def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): context = super(ProjectEditView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs) project = self.get_object() project.url_detail = project.title.replace(" ", "_") comment_list = Comment.objects.filter(Q(project=project)) selected_comment_list = comment_list.filter(Q(added_to_project=True)) #process day of the comment for comment in comment_list: = humanize.naturalday(comment.publication_date) for comment in selected_comment_list: = humanize.naturalday(comment.publication_date) comment.form = UnSelectCommentForm( initial={'idComment':}) context['project'] = project context['comment_list'] = comment_list context['num_comments'] = len(comment_list) context['select_comment_to_add_project'] = True selectedCommentForm = SelectCommentForm(project.title, if selectedCommentForm.has_comments: context['select_comment_form'] = selectedCommentForm if len(selected_comment_list) > 0: context['selected_comment_list'] = selected_comment_list return context
def respond(self, message): @with_pattern(r"in|at") def parse_type(text): return text # todo: should be handled in message class text = message.text.replace(message.get_own_mention(), '', 1) if text.startswith(":"): text = text.replace(":", "", 1) text = text.strip() pattern = "remind {whom} {type:type} {when} to {action}" res = parse(pattern, text, dict(type=parse_type)) if not res: response = BotMessage(, "the pattern is: %s" % pattern) yield from self.publisher.send_response(response) return time_struct, parse_status = cal.parse(res['when']) run_at = datetime.fromtimestamp(mktime(time_struct)) try: whom_list = self.parse_users(message, res['whom']) except InvalidUserException as e: response = BotMessage(, "Perdóname, mas: %s" % e.message) yield from self.publisher.send_response(response) return # todo: if not time if res['type'] == "in": when_readable = "%s, %s" % (humanize.naturalday(run_at), humanize.naturaltime(run_at)) else: when_readable = "%s, %s" % (humanize.naturalday(run_at), run_at.time()) # register the delayed task task = RemindTask(run_at, self.publisher, message, whom_list, res['action']) self.scheduler.register_task(task) # immediate response response = BotMessage(, "Ok, will remind _{whom}_ *{when_readable}* " "to _{action}_".format(whom=", ".join(whom_list), when_readable=when_readable, action=res['action'])) yield from self.publisher(response)
def respond(self, message): @with_pattern(r"in|at") def parse_type(text): return text # todo: should be handled in message class text = message.text.replace(message.get_own_mention(), '', 1) if text.startswith(":"): text = text.replace(":", "", 1) text = text.strip() pattern = "remind {whom} {type:type} {when} to {action}" res = parse(pattern, text, dict(type=parse_type)) if not res: response = BotMessage(, "the pattern is: %s" % pattern) yield from self.publisher.send_response(response) return time_struct, parse_status = cal.parse(res['when']) run_at = datetime.fromtimestamp(mktime(time_struct)) try: whom_list = self.parse_users(message, res['whom']) except InvalidUserException as e: response = BotMessage(, "Perdóname, mas: %s" % e.message) yield from self.publisher.send_response(response) return # todo: if not time if res['type'] == "in": when_readable = "%s, %s" % (humanize.naturalday(run_at), humanize.naturaltime(run_at)) else: when_readable = "%s, %s" % (humanize.naturalday(run_at), run_at.time()) # register the delayed task task = RemindTask(run_at, self.publisher, message, whom_list, res['action']) self.scheduler.register_task(task) # immediate response response = BotMessage(, "Ok, will remind _{whom}_ *{when_readable}* " "to _{action}_".format(whom=", ".join(whom_list), when_readable=when_readable, action=res['action'])) yield from self.publisher(response)
def dt_filter(date): """Date time filter Returns a human readable string for a datetime object. """ return '{time} {date}'.format(time=date.strftime('%H:%M'), date=humanize.naturalday(date))
