Esempio n. 1
# morgue list
morgue        = dashboard.parseMetric([2]))
# prepare hammercloud metric url for last 3 days!
hcURL         = sys.argv[3] % (time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", time.localtime(time.time()-3*24*60*60)),
                               time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", time.localtime(time.time())))
hammerCloud   = dashboard.parseJSONMetric(
# get the url stamp for the dashboard input file
urlStamp      = sys.argv[4]
# text output file location
txtOutput     = sys.argv[5]
# json output file location
jsonOutput    = sys.argv[6]

# create new metric object
metricHeader = {'twiki' : ''}
metric = dashboard.metric(header = metricHeader)

def hasBadHistory(siteName):
    # if the site is not in the hc metric, return False

    # (you don't have any idea about the site, you cannot
    # talk about it!)
    if not siteName in hammerCloud.getSites():
        return False

    # if site has at least one green slot in the given time range
    # (please check the hammerCloud link given as a parameter to see
    # the time range), return False
    slots = hammerCloud.getSiteEntries(siteName).values()
    for slot in slots:
        if slot.color == return False
Esempio n. 2
    if term - canc - unkn < 10:
    # hammercloud value calculation
    result = (succ - unsucc) / (term - canc - unkn) * 100.0
    # check extreme cases
    if (result < 0.0 or result > 100.0) or (term - canc - unkn < 0.0):
        sys.stderr.write("something went really wrong! extreme case:\n")
            "site:%s, app-succeeded:%s, unsuccess:%s, terminated:%s, allunk:%s, cancelled:%s"
            % (name, succ, unsucc, term, unkn, canc)
    if name in hammerCloud:
        hammerCloud[name] = result

production = dashboard.metric()
transitional = dashboard.metric()

for site in siteList:
    badSiteFlag = False
    errMsg = "bad"
    siteDownTimeFlag = False
    downTimeColors = ["grey", "yellow", "saddlebrown"]

    # conditions to mark a site as bad
    if samAccess[site] < 50.0 or samAccess[site] == "n/a":
        badSiteFlag = badSiteFlag | True
        if samAccess[site] == "n/a":
            val = samAccess[site]
            val = round(samAccess[site], 2)
import sys
try: import json
except ImportError: import simplejson as json
from lib import fileOps, url, dashboard, sites

if len(sys.argv) < 3:
    sys.stderr.write('not enough parameter!\n')

federationSource = sys.argv[1]
metricOutput     = sys.argv[2]

federations = json.loads(

federationMetric = dashboard.metric()
for fedName in federations:
    for site in federations[fedName]:
        if fedName == 'prod':
            color =
        elif fedName == 'trans':
            color = dashboard.cyan
        elif fedName == 'nowhere':
            color = dashboard.gray
            # basically, this is impossible state considering possible
            # federation names but I wanted to consider this in case of
            # a change. --and this change must be reflected to the metric.
            color = dashboard.white
        entry = dashboard.entry(None, site, fedName, color, federationSource)
Esempio n. 4
    parsed[cmsSite][id] = subject

# generate output for twiki meeting page
ticketURL = ""
twikiTable = "\n| *CMS Site* | *Number of Tickets* | * Tickets* |\n"
sum = 0
for site in parsed:
    url = ""
    sum = sum + len(parsed[site])
    for id in parsed[site]:
        url = url + "[[%s][%s]] " % (ticketURL + id, id)
    twikiTable = twikiTable + "| %s | %d | %s |\n" % (site, len(
        parsed[site]), url)
dateStamp = time.strftime("%d/%b/%Y %H:%M:%S (GMT)", time.gmtime())
twikiTable = twikiTable + "| *<i>generated on %s</i>, Total number of tickets: %s* |||" % (
    dateStamp, sum)
fileOps.write(sys.argv[2], twikiTable)

# generate text file for the dashboard metric
metric = dashboard.metric()
allSites = sites.getSites().keys()
url = ""
for site in parsed:
    value = len(parsed[site])
    metric.append(dashboard.entry(None, site, value,,
                                  url % site))
for site in allSites:
    if site in parsed.keys(): continue
    metric.append(dashboard.entry(None, site, 0,, url % site))
fileOps.write(sys.argv[3], str(metric))
Esempio n. 5
    if not cmsSite: continue
    if not parsed.has_key(cmsSite):
        parsed[cmsSite] = {}
    parsed[cmsSite][id] = subject

