Esempio n. 1
if respVar == 1:
    respVar = respSem
    respVar = respStd

if diffPlot:  # otherwise, nothing to do
    ### Now, recenter data relative to flat normalization model
    allAvgs = [respMean, modAvgs[1], modAvgs[0]]
    # why? weighted is 1, flat is 0
    respsRecenter = [x - allAvgs[2] for x in allAvgs]
    # recentered

    respMean = respsRecenter[0]
    modAvgs = [respsRecenter[2], respsRecenter[1]]

blankMean, blankStd, _ = hf.blankResp(expData, expInd)

all_disps = stimVals[0]
all_cons = stimVals[1]
all_sfs = stimVals[2]

nCons = len(all_cons)
nSfs = len(all_sfs)
nDisps = len(all_disps)

# ### Plots

# set up model plot info
# i.e. flat model is red, weighted model is green
modColors = ['r', 'g']
modLabels = ['flat', 'wght']
Esempio n. 2
def fit_all_CRF(cell_num,
    ''' Given cell#, data loc, load the data. Other inputs:
          each_c50/expn/base/gain : separate c50/expn/base/gain for each condition?
          n_iter                  : how many iterations to fit?
    print(str(n_iter) + ' fit attempts')
    np = numpy
    conDig = 3
    # round contrast to the thousandth
    n_params = 5
    # 4 for NR, 1 for varGain

    if each_c50 == 1:
        fit_key = 'fits_each_rpt'
        fit_key = 'fits_rpt'

    if loss_type == 1:
        loss_str = '-lsq'
    if loss_type == 2:
        loss_str = '-sqrt'
    if loss_type == 3:
        loss_str = '-poiss'
    if loss_type == 4:
        loss_str = '-poissMod'
    fits_name = 'crfFitsCom' + loss_str + '.npy'
    dataList = hf.np_smart_load(str(data_loc + 'dataList.npy'))
    if os.path.isfile(data_loc + fits_name):
        crfFits = hf.np_smart_load(str(data_loc + fits_name))
        crfFits = dict()

    # load cell information
    cellStruct = hf.np_smart_load(
        str(data_loc + dataList['unitName'][cell_num - 1] + '_sfm.npy'))
    data = cellStruct['sfm']['exp']['trial']

    all_cons = np.unique(np.round(data['total_con'], conDig))
    all_cons = all_cons[~np.isnan(all_cons)]

    all_sfs = np.unique(data['cent_sf'])
    all_sfs = all_sfs[~np.isnan(all_sfs)]

    all_disps = np.unique(data['num_comps'])
    all_disps = all_disps[all_disps > 0]
    # ignore zero...

    nCons = len(all_cons)
    nSfs = len(all_sfs)
    nDisps = len(all_disps)

    nk_ru = dict()
    all_data = dict()

    # for use in fitting SF functions...
    _, _, blankResps = hf.blankResp(cellStruct)
    blankCons = np.zeros_like(blankResps)

    for d in range(nDisps):
        valid_disp = data['num_comps'] == all_disps[d]
        cons = []
        resps = []

        nk_ru[d] = dict()
        v_sfs = []
        # keep track of valid sfs
        all_data[d] = dict()

        for sf in range(nSfs):

            valid_sf = data['cent_sf'] == all_sfs[sf]

            valid_tr = valid_disp & valid_sf
            if np.all(np.unique(valid_tr) ==
                      False):  # did we not find any trials?

            nk_ru[d][sf] = dict()
            # create dictionary here; thus, only valid sfs have valid keys
            # for unpacking loss/parameters later...
            nk_ru[d][sf]['params'] = np.nan * np.zeros((n_params, 1))
            nk_ru[d][sf]['loss'] = np.nan

            resps.append(np.hstack((blankResps, data['spikeCount'][valid_tr])))
            cons.append(np.hstack((blankCons, data['total_con'][valid_tr])))

        # save data for later use
        all_data[d]['resps'] = resps
        all_data[d]['cons'] = cons
        all_data[d]['valid_sfs'] = v_sfs

        maxResp = np.max(np.max(resps))
        n_v_sfs = len(v_sfs)

        each_list = (each_base, each_gain, each_expn, each_c50)

        n_per_param = [1 if i == 0 else n_v_sfs for i in each_list]
    	if each_c50 == 1:
    	  n_c50s = n_v_sfs; # separate for each SF...
	  n_c50s = 1;	
        init_base = 0.1
        #bounds_base = (0, 0);
        bounds_base = (0.1, maxResp)
        init_gain = np.max(resps) - np.min(resps)
        bounds_gain = (0, 10 * maxResp)
        init_expn = 2
        bounds_expn = (0.5, 10)
        init_c50 = 0.1
        bounds_c50 = (0.01, 10 * max(all_cons))
        # contrast values are b/t [0, 1]
        init_varGain = 1
        bounds_varGain = (0.01, None)

        base_inits = np.repeat(init_base, n_per_param[0])
        # default is only one baseline per SF
        base_constr = [
            tuple(x) for x in np.broadcast_to(bounds_base, (n_per_param[0], 2))

        gain_inits = np.repeat(init_gain, n_per_param[1])
        # gain is always separate for each SF
        gain_constr = [
            tuple(x) for x in np.broadcast_to(bounds_gain, (n_per_param[1], 2))

        expn_inits = np.repeat(init_expn, n_per_param[2])
        # exponent can be either, like baseline
        expn_constr = [
            tuple(x) for x in np.broadcast_to(bounds_expn, (n_per_param[2], 2))

        c50_inits = np.repeat(init_c50, n_per_param[3])
        # repeat n_v_sfs times if c50 separate for each SF; otherwise, 1
        c50_constr = [
            tuple(x) for x in np.broadcast_to(bounds_c50, (n_per_param[3], 2))

        init_params = np.hstack(
            (c50_inits, expn_inits, gain_inits, base_inits, init_varGain))
        boundsAll = np.vstack((c50_constr, expn_constr, gain_constr,
                               base_constr, bounds_varGain))
        boundsAll = [tuple(x) for x in boundsAll]
        # turn the (inner) arrays into tuples...

        c50_ind = 0
        expn_ind = n_per_param[3]
        # the number of c50s...
        gain_ind = expn_ind + n_per_param[2]
        # the number of exponents
        base_ind = gain_ind + n_per_param[1]
        # always n_v_sfs gain parameters
        varGain_ind = base_ind + n_per_param[0]

        obj = lambda params: hf.fit_CRF(cons, resps, params[c50_ind:c50_ind+n_per_param[3]], params[expn_ind:expn_ind+n_per_param[2]], params[gain_ind:gain_ind+n_per_param[1]], \
                                            params[base_ind:base_ind+n_per_param[0]], params[varGain_ind], loss_type)
        opts = opt.minimize(obj, init_params, bounds=boundsAll)

        curr_params = opts['x']
        curr_loss = opts['fun']

        for iter in range(n_iter - 1):  # now, extra iterations if chosen...
            init_params = np.hstack(
                                    n_c50s), hf.random_in_range(bounds_expn),
                                    n_v_sfs), hf.random_in_range(bounds_base),
                 hf.random_in_range((bounds_varGain[0], 1))))

