Esempio n. 1
    def _filter_param_by_context(self, name, env=None):
        Filter params on attribute named ``name`` by environment ``env``.

        For example:

        >>> from ipalib.config import Env
        >>> class Example(HasParam):
        ...     takes_args = (
        ...         Str('foo_only', include=['foo']),
        ...         Str('not_bar', exclude=['bar']),
        ...         'both',
        ...     )
        ...     def get_args(self):
        ...         return self._get_param_iterable('args')
        >>> eg = Example()
        >>> foo = Env(context='foo')
        >>> bar = Env(context='bar')
        >>> another = Env(context='another')
        >>> (foo.context, bar.context, another.context)
        (u'foo', u'bar', u'another')
        >>> list(eg._filter_param_by_context('args', foo))
        [Str('foo_only', include=['foo']), Str('not_bar', exclude=['bar']), Str('both')]
        >>> list(eg._filter_param_by_context('args', bar))
        >>> list(eg._filter_param_by_context('args', another))
        [Str('not_bar', exclude=['bar']), Str('both')]
        env = getattr(self, 'env', env)
        get_name = 'get_' + name
        if not hasattr(self, get_name):
            raise NotImplementedError(
                '%s.%s()' % (, get_name)
        get = getattr(self, get_name)
        if not callable(get):
            raise TypeError(
                '%s.%s must be a callable; got %r' % (, get_name, get)
        for spec in get():
            param = create_param(spec)
            if env is None or param.use_in_context(env):
                if env is not None and not hasattr(param, 'env'):
                    # Force specified environment. The way it is done is violation of ReadOnly promise.
                    # Unfortunately, all alternatives are worse from both performance and code complexity
                    # points of view. See following threads on freeipa-devel@ for references:
                    object.__setattr__(param, 'env', env)
                yield param
Esempio n. 2
    def _filter_param_by_context(self, name, env=None):
        Filter params on attribute named ``name`` by environment ``env``.

        For example:

        >>> from ipalib.config import Env
        >>> class Example(HasParam):
        ...     takes_args = (
        ...         Str('foo_only', include=['foo']),
        ...         Str('not_bar', exclude=['bar']),
        ...         'both',
        ...     )
        ...     def get_args(self):
        ...         return self._get_param_iterable('args')
        >>> eg = Example()
        >>> foo = Env(context='foo')
        >>> bar = Env(context='bar')
        >>> another = Env(context='another')
        >>> (foo.context, bar.context, another.context)
        (u'foo', u'bar', u'another')
        >>> list(eg._filter_param_by_context('args', foo))
        [Str('foo_only', include=['foo']), Str('not_bar', exclude=['bar']), Str('both')]
        >>> list(eg._filter_param_by_context('args', bar))
        >>> list(eg._filter_param_by_context('args', another))
        [Str('not_bar', exclude=['bar']), Str('both')]
        env = getattr(self, 'env', env)
        get_name = 'get_' + name
        if not hasattr(self, get_name):
            raise NotImplementedError(
                '%s.%s()' % (, get_name)
        get = getattr(self, get_name)
        if not callable(get):
            raise TypeError(
                '%s.%s must be a callable; got %r' % (, get_name, get)
        for spec in get():
            param = create_param(spec)
            if env is None or param.use_in_context(env):
                if env is not None and not hasattr(param, 'env'):
                    # Force specified environment. The way it is done is violation of ReadOnly promise.
                    # Unfortunately, all alternatives are worse from both performance and code complexity
                    # points of view. See following threads on freeipa-devel@ for references:
                    object.__setattr__(param, 'env', env)
                yield param
Esempio n. 3
 def get_params(self):
     This method gets called by `HasParam._create_param_namespace()`.
     for spec in self._get_param_iterable('params'):
         if type(spec) is str:
             key = spec.rstrip('?*+')
             assert isinstance(spec, Param)
             key =
         yield create_param(spec)
     def get_key(p):
         if p.param.required:
             if p.param.default_from is None:
                 return 0
             return 1
         return 2
Esempio n. 4
 def get_params(self):
     This method gets called by `HasParam._create_param_namespace()`.
     for spec in self._get_param_iterable('params'):
         if type(spec) is str:
             key = spec.rstrip('?*+')
             assert isinstance(spec, Param)
             key =
         yield create_param(spec)
     def get_key(p):
         if p.param.required:
             if p.param.default_from is None:
                 return 0
             return 1
         return 2