Esempio n. 1
def _process_progressive(text, key, method, _reverse=False):
    (De)cypher message to progressive caesar (increasing offset).
    base = ord('A')
    modulo = ord('Z') - base + 1

    if method == PROGRESS_GEOMETRIC:
        # Basic is a specific case of geometric, with key = 1!
        delta = key
    elif method == PROGRESS_SHIFT:
        delta = key
        key = 1

    if _reverse:
        s = -1
        s = 1

    if ' ' in text:
        ret = []
        for w in text.split():
            ret.append("".join(utils.char_shift(c, base, modulo, delta * s)
                               for c in w))
            delta = (delta + key) % modulo
        return " ".join(ret)
    else:  # Mono-word...
        ret = []
        for c in text:
            ret.append(utils.char_shift(c, base, modulo, delta * s))
            delta = (delta + key) % modulo
        return "".join(ret)
Esempio n. 2
def _process_progressive(text, key, method, _reverse=False):
    (De)cypher message to progressive caesar (increasing offset).
    base = ord('A')
    modulo = ord('Z') - base + 1

    if method == PROGRESS_GEOMETRIC:
        # Basic is a specific case of geometric, with key = 1!
        delta = key
    elif method == PROGRESS_SHIFT:
        delta = key
        key = 1

    if _reverse:
        s = -1
        s = 1

    if ' ' in text:
        ret = []
        for w in text.split():
                utils.char_shift(c, base, modulo, delta * s) for c in w))
            delta = (delta + key) % modulo
        return " ".join(ret)
    else:  # Mono-word...
        ret = []
        for c in text:
            ret.append(utils.char_shift(c, base, modulo, delta * s))
            delta = (delta + key) % modulo
        return "".join(ret)
Esempio n. 3
def do_cypher_basic(text, key):
    Cypher message to basic caesar (constant offset).
    # Let’s use a dict here (as it’s a constant one to one mapping).
    base = ord('A')
    modulo = ord('Z') - base + 1
    _map = {c: utils.char_shift(c, base, modulo, key) for c in set(text)}
    _map[' '] = ' '
    return "".join(_map[c] for c in text)
Esempio n. 4
def do_cypher_basic(text, key):
    Cypher message to basic caesar (constant offset).
    # Let’s use a dict here (as it’s a constant one to one mapping).
    base = ord('A')
    modulo = ord('Z') - base + 1
    _map = {c: utils.char_shift(c, base, modulo, key) for c in set(text)}
    _map[' '] = ' '
    return "".join(_map[c] for c in text)