            # choose optimization method
            if np.mod(iter, 2) == 0:
                methodStr = 'L-BFGS-B'
                methodStr = 'TNC'

            opt_iter = opt.minimize(obj,

            if opt_iter['fun'] < curr_loss:
                curr_loss = opt_iter['fun']
                curr_params = opt_iter['x']

        # now unpack...
        for sf_in in range(n_v_sfs):
            param_ind = [0 if i == 1 else sf_in for i in n_per_param]

            nk_ru[d][v_sfs[sf_in]]['params'][0] = curr_params[base_ind +
            nk_ru[d][v_sfs[sf_in]]['params'][1] = curr_params[gain_ind +
            nk_ru[d][v_sfs[sf_in]]['params'][2] = curr_params[expn_ind +
            nk_ru[d][v_sfs[sf_in]]['params'][3] = curr_params[c50_ind +
            # params (to match naka_rushton) are: baseline, gain, expon, c50
            nk_ru[d][v_sfs[sf_in]]['params'][4] = curr_params[varGain_ind]
            nk_ru[d][v_sfs[sf_in]]['loss'] = curr_loss

    # update stuff - load again in case some other run has saved/made changes
    if os.path.isfile(data_loc + fits_name):
        print('reloading CRF Fits...')
        crfFits = hf.np_smart_load(str(data_loc + fits_name))
    if cell_num - 1 not in crfFits:
        crfFits[cell_num - 1] = dict()
    crfFits[cell_num - 1][fit_key] = nk_ru
    crfFits[cell_num - 1]['data'] = all_data
    crfFits[cell_num - 1]['blankResps'] = blankResps + fits_name, crfFits)
    print('saving for cell ' + str(cell_num))

    return nk_ru
Esempio n. 3
# let's also get the baseline
force_baseline = True if force_dc else False
# plotting baseline will depend on F1/F0 designation
if force_baseline or (
        f1f0rat < 1 and expDir != 'LGN/'
):  # i.e. if we're in LGN, DON'T get baseline, even if f1f0 < 1 (shouldn't happen)
    baseline_resp = hf.blankResp(trialInf,
    baseline_resp = int(0)

# now get the measured responses
_, _, respOrg, respAll = hf.organize_resp(spikes_rate,

respMean = respOrg
respStd = np.nanstd(respAll, -1)
# take std of all responses for a given condition
# compute SEM, too
findNaN = np.isnan(respAll)
Esempio n. 4
data = cellStruct['sfm']['exp']['trial']

ignore, modRespAll = mod_resp.SFMGiveBof(modParamsCurr,
print('norm type %02d' % (norm_type))
if norm_type == 2:
    gs_mean = modParamsCurr[1]
    # guaranteed to exist after call to .SFMGiveBof, if norm_type == 2
    gs_std = modParamsCurr[2]
    # guaranteed to exist ...
resp, stimVals, val_con_by_disp, validByStimVal, modResp = hf.tabulate_responses(
    cellStruct, expInd, modRespAll)
blankMean, blankStd, _ = hf.blankResp(cellStruct)
modBlankMean = modParamsCurr[6]
# late additive noise is the baseline of the model
# all responses on log ordinate (y axis) should be baseline subtracted

all_disps = stimVals[0]
all_cons = stimVals[1]
all_sfs = stimVals[2]

nCons = len(all_cons)
nSfs = len(all_sfs)
nDisps = len(all_disps)

# #### Unpack responses

respMean = resp[0]
Esempio n. 5
allSfMixs = [org[3] for org in orgs];
# now organize the measured responses in the same way
_, _, sfmixExpResp, allSfMixExp = hf.organize_resp(expData['sfm']['exp']['trial']['spikeCount'], expData, expInd);

modLows = [np.nanmin(resp, axis=3) for resp in allSfMixs];
modHighs = [np.nanmax(resp, axis=3) for resp in allSfMixs];
modAvgs = [np.nanmean(resp, axis=3) for resp in allSfMixs];
modSponRates = [fit[6] for fit in modFits];

# more tabulation
resp, stimVals, val_con_by_disp, _, _ = hf.tabulate_responses(expData, expInd, modResps[0]);

respMean = resp[0];
respStd = resp[1];

blankMean, blankStd, _ = hf.blankResp(expData); 

all_disps = stimVals[0];
all_cons = stimVals[1];
all_sfs = stimVals[2];

nCons = len(all_cons);
nSfs = len(all_sfs);
nDisps = len(all_disps);

# ### Plots

# set up model plot info
# i.e. flat model is red, weighted model is green
modColors = ['r', 'g']
modLabels = ['flat', 'wght']
Esempio n. 6
descrFits = np.load(str(dataPath + 'descrFits.npy'), encoding='latin1').item()
descrFits = descrFits[which_cell - 1]['params']
# just get this cell

modParams = np.load(str(dataPath + fitListName), encoding='latin1').item()
modParamsCurr = modParams[which_cell - 1]['params']

# ### Organize data
# #### determine contrasts, center spatial frequency, dispersions

data = cellStruct['sfm']['exp']['trial']

modRespAll = model_responses.SFMGiveBof(modParamsCurr, cellStruct)[1]
resp, stimVals, val_con_by_disp, validByStimVal, modResp = helper_fcns.tabulate_responses(
    cellStruct, modRespAll)
blankMean, blankStd, _ = helper_fcns.blankResp(cellStruct)
# all responses on log ordinate (y axis) should be baseline subtracted

all_disps = stimVals[0]
all_cons = stimVals[1]
all_sfs = stimVals[2]

nCons = len(all_cons)
nSfs = len(all_sfs)
nDisps = len(all_disps)

# #### Unpack responses

respMean = resp[0]
respStd = resp[1]
predMean = resp[2]
Esempio n. 7
def fit_descr(cell_num, data_loc, n_repeats = 4, loss_type = 1):

    nParam = 5;
    if loss_type == 1:
      loss_str = '_lsq.npy';    
    elif loss_type == 2:
      loss_str = '_sqrt.npy';    
    elif loss_type == 3:
      loss_str = '_poiss.npy';

    # load cell information
    dataList = hfunc.np_smart_load(data_loc + 'dataList.npy');
    if os.path.isfile(data_loc + 'descrFits' +  loss_str):
        descrFits = hfunc.np_smart_load(data_loc + 'descrFits' + loss_str);
        descrFits = dict();
    data = hfunc.np_smart_load(data_loc + dataList['unitName'][cell_num-1] + '_sfm.npy');
    print('Doing the work, now');

    to_unpack = hfunc.tabulate_responses(data);
    [respMean, respVar, predMean, predVar] = to_unpack[0];
    [all_disps, all_cons, all_sfs] = to_unpack[1];
    val_con_by_disp = to_unpack[2];
    nDisps = len(all_disps);
    nCons = len(all_cons);

    if cell_num-1 in descrFits:
        bestNLL = descrFits[cell_num-1]['NLL'];
        currParams = descrFits[cell_num-1]['params'];
    else: # set values to NaN...
        bestNLL = np.ones((nDisps, nCons)) * np.nan;
        currParams = np.ones((nDisps, nCons, nParam)) * np.nan;
    for family in range(nDisps):
        for con in range(nCons):    
            if con not in val_con_by_disp[family]:

