Esempio n. 1
    def get_clean_steps(self, task):
        """Get the list of clean steps from the agent.

        :param task: a TaskManager object containing the node

        :returns: A list of clean step dictionaries
        new_priorities = {
            'erase_devices': CONF.deploy.erase_devices_priority,
        return deploy_utils.agent_get_clean_steps(
            task, interface='deploy', override_priorities=new_priorities)
Esempio n. 2
    def get_clean_steps(self, task):
        """Get the list of clean steps from the agent.

        :param task: a TaskManager object containing the node
        :raises NodeCleaningFailure: if the clean steps are not yet
            available (cached), for example, when a node has just been
            enrolled and has not been cleaned yet.
        :returns: A list of clean step dictionaries
        new_priorities = {
            'erase_devices': CONF.deploy.erase_devices_priority,
        return deploy_utils.agent_get_clean_steps(
            task, interface='deploy', override_priorities=new_priorities)
Esempio n. 3
    def get_clean_steps(self, task):
        """Get the list of clean steps from the agent.

        :param task: a TaskManager object containing the node
        :returns: A list of clean step dictionaries
        steps = deploy_utils.agent_get_clean_steps(task)
        if CONF.ilo.clean_priority_erase_devices is not None:
            for step in steps:
                if (step.get('step') == 'erase_devices'
                        and step.get('interface') == 'deploy'):
                    # Override with operator set priority
                    step['priority'] = CONF.ilo.clean_priority_erase_devices

        return steps
Esempio n. 4
    def get_clean_steps(self, task):
        """Get the list of clean steps from the agent.

        :param task: a TaskManager object containing the node
        :returns: A list of clean step dictionaries

        # TODO(stendulker): All drivers use CONF.deploy.erase_devices_priority
        # agent_ilo driver should also use the same. Defect has been filed for
        # the same.
        new_priorities = {
            'erase_devices': CONF.ilo.clean_priority_erase_devices,
        return deploy_utils.agent_get_clean_steps(
            task, interface='deploy', override_priorities=new_priorities)
Esempio n. 5
    def get_clean_steps(self, task):
        """Get the list of clean steps from the agent.

        :param task: a TaskManager object containing the node
        :raises NodeCleaningFailure: if the clean steps are not yet
            available (cached), for example, when a node has just been
            enrolled and has not been cleaned yet.
        :returns: A list of clean step dictionaries

        # TODO(stendulker): All drivers use CONF.deploy.erase_devices_priority
        # agent_ilo driver should also use the same. Defect has been filed for
        # the same.
        new_priorities = {
            'erase_devices': CONF.ilo.clean_priority_erase_devices,
        return deploy_utils.agent_get_clean_steps(
            task, interface='deploy', override_priorities=new_priorities)
Esempio n. 6
    def get_clean_steps(self, task):
        """Get the list of clean steps from the agent.

        :param task: a TaskManager object containing the node

        :returns: A list of clean step dictionaries. If bash ramdisk is
            used for this node, it returns an empty list.
        # TODO(rameshg87): Remove the below code once we stop supporting
        # bash ramdisk in Ironic. No need to log warning because we have
        # already logged it in pass_deploy_info.
        if 'agent_url' not in task.node.driver_internal_info:
            return []

        steps = deploy_utils.agent_get_clean_steps(
                'erase_devices': CONF.deploy.erase_devices_priority
        return steps