Esempio n. 1
def exponential_spread_volatility(x: pd.Series,
                                  beta: float = 0.75) -> pd.Series:
    Exponentially weighted spread volatility

    :param x: time series of prices
    :param beta: how much to weigh the previous price in the time series, thus controlling how much importance we
                  place on the (more distant) past. Must be between 0 (inclusive) and 1 (exclusive)
    :return: date-based time series of exponential spread volatility of the input series


    Exponentially weights the daily differences of the input series, calculates the annualized standard deviation


    Generate price series and compute exponentially weighted standard deviation of returns

    >>> prices = generate_series(100)
    >>> exponential_volatility(prices, 0.9)

    The above is equivalent to

    >>> annualize(exponential_std(diff(prices, 1), 0.9))

    **See also**

    :func:`volatility` :func:`exponential_std` :func:`exponential_volatility`

    return annualize(exponential_std(diff(x, 1), beta))
Esempio n. 2
 def process(self):
     a_data = self.children_data.get('a')
     if isinstance(a_data, ProcessorResult):
         if a_data.success:
             result = diff(, self.obs)
             self.value = ProcessorResult(True, result)
             self.value = ProcessorResult(False, "DiffProcessor does not have 'a' series values yet")
         self.value = ProcessorResult(False, "DiffProcessor does not have 'a' series yet")
Esempio n. 3
def relative_strength_index(x: pd.Series,
                            w: Union[Window, int, str] = 14) -> pd.DataFrame:
    Relative Strength Index

    :param x: time series of prices
    :param w: Window or int: size of window and ramp up to use. e.g. Window(22, 10) where 22 is the window size
              and 10 the ramp up value.  If w is a string, it should be a relative date like '1m', '1d', etc.
              Window size defaults to length of series.
    :return: date-based time series of RSI


    The RSI computes momentum as the ratio of higher closes to lower closes: stocks which have had more or stronger
    positive changes have a higher RSI than stocks which have had more or stronger negative changes.

    See `RSI <>`_ for more information


    Compute relative strength index over a :math:`14` day window:

    >>> prices = generate_series(100)
    >>> relative_strength_index(prices, 14)

    **See also**

    :func:`moving_average` :func:`std` :func:`smoothed_moving_average`
    w = normalize_window(x, w)
    one_period_change = diff(x, 1)[1:]
    gains = one_period_change.copy()
    losses = one_period_change.copy()
    gains[gains < 0] = 0
    losses[losses > 0] = 0
    losses[losses < 0] *= -1

    moving_avg_gains = smoothed_moving_average(gains, w)
    moving_avg_losses = smoothed_moving_average(losses, w)

    rsi_len = len(moving_avg_gains)
    rsi = moving_avg_gains.copy()
    rsi *= 0

    for index in range(0, rsi_len):
        if moving_avg_losses[index] == 0:
            rsi[index] = 100
            relative_strength = moving_avg_gains[index] / moving_avg_losses[
            rsi[index] = 100 - (100 / (1 + relative_strength))

    return rsi
Esempio n. 4
def rsi(x: pd.Series, w: Union[Window, int] = Window(None, 0)) -> pd.Series:
    The relative strength index of X over a window.

    :param x: time series
    :param w: Window or int: size of window and ramp up to use. e.g. Window(22, 10) where 22 is the window size
              and 10 the ramp up value. Window size defaults to length of series.
    :return: time series of relative strength index


    Compute the `relative strength index <>`_

    :math:`RSI_t = 100 - 100 / ( 1 + RS_t )`

    where :math:`RS_t` is the ratio of exponentially smoothed gains to exponentially smoothed losses over specified
    window. See `smoothed or modified moving average
    <>`_ for more details


    >>> series = generate_series(100)
    >>> rsi(series)

    **See also**


    w = normalize_window(x, w)

    if not isinstance(w.w, int):
        raise MqValueError('window length must be an integer to calculate RSI')

    delta = diff(x)
    up, down = delta.copy(), delta.copy()
    up[up < 0] = 0
    down[down > 0] = 0

    ma_up = up.ewm(alpha=1 / w.w, adjust=False).mean()
    ma_down = abs_(down.ewm(alpha=1 / w.w, adjust=False).mean())
    rs = ma_up / ma_down

    rsi = 100 - 100 / (1 + rs)
    rsi[ma_down == 0] = 100
    return apply_ramp(rsi, w)