Esempio n. 1
def create_lesson(request, course_slug, page_slug):
	Creates a new lesson and shows the user the edit page but
	does not save the lesson to the database

	@author Matthew Tytel
	#enforcing permissions
		e = Enrollment.objects.get(course__slug = course_slug, user = request.user)
	except Enrollment.DoesNotExist:
		return custom_403(request, "User cannot create a lesson in the course because the user is not enrolled in this course")
	if not e.edit:
		return custom_403(request, "User cannot create a lesson in the course because the user does not have edit permissions on the course")

	if request.method == "POST" and "Save" in request.POST:
		name = request.POST["lessonname"].strip()
		#create a lesson (don't save) this will allow the len < 1 case to
		#save the content that the user entered, and display course name
		lesson = CreateLesson(name)
		lesson.workingCopy = lesson.content = request.POST["content"]
		lesson.course = Course.objects.get(slug=course_slug)
		if len(name) < 1:
			return master_rtr(request, 'page/lesson/edit_lesson.html', \
								 'page_slug': page_slug,
								 'message':'Lesson names must be non-empty',
								 'lesson':lesson, 'new':True})

		if saveNewLesson(request.POST['lessonname'], request.POST['content'], course_slug, page_slug) == 0:
			return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('pages.views.show_page', args=[course_slug, lesson.slug]))
			return master_rtr(request, 'page/lesson/edit_lesson.html', \
								 'page_slug': page_slug,
								 'message':'A lesson with that name already exists',
								 'lesson':lesson, 'new':True})
	lesson = CreateLesson('')
	return master_rtr(request, 'page/lesson/edit_lesson.html', \
			{'course_slug':course_slug, \
			 'course':course_slug, \
			 'page_slug':page_slug, \
			 'pid', 'new':True})
Esempio n. 2
def create_quiz(request, course_slug, page_slug):
		create_Quiz View

		This view will create a quiz and take the user to the quiz editor screen.

		@author John Hartquist
	#enforcing permissions
		e = Enrollment.objects.get(course__slug = course_slug, user = request.user)
	except Enrollment.DoesNotExist:
		return custom_403(request, "User cannot create a quiz in the course because the user is not enrolled in this course")
	if not e.edit:
		return custom_403(request, "User cannot create a quiz in the course because the user does not have edit permissions on the course")

	page_slug = safeSlug(page_slug)
	if request.method == "POST" and "Create Quiz" in request.POST:
		course = Course.objects.get(slug=course_slug)
		name = request.POST['name']
		if name == "":
			return master_rtr(request, 'page/quiz/create-quiz.html', {'message': "You may not enter a blank quiz name"})
		#exists = Quiz.objects.get(slug=slugify(name))
			exists = Quiz.objects.get(slug=slugify(name), course=course)
			return master_rtr(request, 'page/quiz/create-quiz.html', {'message': "Quiz with this name already exists"})
			newQuiz = Quiz(course=course, name=name, slug=slugify(name), text=name, upToDate=True)
			insertLastChildPage(newQuiz, Page.objects.get(slug=page_slug, course=course))
			newQuiz = Quiz.objects.get(slug=newQuiz.slug, course=course)		
			workingCopy = Quiz(course=newQuiz.course,, slug=(newQuiz.slug + "_workingCopy"),, left=0, right=0)
			return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('pages.views.edit_page', args=[course_slug, newQuiz.slug]))
		return master_rtr(request, 'page/quiz/create-quiz.html')
Esempio n. 3
def move_page(request, course_slug, page_slug):
	This view allows instructors to move pages around	in a course.
	@pre request is a Request object, other two args are strings, request.user.is_authenticated()

	@author Russell Mezzetta

	#check if the course is a real course in the database 
	data = {}
	data['course_slug'] = course_slug
	data['page_slug'] = page_slug
		data['course'] = Course.objects.get(slug=course_slug)
	except Course.DoesNotExist:
		return custom_404(request, "BAD URL: The course: %s does not exist" % (course_slug))
	#check that user has edit permissions on the course
		e = request.user.enrollments.get(course = data['course'])
		if not e.edit:
			return custom_403(request, "User does not have edit permissions on the course")
	except ObjectDoesNotExist:
		return custom_403(request, "User is not enrolled in the course")
	#check if the page is a real page in the database
		data['page'] = Page.objects.get(slug=page_slug)
	except Page.DoesNotExist:
		return custom_404(request, "ERROR: BAD URL: The course: %s does not contain the page: %s." % (course_slug, page_slug))

	#check to make sure that we are not trying to move a course-page
	if data['page'].left == 1:
		return custom_404(request, "You may not move the home page of a course")

	#save a list of all pages in the course EXCEPT the given page and exclude 
	#ignored page values (left<=0 or right<=0)
	data['pagelist'] = data['course'].pages.all().exclude(slug=page_slug).exclude(left__lte=0).exclude(right__lte=0).order_by('left')

	if request.method == "POST":
		if "referencePageID" in request.POST and "siblingOrChild" in request.POST:
			#get the page specified by refPageID from the data['pagelist']
			refPage = None
			for p in data['pagelist']:
				if p.slug == request.POST['referencePageID']:
					refPage = p
			#refPage should never be none....
			#if refPage == None:
			#	return HttpResponse("error, the previously selected page somehow is no longer in the list of pages in this course")
			#movePage should be passed lessons or quizzes, 
			#cast refPage and data['page'] appropriately
			p1 = data['page']
			try: #to cast to a lesson
				p1 = p1.lesson
			except Lesson.DoesNotExist:
				#try: #to cast to a quiz 
					p1 = p1.quiz
				#except Quiz.DoesNotExist:
				#	print "warning -- move_page view, page neither quiz nor lesson"

			p2 = refPage
			try: #to cast to a lesson
				p2 = p2.lesson
			except Lesson.DoesNotExist:
				#try: #to cast to a quiz 
					p2 = p2.quiz
				#except Quiz.DoesNotExist:
					#print "warning -- move_page view, page neither quiz nor lesson"

			if request.POST['siblingOrChild'] == "sibling":
				#move page to be the first sibling of refPage
				movePage(p1, p2)
				#move the page to be the first child of refPage
				movePageToParent(p1, p2)
			#after moving the page, redirect them to the edit view of the page
			return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('pages.views.edit_page', args=[p1.course.slug, p1.slug]))

	return master_rtr(request, 'page/move_page.html', data)