def load_notes(self): if not exists(self.notes_fn): makedirs(self.notes_fn) self.notes = [] for path, folders, files in walk(self.notes_fn): if os.path.relpath(path, self.notes_fn) != '.': continue for afile in files: if (splitext(basename(afile))[1] in ('.txt')) and (afile[0] != '.'): mtime = stat(join(path, afile))[ST_MTIME] self.notes.append({ 'title': splitext(basename(afile))[0], 'category': dirname(relpath(join(afile, path), self.notes_fn)), 'last_modification': time.asctime(time.localtime(mtime)), 'natural_last_modification': humanize.naturalday( datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(mtime)), 'mtime': mtime, 'content': '', 'filepath': join(path, afile) }) self.sort_notes()
def human_date(date): def style_day(n): n = int(n) return str(n) + ("th" if 4 <= n % 100 <= 20 else { 1: "st", 2: "nd", 3: "rd" }.get(n % 10, "th")) # apply humanization fx h = humanize.naturalday(datetime.datetime.strptime(date, "%Y-%m-%d")).title() # remove zeros m0 ="([A-Za-z]+) 0([0-9])", h) if m0: h = "%s %s" % (, # style day m_day ="([A-Za-z]+) (\d+)", h) if m_day: h = "%s %s" % (, style_day( # lowercase yesterday and today if h in ['Yesterday', 'Today']: h = h.lower() return h
def load_todos(self): self.todos = [] try: for path in os.listdir(self.notes_fn): if 'todo' in path.lower(): print(path) with open(os.path.join(self.notes_fn, path), 'rb') as fh: content ='utf-8') for line in content.split('\n'): if line.startswith('- [ ]') or line.startswith( '- [x]'): try: due = parse('due:(\S*)', line).group(1)) except AttributeError: due = '' text = re.sub('( due:\S*)', '', line[5:]).strip() self.todos.append({ 'line': line[5:].strip(), 'text': text, 'due': humanize.naturalday(due), 'datetime': due, 'done': line.startswith('- [x]'), 'filename': path }) except OSError as err: print(err)
def get_cake_day(username): redditor = reddit_client.get_redditor(username) try: created_on = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(redditor.created_utc) except praw.errors.NotFound: return False return(humanize.naturalday(created_on))
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): context = super(ProjectDetailView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs) project = self.get_object() comment_list = Comment.objects.filter(project=project) #process day of the comment for comment in comment_list: = humanize.naturalday(comment.publication_date) context['comment_list'] = comment_list context['num_comments'] = len(comment_list) # display comment form if: # * user is log in # * the user dont have a comment in the project. # * the user is not the project owner if self.request.user.is_authenticated\ and not self.is_second_comment(self.request.user,project)\ and project.user.username != self.request.user.username: context['new_comment_form'] = self.get_form() project.url_detail = project.title.replace(" ", "_") context['project'] = project if project.user.username == self.request.user.username: context['display_edit_delete_button'] = True return context
def last_sync_time_natural(self): if self.last_sync_time is None: return '-' else: delta = tz=get_current_timezone()) - self.last_sync_time return humanize.naturaldelta(delta) + ' ago' if delta < timedelta( days=2) else humanize.naturalday(self.last_sync_time)
def get_change(self, change_id): Change = Query() res = == change_id) res = len(res) == 1 and res[0] or None if res: d = datetime.datetime.strptime(res["date"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") res["date_str"] = humanize.naturalday(d) return res
def get_cake_day(username): redditor = reddit_client.get_redditor(username) try: created_on = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(redditor.created_utc) except praw.errors.NotFound: return False return humanize.naturalday( created_on), redditor.comment_karma, redditor.link_karma