            # set initial parameters - a range from which we will pick!
            base_rate = hfunc.blankResp(data)[0];
            if base_rate <= 3:
                range_baseline = (0, 3);
                range_baseline = (0.5 * base_rate, 1.5 * base_rate);

            valid_sf_inds = ~np.isnan(respMean[family, :, con]);
            max_resp = np.amax(respMean[family, valid_sf_inds, con]);
            range_amp = (0.5 * max_resp, 1.5);
            theSfCents = all_sfs[valid_sf_inds];
            max_sf_index = np.argmax(respMean[family, valid_sf_inds, con]); # what sf index gives peak response?
            mu_init = theSfCents[max_sf_index];
            if max_sf_index == 0: # i.e. smallest SF center gives max response...
                range_mu = (mu_init/2,theSfCents[max_sf_index + 3]);
            elif max_sf_index+1 == len(theSfCents): # i.e. highest SF center is max
                range_mu = (theSfCents[max_sf_index-2], mu_init);
                range_mu = (theSfCents[max_sf_index-1], theSfCents[max_sf_index+1]); # go +-1 indices from center
            log_bw_lo = 0.75; # 0.75 octave bandwidth...
            log_bw_hi = 2; # 2 octave bandwidth...
            denom_lo = hfunc.bw_log_to_lin(log_bw_lo, mu_init)[0]; # get linear bandwidth
            denom_hi = hfunc.bw_log_to_lin(log_bw_hi, mu_init)[0]; # get lin. bw (cpd)
            range_denom = (denom_lo, denom_hi); # don't want 0 in sigma 
            # set bounds for parameters
            min_bw = 1/4; max_bw = 10; # ranges in octave bandwidth

            bound_baseline = (0, max_resp);
            bound_range = (0, 1.5*max_resp);
            bound_mu = (0.01, 10);
            bound_sig = (np.maximum(0.1, min_bw/(2*np.sqrt(2*np.log(2)))), max_bw/(2*np.sqrt(2*np.log(2)))); # Gaussian at half-height
            all_bounds = (bound_baseline, bound_range, bound_mu, bound_sig, bound_sig);

            for n_try in range(n_repeats):
                # pick initial params
                init_base = hfunc.random_in_range(range_baseline);
                init_amp = hfunc.random_in_range(range_amp);
                init_mu = hfunc.random_in_range(range_mu);
                init_sig_left = hfunc.random_in_range(range_denom);
                init_sig_right = hfunc.random_in_range(range_denom);
                init_params = [init_base, init_amp, init_mu, init_sig_left, init_sig_right];
                # choose optimization method
                if np.mod(n_try, 2) == 0:
                    methodStr = 'L-BFGS-B';
                    methodStr = 'TNC';
                obj = lambda params: descr_loss(params, data, family, con, loss_type);
                wax = opt.minimize(obj, init_params, method=methodStr, bounds=all_bounds);
                # compare
                NLL = wax['fun'];
                params = wax['x'];

                if np.isnan(bestNLL[family, con]) or NLL < bestNLL[family, con] or invalid(currParams[family, con, :], all_bounds):
                    bestNLL[family, con] = NLL;
                    currParams[family, con, :] = params;

    # update stuff - load again in case some other run has saved/made changes
    if os.path.isfile(data_loc + 'descrFits' + loss_str):
        print('reloading descrFits...');
        descrFits = hfunc.np_smart_load(data_loc + 'descrFits' + loss_str);
    if cell_num-1 not in descrFits:
      descrFits[cell_num-1] = dict();
    descrFits[cell_num-1]['NLL'] = bestNLL;
    descrFits[cell_num-1]['params'] = currParams; + 'descrFits' + loss_str, descrFits);
    print('saving for cell ' + str(cell_num));
Esempio n. 8
            rvcFits = None
        spikes_byComp = hf.get_spikes(expData,
    spikes = np.array([np.sum(x) for x in spikes_byComp])
    rates = True if vecF1 == 0 else False
    # when we get the spikes from rvcFits, they've already been converted into rates (in hf.get_all_fft)
    baseline = None
    # f1 has no "DC", yadig?
else:  # otherwise, if it's complex, just get F0
    respMeasure = 0
    spikes = hf.get_spikes(expData, get_f0=1, rvcFits=None, expInd=expInd)
    rates = False
    # get_spikes without rvcFits is directly from spikeCount, which is counts, not rates!
    baseline = hf.blankResp(expData, expInd)[0]
    # we'll plot the spontaneous rate
    # why mult by stimDur? well, spikes are not rates but baseline is, so we convert baseline to count (i.e. not rate, too)
    spikes = spikes - baseline * hf.get_exp_params(expInd).stimDur

#print('###\nGetting spikes (data): rates? %d\n###' % rates);
_, _, _, respAll = hf.organize_resp(spikes, expData, expInd, respsAsRate=rates)
# only using respAll to get variance measures
resps_data, stimVals, val_con_by_disp, _, _ = hf.tabulate_responses(

if fitList is None:
def plot_save_superposition(which_cell, expDir, use_mod_resp=0, fitType=2, excType=1, useHPCfit=1, conType=None, lgnFrontEnd=None, force_full=1, f1_expCutoff=2, to_save=1):

  if use_mod_resp == 2:
    rvcAdj   = -1; # this means vec corrected F1, not phase adjustment F1...
    _applyLGNtoNorm = 0; # don't apply the LGN front-end to the gain control weights
    recenter_norm = 1;
    newMethod = 1; # yes, use the "new" method for mrpt (not that new anymore, as of 21.03)
    lossType = 1; # sqrt
    _sigmoidSigma = 5;

  basePath = os.getcwd() + '/'
  if 'pl1465' in basePath or useHPCfit:
    loc_str = 'HPC';
    loc_str = '';

  rvcName = 'rvcFits%s_220531' % loc_str if expDir=='LGN/' else 'rvcFits%s_220609' % loc_str
  rvcFits = None; # pre-define this as None; will be overwritten if available/needed
  if expDir == 'altExp/': # we don't adjust responses there...
    rvcName = None;
  dFits_base = 'descrFits%s_220609' % loc_str if expDir=='LGN/' else 'descrFits%s_220631' % loc_str
  if use_mod_resp == 1:
    rvcName = None; # Use NONE if getting model responses, only
    if excType == 1:
      fitBase = 'fitList_200417';
    elif excType == 2:
      fitBase = 'fitList_200507';
    lossType = 1; # sqrt
    fitList_nm = hf.fitList_name(fitBase, fitType, lossType=lossType);
  elif use_mod_resp == 2:
    rvcName = None; # Use NONE if getting model responses, only
    if excType == 1:
      fitBase = 'fitList%s_210308_dG' % loc_str
      if recenter_norm:
        #fitBase = 'fitList%s_pyt_210312_dG' % loc_str
        fitBase = 'fitList%s_pyt_210331_dG' % loc_str
    elif excType == 2:
      fitBase = 'fitList%s_pyt_210310' % loc_str
      if recenter_norm:
        #fitBase = 'fitList%s_pyt_210312' % loc_str
        fitBase = 'fitList%s_pyt_210331' % loc_str
    fitList_nm = hf.fitList_name(fitBase, fitType, lossType=lossType, lgnType=lgnFrontEnd, lgnConType=conType, vecCorrected=-rvcAdj);

