Esempio n. 1
def purge_unknown_traceroutes (conn, unknown_traceroutes_db):
    if not lock.acquire ():
        return False

    if not conn:
        conn = ixmaps.DBConnect.getConnection()

    unknown_traceroutes = unknown_traceroutes_db.dictresult()
    if len(unknown_traceroutes) == 0:

    ids_to_purge = ""
    was_previous_traceroute = False
    for traceroute in unknown_traceroutes:
        if was_previous_traceroute:
            ids_to_purge += ", "
            was_previous_traceroute = True

        ids_to_purge += str(traceroute['id'])

    qstr = "delete from traceroute_traits where id in (%s)" % (ids_to_purge)
    # print qstr
    conn.query (qstr)

    qstr = "delete from traceroute_countries where traceroute_id in (%s)" \
           % (ids_to_purge)
    # print qstr
    conn.query (qstr)

    return True
Esempio n. 2
            owners = create_from_file({}, CHOwner.factory, "owners.txt")
            print owners
        if show_chotels:
            chotels = create_from_file({}, CHotel.factory, "chotels.txt")
            print chotels

        for tr_elem in tr:
            #print al.query_dquad(tr_elem.dquad)
            if show_chotels:
        print tr

    elif do_update_ip_addr_info:
        if lock.acquire():
            conn = DBConnect.getConnection()
            addrs = get_unknown_ip_addrs(conn)
            #print addrs
            tr = [TRNode(dq_to_num(t), 0.0) for t in addrs]
            for tr_elem in tr:
            #print tr
            print "cannot acquire lock file"
Esempio n. 3
def add_traceroutes (conn, new_traceroutes_db, be_verbose=False):
    if not lock.acquire ():
        return False

    if not conn:
        conn = ixmaps.DBConnect.getConnection()
    new_traceroutes = new_traceroutes_db.dictresult()

    insert_into_traits = ""
    insert_into_countries = ""

    for traceroute in new_traceroutes:

        traceroute_id = traceroute['id']

        if be_verbose:
            print traceroute_id

        qres = conn.query ("select * from tr_item where traceroute_id=%i" 
                            % traceroute_id)

        tr_body = qres.dictresult()

        if not tr_body: continue

        (nhops, nattempts) = get_tr_items_dim (tr_body)

        ipaddrs = [None] * nhops
        # ip_info = [None] * nhops

        # print "tr_body:" , tr_body

        for probe in tr_body:
            # print "    probe['hop']:", probe['hop']
            hop = probe['hop']-1

            # --- There are multiple attempts for each hop, but we
            #     only need one, so, after you aquire an IP, ignore
            #     further attempts ---
            if (ipaddrs[hop]):
            ipaddrs[hop] = probe['ip_addr']

        # for hop in range (nhops):
            # ip_info[hop] = ixmaps.get_ip_addr_info (ipaddrs[hop], conn)

        ip_info = get_ip_addr_info_list (ipaddrs, conn)

        number_of_ips = len(ip_info)

        is_nsa = False
        # print "ip_info:", ip_info
        # print "len(ip_info):", len (ip_info)
        # print "len(ipaddrs):", len(ipaddrs)
        # print "ipaddrs:", ipaddrs
        # print "number_of_ips:", number_of_ips

        # print "for hop in range (number_of_ips):"
        for hop in range (number_of_ips):
            # print '    ipaddrs[' + str(hop) + ']:', ipaddrs[hop]
            pr_addr = ipaddrs[hop]
            # print (ip_info[hop])
            is_nsa = ixmaps.is_nsa(ip_info[hop])
            # print "    is_nsa:", is_nsa
            if is_nsa == True:

        is_chotel = False
        # print "for hop in range (number_of_ips):"
        for hop in range (number_of_ips):
            pr_addr = ipaddrs[hop]
            # print "    ip_info[" + str(hop) + "]: ", ip_info[hop]
            is_chotel = ixmaps.is_chotel(ip_info[hop])
            if is_chotel == True:

        canada_flag = False
        us_flag = False
        for hop in range (number_of_ips):
            pr_addr = ipaddrs[hop]
            country = ixmaps.get_country (ip_info[hop])
            if country == "CA":
                canada_flag = True
            if country == "US":
                us_flag = True
            if (canada_flag == True) and (us_flag == True):

        # --- Remove, so as not to get an SQL error, just in case some
        #     traits-data for this traceroute already exists ---
        conn.query ("delete from traceroute_traits where id = %i" % traceroute_id)
        conn.query ("""insert into traceroute_traits (id, nsa, hotel)
        values (%i, %s, %s)""" % (traceroute_id, is_nsa, is_chotel))

        # --- Remove, so as not to get an SQL error, just in case some
        #     country-data for this traceroute already exists ---
        if canada_flag or us_flag:
            conn.query("delete from traceroute_countries where traceroute_id = %s" \
                       % (traceroute_id) )

            if canada_flag:
                conn.query ("""insert into traceroute_countries (country_code, traceroute_id)
                values ('CA', %i)""" % traceroute_id)
            if us_flag:
                conn.query ("""insert into traceroute_countries (country_code, traceroute_id)
                values ('US', %i)""" % traceroute_id)

    return True
Esempio n. 4
def build_tables(conn):
    if not lock.acquire ():
        return False

    if not conn:
        conn = ixmaps.DBConnect.getConnection()

    # --- Create traceroute_traits table ---
    conn.query ("""
    -- Name: traceroute_traits; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: ixmaps; Tablespace: 
    CREATE TABLE traceroute_traits (
        id integer PRIMARY KEY,
        nsa boolean,
        hotel boolean
    ALTER TABLE public.traceroute_traits OWNER TO ixmaps;
    -- Name: traceroute_traits; Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: ixmaps
    REVOKE ALL ON TABLE traceroute_traits FROM PUBLIC;
    REVOKE ALL ON TABLE traceroute_traits FROM ixmaps;
    GRANT ALL ON TABLE traceroute_traits TO ixmaps;
    GRANT SELECT ON TABLE traceroute_traits TO PUBLIC;

    # --- Create traceroute_countries table ---
    conn.query ("""
    -- Name: traceroute_countries; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: ixmaps; Tablespace: 
    CREATE TABLE traceroute_countries (
        country_code character(2) NOT NULL,
        traceroute_id integer NOT NULL,
        PRIMARY KEY (country_code, traceroute_id)
    ALTER TABLE public.traceroute_countries OWNER TO ixmaps;
    -- Name: traceroute_countries; Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: ixmaps
    REVOKE ALL ON TABLE traceroute_countries FROM PUBLIC;
    REVOKE ALL ON TABLE traceroute_countries FROM ixmaps;
    GRANT ALL ON TABLE traceroute_countries TO ixmaps;
    GRANT SELECT ON TABLE traceroute_countries TO PUBLIC;

    # # --- Create countries table ---
    # conn.query = ("""
    # --
    # -- Name: country; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: ixmaps; Tablespace: 
    # --
    # CREATE TABLE country (
        # code character(2) NOT NULL,
        # name character varying(27)
    # );
    # ALTER TABLE OWNER TO ixmaps;
    # --
    # -- Data for Name: country; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: ixmaps
    # --
    # COPY country (code, name) FROM stdin;
    # CA	Canada
    # US	United States
    # xx	Unknown
    # \.
    # """)

    return True