Esempio n. 1
    def setMod(self, height=5760, width=3840):
         Create the lensfunpy modifier
        equip = self.equipmentDict
            cam = equip['cam']
            camMaker = equip.get('camMaker', '')
            camModel = equip.get('camModel', '')
            cam = self.db.find_cameras(camMaker, camModel, loose_search=False)
            if isinstance(cam, list):
                cam = cam[0]
            lens = str(equip.get('lens', None))
            print(f'dict lens = {lens}')
            lens = self.db.find_lenses(cam, lens=lens, loose_search=True)
            if isinstance(lens, list):
                lens = lens[0]
            if lens is None:
                self.undist_coords = None

            focalDistance = equip.get('focalDistance', 0.255)
            mod = lensfunpy.Modifier(lens, cam.crop_factor, width, height)
            # is lensfunpy.LensCalibTCA useful here?
            self.undist_coords = mod.apply_subpixel_geometry_distortion()
        except KeyError as e:
            print(f'error {e}')
            self.undist_coords = None
Esempio n. 2
def testModifier():
    db = lensfun.Database()
    cam = db.find_cameras(cam_maker, cam_model)[0]
    lens = db.find_lenses(cam, lens_maker, lens_model)[0]

    focal_length = 28.0
    aperture = 1.4
    distance = 10
    width = 4256
    height = 2832

    mod = lensfun.Modifier(lens, cam.crop_factor, width, height)
    mod.initialize(focal_length, aperture, distance)

    undistCoords = mod.apply_geometry_distortion()
    assert undistCoords.shape[0] == height and undistCoords.shape[1] == width

    # check if coordinates were actually transformed
    y, x = np.mgrid[0:undistCoords.shape[0], 0:undistCoords.shape[1]]
    coords = np.dstack((x, y))
    assert np.any(undistCoords != coords)

    undistCoords = mod.apply_subpixel_distortion()
    assert undistCoords.shape[0] == height and undistCoords.shape[1] == width
    assert np.any(undistCoords[:, :, 0] != coords)

    undistCoords = mod.apply_subpixel_geometry_distortion()
    assert undistCoords.shape[0] == height and undistCoords.shape[1] == width
    assert np.any(undistCoords[:, :, 0] != coords)
Esempio n. 3
def getLensfunModifierFromExif(tags,
    WARNING: Not setting width and height may produce surprising results for RAW files.
    If width and height are not set, then Composite:ImageSize is used.
    This tag contains the full RAW size, but many RAW decoders produce slightly
    cropped images. Therefore it may be necessary to first decode the RAW image
    and determine the width and height directly.
    :param dict tags: must contain 'EXIF:Model', 'EXIF:Make', 'Composite:LensID',
                      'EXIF:FocalLength', 'Composite:Aperture' 
                      and optionally 'Composite:ImageSize' if width,height is None 
    cam, lens = findCameraAndLensFromExif(tags,

    if width is None:
        width, height = tags['Composite:ImageSize'].split('x')
        width, height = int(width), int(height)

    mod = lensfunpy.Modifier(lens, cam.crop_factor, width, height)

    return mod, cam, lens
Esempio n. 4
def correct_photo(photo):
    '''Apply distortion correction'''

    #exif = get_exif_data(photo)

    cam_maker = "GoPro"
    cam_model = "HD2"
    #lens="HD2 & Compatibles"

    #Set output filename
    fileName, fileExtension = os.path.splitext(photo)
    undistortedImagePath = "".join([fileName, "_fixN", fileExtension])

    #Query the Lensfun db for camera parameters
    db = lensfunpy.Database()
    cam = db.find_cameras(cam_maker, cam_model)[0]
    lens = db.find_lenses(cam)[0]

    #TODO: set camera parameters from exif data and lensfun
    focalLength = lens.min_focal  #2.5
    aperture = 2.8
    distance = 0

    im = cv2.imread(photo)
    height, width = im.shape[0], im.shape[1]

    mod = lensfunpy.Modifier(lens, cam.crop_factor, width, height)
    mod.initialize(focalLength, aperture, distance)

    undistCoords = mod.apply_geometry_distortion()
    #imUndistorted = cv2.remap(im, undistCoords, None, cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4)
    imUndistorted = cv2.remap(im, undistCoords, None, cv2.INTER_NEAREST)
    #cv2.imwrite(undistortedImagePath, imUndistorted,[int(cv2.IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY), 95])

    #Change the order of colors to RGB for Pil (Pillow)
    cvRgbImage = cv2.cvtColor(imUndistorted, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
    pil_im = Image.fromarray(cvRgbImage)

    #update the metadata for the new files
    exif_dict = piexif.load(photo)
    #exif_dict = piexif.load(["exif"])

    exif_dict["0th"][piexif.ImageIFD.Model] = "HD2 U"
    exif_dict["0th"][piexif.ImageIFD.Make] = "GoPro"
    exif_dict["Exif"][piexif.ExifIFD.FocalLength] = (250, 100)
    #it's actually 21.5 but exif barfs on float
    exif_dict["Exif"][piexif.ExifIFD.FocalLengthIn35mmFilm] = 21
    exif_bytes = piexif.dump(exif_dict)