  # ^^^ EDIT rvc/descrFits/fitList names here; 

  # Before any plotting, fix plotting paramaters
  from matplotlib import rcParams
  rcParams['font.size'] = 20;
  rcParams['pdf.fonttype'] = 42 # should be 42, but there are kerning issues
  rcParams['ps.fonttype'] = 42 # should be 42, but there are kerning issues
  rcParams['lines.linewidth'] = 2.5;
  rcParams['axes.linewidth'] = 1.5;
  rcParams['lines.markersize'] = 8; # this is in style sheet, just being explicit
  rcParams['lines.markeredgewidth'] = 0; # no edge, since weird tings happen then

  rcParams['xtick.major.size'] = 15
  rcParams['xtick.minor.size'] = 5; # no minor ticks
  rcParams['ytick.major.size'] = 15
  rcParams['ytick.minor.size'] = 0; # no minor ticks

  rcParams['xtick.major.width'] = 2
  rcParams['xtick.minor.width'] = 2;
  rcParams['ytick.major.width'] = 2
  rcParams['ytick.minor.width'] = 0

  rcParams[''] = 'oblique';
  rcParams['font.size'] = 20;

  # load everything
  dataListNm = hf.get_datalist(expDir, force_full=force_full);
  descrFits_f0 = None;
  dLoss_num = 2; # see hf.descrFit_name/descrMod_name/etc for details
  if expDir == 'LGN/':
    rvcMod = 0; 
    dMod_num = 1;
    rvcDir = 1;
    vecF1 = -1;
    rvcMod = 1; # i.e. Naka-rushton (1)
    dMod_num = 3; # d-dog-s
    rvcDir = None; # None if we're doing vec-corrected
    if expDir == 'altExp/':
      vecF1 = 0;
      vecF1 = 1;

  dFits_mod = hf.descrMod_name(dMod_num)
  descrFits_name = hf.descrFit_name(lossType=dLoss_num, descrBase=dFits_base, modelName=dFits_mod, phAdj=1 if vecF1==-1 else None);

  ## now, let it run
  dataPath = basePath + expDir + 'structures/'
  save_loc = basePath + expDir + 'figures/'
  save_locSuper = save_loc + 'superposition_220713/'
  if use_mod_resp == 1:
    save_locSuper = save_locSuper + '%s/' % fitBase

  dataList = hf.np_smart_load(dataPath + dataListNm);
  print('Trying to load descrFits at: %s' % (dataPath + descrFits_name));
  descrFits = hf.np_smart_load(dataPath + descrFits_name);
  if use_mod_resp == 1 or use_mod_resp == 2:
    fitList = hf.np_smart_load(dataPath + fitList_nm);
    fitList = None;

  if not os.path.exists(save_locSuper):

  cells = np.arange(1, 1+len(dataList['unitName']))

  zr_rm = lambda x: x[x>0];
  # more flexible - only get values where x AND z are greater than some value "gt" (e.g. 0, 1, 0.4, ...)
  zr_rm_pair = lambda x, z, gt: [x[np.logical_and(x>gt, z>gt)], z[np.logical_and(x>gt, z>gt)]];
  # zr_rm_pair = lambda x, z: [x[np.logical_and(x>0, z>0)], z[np.logical_and(x>0, z>0)]] if np.logical_and(x!=[], z!=[])==True else [], [];

  # here, we'll save measures we are going use for analysis purpose - e.g. supperssion index, c50
  curr_suppr = dict();

  ### Establish the plot, load cell-specific measures
  nRows, nCols = 6, 2;
  cellName = dataList['unitName'][which_cell-1];
  expInd = hf.get_exp_ind(dataPath, cellName)[0]
  S = hf.np_smart_load(dataPath + cellName + '_sfm.npy')
  expData = S['sfm']['exp']['trial'];

  # 0th, let's load the basic tuning characterizations AND the descriptive fit
    dfit_curr = descrFits[which_cell-1]['params'][0,-1,:]; # single grating, highest contrast
    dfit_curr = None;
  # - then the basics
    basic_names, basic_order = dataList['basicProgName'][which_cell-1], dataList['basicProgOrder']
    basics = hf.get_basic_tunings(basic_names, basic_order);
      # we've already put the basics in the data structure... (i.e. post-sorting 2021 data)
      basic_names = ['','','','',''];
      basic_order = ['rf', 'sf', 'tf', 'rvc', 'ori']; # order doesn't matter if they are already loaded
      basics = hf.get_basic_tunings(basic_names, basic_order, preProc=S, reducedSave=True)
      basics = None;

  ### TEMPORARY: save the "basics" in curr_suppr; should live on its own, though; TODO
  curr_suppr['basics'] = basics;

    oriBW, oriCV = basics['ori']['bw'], basics['ori']['cv'];
    oriBW, oriCV = np.nan, np.nan;
    tfBW = basics['tf']['tfBW_oct'];
    tfBW = np.nan;
    suprMod = basics['rfsize']['suprInd_model'];
    suprMod = np.nan;
    suprDat = basics['rfsize']['suprInd_data'];
    suprDat = np.nan;

    cellType = dataList['unitType'][which_cell-1];
    # TODO: note, this is dangerous; thus far, only V1 cells don't have 'unitType' field in dataList, so we can safely do this
    cellType = 'V1';

  ### compute f1f0 ratio, and load the corresponding F0 or F1 responses
  f1f0_rat = hf.compute_f1f0(expData, which_cell, expInd, dataPath, descrFitName_f0=descrFits_f0)[0];
  curr_suppr['f1f0'] = f1f0_rat;
  respMeasure = 1 if f1f0_rat > 1 else 0;

  if vecF1 == 1:
    # get the correct, adjusted F1 response
    if expInd > f1_expCutoff and respMeasure == 1:
      respOverwrite = hf.adjust_f1_byTrial(expData, expInd);
      respOverwrite = None;

  if (respMeasure == 1 or expDir == 'LGN/') and expDir != 'altExp/' : # i.e. if we're looking at a simple cell, then let's get F1
    if vecF1 == 1:
      spikes_byComp = respOverwrite
      # then, sum up the valid components per stimulus component
      allCons = np.vstack(expData['con']).transpose();
      blanks = np.where(allCons==0);
      spikes_byComp[blanks] = 0; # just set it to 0 if that component was blank during the trial
      if rvcName is not None:
          rvcFits = hf.get_rvc_fits(dataPath, expInd, which_cell, rvcName=rvcName, rvcMod=rvcMod, direc=rvcDir, vecF1=vecF1);
          rvcFits = None;
        rvcFits = None
      spikes_byComp = hf.get_spikes(expData, get_f0=0, rvcFits=rvcFits, expInd=expInd);
    spikes = np.array([np.sum(x) for x in spikes_byComp]);
    rates = True if vecF1 == 0 else False; # when we get the spikes from rvcFits, they've already been converted into rates (in hf.get_all_fft)
    baseline = None; # f1 has no "DC", yadig?
  else: # otherwise, if it's complex, just get F0
    respMeasure = 0;
    spikes = hf.get_spikes(expData, get_f0=1, rvcFits=None, expInd=expInd);
    rates = False; # get_spikes without rvcFits is directly from spikeCount, which is counts, not rates!
    baseline = hf.blankResp(expData, expInd)[0]; # we'll plot the spontaneous rate
    # why mult by stimDur? well, spikes are not rates but baseline is, so we convert baseline to count (i.e. not rate, too)
    spikes = spikes - baseline*hf.get_exp_params(expInd).stimDur; 

