Esempio n. 1
def publish_cartesian_markers(arm, time_stamp, cep, rot, c1, c2, marker_id):
    marker = Marker()
    marker.header.frame_id = ar.link_tf_name(arm, 0)
    marker.header.stamp = time_stamp
    marker.ns = arm
    marker.type = Marker.ARROW
    marker.action = Marker.ADD
    marker.pose.position.x = cep[0,0]
    marker.pose.position.y = cep[1,0]
    marker.pose.position.z = cep[2,0]
    marker.scale.x = 0.1
    marker.scale.y = 0.2
    marker.scale.z = 0.2
    marker.lifetime = rospy.Duration() = marker_id*100 + 0
    #rot1 = tr.Ry(math.radians(90.)) * rot.T
    rot1 = rot * tr.rotY(math.pi/2)
    quat = tr.matrix_to_quaternion(rot1)
    marker.pose.orientation.x = quat[0]
    marker.pose.orientation.y = quat[1]
    marker.pose.orientation.z = quat[2]
    marker.pose.orientation.w = quat[3]

    marker.color.r = c1[0]
    marker.color.g = c1[1]
    marker.color.b = c1[2]
    marker.color.a = 1.
    marker_pub.publish(marker) = marker_id*100 + 1
    if arm == 'left_arm':
        #rot2 = tr.Rz(math.radians(90.)) * rot.T
        rot2 = rot * tr.rotZ(-math.pi/2)
        #rot2 = tr.Rz(math.radians(-90.)) * rot.T
        rot2 = rot * tr.rotZ(math.pi/2)

    quat = tr.matrix_to_quaternion(rot2)
    marker.pose.orientation.x = quat[0]
    marker.pose.orientation.y = quat[1]
    marker.pose.orientation.z = quat[2]
    marker.pose.orientation.w = quat[3]

    marker.color.r = c2[0]
    marker.color.g = c2[1]
    marker.color.b = c2[2]
    marker.color.a = 1.
Esempio n. 2
def publish_cartesian_markers(arm, time_stamp, cep, rot, c1, c2, marker_id):
    marker = Marker()
    marker.header.frame_id = ar.link_tf_name(arm, 0)
    marker.header.stamp = time_stamp
    marker.ns = arm
    marker.type = Marker.ARROW
    marker.action = Marker.ADD
    marker.pose.position.x = cep[0, 0]
    marker.pose.position.y = cep[1, 0]
    marker.pose.position.z = cep[2, 0]
    marker.scale.x = 0.1
    marker.scale.y = 0.2
    marker.scale.z = 0.2
    marker.lifetime = rospy.Duration() = marker_id * 100 + 0
    #rot1 = tr.Ry(math.radians(90.)) * rot.T
    rot1 = rot * tr.rotY(math.pi / 2)
    quat = tr.matrix_to_quaternion(rot1)
    marker.pose.orientation.x = quat[0]
    marker.pose.orientation.y = quat[1]
    marker.pose.orientation.z = quat[2]
    marker.pose.orientation.w = quat[3]

    marker.color.r = c1[0]
    marker.color.g = c1[1]
    marker.color.b = c1[2]
    marker.color.a = 1.
    marker_pub.publish(marker) = marker_id * 100 + 1
    if arm == 'left_arm':
        #rot2 = tr.Rz(math.radians(90.)) * rot.T
        rot2 = rot * tr.rotZ(-math.pi / 2)
        #rot2 = tr.Rz(math.radians(-90.)) * rot.T
        rot2 = rot * tr.rotZ(math.pi / 2)

    quat = tr.matrix_to_quaternion(rot2)
    marker.pose.orientation.x = quat[0]
    marker.pose.orientation.y = quat[1]
    marker.pose.orientation.z = quat[2]
    marker.pose.orientation.w = quat[3]

    marker.color.r = c2[0]
    marker.color.g = c2[1]
    marker.color.b = c2[2]
    marker.color.a = 1.
Esempio n. 3
def process_read( pf, p_start, m ):
    # Note: p_start is numpy array (Nx3) and it's weights ([:,2]) will be modified in-place!
    # m is form: RFIDread, PoseStamped (ant in map), PoseStamped (robot base in map)
    #   We assume it is a postive reading for the desired tagID!

    xy_map = np.copy( p_start[:,0:2].T )  # 2xN
    # Antenna is at position given by m.ps_ant_map.
    #   IMPORTANT NOTE: I'm assuming that the antenna XY plane is parallel to the map XY plane!
    o = m.ps_ant_map.pose.orientation
    d = m.ps_ant_map.pose.position
    roll, pitch, yaw = tft.euler_from_quaternion([ o.x, o.y, o.z, o.w ])
    dx, dy = d.x, d.y

    # Transform xy_map points into antenna frame
    t_new = tr.composeHomogeneousTransform( tr.rotZ( yaw ),
                                            np.matrix([dx,dy,0.0]).T )
    trans = tr.invertHomogeneousTransform( t_new )

    xy_new = (trans * tr.xyToHomogenous( xy_map ))[0:2]  # This is a matrix!  (2xN)
    xy_new = np.array( xy_new ) # Convert it back to array!