    #Write the file with metadata, 100% or 95%, "jpeg", quality=100, exif=exif_bytes)
Esempio n. 5
def lens_correction(image_to_lens_correct):
    height, width = image_to_lens_correct.shape[
        0], image_to_lens_correct.shape[1]
    db = lensfunpy.Database()
    cam = db.find_cameras(cam_maker, cam_model)[0]
    lens = db.find_lenses(cam, lens_maker, lens_model)[0]
    mod = lensfunpy.Modifier(lens, cam.crop_factor, width, height)
    mod.initialize(focal_length, apperture, 1)
    undist_coords = mod.apply_geometry_distortion()
    grey_image_undistorted = cv2.remap(image_to_lens_correct, undist_coords,
                                       None, cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4)
    return grey_image_undistorted
Esempio n. 6
def getLensfunModifierFromParams(model, params, width, height):
    :param str model: 'ptlens', 'poly3', or 'poly5'
    :param list params: a list of 1, 2 or 3 parameters, depending on the model
    :param width: image width in pixels
    :param height: image height in pixels
    xml = lensfunXML(model, *params)
    db = lensfunpy.Database(xml=xml, load_common=False)
    cam = db.cameras[0]
    lens = db.lenses[0]
    mod = lensfunpy.Modifier(lens, cam.crop_factor, width, height)
    mod.initialize(1, 1)
    return mod
Esempio n. 7
def _lensfun(filename):
    """Use the EXIF data an image calculate lens distortion corrections using the lensfun database

        filename(str): The filename to open and extract EXIF data from.

        numpy.ndarray: A map suitable for use with cv2.remap()

        ValueError: The distortion corrections could not be calculated.

    exif = _exif(filename)

    if exif is None:
        raise ValueError('Unable to load EXIF data from {0}'.format(filename))

    # open the lensfun db
    db = lensfunpy.Database()

    # see if our make/model is in the DB
        cam = db.find_cameras(exif['Make'], exif['Model'])[0]
        lens = db.find_lenses(cam)[0]
    except IndexError:
        raise ValueError('Unable to find a Lensfun entry for {0} {1}'.format(
            exif['Make'], exif['Model']))

    # calculate the distortion corrections
        focal_length = float(exif['FocalLengthIn35mmFilm'])
        aperture = float(Fraction(*exif['FNumber']))
        distance = int(exif['SubjectDistanceRange'])
    except KeyError as exc:
        raise ValueError(
            'Unable to calculate lens distortion: EXIF data is missing item {0}'

    mod = lensfunpy.Modifier(lens, cam.crop_factor, exif['ExifImageWidth'],

    mod.initialize(focal_length, aperture, distance)

    return mod.apply_geometry_distortion()
Esempio n. 8
def unskew(image_path, old):
    cam_maker = config["camera_maker"]
    cam_model = config["camera_model"]

    lens_maker = config["lens_maker"]
    lens_model = config["lens_model"]

    # TODO: this would have to be removed...
    if old:
        cam_model = 'Nikon D3300'
        lens_model = "Nikon AF-S DX Zoom-Nikkor 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G VR"

    db = lensfunpy.Database()

        cam = db.find_cameras(cam_maker, cam_model)[0]
    except Exception:
        raise (Exception("Camera not found!"))
        lens = db.find_lenses(cam, lens_maker, lens_model)[0]
    except Exception:
        raise (Exception("Lens not found!"))

    #  focal_length = lens.min_focal

    # TODO: read from exif

    focal_length = 30
    aperture = 4.2

    # TODO: what's the unit here?
    distance = 10

    im = cv2.imread(image_path)
    height, width = im.shape[0], im.shape[1]

    mod = lensfunpy.Modifier(lens, cam.crop_factor, width, height)
    mod.initialize(focal_length, aperture, distance)

    undist_coords = mod.apply_geometry_distortion()
    unskewed = cv2.remap(im, undist_coords, None, cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4)
    return unskewed
Esempio n. 9
def testVignettingCorrection():
    cam_maker = 'NIKON CORPORATION'
    cam_model = 'NIKON D3S'
    lens_maker = 'Nikon'
    lens_model = 'Nikkor AF 20mm f/2.8D'
    focal_length = 20
    aperture = 4
    distance = 10
    width = 4256
    height = 2832

    db = lensfun.Database()
    cam = db.find_cameras(cam_maker, cam_model)[0]
    lens = db.find_lenses(cam, lens_maker, lens_model)[0]

    mod = lensfun.Modifier(lens, cam.crop_factor, width, height)
    mod.initialize(focal_length, aperture, distance)

    img = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)
    img[:] = 127
    assert img.mean() > 127
Esempio n. 10
bottom_crop = 2800
# Note built for a max of 2 wide, if this needs to be changed for more than 2 code in the ROI section deeds to be edited
"""Actual Code Now"""
#Reading Image
raw_image = cv2.imread('OysterImages/1 (27).JPG')
grey_image = cv2.cvtColor(raw_image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
height, width = grey_image.shape[0], grey_image.shape[1]

#Lens Correction
db = lensfunpy.Database()
cam = db.find_cameras(cam_maker, cam_model)[0]
lens = db.find_lenses(cam, lens_maker, lens_model)[0]
mod = lensfunpy.Modifier(lens, cam.crop_factor, width, height)
mod.initialize(focal_length, apperture, 1)
undist_coords = mod.apply_geometry_distortion()
grey_image_undistorted = cv2.remap(grey_image, undist_coords, None,

grey_image_undistorted = cv2.GaussianBlur(grey_image_undistorted, (5, 5), 1)
grey_image_undistorted = cv2.GaussianBlur(grey_image_undistorted, (5, 5), 1)

#Rotation Correction
if width > height:  #if image is landscape (meaning oyster hinges are sideways)
    rows, cols = grey_image_undistorted.shape
    rotation_matrix = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((cols / 2, rows / 2), 270, 1)
    grey_rotated_undistort_image = cv2.warpAffine(grey_image_undistorted,
Esempio n. 11
def get_modifier(path, lfdb):
    """Construct a modifier from a Lensfun DB, based on EXIF data."""
    (cam, lens) = get_cam_lens(path, lfdb)
    (width, height) = map(int, get_exif(path, 'ImageSize').split('x'))
    return lensfunpy.Modifier(lens, cam.crop_factor, width, height)