  #print('###\nGetting spikes (data): rates? %d\n###' % rates);
  _, _, _, respAll = hf.organize_resp(spikes, expData, expInd, respsAsRate=rates); # only using respAll to get variance measures
  resps_data, stimVals, val_con_by_disp, _, _ = hf.tabulate_responses(expData, expInd, overwriteSpikes=spikes, respsAsRates=rates, modsAsRate=rates);

  if fitList is None:
    resps = resps_data; # otherwise, we'll still keep resps_data for reference
  elif fitList is not None: # OVERWRITE the data with the model spikes!
    if use_mod_resp == 1:
      curr_fit = fitList[which_cell-1]['params'];
      modResp = mod_resp.SFMGiveBof(curr_fit, S, normType=fitType, lossType=lossType, expInd=expInd, cellNum=which_cell, excType=excType)[1];
      if f1f0_rat < 1: # then subtract baseline..
        modResp = modResp - baseline*hf.get_exp_params(expInd).stimDur; 
      # now organize the responses
      resps, stimVals, val_con_by_disp, _, _ = hf.tabulate_responses(expData, expInd, overwriteSpikes=modResp, respsAsRates=False, modsAsRate=False);
    elif use_mod_resp == 2: # then pytorch model!
      resp_str = hf_sf.get_resp_str(respMeasure)
      curr_fit = fitList[which_cell-1][resp_str]['params'];
      model = mrpt.sfNormMod(curr_fit, expInd=expInd, excType=excType, normType=fitType, lossType=lossType, lgnFrontEnd=lgnFrontEnd, newMethod=newMethod, lgnConType=conType, applyLGNtoNorm=_applyLGNtoNorm)
      ### get the vec-corrected responses, if applicable
      if expInd > f1_expCutoff and respMeasure == 1:
        respOverwrite = hf.adjust_f1_byTrial(expData, expInd);
        respOverwrite = None;

      dw = mrpt.dataWrapper(expData, respMeasure=respMeasure, expInd=expInd, respOverwrite=respOverwrite); # respOverwrite defined above (None if DC or if expInd=-1)
      modResp = model.forward(dw.trInf, respMeasure=respMeasure, sigmoidSigma=_sigmoidSigma, recenter_norm=recenter_norm).detach().numpy();

      if respMeasure == 1: # make sure the blank components have a zero response (we'll do the same with the measured responses)
        blanks = np.where(dw.trInf['con']==0);
        modResp[blanks] = 0;
        # next, sum up across components
        modResp = np.sum(modResp, axis=1);
      # finally, make sure this fills out a vector of all responses (just have nan for non-modelled trials)
      nTrialsFull = len(expData['num']);
      modResp_full = np.nan * np.zeros((nTrialsFull, ));
      modResp_full[dw.trInf['num']] = modResp;

      if respMeasure == 0: # if DC, then subtract baseline..., as determined from data (why not model? we aren't yet calc. response to no stim, though it can be done)
        modResp_full = modResp_full - baseline*hf.get_exp_params(expInd).stimDur;

      # TODO: This is a work around for which measures are in rates vs. counts (DC vs F1, model vs data...)
      stimDur = hf.get_exp_params(expInd).stimDur;
      asRates = False;
      #divFactor = stimDur if asRates == 0 else 1;
      #modResp_full = np.divide(modResp_full, divFactor);
      # now organize the responses
      resps, stimVals, val_con_by_disp, _, _ = hf.tabulate_responses(expData, expInd, overwriteSpikes=modResp_full, respsAsRates=asRates, modsAsRate=asRates);

  predResps = resps[2];

  respMean = resps[0]; # equivalent to resps[0];
  respStd = np.nanstd(respAll, -1); # take std of all responses for a given condition
  # compute SEM, too
  findNaN = np.isnan(respAll);
  nonNaN  = np.sum(findNaN == False, axis=-1);
  respSem = np.nanstd(respAll, -1) / np.sqrt(nonNaN);

  ### first, fit a smooth function to the overall pred V measured responses
  ### --- from this, we can measure how each example superposition deviates from a central tendency
  ### --- i.e. the residual relative to the "standard" input:output relationship
  all_resps = respMean[1:, :, :].flatten() # all disp>0
  all_preds = predResps[1:, :, :].flatten() # all disp>0
  # a model which allows negative fits
  #         myFit = lambda x, t0, t1, t2: t0 + t1*x + t2*x*x;
  #         non_nan = np.where(~np.isnan(all_preds)); # cannot fit negative values with naka-rushton...
  #         fitz, _ = opt.curve_fit(myFit, all_preds[non_nan], all_resps[non_nan], p0=[-5, 10, 5], maxfev=5000)
  # naka rushton
  myFit = lambda x, g, expon, c50: hf.naka_rushton(x, [0, g, expon, c50]) 
  non_neg = np.where(all_preds>0) # cannot fit negative values with naka-rushton...
    if use_mod_resp == 1: # the reference will ALWAYS be the data -- redo the above analysis for data
      predResps_data = resps_data[2];
      respMean_data = resps_data[0];
      all_resps_data = respMean_data[1:, :, :].flatten() # all disp>0
      all_preds_data = predResps_data[1:, :, :].flatten() # all disp>0
      non_neg_data = np.where(all_preds_data>0) # cannot fit negative values with naka-rushton...
      fitz, _ = opt.curve_fit(myFit, all_preds_data[non_neg_data], all_resps_data[non_neg_data], p0=[100, 2, 25], maxfev=5000)
      fitz, _ = opt.curve_fit(myFit, all_preds[non_neg], all_resps[non_neg], p0=[100, 2, 25], maxfev=5000)
    rel_c50 = np.divide(fitz[-1], np.max(all_preds[non_neg]));
    fitz = None;
    rel_c50 = -99;

  ### organize stimulus information
  all_disps = stimVals[0];
  all_cons = stimVals[1];
  all_sfs = stimVals[2];

  nCons = len(all_cons);
  nSfs = len(all_sfs);
  nDisps = len(all_disps);

  maxResp = np.maximum(np.nanmax(respMean), np.nanmax(predResps));
  # by disp
  clrs_d = cm.viridis(np.linspace(0,0.75,nDisps-1));
  lbls_d = ['disp: %s' % str(x) for x in range(nDisps)];
  # by sf
  val_sfs = hf.get_valid_sfs(S, disp=1, con=val_con_by_disp[1][0], expInd=expInd) # pick 
  clrs_sf = cm.viridis(np.linspace(0,.75,len(val_sfs)));
  lbls_sf = ['sf: %.2f' % all_sfs[x] for x in val_sfs];
  # by con
  val_con = all_cons;
  clrs_con = cm.viridis(np.linspace(0,.75,len(val_con)));
  lbls_con = ['con: %.2f' % x for x in val_con];