def dt_filter(date): """Date time filter Returns a human readable string for a datetime object. """ return '{time} {date}'.format( time=date.strftime('%H:%M'), date=humanize.naturalday(date) )
def get_all_posts(self): all_posts = self.posts.find().sort('date_added', -1) new_posts = [] for post in all_posts: post['user'] = self.users.find_one({'username':post['username']}) #find just one post['timestamp'] = humanize.naturalday( - post['date_added']) #if it is key error, mean some table doens't have that data post['old_comment'] = self.comments.find({'post_id': str(post['_id'])}) #find all post['comment'] =[] for comment in post['old_comment']: comment['user'] = self.users.find_one({'username': comment['username']}) comment['time'] = humanize.naturalday( - comment['date_added']) post['comment'].append(comment) new_posts.append(post) return new_posts
def ls(ctx, show_all): db = ctx.obj['database'] table = [['Name', 'Tags', 'Last Modified', 'Phrase']] phrases = db.all() for phrase in phrases: tags = ', '.join([x for x in phrase.get('tags')]) v = phrase.get('value') value = (v[:40] + '...' if len(v) > 40 and not show_all else v) table.append([phrase.get('key'), tags, humanize.naturalday(phrase.get('updated')), value]) output = AsciiTable(table) click.echo(output.table)
def format_time(d: datetime) -> str: """Format time relatively if necessary""" diff: timedelta = - d if diff.days >= 7: return d.strftime("%-d %B, %Y") elif 0 < diff.days < 7: return humanize.naturalday(d).capitalize() elif diff.seconds > 60: return humanize.naturaltime(d).capitalize() else: return "A few seconds ago"
def getStats(bot, msg, match): stats = bot.stats response = "I was born " response += naturalday(datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(stats['bornOn'])) response += ' and named CrashBot version '+stats['version'] response += ".\n" response += "I woke up " response += naturaltime(time.time() - stats['startTime']) response += ".\n" response += "I've answered " + str(stats['count']+1) + " commands.\n" response += "I've seen " + str(bot.users.count()) + " users." bot.respond(msg, response)
def videolink(v): detail_url = base + "videos/" + v.key + "/" revision = None try: revision = v.draft except: return None return [ "<a href ='" + detail_url + "'>" + smart_truncate(revision.title, 50) + "</a>",, humanize.naturalday(revision.modified), str(v.total_plays) ]
def search_calendar(keyword_list): """Search for listed keywords in calendar entries.""" cal_items = char.calendar_events() items = [] for _, event in cal_items[0].iteritems(): for keyword in keyword_list: if keyword in event['title'].lower(): start = humanize.naturalday( datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(event['start_ts'])) items.append('%s - %s' % (start, event['title'])) return items
def convert_date(date_to_convert): """Convert date to human readable format: Month Day Year If date is less than a day return: today or yesterday Format of date to convert: 2019-01-12T16:48:41.821037+00:00 Output: Jan 12 2019 :param date_to_convert: Date to convert :returns: Readable date """ date_parsed = parser.parse(date_to_convert).replace(tzinfo=None) delta = - datetime.timedelta(days=1) if delta < date_parsed: return humanize.naturalday(date_parsed).title() else: return date_parsed.strftime("%-d %B %Y")
def ls(ctx, show_all): db = ctx.obj["database"] table = [["Name", "Tags", "Last Modified", "Phrase"]] phrases = db.all() for phrase in phrases: tags = ", ".join([x for x in phrase.get("tags")]) v = phrase.get("value") value = v[:40] + "..." if len(v) > 40 and not show_all else v table.append([ phrase.get("key"), tags, humanize.naturalday(phrase.get("updated")), value ]) output = AsciiTable(table) click.echo(output.table)
def natural_date(date): """ A template filter for rendering dates in human-readable form, e.g. "5 days ago", etc. Example usage (in `pyjade`):: div=|natural_date """ dt = datetime.combine(date, datetime.min.time()) diff = datetime.utcnow() - dt if diff <= timedelta(days=2): return humanize.naturalday(diff) return humanize.naturaltime(diff)
