main thread
        # (which is already running) cannot wait for the main thread---it
        # hangs forever. We patch around this if possible. See also
        # gevent.threading.
        greenlet = __import__('greenlet')
        already_patched = is_object_patched('threading', '_shutdown')

        if orig_current_thread == threading_mod.main_thread() and not already_patched:
            main_thread = threading_mod.main_thread()
            _greenlet = main_thread._greenlet = greenlet.getcurrent()
            main_thread.__real_tstate_lock = main_thread._tstate_lock
            assert main_thread.__real_tstate_lock is not None
            # The interpreter will call threading._shutdown
            # when the main thread exits and is about to
            # go away. It is called *in* the main thread. This
            # is a perfect place to notify other greenlets that
            # the main thread is done. We do this by overriding the
            # lock of the main thread during operation, and only restoring
            # it to the native blocking version at shutdown time
            # (the interpreter also has a reference to this lock in a
            # C data structure).
            main_thread._tstate_lock = threading_mod.Lock()
            orig_shutdown = threading_mod._shutdown
            def _shutdown():
                # Release anyone trying to join() me,
                # and let us switch to them.
                if not main_thread._tstate_lock:

                from gevent import sleep
                except: # pylint:disable=bare-except
                    # A greenlet could have .kill() us
                    # or .throw() to us. I'm the main greenlet,
                    # there's no where else for this to go.
                    from gevent  import get_hub
                    get_hub().print_exception(_greenlet, *sys.exc_info())

                # Now, this may have resulted in us getting stopped
                # if some other greenlet actually just ran there.
                # That's not good, we're not supposed to be stopped
                # when we enter _shutdown.
                main_thread._is_stopped = False
                main_thread._tstate_lock = main_thread.__real_tstate_lock
                main_thread.__real_tstate_lock = None
                # The only truly blocking native shutdown lock to
                # acquire should be our own (hopefully), and the call to
                # _stop that orig_shutdown makes will discard it.

                patch_item(threading_mod, '_shutdown', orig_shutdown)

            patch_item(threading_mod, '_shutdown', _shutdown)

            # We create a bit of a reference cycle here,
            # so main_thread doesn't get to be collected in a timely way.
            # Not good. Take it out of dangling so we don't get
            # warned about it.

            # Patch up the ident of the main thread to match. This
            # matters if threading was imported before monkey-patching
            # thread
            oldid = main_thread.ident
            main_thread._ident = threading_mod.get_ident()
            if oldid in threading_mod._active:
                threading_mod._active[main_thread.ident] = threading_mod._active[oldid]
            if oldid != main_thread.ident:
                del threading_mod._active[oldid]
        elif not already_patched:
            _queue_warning("Monkey-patching not on the main thread; "
                           "threading.main_thread().join() will hang from a greenlet",

    from gevent import events
    _notify_patch(events.GeventDidPatchModuleEvent('thread', gevent_thread_mod, thread_mod))
    _notify_patch(events.GeventDidPatchModuleEvent('threading', gevent_threading_mod, threading_mod))
Esempio n. 2
def patch_thread(threading=True, _threading_local=True, Event=False, logging=True,
    Replace the standard :mod:`thread` module to make it greenlet-based.

    - If *threading* is true (the default), also patch ``threading``.
    - If *_threading_local* is true (the default), also patch ``_threading_local.local``.
    - If *logging* is True (the default), also patch locks taken if the logging module has
      been configured.
    - If *existing_locks* is True (the default), and the process is still single threaded,
      make sure than any :class:`threading.RLock` (and, under Python 3, :class:`importlib._bootstrap._ModuleLock`)
      instances that are currently locked can be properly unlocked.

    .. caution::
        Monkey-patching :mod:`thread` and using
        :class:`multiprocessing.Queue` or
        :class:`concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor` (which uses a
        ``Queue``) will hang the process.

    .. versionchanged:: 1.1b1
        Add *logging* and *existing_locks* params.
    # XXX: Simplify
    # pylint:disable=too-many-branches,too-many-locals

    # Description of the hang:
    # There is an incompatibility with patching 'thread' and the 'multiprocessing' module:
    # The problem is that multiprocessing.queues.Queue uses a half-duplex multiprocessing.Pipe,
    # which is implemented with os.pipe() and _multiprocessing.Connection. os.pipe isn't patched
    # by gevent, as it returns just a fileno. _multiprocessing.Connection is an internal implementation
    # class implemented in C, which exposes a 'poll(timeout)' method; under the covers, this issues a
    # (blocking) select() call: hence the need for a real thread. Except for that method, we could
    # almost replace Connection with gevent.fileobject.SocketAdapter, plus a trivial
    # patch to os.pipe (below). Sigh, so close. (With a little work, we could replicate that method)