  ### create the figure
  fSuper, ax = plt.subplots(nRows, nCols, figsize=(10*nCols, 8*nRows))
  sns.despine(fig=fSuper, offset=10)

  allMix = [];
  allSum = [];

  ### plot reference tuning [row 1 (i.e. 2nd row)]
  ## on the right, SF tuning (high contrast)
  sfRef = hf.nan_rm(respMean[0, :, -1]); # high contrast tuning
  ax[1, 1].plot(all_sfs, sfRef, 'k-', marker='o', label='ref. tuning (d0, high con)', clip_on=False)
  ax[1, 1].set_xscale('log')
  ax[1, 1].set_xlim((0.1, 10));
  ax[1, 1].set_xlabel('sf (c/deg)')
  ax[1, 1].set_ylabel('response (spikes/s)')
  ax[1, 1].set_ylim((-5, 1.1*np.nanmax(sfRef)));
  ax[1, 1].legend(fontsize='x-small');

  ## then on the left, RVC (peak SF)
  sfPeak = np.argmax(sfRef); # stupid/simple, but just get the rvc for the max response
  v_cons_single = val_con_by_disp[0]
  rvcRef = hf.nan_rm(respMean[0, sfPeak, v_cons_single]);
  # now, if possible, let's also plot the RVC fit
  if rvcFits is not None:
    rvcFits = hf.get_rvc_fits(dataPath, expInd, which_cell, rvcName=rvcName, rvcMod=rvcMod);
    rel_rvc = rvcFits[0]['params'][sfPeak]; # we get 0 dispersion, peak SF
    plt_cons = np.geomspace(all_cons[0], all_cons[-1], 50);
    c50, pk = hf.get_c50(rvcMod, rel_rvc), rvcFits[0]['conGain'][sfPeak];
    c50_emp, c50_eval = hf.c50_empirical(rvcMod, rel_rvc); # determine c50 by optimization, numerical approx.
    if rvcMod == 0:
      rvc_mod = hf.get_rvc_model();
      rvcmodResp = rvc_mod(*rel_rvc, plt_cons);
    else: # i.e. mod=1 or mod=2
      rvcmodResp = hf.naka_rushton(plt_cons, rel_rvc);
    if baseline is not None:
      rvcmodResp = rvcmodResp - baseline; 
    ax[1, 0].plot(plt_cons, rvcmodResp, 'k--', label='rvc fit (c50=%.2f, gain=%0f)' %(c50, pk))
    # and save it
    curr_suppr['c50'] = c50; curr_suppr['conGain'] = pk;
    curr_suppr['c50_emp'] = c50_emp; curr_suppr['c50_emp_eval'] = c50_eval
    curr_suppr['c50'] = np.nan; curr_suppr['conGain'] = np.nan;
    curr_suppr['c50_emp'] = np.nan; curr_suppr['c50_emp_eval'] = np.nan;

  ax[1, 0].plot(all_cons[v_cons_single], rvcRef, 'k-', marker='o', label='ref. tuning (d0, peak SF)', clip_on=False)
  #         ax[1, 0].set_xscale('log')
  ax[1, 0].set_xlabel('contrast (%)');
  ax[1, 0].set_ylabel('response (spikes/s)')
  ax[1, 0].set_ylim((-5, 1.1*np.nanmax(rvcRef)));
  ax[1, 0].legend(fontsize='x-small');

  # plot the fitted model on each axis
  pred_plt = np.linspace(0, np.nanmax(all_preds), 100);
  if fitz is not None:
    ax[0, 0].plot(pred_plt, myFit(pred_plt, *fitz), 'r--', label='fit')
    ax[0, 1].plot(pred_plt, myFit(pred_plt, *fitz), 'r--', label='fit')

  for d in range(nDisps):
    if d == 0: # we don't care about single gratings!
      dispRats = [];
    v_cons = np.array(val_con_by_disp[d]);
    n_v_cons = len(v_cons);

    # plot split out by each contrast [0,1]
    for c in reversed(range(n_v_cons)):
      v_sfs = hf.get_valid_sfs(S, d, v_cons[c], expInd)
      for s in v_sfs:
        mixResp = respMean[d, s, v_cons[c]];
        sumResp = predResps[d, s, v_cons[c]];
  #      print('condition: d(%d), c(%d), sf(%d):: pred(%.2f)|real(%.2f)' % (d, v_cons[c], s, sumResp, mixResp))
        # PLOT in by-disp panel
        if c == 0 and s == v_sfs[0]:
          ax[0, 0].plot(sumResp, mixResp, 'o', color=clrs_d[d-1], label=lbls_d[d], clip_on=False)
          ax[0, 0].plot(sumResp, mixResp, 'o', color=clrs_d[d-1], clip_on=False)
        # PLOT in by-sf panel
        sfInd = np.where(np.array(v_sfs) == s)[0][0]; # will only be one entry, so just "unpack"
          if d == 1 and c == 0:
            ax[0, 1].plot(sumResp, mixResp, 'o', color=clrs_sf[sfInd], label=lbls_sf[sfInd], clip_on=False);
            ax[0, 1].plot(sumResp, mixResp, 'o', color=clrs_sf[sfInd], clip_on=False);
        # plot baseline, if f0...
  #       if baseline is not None:
  #         [ax[0, i].axhline(baseline, linestyle='--', color='k', label='spon. rate') for i in range(2)];

    # plot averaged across all cons/sfs (i.e. average for the whole dispersion) [1,0]
    mixDisp = respMean[d, :, :].flatten();
    sumDisp = predResps[d, :, :].flatten();
    mixDisp, sumDisp = zr_rm_pair(mixDisp, sumDisp, 0.5);
    curr_rats = np.divide(mixDisp, sumDisp)
    curr_mn = geomean(curr_rats); curr_std = np.std(np.log10(curr_rats));
  #  curr_rat = geomean(np.divide(mixDisp, sumDisp));
    ax[2, 0].bar(d, curr_mn, yerr=curr_std, color=clrs_d[d-1]);
    ax[2, 0].set_yscale('log')
    ax[2, 0].set_ylim(0.1, 10);
  #  ax[2, 0].yaxis.set_ticks(minorticks)
  #  ax[2, 0].bar(d, np.mean(np.divide(mixDisp, sumDisp)), color=clrs_d[d-1]);

    # also, let's plot the (signed) error relative to the fit
    if fitz is not None:
      errs = mixDisp - myFit(sumDisp, *fitz);
      ax[3, 0].bar(d, np.mean(errs), yerr=np.std(errs), color=clrs_d[d-1])
      # -- and normalized by the prediction output response
      errs_norm = np.divide(mixDisp - myFit(sumDisp, *fitz), myFit(sumDisp, *fitz));
      ax[4, 0].bar(d, np.mean(errs_norm), yerr=np.std(errs_norm), color=clrs_d[d-1])

