Esempio n. 1
class CacheManager(object):
    """The librosa cache manager class wraps joblib.Memory
    with a __call__ attribute, so that it may act as a function.

    Additionally, it provides a caching level filter, so that
    different functions can be cached or not depending on the user's
    preference for speed vs. storage usage.
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):

        level = kwargs.pop("level", 10)

        # Initialize the memory object
        self.memory = Memory(*args, **kwargs)
        # The level parameter controls which data we cache
        # smaller numbers mean less caching
        self.level = level

    def __call__(self, level):
        """Example usage:

        def semi_important_function(some_arguments):
        def wrapper(function):
            """Decorator function.  Adds an input/output cache to
            the specified function."""
            if self.memory.location is not None and self.level >= level:
                return _decorator_apply(self.memory.cache, function)

                return function

        return wrapper

    def clear(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.memory.clear(*args, **kwargs)

    def eval(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.memory.eval(*args, **kwargs)

    def format(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.memory.format(*args, **kwargs)

    def reduce_size(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.memory.reduce_size(*args, **kwargs)

    def warn(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.memory.warn(*args, **kwargs)
Esempio n. 2
#   'type': 'audio'},

# For use during debugging
# from pprint import pprint

TMPDIR = "/var/tmp"

    CACHE_DIR_PREFIX, "tizonia-" + getpass.getuser() + "-tunein")

FORMAT = ("[%(asctime)s] [%(levelname)5s] [%(thread)d] "
          "[%(module)s:%(funcName)s:%(lineno)d] - %(message)s")


if os.environ.get("TIZONIA_TUNEINPROXY_DEBUG"):
    from traceback import print_exception

class ConfigColors:
Esempio n. 3
class Context(object):
    """Handle function disk and memory caching with joblib.

    Memcaching a function is used to save *in memory* the output of the function for all
    passed inputs. Input should be hashable. NumPy arrays are supported. The contents of the
    memcache in memory can be persisted to disk with `context.save_memcache()` and

    Caching a function is used to save *on disk* the output of the function for all passed
    inputs. Input should be hashable. NumPy arrays are supported. This is to be preferred
    over memcache when the inputs or outputs are large, and when the computations are longer
    than loading the result from disk.


    cache_dir : str
        The directory in which the cache will be created.
    verbose : int
        The verbosity level passed to joblib Memory.


    def my_function(x):
        return x * x

    def my_function(x):
        return x * x

    """Maximum cache size, in bytes."""
    cache_limit = 2 * 1024**3  # 2 GB

    def __init__(self, cache_dir, verbose=0):
        self.verbose = verbose
        # Make sure the cache directory exists.
        self.cache_dir = Path(cache_dir).expanduser()
        if not self.cache_dir.exists():
            logger.debug("Create cache directory `%s`.", self.cache_dir)

        # Ensure the memcache directory exists.
        path = self.cache_dir / 'memcache'
        if not path.exists():

        self._memcache = {}

    def _set_memory(self, cache_dir):
        """Create the joblib Memory instance."""

        # Try importing joblib.
            from joblib import Memory
            self._memory = Memory(location=self.cache_dir,
            logger.debug("Initialize joblib cache dir at `%s`.",
            logger.debug("Reducing the size of the cache if needed.")
        except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
                "Joblib is not installed. Install it with `conda install joblib`."
            self._memory = None

    def cache(self, f):
        """Cache a function using the context's cache directory."""
        if self._memory is None:  # pragma: no cover
            logger.debug("Joblib is not installed: skipping caching.")
            return f
        assert f
        # NOTE: discard self in instance methods.
        if 'self' in inspect.getfullargspec(f).args:
            ignore = ['self']
            ignore = None
        disk_cached = self._memory.cache(f, ignore=ignore)
        return disk_cached

    def load_memcache(self, name):
        """Load the memcache from disk (pickle file), if it exists."""
        path = self.cache_dir / 'memcache' / (name + '.pkl')
        if path.exists():
            logger.debug("Load memcache for `%s`.", name)
            with open(str(path), 'rb') as fd:
                cache = load(fd)
            cache = {}
        self._memcache[name] = cache
        return cache

    def save_memcache(self):
        """Save the memcache to disk using pickle."""
        for name, cache in self._memcache.items():
            path = self.cache_dir / 'memcache' / (name + '.pkl')
            logger.debug("Save memcache for `%s`.", name)
            with open(str(path), 'wb') as fd:
                dump(cache, fd)

    def memcache(self, f):
        """Cache a function in memory using an internal dictionary."""
        name = _fullname(f)
        cache = self.load_memcache(name)

        def memcached(*args, **kwargs):
            """Cache the function in memory."""
            # The arguments need to be hashable. Much faster than using hash().
            h = args
            out = cache.get(h, None)
            if out is None:
                out = f(*args, **kwargs)
                cache[h] = out
            return out

        return memcached

    def _get_path(self, name, location, file_ext='.json'):
        """Get the path to the cache file."""
        if location == 'local':
            return self.cache_dir / (name + file_ext)
        elif location == 'global':
            return phy_config_dir() / (name + file_ext)

    def save(self, name, data, location='local', kind='json'):
        """Save a dictionary in a JSON/pickle file within the cache directory.