def upload_movies(wk_movies: Worksheet) -> None: title = 'Filmer' if wk_movies.title == title: rows: List[Row] = [] movies: List[Movie] = db.movies() for movie in movies: rows.append(get_row_rating(movie)) row_end, col_end = len(movies) + 1, ALPHABETH[len(USERS) + 4] wk_movies.update_values(f'A2:{col_end}{row_end}', rows) latest_ratings = [ [a, humanize.naturalday(b), to_link(IMDB_LINK.format(e), c), d] for (a, b, c, d, e) in db.latest_ratings(20) ] wk_movies.update_values('M12:P31', latest_ratings) else: print(f'Wrong title on worksheet. Got {wk_movies.title} ,expected {title}')
def parse_date(string): # Parse schedule string pdt_obj, status = pdt.Calendar().parse( string) # Turn any human-written string into a pdt object datetime_obj = datetime( *pdt_obj[:6]) # Turn the object into a datetime object day = humanize.naturalday(datetime_obj, "%A").capitalize() # 'Tomorrow' or 'Wednesday' if day not in ["Today", "Tomorrow"]: # Set day to be of the format "Wednesday 24th Feb" # For full months, swap "%b" for "%B" day = " ".join([ day, humanize.ordinal(, datetime_obj.strftime("%b") ]) time = datetime_obj.strftime(" at %H%M") return datetime_obj, day + time
def get_jinja_env(): global JENV if not JENV is None: return JENV JENV = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'templates'))) def _naturalsize(v): try: return humanize.naturalsize(v) except: return "n.a." JENV.filters['humanfilesize'] = lambda v: _naturalsize(v) # JENV.filters['humanfilesize'] = lambda v: type(v) JENV.filters['humanday'] = lambda v: humanize.naturalday(v) JENV.filters['shacol'] = shasum_to_colors return JENV
def human_date(date): def style_day(n): n = int(n) return str(n)+("th" if 4<=n%100<=20 else {1:"st",2:"nd",3:"rd"}.get(n%10, "th")) # apply humanization fx h = humanize.naturalday(datetime.datetime.strptime(date, "%Y-%m-%d")).title() # remove zeros m0 ="([A-Za-z]+) 0([0-9])", h) if m0: h = "%s %s" % (, ) # style day m_day ="([A-Za-z]+) (\d+)", h) if m_day: h = "%s %s" % (, style_day( ) # lowercase yesterday and today if h in ['Yesterday', 'Today']: h = h.lower() return h
def get_changelog(self, **filters): # limited set of supported filters def has_tag(tags, tag): return tag in tags def _since(date, since): return date >= since def _until(date, until): return date <= until Change = Query() query = [] if "tag" in filters: query.append(Change.tags.test(has_tag, filters["tag"])) if "since" in filters: query.append(, filters["since"])) if "until" in filters: query.append(, filters["until"])) if query == []: res = self.changes else: fquery = query[0] for q in query[1:]: fquery = fquery & q res = changes = [] for line in res: d = datetime.datetime.strptime(line["date"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") line["date_str"] = humanize.naturalday(d) changes.append((d, line)) changes.sort() return reversed([change for _, change in changes])
async def upcoming(self, ctx): now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() two_days = now + datetime.timedelta(days=2) events_result = await asyncify(lambda: calendarId=config['google_api_auth']['calendar_id'], timeMin=time_format(now), timeMax=time_format(two_days), singleEvents=True, orderBy='startTime').execute()) events = events_result.get('items', []) if len(events) == 0: await timed_send(ctx, 'not much is happening') else: await timed_send(ctx, 'starting soon (24-hour times, Pacific):') now = for event in events: if 'date' not in event['start']: start = parse_datetime(event['start']['dateTime']) end = parse_datetime(event['end']['dateTime']) if == await ctx.send('{} from {} to {}: {}'.format( naturalday(, start.time().strftime('%H:%M'), end.time().strftime('%H:%M'), event['summary']))
def format_humanize_naturalday(tmp): if not tmp: return 'n/a' return humanize.naturalday(tmp)