    # and set some labels/lines, as needed
    if d == 1:
        ax[2, 0].set_xlabel('dispersion');
        ax[2, 0].set_ylabel('suppression ratio (linear)')
        ax[2, 0].axhline(1, ls='--', color='k')
        ax[3, 0].set_xlabel('dispersion');
        ax[3, 0].set_ylabel('mean (signed) error')
        ax[3, 0].axhline(0, ls='--', color='k')
        ax[4, 0].set_xlabel('dispersion');
        ax[4, 0].set_ylabel('mean (signed) error -- as frac. of fit prediction')
        ax[4, 0].axhline(0, ls='--', color='k')

    curr_suppr['supr_disp'] = dispRats;

  ### plot averaged across all cons/disps
  sfInds = []; sfRats = []; sfRatStd = []; 
  sfErrs = []; sfErrsStd = []; sfErrsInd = []; sfErrsIndStd = []; sfErrsRat = []; sfErrsRatStd = [];
  curr_errNormFactor = [];
  for s in range(len(val_sfs)):
    try: # not all sfs will have legitmate values;
      # only get mixtures (i.e. ignore single gratings)
      mixSf = respMean[1:, val_sfs[s], :].flatten();
      sumSf = predResps[1:, val_sfs[s], :].flatten();
      mixSf, sumSf = zr_rm_pair(mixSf, sumSf, 0.5);
      rats_curr = np.divide(mixSf, sumSf); 
      sfInds.append(s); sfRats.append(geomean(rats_curr)); sfRatStd.append(np.std(np.log10(rats_curr)));

      if fitz is not None:
        #curr_NR = myFit(sumSf, *fitz); # unvarnished
        curr_NR = np.maximum(myFit(sumSf, *fitz), 0.5); # thresholded at 0.5...

        curr_err = mixSf - curr_NR;

        curr_errNorm = np.divide(mixSf - curr_NR, mixSf + curr_NR);

        curr_errRat = np.divide(mixSf, curr_NR);

        curr_normFactors = np.array(curr_NR)

  # get the offset/scale of the ratio so that we can plot a rescaled/flipped version of
  # the high con/single grat tuning for reference...does the suppression match the response?
  offset, scale = np.nanmax(sfRats), np.nanmax(sfRats) - np.nanmin(sfRats);
  sfRef = hf.nan_rm(respMean[0, val_sfs, -1]); # high contrast tuning
  sfRefShift = offset - scale * (sfRef/np.nanmax(sfRef))
  ax[2,1].scatter(all_sfs[val_sfs][sfInds], sfRats, color=clrs_sf[sfInds], clip_on=False)
  ax[2,1].errorbar(all_sfs[val_sfs][sfInds], sfRats, sfRatStd, color='k', linestyle='-', clip_on=False, label='suppression tuning')
  #         ax[2,1].plot(all_sfs[val_sfs][sfInds], sfRats, 'k-', clip_on=False, label='suppression tuning')
  ax[2,1].plot(all_sfs[val_sfs], sfRefShift, 'k--', label='ref. tuning', clip_on=False)
  ax[2,1].axhline(1, ls='--', color='k')
  ax[2,1].set_xlabel('sf (cpd)')
  ax[2,1].set_xlim((0.1, 10));
  #ax[2,1].set_xlim((np.min(all_sfs), np.max(all_sfs)));
  ax[2,1].set_ylabel('suppression ratio');
  ax[2,1].set_ylim(0.1, 10);        
  curr_suppr['supr_sf'] = sfRats;

  ### residuals from fit of suppression
  if fitz is not None:
    # mean signed error: and labels/plots for the error as f'n of SF
    ax[3,1].axhline(0, ls='--', color='k')
    ax[3,1].set_xlabel('sf (cpd)')
    ax[3,1].set_xlim((0.1, 10));
    #ax[3,1].set_xlim((np.min(all_sfs), np.max(all_sfs)));
    ax[3,1].set_ylabel('mean (signed) error');
    ax[3,1].errorbar(all_sfs[val_sfs][sfInds], sfErrs, sfErrsStd, color='k', marker='o', linestyle='-', clip_on=False)
    # -- and normalized by the prediction output response + output respeonse
    val_errs = np.logical_and(~np.isnan(sfErrsRat), np.logical_and(np.array(sfErrsIndStd)>0, np.array(sfErrsIndStd) < 2));
    norm_subset = np.array(sfErrsInd)[val_errs];
    normStd_subset = np.array(sfErrsIndStd)[val_errs];
    ax[4,1].axhline(0, ls='--', color='k')
    ax[4,1].set_xlabel('sf (cpd)')
    ax[4,1].set_xlim((0.1, 10));
    #ax[4,1].set_xlim((np.min(all_sfs), np.max(all_sfs)));
    ax[4,1].set_ylim((-1, 1));
    ax[4,1].set_ylabel('error index');
    ax[4,1].errorbar(all_sfs[val_sfs][sfInds][val_errs], norm_subset, normStd_subset, color='k', marker='o', linestyle='-', clip_on=False)
    # -- AND simply the ratio between the mixture response and the mean expected mix response (i.e. Naka-Rushton)
    # --- equivalent to the suppression ratio, but relative to the NR fit rather than perfect linear summation
    val_errs = np.logical_and(~np.isnan(sfErrsRat), np.logical_and(np.array(sfErrsRatStd)>0, np.array(sfErrsRatStd) < 2));
    rat_subset = np.array(sfErrsRat)[val_errs];
    ratStd_subset = np.array(sfErrsRatStd)[val_errs];
    #ratStd_subset = (1/np.log(2))*np.divide(np.array(sfErrsRatStd)[val_errs], rat_subset);
    ax[5,1].scatter(all_sfs[val_sfs][sfInds][val_errs], rat_subset, color=clrs_sf[sfInds][val_errs], clip_on=False)
    ax[5,1].errorbar(all_sfs[val_sfs][sfInds][val_errs], rat_subset, ratStd_subset, color='k', linestyle='-', clip_on=False, label='suppression tuning')
    ax[5,1].axhline(1, ls='--', color='k')
    ax[5,1].set_xlabel('sf (cpd)')
    ax[5,1].set_xlim((0.1, 10));
    ax[5,1].set_ylabel('suppression ratio (wrt NR)');
    ax[5,1].set_yscale('log', basey=2)
  #         ax[2,1].yaxis.set_ticks(minorticks)
    ax[5,1].set_ylim(np.power(2.0, -2), np.power(2.0, 2));
    # - compute the variance - and put that value on the plot
    errsRatVar = np.var(np.log2(sfErrsRat)[val_errs]);
    curr_suppr['sfRat_VAR'] = errsRatVar;
    ax[5,1].text(0.1, 2, 'var=%.2f' % errsRatVar);