# generate output for twiki meeting page 
ticketURL  = ""
twikiTable = "\n| *CMS Site* | *Number of Tickets* | * Tickets* |\n"
sum        = 0
for site in parsed:
    url = ""
    sum = sum + len(parsed[site])
    for id in parsed[site]:
        url = url + "[[%s][%s]] " % (ticketURL + id, id)
    twikiTable = twikiTable + "| %s | %d | %s |\n" % (site, len(parsed[site]), url)
dateStamp = time.strftime("%d/%b/%Y %H:%M:%S (GMT)", time.gmtime())
twikiTable = twikiTable + "| *<i>generated on %s</i>, Total number of tickets: %s* |||" % (dateStamp, sum)
fileOps.write(sys.argv[2], twikiTable)

# generate text file for the dashboard metric
metric    = dashboard.metric()
allSites  = sites.getSites().keys()
url       = ""
for site in parsed:
    value = len(parsed[site])
    metric.append(dashboard.entry(None, site, value,, url % site))
for site in allSites:
    if site in parsed.keys(): continue
    metric.append(dashboard.entry(None, site, 0,, url % site))
fileOps.write(sys.argv[3], str(metric))
# a closed loop for the metric. when someone changes a value in the
# 'usable sites - manual changes' metric by using dashboard web interface,
# the script reflects this change to the input text file of the metric.

if len(sys.argv) < 3:
    print 'not enough parameter!'

# output path
output = sys.argv[2]

# get the source metric url
metricURL = sys.argv[1]
# get the entries of the metric
metric = dashboard.parseJSONMetric(
updatedMetric = dashboard.metric()

# merege sites from the vo-feed and manual control meteric.
siteList = sites.getSites()
for site in metric.getSites():
    if not site in siteList:
        siteList[site] = {}

for i in siteList:
    # if the site is not in the list add it (this is the
    # case that will be happaned when they create new site
    # in the site db)
    if not metric.hasSite(i):
            dashboard.entry(None, i, 'ready',, metricURL))
Esempio n. 7
    unkn   = float(i.find('allunk').text)
    canc   = float(i.find('cancelled').text)
    name   = i.find('name').text
    ## Andrea's approach
    # check if enough number of job existing to calculate the hc value
    if term - canc - unkn < 10: continue
    # hammercloud value calculation
    result = (succ - unsucc) / (term - canc - unkn) * 100.;
    # check extreme cases
    if (result < 0.0 or result > 100.0) or (term - canc - unkn < 0.0):
        sys.stderr.write("something went really wrong! extreme case:\n")
        sys.stderr.write("site:%s, app-succeeded:%s, unsuccess:%s, terminated:%s, allunk:%s, cancelled:%s" % (name, succ, unsucc, term, unkn, canc))
    if name in hammerCloud: hammerCloud[name] = result

production   = dashboard.metric()
transitional = dashboard.metric()

for site in siteList:
    badSiteFlag = False
    errMsg      = 'bad'
    siteDownTimeFlag = False
    downTimeColors = ['grey', 'yellow', 'saddlebrown']

    # conditions to mark a site as bad
    if samAccess[site] < 50.0 or samAccess[site] == 'n/a':
        badSiteFlag = badSiteFlag | True
        if samAccess[site] == 'n/a': val = samAccess[site]
        else: val = round(samAccess[site], 2)
        errMsg = errMsg + '_SAM(%s)' % val
    if (hammerCloud[site] < 70.0 or hammerCloud[site] == 'n/a') and sites.getTier(site) != 3:
# this script provides data for the 'usable sites - manual changes' metric,
# which is created to control the 'usable sites' metric by hand, and creates
# a closed loop for the metric. when someone changes a value in the 
# 'usable sites - manual changes' metric by using dashboard web interface,
# the script reflects this change to the input text file of the metric.

if len(sys.argv) < 3:
    print 'not enough parameter!'

# output path
output        = sys.argv[2]

# get the source metric url
metricURL     = sys.argv[1]
# get the entries of the metric
metric        = dashboard.parseJSONMetric(
updatedMetric = dashboard.metric()

for i in sites.getSites():
    # if the site is not in the list add it (this is the
    # case that will be happaned when they create new site
    # in the site db)
    if not metric.hasSite(i):
        updatedMetric.append(dashboard.entry(None, i, 'ready',, metricURL))
        latestEntry = metric.getLatestEntry(i)
        updatedMetric.append(dashboard.entry(None, i, latestEntry.value, latestEntry.color, metricURL))

fileOps.write(output, str(updatedMetric))