exit(0) print("your stats for " + sys.argv[1]) print() whole_time = 0 for key in all_times.keys(): # print(all_times[key]) start_time = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(float(key)) start_time_readable = start_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") end_time = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(float(all_times[key].get("end_time", None))) end_time_readable = end_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") diff = float(all_times[key].get("end_time", None)) - float(key) diff_datetime = datetime.timedelta(seconds=diff) whole_time += float(all_times[key].get("end_time", None)) - float(key) print("Session: (" + humanize.naturalday(start_time) + ") " + " duration: " + str(diff_datetime) + "s") print(str(start_time_readable) + " - " + end_time_readable) if all_times[key].get("description", None): print(" description: " + all_times[key].get("description", None)) perc_act = percentage_activity(all_times[key].get("focus_times")) for wmname in perc_act.keys(): print(" " + str(round(perc_act[wmname], 2)) + "% - " + wmname[:25]) print() print("whole time spent on this project: " + str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=whole_time)))
def human_date(date): return humanize.naturalday(datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(date))
secrets = open('graphapi.secret', 'r') at = util.get_fb_token(secrets.readline().strip(), secrets.readline().strip()) graph = facebook.GraphAPI(access_token = at, version = '2.2') results = open('EventChart.result', 'w+') results.write("------------------- Upcoming Events -------------------\n---------------------------------------------------------------\n\n") csv = open('EventChart.csv', 'w+') csv.write("Name,Date,Addresses,Venue,Facebook Page\n") for event_id in event_ids: event = graph.get_object( id = event_id) name = re.sub("\(.*\)","",event['name']) print event['place'] date = datetime.datetime.strptime(event['start_time'][:10], "%Y-%m-%d") date = humanize.naturalday(date).title() city = event['place']['location']['city'] state = event['place']['location']['state'] address = event['place']['location']['street'] location = event['place']['name'] url = ""+event_id results.write(date + " - " + name + " [" + city + ", " + state + "]\n"+url+"\n----------------------------------------------------------------\n") csv.write(name+","+date+","+address+","+location+","+url+"\n") results.close() csv.close()
import datetime import humanize import time start_day = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time() - 3600) print(humanize.naturaltime(start_day)) print(start_day) if __name__ == "__main__": print(humanize.naturalday( + datetime.timedelta(seconds=3600*24))) print(humanize.naturalday(1516446617))
def date_fmt(self): return humanize.naturalday(
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- __author__ = 'ipetrash' # SOURCE: # pip install humanize import humanize # Date & time humanization: import datetime as DT print(humanize.naturalday( # 'today' print(humanize.naturalday( - DT.timedelta(days=1))) # 'yesterday' print(humanize.naturalday(, 6, 5))) # 'Jun 05' print() print(DT.timedelta(seconds=1001)) # '0:16:41' print(humanize.naturaldelta(DT.timedelta(seconds=1001))) # '16 minutes' print(humanize.naturaldelta(DT.timedelta(seconds=5))) # '5 seconds' print(humanize.naturaldelta(DT.timedelta(hours=30))) # 'a day' print(humanize.naturaldelta(DT.timedelta(hours=60))) # '2 days' print() print(humanize.naturaldate(, 6, 5))) # 'Jun 05 2007' print(humanize.naturaldate(, 6, 5))) # 'Jun 05 2007' print() print(humanize.naturaltime( - DT.timedelta(seconds=1))) # 'a second ago'
def naturalday(context, value, format='%b %d'): return humanize.naturalday(value, format)
def human_datetime(date): date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(date) return '{0}, {1}'.format(humanize.naturalday(date), humanize.naturaltime(date))
