Esempio n. 1
	def _update_monthly(self):
		"""Download and store monthly leaderboard table. Writes full data in data/monthly/ and calls curator."""

		data = self.get_board(2)

		written_date = helpers.utc_to_uae(datetime.datetime.utcnow())
		file_date = written_date

		# convert first day of each month to last day of previous month
		if == 1:
			file_date = file_date + datetime.timedelta(days=-1)

		# create filename
		filename = "data/monthly/" + file_date.strftime("%y-%m") + ".csv"

		needs_header = False
		if not os.path.isfile(filename):
			# file doesn't exist - needs header
			# it will be written after the file is actually created
			needs_header = True

		with open(filename, "a") as data_file:
			if needs_header:

			for row in data['board']:
				data_file.write("\n" + written_date.strftime("%m-%d-%H%M%S") +\
					"," + row['name'] +\
					"," + row['points'])

		self.curate_file("monthly", file_date, data)
Esempio n. 2
	def _update_weekly(self):
		"""Download and store weekly leaderboard table. Writes full data in data/weekly/ and calls curator."""

		data = self.get_board(1)

		# get current time in the proper timezone
		cur_date = helpers.utc_to_uae(datetime.datetime.utcnow())

		# get current date values
		weeknum = str(cur_date.isocalendar()[1])

		# create filename
		filename = "data/weekly/" + cur_date.strftime("%y") + "-" + weeknum + ".csv"

		needs_header = False
		if not os.path.isfile(filename):
			# file doesn't exist - needs header
			# it will be written after the file is actually created
			needs_header = True

		with open(filename, "a") as data_file:
			if needs_header:

			for row in data['board']:
				data_file.write("\n" + cur_date.strftime("%m-%d-%H%M%S") +\
					"," + row['name'] +\
					"," + row['points'])

		self.curate_file("weekly", cur_date, data)
Esempio n. 3
	def _download_board(self, filename, board_type):
		Downloads full leaderboard including storing player profile
		stats, writes it into a new csv, then calls the submitter.

			filename: string with path of the output date file
			board_type: string representing the board timeframe

		if board_type == "Daily":
			board_num = 0
		elif board_type == "Weekly":
			board_num = 1
		elif board_type == "Monthly":
			board_num = 2

			data = self.get_board(board_num)
		except IndexError:
			print("Error retrieving board")

		cur_date = helpers.utc_to_uae(datetime.datetime.utcnow())

		data_file = open(filename, "w")

		i = 0
		for row in data['board']:
			i += 1
			profile = self.get_profile(row['id'], board_num)

			data_file.write("," + row['name'])
			data_file.write("," + row['points'])
			data_file.write("," + profile['win-percent'])
			data_file.write("," + profile['games'])
			data_file.write("," + profile['wins'])
			data_file.write("," + profile['losses'])
			data_file.write("," + profile['save-percent'])
			data_file.write("," + profile['tags'])
			data_file.write("," + profile['popped'])
			data_file.write("," + profile['grabs'])
			data_file.write("," + profile['captures'])
			data_file.write("," + profile['hold'])
			data_file.write("," + profile['prevent'])
			data_file.write("," + profile['returns'])
			data_file.write("," + profile['support'])
			data_file.write("," + profile['powerup-percent'])
			data_file.write("," + profile['time'])
			data_file.write("," + profile['disconnects'])


		self._submit_board(board_type, cur_date, filename)
Esempio n. 4
	def _update_daily(self):
		"""Download and store daily leaderboard table. Writes full data in data/daily/ and calls curator."""

		data = self.get_board(0)
		cur_date = helpers.utc_to_uae(datetime.datetime.utcnow())

		needs_header = False
		if not os.path.isfile("data/daily/" + cur_date.strftime("%y-%m-%d") + ".csv"):
			# file doesn't exist - needs header
			# it will be written after the file is actually created
			needs_header = True

		with open("data/daily/" + cur_date.strftime("%y-%m-%d") + ".csv", "a") as data_file:
			if needs_header:

			for row in data['board']:
				data_file.write("\n" + cur_date.strftime("%H%M%S") +\
					"," + row['name'] +\
					"," + row['points'])

		self.curate_file("daily", cur_date, data)
Esempio n. 5
	def scheduler(self):
		"""Main loop - runs threaded leaderboard operations."""

		while True:
			# get current time in the proper timezone
			cur_date = helpers.utc_to_uae(datetime.datetime.utcnow())

			# get current date values
			minute = cur_date.minute
			hour = cur_date.hour
			weekday = cur_date.weekday()
			weeknum = str(cur_date.isocalendar()[1])
			day =

			# update all the data

			# monthly: called during the first of the month from 23:40-23:49
			if day == 1 and hour == 23 and minute >= 40 and minute <= 49:
				# get object of yesterday's date to have the previous month
				yesterday = cur_date + datetime.timedelta(days=-1)
				filename = "static/history/monthly/" + yesterday.strftime("%y-%m") + ".csv"
				threading.Thread(target=self._download_board, args=(filename, "Monthly")).start()

			# weekly: called every sunday from 23:40-23:49
			if weekday == 6 and hour == 23 and minute >= 40 and minute <= 49:
				filename = "static/history/weekly/" + cur_date.strftime("%y") + "-" + weeknum + ".csv"
				threading.Thread(target=self._download_board, args=(filename, "Weekly")).start()

			# daily: called everyday from 23:40-23:49
			if hour == 23 and minute >= 40 and minute <= 49:
				filename = "static/history/daily/" + cur_date.strftime("%y-%m-%d") + ".csv"
				threading.Thread(target=self._download_board, args=(filename, "Daily")).start()

			time.sleep(600) # 600 seconds = 10 minutes
Esempio n. 6
def history_monthly():
    return render_template(
        date=request.args.get("date", ""),
Esempio n. 7
def graphs_weekly():
    return render_template(
        date=request.args.get("date", ""),
Esempio n. 8
def about():
    return render_template("about.html", time=helpers.utc_to_uae(datetime.datetime.utcnow()).strftime("%H:%M:%S"))
Esempio n. 9
def home():
    # uptime = time.time() - start_time
    return render_template("home.html", time=helpers.utc_to_uae(datetime.datetime.utcnow()).strftime("%H:%M:%S"))