Esempio n. 1
class BaseStatistic(model.Model):
    """Base Statistic Model class.

        bytes (int): the total number of bytes taken up in Cloud Datastore for
            the statistic instance.
        count (int): attribute is the total number of occurrences of the
            statistic in Cloud Datastore.
        timestamp (datetime.datetime): the time the statistic instance was
            written to Cloud Datastore.

    # This is necessary for the _get_kind() classmethod override.
    STORED_KIND_NAME = "__BaseStatistic__"

    bytes = model.IntegerProperty()

    count = model.IntegerProperty()

    timestamp = model.DateTimeProperty()

    def _get_kind(cls):
        """Kind name override."""
        return cls.STORED_KIND_NAME
 class SomeKind(model.Model):
     prop1 = model.DateTimeProperty()
Esempio n. 3
 def test_constructor():
     with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):