def naturalTime(self, date_time): if not isinstance(date_time, datetime.datetime): raise TypeError(date_time + ' is not an instance of type datetime.datetime') return humanize.naturalday(date_time)
def getnextevent(): """ Loops through all calendars and prints the next even in each one """ credentials = get_credentials() http = credentials.authorize(httplib2.Http()) service ="calendar", "v3", http=http) # 'Z' needed for calendar API now = datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat( ) + 'Z' # 'Z' indicates UTC time #now = + 'Z' # 'Z' indicates UTC time today = today = datetime.datetime.strptime(today, "%Y-%m-%d") location = 'Australia/Perth' tz = timezone(location) # Need to change times to non-naive event_title_low = None page_token = None calendar_list = service.calendarList().list(pageToken=page_token).execute() # Get next event in each calendar timed_events = [] allday_events = [] for calendar_list_entry in calendar_list['items']: eventsResult = ( calendarId=calendar_list_entry['id'], timeMin=now, singleEvents=True, orderBy="startTime", maxResults=2, ).execute()) event = eventsResult.get("items", []) if event != []: #Determine start time try: event_time = {event[0]["start"]["dateTime"]} for start_time in event_time: if start_time[-1] == 'Z': start_time = datetime.datetime.strptime( start_time, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") start_time = start_time + datetime.timedelta(hours=8) start_time = tz.localize(start_time) else: start_time = datetime.datetime.strptime( start_time, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z') #calendar_entry = [start_time, end_time, event[0]["summary"]] #timed_events.append(calendar_entry) except: event_time = {event[0]["start"]["date"]} for start_time in event_time: start_time = start_time #calendar_entry = [start_time, end_time, event[0]["summary"]] #allday_events.append(calendar_entry) #Determine end time try: event_time = {event[0]["end"]["dateTime"]} for end_time in event_time: if end_time[-1] == 'Z': end_time = datetime.datetime.strptime( end_time, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") end_time = end_time + datetime.timedelta(hours=8) end_time = tz.localize(end_time) else: end_time = datetime.datetime.strptime( end_time, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z') duration = end_time - start_time duration = duration.seconds calendar_entry = [ start_time, end_time, event[0]["summary"], duration ] timed_events.append(calendar_entry) except: event_time = {event[0]["end"]["date"]} for end_time in event_time: end_time = end_time calendar_entry = [start_time, end_time, event[0]["summary"]] allday_events.append(calendar_entry) event_start_low = allday_events[0][0] for i in allday_events: #print(f'{i[0]} - {i[1]}: {i[2]}') if i[0] <= event_start_low: event_start_low = i[0] lowest_allday = [i[0], i[1], i[2]] event_start_low = timed_events[0][0] for i in timed_events: #Only want events shorter than 11hrs #print(f'{i[0]} - {i[1]}: {i[2]}') if i[0] <= event_start_low and 1 < i[3] < 39601: event_start_low = i[0] lowest_timed = [i[0], i[1], i[2], i[3]] #Determine which is lower #If event occurs less than 24hrs after allday event starts its in the same day if (lowest_timed[0] - tz.localize( datetime.datetime.strptime(lowest_allday[0], "%Y-%m-%d"))).seconds < 86400: start_time_print = humanize.naturalday( lowest_timed[0]).title() + "-" + datetime.datetime.strftime( lowest_timed[0], "%H:%M") #start_time_print = datetime.datetime.strftime(lowest_timed[0], "%H:%M") print(f'{start_time_print}-{lowest_timed[2]}') #print(lowest_timed) elif str( datetime.datetime.strftime(, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) == str( datetime.datetime.strptime( lowest_allday[0], "%Y-%m-%d")): print(f'Today: {lowest_allday[2]}')
def step_impl(context): start_time = context.post_email['start_time'] response = context.post_email['response'] assert humanize.naturalday(start_time) in'utf8')
def humanize_date(time): return humanize.naturalday(time)