        name : str
            The name of the object to save to disk.
        data : dict
            Any serializable dictionary that will be persisted to disk.
        location : str
            Can be `local` or `global`.
        kind : str
            Can be `json` or `pickle`.

        file_ext = '.json' if kind == 'json' else '.pkl'
        path = self._get_path(name, location, file_ext=file_ext)
        logger.debug("Save data to `%s`.", path)
        if kind == 'json':
            save_json(path, data)
            save_pickle(path, data)

    def load(self, name, location='local'):
        """Load a dictionary saved in the cache directory.


        name : str
            The name of the object to save to disk.
        location : str
            Can be `local` or `global`.

        path = self._get_path(name, location, file_ext='.json')
        if path.exists():
            return load_json(path)
        path = self._get_path(name, location, file_ext='.pkl')
        if path.exists():
            return load_pickle(path)
        logger.debug("The file `%s` doesn't exist.", path)
        return {}

    def __getstate__(self):
        """Make sure that this class is picklable."""
        state = self.__dict__.copy()
        state['_memory'] = None
        return state

    def __setstate__(self, state):
        """Make sure that this class is picklable."""
        self.__dict__ = state
        # Recreate the joblib Memory instance.
Esempio n. 4
class CacheManager(object):
    '''The librosa cache manager class wraps joblib.Memory
    with a __call__ attribute, so that it may act as a function.

    Additionally, it provides a caching level filter, so that
    different functions can be cached or not depending on the user's
    preference for speed vs. storage usage.
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):

        level = kwargs.pop('level', 10)

        # Initialize the memory object
        self.memory = Memory(*args, **kwargs)
        # The level parameter controls which data we cache
        # smaller numbers mean less caching
        self.level = level

    def __call__(self, level):
        '''Example usage:

        def semi_important_function(some_arguments):
        def wrapper(function):
            '''Decorator function.  Adds an input/output cache to
            the specified function.'''

            from decorator import FunctionMaker

            def decorator_apply(dec, func):
                """Decorate a function by preserving the signature even if dec
                is not a signature-preserving decorator.

                This recipe is derived from

                return FunctionMaker.create(func,
                                            'return decorated(%(signature)s)',

            if self.memory.location is not None and self.level >= level:
                return decorator_apply(self.memory.cache, function)

                return function

        return wrapper

    def clear(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.memory.clear(*args, **kwargs)

    def eval(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.memory.eval(*args, **kwargs)

    def format(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.memory.format(*args, **kwargs)

    def reduce_size(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.memory.reduce_size(*args, **kwargs)

    def warn(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.memory.warn(*args, **kwargs)
Esempio n. 5
class CacheManager(object):
    '''The librosa cache manager class wraps joblib.Memory
    with a __call__ attribute, so that it may act as a function.

    Additionally, it provides a caching level filter, so that
    different functions can be cached or not depending on the user's
    preference for speed vs. storage usage.

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):

        level = kwargs.pop('level', 10)

        # Initialize the memory object
        self.memory = Memory(*args, **kwargs)
        # The level parameter controls which data we cache
        # smaller numbers mean less caching
        self.level = level

    def __call__(self, level):
        '''Example usage:

        def semi_important_function(some_arguments):
        def wrapper(function):
            '''Decorator function.  Adds an input/output cache to
            the specified function.'''

            from decorator import FunctionMaker

            def decorator_apply(dec, func):
                """Decorate a function by preserving the signature even if dec
                is not a signature-preserving decorator.

                This recipe is derived from

                return FunctionMaker.create(
                    func, 'return decorated(%(signature)s)',
                    dict(decorated=dec(func)), __wrapped__=func)

            if self.memory.location is not None and self.level >= level:
                return decorator_apply(self.memory.cache, function)

                return function
        return wrapper

    def clear(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.memory.clear(*args, **kwargs)

    def eval(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.memory.eval(*args, **kwargs)

    def format(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.memory.format(*args, **kwargs)

    def reduce_size(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.memory.reduce_size(*args, **kwargs)

    def warn(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.memory.warn(*args, **kwargs)
"""Feature extraction turn texts into matrices."""
from content_extraction import get_text
from basilica import Connection
from joblib import Memory
from import load as nltk_load
from numpy import array
from os import environ

_sent_detector = nltk_load("tokenizers/punkt/english.pickle")

_memory = Memory(cachedir="feature-cache-basilica", verbose=1, bytes_limit=10 ** 9)

def entry2mat(entry, url):
    """Transform a feed entry into a matrix.

    Only one of the two parameters needs to be supplied.

    entry : feedcache feed entry
        The entry to transform.
    url : type
        The url pointing to the content of the entry .

    numpy matrix