Esempio n. 1
def test_ospf_convergence():
    "Test for OSPFv2 convergence"
    tgen = get_topogen()

    # Required linux kernel version for this suite to run.
    result = required_linux_kernel_version("4.15")
    if result is not True:
        pytest.skip("Kernel requirements are not met")

    # iproute2 needs to support VRFs for this suite to run.
    if not iproute2_is_vrf_capable():
        pytest.skip("Installed iproute2 version does not support VRFs")

    # Skip if previous fatal error condition is raised
    if tgen.routers_have_failure():
        pytest.skip(tgen.errors)"Checking OSPFv2 convergence on router r1 for VRF blue")

    router = tgen.gears["r1"]
    reffile = os.path.join(CWD, "r1/ospf_blue_neighbor.json")
    expected = json.loads(open(reffile).read())

    test_func = functools.partial(
        "show ip ospf vrf blue neighbor json",
    _, res = topotest.run_and_expect(test_func, None, count=60, wait=2)
    assertmsg = "OSPF router R1 did not converge on VRF blue"
    assert res is None, assertmsg"Checking OSPFv2 convergence on router r1 for VRF red")

    router = tgen.gears["r1"]
    reffile = os.path.join(CWD, "r1/ospf_red_neighbor.json")
    expected = json.loads(open(reffile).read())

    test_func = functools.partial(topotest.router_json_cmp, router,
                                  "show ip ospf vrf red neighbor json",
    _, res = topotest.run_and_expect(test_func, None, count=60, wait=2)
    assertmsg = "OSPF router R1 did not converge on VRF red"
    assert res is None, assertmsg
Esempio n. 2
def test_isis_linux_route6_installation():
    "Check whether all expected routes are present and installed in the OS"
    tgen = get_topogen()
    # Don't run this test if we have any failure.
    if tgen.routers_have_failure():

    # Required linux kernel version for this suite to run.
    result = required_linux_kernel_version("4.15")
    if result is not True:
        pytest.skip("Kernel requirements are not met")

    # iproute2 needs to support VRFs for this suite to run.
    if not iproute2_is_vrf_capable():
        pytest.skip("Installed iproute2 version does not support VRFs")"Checking routers for installed ISIS vrf IPv6 routes in OS")
    # Check for routes in `ip -6 route show vrf {}-cust1`
    for rname, router in tgen.routers().items():
        filename = "{0}/{1}/{1}_route6_linux.json".format(CWD, rname)
        expected = json.loads(open(filename, "r").read())
        actual = topotest.ip6_vrf_route(router)
        assertmsg = "Router '{}' OS routes mismatch".format(rname)
        assert topotest.json_cmp(actual, expected) is None, assertmsg
Esempio n. 3
def test_linux_ipv6_kernel_routingTable():

    # Required linux kernel version for this suite to run.
    result = required_linux_kernel_version("4.15")
    if result is not True:
        pytest.skip("Kernel requirements are not met")

    # iproute2 needs to support VRFs for this suite to run.
    if not iproute2_is_vrf_capable():
        pytest.skip("Installed iproute2 version does not support VRFs")

    tgen = get_topogen()

    if tgen.routers_have_failure():
        pytest.skip("skipped because of router(s) failure")

    # Verify Linux Kernel Routing Table"Verifying Linux IPv6 Kernel Routing Table")

    failures = 0

    # Get a list of all current link-local addresses first as they change for
    # each run and we need to translate them
    linklocals = []
    for i in range(1, 5):
        linklocals +=["r{}".format(i)].get_ipv6_linklocal()

    # Now compare the routing tables (after substituting link-local addresses)

    for i in range(1, 5):
        # Actual output from router
        actual = tgen.gears["r{}".format(i)].run(
            "ip -6 route show vrf r{}-cust1".format(i)).rstrip()
        if "nhid" in actual:
            refTableFile = os.path.join(CWD,
            refTableFile = os.path.join(CWD, "r{}/ip_6_address.ref".format(i))

        if os.path.isfile(refTableFile):
            expected = open(refTableFile).read().rstrip()
            # Fix newlines (make them all the same)
            expected = ("\n".join(expected.splitlines())).splitlines(1)

            # Mask out Link-Local mac addresses
            for ll in linklocals:
                actual = actual.replace(ll[1], "fe80::__(%s)__" % ll[0])
            # Mask out protocol name or number
            actual = re.sub(r"[ ]+proto [0-9a-z]+ +", "  proto XXXX ", actual)
            actual = re.sub(r"[ ]+nhid [0-9]+ +", " nhid XXXX ", actual)
            # Remove ff00::/8 routes (seen on some kernels - not from FRR)
            actual = re.sub(r"ff00::/8.*", "", actual)

            # Strip empty lines
            actual = actual.lstrip()
            actual = actual.rstrip()
            actual = re.sub(r"  +", " ", actual)

            filtered_lines = []
            for line in sorted(actual.splitlines()):
                if line.startswith("fe80::/64 ") or line.startswith(
                        "unreachable fe80::/64 "):
                if 'anycast' in line:
                if 'multicast' in line:
            actual = "\n".join(filtered_lines).splitlines(1)

            # Print Actual table
            #"Router r%s table" % i)
            # for line in actual:

            # Generate Diff
            diff = topotest.get_textdiff(
                title1="actual OSPFv3 IPv6 routing table",
                title2="expected OSPFv3 IPv6 routing table",

            # Empty string if it matches, otherwise diff contains unified diff
            if diff:
                    "r%s failed Linux IPv6 Kernel Routing Table Check:\n%s\n" %
                    (i, diff))
                failures += 1
      "r%s ok" % i)

            assert failures == 0, (
                "Linux Kernel IPv6 Routing Table verification failed for router r%s:\n%s"
                % (i, diff))