if FLAGS.print_report: print '\n\n==== %s ====' % char_name categories, tx_details = get_journal_tx() add_market_tx(categories) if FLAGS.print_report: if categories: print '\n%10s %12s %12s %12s %12s' % ( 'Summary', 'Bounties', 'Duty', 'Sales', 'Purchases') for date in sorted(categories.keys()): cats = categories[date] print '%10s: %12s %12s %12s %12s' % ( humanize.naturalday(date), humanize.intcomma(int(cats['bounties'])), humanize.intcomma(int(cats['duty'])), humanize.intcomma(int(cats['sales'])), humanize.intcomma(int(cats['purchases'])), ) info, _, _ = char.wallet_info() print '\nBalance: %s' % humanize.intcomma(info['balance']) get_contracts(2 * 24 * 60 * 60) events = [] if keywords: events.extend(search_calendar(keywords))
async def updateCard(self, trainer): dailyDiff = await self.getDiff(trainer, 1) level = trainer.level embed = discord.Embed(timestamp=dailyDiff.new_date, colour=int("#", ""), 16)) try: embed.set_author(name=trainer.username, icon_url=trainer.account().discord().avatar_url) except: embed.set_author(name=trainer.username) embed.add_field(name='Level', value=level.level) if level.level != 40: embed.add_field(name='XP', value='{:,} / {:,}'.format( trainer.update.xp - level.total_xp, level.xp_required)) else: embed.add_field(name='Total XP', value='{}'.format(humanize.intword( level.total_xp))) if dailyDiff.change_xp and dailyDiff.change_time: gain = '{:,} since {}. '.format( dailyDiff.change_xp, humanize.naturalday(dailyDiff.old_date)) if dailyDiff.change_time.days > 1: gain += "That's {:,} xp/day.".format( round(dailyDiff.change_xp / dailyDiff.change_time.days)) embed.add_field(name='Gain', value=gain) if trainer.goal_daily and dailyDiff.change_time.days > 0: dailyGoal = trainer.goal_daily embed.add_field(name='Daily completion', value='{}% towards {:,}'.format( pycent.percentage( dailyDiff.change_xp / max(1, dailyDiff.change_time.days), dailyGoal), dailyGoal)) if trainer.goal_total and trainer.goal_total != 0: totalGoal = trainer.goal_total elif level.level < 40: totalGoal = trainerdex.Level.from_level(level.level + 1).total_xp else: totalGoal = None if totalGoal: totalDiff = await self.getDiff(trainer, 7) embed.add_field(name='Goal remaining', value='{:,} out of {}'.format( totalGoal - totalDiff.new_xp, humanize.intword(totalGoal))) if totalDiff.change_time.seconds >= 1: eta = lambda x, y, z: round(x / (y / z)) eta = eta(totalGoal - totalDiff.new_xp, totalDiff.change_xp, totalDiff.change_time.total_seconds()) eta = totalDiff.new_date + datetime.timedelta(seconds=eta) embed.add_field(name='Goal ETA', value=humanize.naturaltime( eta.replace(tzinfo=None))) if totalDiff.change_time.total_seconds() < 583200: embed.description = "ETA may be inaccurate. Using {} of data.".format( humanize.naturaldelta(totalDiff.change_time)) embed.set_footer(text="Total XP: {:,}".format(dailyDiff.new_xp)) return embed
def test_naturalday(test_args, expected): assert humanize.naturalday(*test_args) == expected
if FLAGS.print_report: print '\n\n==== %s ====' % char_name categories, tx_details = get_journal_tx() add_market_tx(categories) if FLAGS.print_report: if categories: print '\n%10s %12s %12s %12s %12s' % ( 'Summary', 'Bounties', 'Duty', 'Sales', 'Purchases') for date in sorted(categories.keys()): cats = categories[date] print '%10s: %12s %12s %12s %12s' % ( humanize.naturalday(date), humanize.intcomma(int(cats['bounties'])), humanize.intcomma(int(cats['duty'])), humanize.intcomma(int(cats['sales'])), humanize.intcomma(int(cats['purchases'])), ) info, _, _ = char.wallet_info() print '\nBalance: %s' % humanize.intcomma(info['balance']) get_contracts(2*24*60*60) events = [] if keywords: events.extend(search_calendar(keywords))
def _humanize_date_filter(obj): return naturalday(obj)
def datetime_to_text(dt: datetime.datetime) -> str: date_str = humanize.naturalday(dt, format="%A %B %-d") time_str = dt.strftime("%-I %-M %p") return f"{date_str} at {time_str}"