def handle(self, *args, **options):
        if (len(args) < 1):

        csv.register_dialect('quotescolon', quotechar='"', delimiter=';', doublequote=False, lineterminator='\n', quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE)
        f =[0], mode='rU') 
        stops = file.UnicodeDictReader(f, 'utf-8', dialect=csv.get_dialect('quotescolon'))

        with reversion.create_revision(): 
            source, created = Source.objects.get_or_create(source_id=u'govi', defaults={u'name': "GOVI"})          
            for stop in stops:
                split = unicode(stop['TimingPointName']).split(',')
                if len(split) > 1:
                    city = split[0]
                    name = split[1].lstrip()
                    city = stop['TimingPointTown'].capitalize()
                    name = stop['TimingPointName']
                point = geo.transform_rd(Point(x=int(stop['LocationX_EW']), y=int(stop['LocationY_NS']), srid=28992))
                s, created = UserStop.objects.get_or_create(tpc=stop[u"TimingPointCode"], 
                                                            defaults={u'common_name' : name, u'common_city' : city, 'point' : point.wkt})
                # Get or create our source
                for attr in stop.keys():
                    self.get_create_update(SourceAttribute, {'stop' : s, 'source' : source, 'key' : attr.capitalize()}, {'value' : stop[attr]} )
            reversion.set_comment(u"GOVI Import")
    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        if (len(args) < 2):
            return self.do_help()

        # Resolve all filenames
        usrstop_filename = None
        usrstar_filename = None
        point_filename = None

        for filename in listdir(args[0]):
            if usrstop_filename is None and filename.lower().startswith('usrstop'):
                usrstop_filename = filename
            if usrstar_filename is None and filename.lower().startswith('usrstar'):
                usrstar_filename = filename
            if point_filename is None and filename.lower().startswith('point'):
                point_filename = filename
        mapping = "usrstop - %s, usrstar - %s and point - %s" % (usrstop_filename, usrstar_filename, point_filename)
        if usrstop_filename is None or usrstar_filename is None or point_filename is None:
            return "Couldn't find all 3 required files (%s)" % mapping 
            print "Using: %s" % mapping
        # Retrieve source - used for encoding    
        source = Source.objects.get(source_id=str(args[1]).lower())
        if source is None:
            return "Couldn't find the specified source - specify a data source"
        # 2. Read files
        # Create mapping
        csv.register_dialect('kv1', quotechar='"', 
                             delimiter=(options['delimiter'] if options['delimiter'] is not None else '|'), 
                             doublequote=False, lineterminator='\n', quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE)
        # Read files
        print "Using %s as encoding" % source.encoding
        f1 =[0], usrstop_filename), mode='rU')
        if 'dataownercode' not in f1.readline().lower():
            return "Huston, we have no headers!\n"
        stops = file.UnicodeDictReader([0], usrstop_filename), mode='rU'), source.encoding, dialect=csv.get_dialect('kv1'))
        point_rows = file.UnicodeDictReader([0], point_filename), mode='rU'), source.encoding, dialect=csv.get_dialect('kv1'))
        stoparea_rows = file.UnicodeDictReader([0], usrstar_filename), mode='rU'), source.encoding, dialect=csv.get_dialect('kv1'))
        # Do some translation
        points = { point['PointCode'] : point for point in point_rows }
        areas = { area['UserStopAreaCode'] : area for area in stoparea_rows }
        for stop in stops:
            with db.transaction.commit_on_success():
                with reversion.create_revision():
                    if stop['TimingPointCode'] is '':
                        print "Huston, TPC was none, falling back to USC"
                        stop['TimingPointCode'] = stop['UserStopCode']
                        if stop['TimingPointCode'] is None:
                            return "We had no TPC or USC - import halted"

                    # Figure out our location
                    stop_location = points[stop['UserStopCode']]
                    pnt = geo.transform_rd(Point(int(stop_location['LocationX_EW']), int(stop_location['LocationY_NS']), srid=28992))
                    s, created = UserStop.objects.get_or_create(tpc=stop['TimingPointCode'], 
                                                                defaults={u'common_name' : stop['Name'].replace(stop['Town']+', ', ''), 
                                                                          u'common_city' : stop['Town'], 
                                                                          'point' : pnt.wkt })

                    # Check for stop areas
                    if stop['UserStopAreaCode'] is not None and stop['UserStopAreaCode'] in areas:
                        s.parent = self.get_create_star(areas[stop['UserStopAreaCode']], source)
                    # Save as much as the original data as possible 
                    self.create_source_attr(s, source, 'id', stop['TimingPointCode'])
                    self.create_source_attr(s, source, 'GetIn', stop['GetIn'])
                    self.create_source_attr(s, source, 'GetOut', stop['GetOut'])
                    self.create_source_attr(s, source, 'Name', stop['Name'])
                    self.create_source_attr(s, source, 'Town', stop['Town'])
                    self.create_source_attr(s, source, 'UserStopAreaCode', stop['UserStopAreaCode'])
                    self.create_source_attr(s, source, 'MinimalStopTime', stop['MinimalStopTime'])
                    self.create_source_attr(s, source, 'UserStopType', stop['UserStopType'])
                    self.create_source_attr(s, source, 'latitude', int(stop_location['LocationX_EW']))
                    self.create_source_attr(s, source, 'longitude', int(stop_location['LocationY_NS']))
                    reversion.set_comment("KV1 Import")