    # compute the unsigned "area under curve" for the sfErrsInd, and normalize by the octave span of SF values considered
    val_errs = np.logical_and(~np.isnan(sfErrsRat), np.logical_and(np.array(sfErrsIndStd)>0, np.array(sfErrsIndStd) < 2));
    val_x = all_sfs[val_sfs][sfInds][val_errs];
    ind_var = np.var(np.array(sfErrsInd)[val_errs]);
    curr_suppr['sfErrsInd_VAR'] = ind_var;
    # - and put that value on the plot
    ax[4,1].text(0.1, -0.25, 'var=%.3f' % ind_var);
    curr_suppr['sfErrsInd_VAR'] = np.nan
    curr_suppr['sfRat_VAR'] = np.nan

  ### NOW, let's evaluate the derivative of the SF tuning curve and get the correlation with the errors
  mod_sfs = np.geomspace(all_sfs[0], all_sfs[-1], 1000);
  mod_resp = hf.get_descrResp(dfit_curr, mod_sfs, DoGmodel=dMod_num);
  deriv = np.divide(np.diff(mod_resp), np.diff(np.log10(mod_sfs)))
  deriv_norm = np.divide(deriv, np.maximum(np.nanmax(deriv), np.abs(np.nanmin(deriv)))); # make the maximum response 1 (or -1)
  # - then, what indices to evaluate for comparing with sfErr?
  errSfs = all_sfs[val_sfs][sfInds];
  mod_inds = [np.argmin(np.square(mod_sfs-x)) for x in errSfs];
  deriv_norm_eval = deriv_norm[mod_inds];
  # -- plot on [1, 1] (i.e. where the data is)
  ax[1,1].plot(mod_sfs, mod_resp, 'k--', label='fit (g)')
  # Duplicate "twin" the axis to create a second y-axis
  ax2 = ax[1,1].twinx();
  ax2.set_xscale('log'); # have to re-inforce log-scale?
  ax2.set_ylim([-1, 1]); # since the g' is normalized
  # make a plot with different y-axis using second axis object
  ax2.plot(mod_sfs[1:], deriv_norm, '--', color="red", label='g\'');
  ax2.set_ylabel("deriv. (normalized)",color="red")
  sns.despine(ax=ax2, offset=10, right=False);
  # -- and let's plot rescaled and shifted version in [2,1]
  offset, scale = np.nanmax(sfRats), np.nanmax(sfRats) - np.nanmin(sfRats);
  derivShift = offset - scale * (deriv_norm/np.nanmax(deriv_norm));
  ax[2,1].plot(mod_sfs[1:], derivShift, 'r--', label='deriv(ref. tuning)', clip_on=False)
  # - then, normalize the sfErrs/sfErrsInd and compute the correlation coefficient
  if fitz is not None:
    norm_sfErr = np.divide(sfErrs, np.nanmax(np.abs(sfErrs)));
    norm_sfErrInd = np.divide(sfErrsInd, np.nanmax(np.abs(sfErrsInd))); # remember, sfErrsInd is normalized per condition; this is overall
    non_nan = np.logical_and(~np.isnan(norm_sfErr), ~np.isnan(deriv_norm_eval))
    corr_nsf, corr_nsfN = np.corrcoef(deriv_norm_eval[non_nan], norm_sfErr[non_nan])[0,1], np.corrcoef(deriv_norm_eval[non_nan], norm_sfErrInd[non_nan])[0,1]
    curr_suppr['corr_derivWithErr'] = corr_nsf;
    curr_suppr['corr_derivWithErrsInd'] = corr_nsfN;
    ax[3,1].text(0.1, 0.25*np.nanmax(sfErrs), 'corr w/g\' = %.2f' % corr_nsf)
    ax[4,1].text(0.1, 0.25, 'corr w/g\' = %.2f' % corr_nsfN)
    curr_suppr['corr_derivWithErr'] = np.nan;
    curr_suppr['corr_derivWithErrsInd'] = np.nan;

  # make a polynomial fit
    hmm = np.polyfit(allSum, allMix, deg=1) # returns [a, b] in ax + b 
    hmm = [np.nan];
  curr_suppr['supr_index'] = hmm[0];

  for j in range(1):
    for jj in range(nCols):
      ax[j, jj].axis('square')
      ax[j, jj].set_xlabel('prediction: sum(components) (imp/s)');
      ax[j, jj].set_ylabel('mixture response (imp/s)');
      ax[j, jj].plot([0, 1*maxResp], [0, 1*maxResp], 'k--')
      ax[j, jj].set_xlim((-5, maxResp));
      ax[j, jj].set_ylim((-5, 1.1*maxResp));
      ax[j, jj].set_title('Suppression index: %.2f|%.2f' % (hmm[0], rel_c50))
      ax[j, jj].legend(fontsize='x-small');

  fSuper.suptitle('Superposition: %s #%d [%s; f1f0 %.2f; szSupr[dt/md] %.2f/%.2f; oriBW|CV %.2f|%.2f; tfBW %.2f]' % (cellType, which_cell, cellName, f1f0_rat, suprDat, suprMod, oriBW, oriCV, tfBW))

  if fitList is None:
    save_name = 'cell_%03d.pdf' % which_cell
    save_name = 'cell_%03d_mod%s.pdf' % (which_cell, hf.fitType_suffix(fitType))
  pdfSv = pltSave.PdfPages(str(save_locSuper + save_name));

  ### Finally, add this "superposition" to the newest 

  if to_save:

    if fitList is None:
      from datetime import datetime
      suffix ='%y%m%d')
      super_name = 'superposition_analysis_%s.npy' % suffix;
      super_name = 'superposition_analysis_mod%s.npy' % hf.fitType_suffix(fitType);

    pause_tm = 5*np.random.rand();
    print('sleeping for %d secs (#%d)' % (pause_tm, which_cell));

    if os.path.exists(dataPath + super_name):
      suppr_all = hf.np_smart_load(dataPath + super_name);
      suppr_all = dict();
    suppr_all[which_cell-1] = curr_suppr; + super_name, suppr_all);
  return curr_suppr;
Esempio n. 10
            rvcFits = None
        spikes_byComp = hf.get_spikes(expData,
        spikes = np.array([np.sum(x) for x in spikes_byComp])
        rates = True
        # when we get the spikes from rvcFits, they've already been converted into rates (in hf.get_all_fft)
        baseline_sfMix = None
        # f1 has no "DC", yadig?
    else:  # otherwise, if it's complex, just get F0
        spikes = hf.get_spikes(expData, get_f0=1, rvcFits=None, expInd=expInd)
        rates = False
        # get_spikes without rvcFits is directly from spikeCount, which is counts, not rates!
        baseline_sfMix = hf.blankResp(expData, expInd)[0]
        # we'll plot the spontaneous rate
        # why mult by stimDur? well, spikes are not rates but baseline is, so we convert baseline to count (i.e. not rate, too)
        spikes = spikes - baseline_sfMix * hf.get_exp_params(expInd).stimDur

    _, _, respOrg, respAll = hf.organize_resp(spikes, expData, expInd)
    resps, stimVals, val_con_by_disp, _, _ = hf.tabulate_responses(
        expData, expInd, overwriteSpikes=spikes, respsAsRates=rates)
    predResps = resps[2]

    respMean = resps[0]
    # equivalent to resps[0];
    respStd = np.nanstd(respAll, -1)
    # take std of all responses for a given condition
    # compute SEM, too
    findNaN = np.isnan(respAll)