    # import os
    # import fcntl
    # os_pipe = os.pipe
    # def _pipe():
    #   r, w = os_pipe()
    #   fcntl.fcntl(r, fcntl.F_SETFL, os.O_NONBLOCK)
    #   fcntl.fcntl(w, fcntl.F_SETFL, os.O_NONBLOCK)
    #   return r, w
    # os.pipe = _pipe

    # The 'threading' module copies some attributes from the
    # thread module the first time it is imported. If we patch 'thread'
    # before that happens, then we store the wrong values in 'saved',
    # So if we're going to patch threading, we either need to import it
    # before we patch thread, or manually clean up the attributes that
    # are in trouble. The latter is tricky because of the different names
    # on different versions.
    if threading:
        threading_mod = __import__('threading')
        # Capture the *real* current thread object before
        # we start returning DummyThread objects, for comparison
        # to the main thread.
        orig_current_thread = threading_mod.current_thread()
        threading_mod = None
        orig_current_thread = None


    if threading:
        if existing_locks:


        if Event:
            from gevent.event import Event
            patch_item(threading_mod, 'Event', Event)

        if logging and 'logging' in sys.modules:
            logging = __import__('logging')
            patch_item(logging, '_lock', threading_mod.RLock())
            for wr in logging._handlerList:
                # In py26, these are actual handlers, not weakrefs
                handler = wr() if callable(wr) else wr
                if handler is None:
                if not hasattr(handler, 'lock'):
                    raise TypeError("Unknown/unsupported handler %r" % handler)
                handler.lock = threading_mod.RLock()

    if _threading_local:
        _threading_local = __import__('_threading_local')
        from gevent.local import local
        patch_item(_threading_local, 'local', local)

    def make_join_func(thread, thread_greenlet):
        from gevent.hub import sleep
        from time import time

        def join(timeout=None):
            end = None
            if threading_mod.current_thread() is thread:
                raise RuntimeError("Cannot join current thread")
            if thread_greenlet is not None and thread_greenlet.dead:
            if not thread.is_alive():

            if timeout:
                end = time() + timeout

            while thread.is_alive():
                if end is not None and time() > end:
        return join

    if threading:
        from gevent.threading import main_native_thread

        for thread in threading_mod._active.values():
            if thread == main_native_thread():
            thread.join = make_join_func(thread, None)

    if sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 4):

        # Issue 18808 changes the nature of Thread.join() to use
        # locks. This means that a greenlet spawned in the main thread
        # (which is already running) cannot wait for the main thread---it
        # hangs forever. We patch around this if possible. See also
        # gevent.threading.
        greenlet = __import__('greenlet')

        if orig_current_thread == threading_mod.main_thread():
            main_thread = threading_mod.main_thread()
            _greenlet = main_thread._greenlet = greenlet.getcurrent()
            from gevent.hub import sleep

            main_thread.join = make_join_func(main_thread, _greenlet)

            # Patch up the ident of the main thread to match. This
            # matters if threading was imported before monkey-patching
            # thread
            oldid = main_thread.ident
            main_thread._ident = threading_mod.get_ident()
            if oldid in threading_mod._active:
                threading_mod._active[main_thread.ident] = threading_mod._active[oldid]
            if oldid != main_thread.ident:
                del threading_mod._active[oldid]
            _queue_warning("Monkey-patching not on the main thread; "
                           "threading.main_thread().join() will hang from a greenlet",
Esempio n. 3
def patch_thread(threading=True, _threading_local=True, Event=True, logging=True,
    patch_thread(threading=True, _threading_local=True, Event=True, logging=True, existing_locks=True) -> None

    Replace the standard :mod:`thread` module to make it greenlet-based.

    :keyword bool threading: When True (the default),
        also patch :mod:`threading`.
    :keyword bool _threading_local: When True (the default),
        also patch :class:`_threading_local.local`.
    :keyword bool logging: When True (the default), also patch locks
        taken if the logging module has been configured.

    :keyword bool existing_locks: When True (the default), and the
        process is still single threaded, make sure that any
        :class:`threading.RLock` (and, under Python 3, :class:`importlib._bootstrap._ModuleLock`)
        instances that are currently locked can be properly unlocked.

    .. caution::
        Monkey-patching :mod:`thread` and using
        :class:`multiprocessing.Queue` or
        :class:`concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor` (which uses a
        ``Queue``) will hang the process.