    # Build new particles using old weights (Nx3)
    p_new = np.column_stack([ xy_new.T, p_start[:,2] ])  # take weights from last iteration

    rv = pf.step( 0.0,, p_new, should_resample_func = pfilter.retFalse )

    # Put back the new weights:
    p_start[:,2] = rv[:,2]
Esempio n. 4
    def grid_lines(self, rotation_angle=0.):
        grid_size = np.multiply(self.grid_shape,self.resolution)
        rot_mat = tr.rotZ(rotation_angle)
        p5 = self.tlb
        p6 = p5+np.matrix([0.,-grid_size[1,0],0.]).T
        p8 = p5+np.matrix([0.,0.,-grid_size[2,0]]).T
        p7 = p8+np.matrix([0.,-grid_size[1,0],0.]).T

        p3 = self.brf
        p4 = p3+np.matrix([0.,grid_size[1,0],0.]).T
        p2 = p3+np.matrix([0.,0.,grid_size[2,0]]).T
        p1 = p2+np.matrix([0.,grid_size[1,0],0.]).T

        p1 = rot_mat*p1
        p2 = rot_mat*p2
        p3 = rot_mat*p3
        p4 = rot_mat*p4
        p5 = rot_mat*p5
        p6 = rot_mat*p6
        p7 = rot_mat*p7
        p8 = rot_mat*p8

        l = [(p1,p2),(p1,p4),(p2,p3),(p3,p4),(p5,p6),(p6,p7),(p7,p8),(p8,p5),(p1,p5),(p2,p6),(p4,p8),(p3,p7)]
        #l = [(p5,p6),(p5,p3),(p1,p2)]
        return l
Esempio n. 5
    def grid_lines(self, rotation_angle=0.):
        grid_size = np.multiply(self.grid_shape, self.resolution)
        rot_mat = tr.rotZ(rotation_angle)
        p5 = self.tlb
        p6 = p5 + np.matrix([0., -grid_size[1, 0], 0.]).T
        p8 = p5 + np.matrix([0., 0., -grid_size[2, 0]]).T
        p7 = p8 + np.matrix([0., -grid_size[1, 0], 0.]).T

        p3 = self.brf
        p4 = p3 + np.matrix([0., grid_size[1, 0], 0.]).T
        p2 = p3 + np.matrix([0., 0., grid_size[2, 0]]).T
        p1 = p2 + np.matrix([0., grid_size[1, 0], 0.]).T

        p1 = rot_mat * p1
        p2 = rot_mat * p2
        p3 = rot_mat * p3
        p4 = rot_mat * p4
        p5 = rot_mat * p5
        p6 = rot_mat * p6
        p7 = rot_mat * p7
        p8 = rot_mat * p8

        l = [(p1, p2), (p1, p4), (p2, p3), (p3, p4), (p5, p6), (p6, p7),
             (p7, p8), (p8, p5), (p1, p5), (p2, p6), (p4, p8), (p3, p7)]
        #l = [(p5,p6),(p5,p3),(p1,p2)]
        return l
Esempio n. 6
def process_read(pf, p_start, m):
    # Note: p_start is numpy array (Nx3) and it's weights ([:,2]) will be modified in-place!
    # m is form: RFIDread, PoseStamped (ant in map), PoseStamped (robot base in map)
    #   We assume it is a postive reading for the desired tagID!

    xy_map = np.copy(p_start[:, 0:2].T)  # 2xN

    # Antenna is at position given by m.ps_ant_map.
    #   IMPORTANT NOTE: I'm assuming that the antenna XY plane is parallel to the map XY plane!
    o = m.ps_ant_map.pose.orientation
    d = m.ps_ant_map.pose.position

    roll, pitch, yaw = tft.euler_from_quaternion([o.x, o.y, o.z, o.w])
    dx, dy = d.x, d.y

    # Transform xy_map points into antenna frame
    t_new = tr.composeHomogeneousTransform(tr.rotZ(yaw),
                                           np.matrix([dx, dy, 0.0]).T)
    trans = tr.invertHomogeneousTransform(t_new)

    xy_new = (trans *
              tr.xyToHomogenous(xy_map))[0:2]  # This is a matrix!  (2xN)
    xy_new = np.array(xy_new)  # Convert it back to array!

