Esempio n. 1
 def _seed_alignment(self):
     # Build a Seed Alignment
     from hpf.pdb import get_seq, get_crystal
     #kdrew: this gets the atom record sequence and not the full sequence
     pdb_seq = get_seq(get_crystal(self._pdbid))
     #print "_seed_alignment pdb sequence: ", pdb_seq
     from hpf.amnh.align import SeedAlignmentFactory
     from Bio.SeqRecord import SeqRecord
     #kdrew: might change this to be pairwise2 alignment
     factory = SeedAlignmentFactory()
     alignment = factory.create(self._alignment,
     return alignment
Esempio n. 2
 def __init__(self, prediction, experiment, mapping):
     self.prediction = prediction
     self.experiment = experiment
     self.mapping = mapping
     self.pred_seq = get_seq(self.prediction)
     self.exp_seq = get_seq(self.experiment)