    .. versionchanged:: 1.1b1
        Add *logging* and *existing_locks* params.
    .. versionchanged:: 1.3a2
        ``Event`` defaults to True.
    # XXX: Simplify
    # pylint:disable=too-many-branches,too-many-locals,too-many-statements

    # Description of the hang:
    # There is an incompatibility with patching 'thread' and the 'multiprocessing' module:
    # The problem is that multiprocessing.queues.Queue uses a half-duplex multiprocessing.Pipe,
    # which is implemented with os.pipe() and _multiprocessing.Connection. os.pipe isn't patched
    # by gevent, as it returns just a fileno. _multiprocessing.Connection is an internal implementation
    # class implemented in C, which exposes a 'poll(timeout)' method; under the covers, this issues a
    # (blocking) select() call: hence the need for a real thread. Except for that method, we could
    # almost replace Connection with gevent.fileobject.SocketAdapter, plus a trivial
    # patch to os.pipe (below). Sigh, so close. (With a little work, we could replicate that method)

    # import os
    # import fcntl
    # os_pipe = os.pipe
    # def _pipe():
    #   r, w = os_pipe()
    #   fcntl.fcntl(r, fcntl.F_SETFL, os.O_NONBLOCK)
    #   fcntl.fcntl(w, fcntl.F_SETFL, os.O_NONBLOCK)
    #   return r, w
    # os.pipe = _pipe

    # The 'threading' module copies some attributes from the
    # thread module the first time it is imported. If we patch 'thread'
    # before that happens, then we store the wrong values in 'saved',
    # So if we're going to patch threading, we either need to import it
    # before we patch thread, or manually clean up the attributes that
    # are in trouble. The latter is tricky because of the different names
    # on different versions.
    if threading:
        threading_mod = __import__('threading')
        # Capture the *real* current thread object before
        # we start returning DummyThread objects, for comparison
        # to the main thread.
        orig_current_thread = threading_mod.current_thread()
        threading_mod = None
        gevent_threading_mod = None
        orig_current_thread = None

    gevent_thread_mod, thread_mod = _patch_module('thread',
                                                  _warnings=_warnings, _notify_did_subscribers=False)

    if threading:
        gevent_threading_mod, _ = _patch_module('threading',
                                                _warnings=_warnings, _notify_did_subscribers=False)

        if Event:
            from gevent.event import Event
            patch_item(threading_mod, 'Event', Event)
            # Python 2 had `Event` as a function returning
            # the private class `_Event`. Some code may be relying
            # on that.
            if hasattr(threading_mod, '_Event'):
                patch_item(threading_mod, '_Event', Event)

        if existing_locks:

        if logging and 'logging' in sys.modules:
            logging = __import__('logging')
            patch_item(logging, '_lock', threading_mod.RLock())
            for wr in logging._handlerList:
                # In py26, these are actual handlers, not weakrefs
                handler = wr() if callable(wr) else wr
                if handler is None:
                if not hasattr(handler, 'lock'):
                    raise TypeError("Unknown/unsupported handler %r" % handler)
                handler.lock = threading_mod.RLock()

    if _threading_local:
        _threading_local = __import__('_threading_local')
        from gevent.local import local
        patch_item(_threading_local, 'local', local)

    def make_join_func(thread, thread_greenlet):
        from gevent.hub import sleep
        from time import time

        def join(timeout=None):
            end = None
            if threading_mod.current_thread() is thread:
                raise RuntimeError("Cannot join current thread")
            if thread_greenlet is not None and thread_greenlet.dead:
            if not thread.is_alive():

            if timeout:
                end = time() + timeout

            while thread.is_alive():
                if end is not None and time() > end:
        return join

    if threading:
        from gevent.threading import main_native_thread

        for thread in threading_mod._active.values():
            if thread == main_native_thread():
            thread.join = make_join_func(thread, None)

    if sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 4):

        # Issue 18808 changes the nature of Thread.join() to use
        # locks. This means that a greenlet spawned in the main thread
        # (which is already running) cannot wait for the main thread---it
        # hangs forever. We patch around this if possible. See also
        # gevent.threading.
        greenlet = __import__('greenlet')

        if orig_current_thread == threading_mod.main_thread():
            main_thread = threading_mod.main_thread()
            _greenlet = main_thread._greenlet = greenlet.getcurrent()

            main_thread.join = make_join_func(main_thread, _greenlet)

            # Patch up the ident of the main thread to match. This
            # matters if threading was imported before monkey-patching
            # thread
            oldid = main_thread.ident
            main_thread._ident = threading_mod.get_ident()
            if oldid in threading_mod._active:
                threading_mod._active[main_thread.ident] = threading_mod._active[oldid]
            if oldid != main_thread.ident:
                del threading_mod._active[oldid]
            _queue_warning("Monkey-patching not on the main thread; "
                           "threading.main_thread().join() will hang from a greenlet",

    from gevent import events
    _notify_patch(events.GeventDidPatchModuleEvent('thread', gevent_thread_mod, thread_mod))
    _notify_patch(events.GeventDidPatchModuleEvent('threading', gevent_threading_mod, threading_mod))