    # Build new particles using old weights (Nx3)
    p_new = np.column_stack([xy_new.T,
                                     2]])  # take weights from last iteration

    rv = pf.step(0.0,

    # Put back the new weights:
    p_start[:, 2] = rv[:, 2]
Esempio n. 7
X,Y = np.meshgrid( np.arange(-10,10,0.1),
                   np.arange(-10,10,0.1) )
xyw = np.row_stack([ X.flatten(),  # Build Nx3
                     np.ones( X.shape ).flatten() ]).T # weights (multiplicative)

p_set = np.copy( xyw )

pf = pfilter.PFilter( rfid_model.NoMotion(), rfid_model.RfidModel( rfid_model.yaml_fname ))

t0 = time.time()

rv = pf.step( 0.0, 83, p_set, should_resample_func = pfilter.retFalse ) # rv are the new weights

# New antenna is at position (5,-5) and rotated 90-deg. relative to MAP frame
t_new = tr.composeHomogeneousTransform( tr.rotZ( math.radians(90) ), np.matrix([5,-5,0]).T )
# This transform takes points from map frame into t_new:
trans = tr.invertHomogeneousTransform( t_new )
xy_new = np.array((trans * tr.xyToHomogenous( xyw[:,0:2].T) )[0:2].T)
xyw_new = np.column_stack([ xy_new, rv[:,2] ])  # take weights from last iteration

rv = pf.step( 0.0, 83, xyw_new, should_resample_func = pfilter.retFalse ) # rv are the new weights

t1 = time.time()
print 'Time: %3.2f ' % (t1 - t0)

to_print = np.copy( xyw )
to_print[:,2] = rv[:,2]  # Just keep weights, but use original points in "map" frame

Esempio n. 8
]).T  # weights (multiplicative)

xyw_orig = np.copy(xyw)

rm = rfid_model.RfidModel(rfid_model.yaml_fname)
# pf = lib_pfilter.PFilter( lib_pfilter.NoMotion(), rm, xyw )
# pf.measurement( 80 )

# Antenna reading at origin (max near 4,0)
# rv = np.copy( xyw )
rv = rm.weight_set(83, xyw)

# Move antenna to 4,-4 and rotated 90 deg
xy = xyw[:, 0:2]
trans = tr.composeHomogeneousTransform(tr.rotZ(math.radians(-90)),
                                       np.matrix([5, 5, 0]).T)
xy_new = np.array((trans * tr.xyToHomogenous(xy.T))[0:2].T)

xyw_new = np.column_stack([xy_new, rv[:,
                                      2]])  # take weights from last iteration
rv_new = rm.weight_set(83, xyw_new)

to_print = np.copy(xyw_orig)
         2] = rv_new[:,
                     2]  # Just keep weights, but use original points in "map" frame

dw = DisplayWeights()

while not rospy.is_shutdown():
Esempio n. 9
                     np.ones( X.shape ).flatten() ]).T # weights (multiplicative)

xyw_orig = np.copy( xyw )

rm = rfid_model.RfidModel( rfid_model.yaml_fname )
# pf = lib_pfilter.PFilter( lib_pfilter.NoMotion(), rm, xyw )
# pf.measurement( 80 )

# Antenna reading at origin (max near 4,0)
# rv = np.copy( xyw )
rv = rm.weight_set( 83, xyw )

# Move antenna to 4,-4 and rotated 90 deg
xy = xyw[:,0:2]
trans = tr.composeHomogeneousTransform( tr.rotZ( math.radians(-90) ), np.matrix([5,5,0]).T )
xy_new = np.array((trans * tr.xyToHomogenous( xy.T) )[0:2].T)

xyw_new = np.column_stack([ xy_new, rv[:,2] ])  # take weights from last iteration
rv_new = rm.weight_set( 83, xyw_new )

to_print = np.copy( xyw_orig )
to_print[:,2] = rv_new[:,2]  # Just keep weights, but use original points in "map" frame

dw = DisplayWeights()

while not rospy.is_shutdown():
    print 'UPDATING'
    dw.update( to_print )